The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, February 14, 1906, Image 5
THE ALBANY DAILY OMNIBUS C EVERYBODY RIDES IN II AND THERE'S ALWAYS ROOM FOR ONE MORE. Those Who Come and do—Short and| Snappy Paragraphs that Everybody Will Read With Interest—What Is Ooing on In Society, With Now and Then a Little Oossip. Mr. John Robert, ot Euford, Is spending the day In Albany on busi ness. Mr. Rawlins McKinney leaves the city this afternoon for Cordele, to at tend ; a big masquerade ball there to night Mr. James Sykos, of Sylvester, is looking after business interests in the city today. Mr. Wiley Newberry will return to his hoipe in Atlanta today, after a week’s visit here. Mrs. R. G. Riley, of Camilla, was among the well-known shoppers here yesterday. i > •Mr. Harry Johnson, of New York, a well-known traveling man, is spend ing the day here. Mr. Walter Ross, of Pretoria, was In attendance at the opera house last night. Col. and Mrs. T. M. Perry, of Syl vester, were among the well-known visitors here yesterday. Miss Helen Davis will leave the city tomorrow for Atlanta for a short visit. Mr. H; M. Larramore, of Lee county, was attending to business affairs In Albany this morning. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Holland, of Col umbus, have returned home after a pleasant visit qf a couple of days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Hol land. Mr. George Hand' Kidd, of Pretoria, was mingling with friends In the city yesterday. Mr. Henry Kalmon is on the sick list today. v Mr. George McConnell, of Pretoria, ; was among the visitors who enjoyed B “The Triumph of Betty” at the Raw- I. 11ns theatre last night. Mr. .1. F. Farmer, of Worth county, Is spending the day In the city on business. ' Mrs. C. D. Stiles intends to return to her home in Cuthbert tomorrow. THE BALTIC A Swell Dress Slioe Lace and Burton -VfaoefiH sewMK' THB Mr. H. E. McCollum was attending to business affairs In Doerun yester day morning. She was to have returned yesterday, but the Illness of her child prevented. THE WEATHER. Miss Bessie Pursley, of Pretoria, was an attractive visitor In the city yesterday. Mr. Morris Wise, ot Owensbon, Ky„ loft Albany yesterday, after apleasant left Albany yesterday, after a pleasant visit of several days with relatives here. Weather Forecast. The following is the weather fore cast for Georgia for next 24 hours: I Fair and colder tonight; much cold- ' er In northern portion. Thursday, fair and colder. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Watson; of Moul trie, were among the visitors in Al bany yesterday. Misses Jeannette nnd Rettn Weslos- ky are entertaining the Wednesday Afternoon Card Club at their home on Broad street this* afternoon. Mr. J. A. Farmer, a well-known resi dent of Isabella, 1b mingling with 1 friends here today. j Local Weather Observations. The following observations for the past twonty-four hours have been taken at the U. S. Weather Bureau at Albany, Ga., nnd are published for Information of the public: Maximum temperature 69 Minimum temperature 41 Mean temperature 65 Rainfall .., 0.22 River 8.9 Fall in 24 hours 0.4 Rain. West wind. D. W. BROSNAN, Volunteer Observer. Mr. and Mrs. Ike J. Kalmon nnd daughter, Miss Marjorie, have proved to tills city from Amcrlcus. They are stopping at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Gortatowsky, on Pine street. Go out to th'er<!oncert of the Boys’ Band of the Georgia Industrial Home at the theatre tonight. It MARDI GRAS Mr. R. M. Pursley, of Walker Sta tion, was looking after business Inter ests In the city yesterday. Mr. W. O. Lunsford, of Sylvester, Is among the well-known visitors In Al bany today. Mr. Howell Simmons, of Amerlcus, Is spending the day here, looking after business and -mingling with friends. Mr. J. R. Henry, ot Macon, Is among the well-known visitors In the city today. The friends of Mr. F. R. Pelot are pleased to see him up, after an Illness of a week. Miss Bessie Wlgodener, of Sylves ter, returned home this afternon, after a short visit In this city, the guest of Miss Fannie Blattner, at her home on Commerce street. Mr. W. A. Smith, ot Macon, is spending a few days In the city, at tending to business affairs. Mr. George Bunch, of Atlanta, who Is visiting at the home of Ills sister, Mrs. R. R. Arthur, on Society street, is 111 with rheumatism. Mr. J. W. Osborne returned last night from Clnclnantl, where he had been for a week on business. Mr. J. W. Osborne has returned from a drumming tour, and Is spend ing a few days with his folks. Mr. L. M. Kinsey, of Pretoria, was In attendance at the show at the Raw lins theatre last night. Mr. S. J. W. Livingston left the city last night for a short business trip to Atlanta. Mrs. E. J. O’Sullivan, of Atlanta, has left the city for Cairo, after a short visit here with relatives. Colonel Dasher, of Camilla, a well- known lawyer. Is spending the day In Albany on business. Mr. J. G. McPhaul, of Poulan, Is looking after business Interests in the city this afternoon. jSJHOE at Ehrlich s. Mr. E. W. Livingston left Albany last night for Kentucky, where he will spend several days on buslnes. Mr. G. B. D. McConnell, of Pretoria, Is among the well-known visitors here today. New Orleans, Mobile and Pensacola, February 22 and 27, 1906—Low Ratos via Central of Georgia Rail way—One Fare Plus 25c for Round Trip. Tickets on sale February 21 to 26, Inclusive, limited to return until March 3, 1906. Extension of return limit until March 17, 1906, may be obtained upon payment of fee of 50 cents nnd de posit ticket with Special Agent at des tination. For further Information call on near est Ticket Agent. S. A. ATKINSON. U. T. A., Union Depot. R. S. MORRIS, 14-17-19-21 Commercial Agent. Cypress Shingles FOR SALE. B. R. Bailey, Walker Station, Ga. I L. G©IG©R. We cordially invite you to. take a look at our stock you will see that HIGH QUALITY has been lookea after as carefully as LOW PRICES. Just a Few rnces Ladies’ Pure Sheer Linen Hemstitched Initial Handkerchiefs at ■ | Qc Dainty Embroiderea nnndkerchiefs, linen and lawn, fine and sheer; ready for gifts, worth 3a per cent, more, at from ■ - 20c to ggc Big lot While and Figured Hem stitched Handkerchiefs, Ladies’ • and dents’, at ■ • • • gc 85 Boxes Children Initial Handker chiefs, 3 in a box, at a box, • |gc Men’s White Silk Handkerchiefs, high grade, large sizes, well worth 35c per cent more. Holiday prices, from - ... 25 c t0 $1.00 $1.25 Ladies’ Kid dloves, fine qual ity; this week at • • • 75 c Hand-Knitted Woolen Underskirts, fancy designs, delicate colors, from ... • 6gc to $| 2g One lot of While Marseilles Spreads, from - - - • 7gc lo $3.00 PSTJust received no assortment of LADIES’ BELTS, stylish and up-to-dste. Underwear and Hosiery for the whole family at saving prices. L>. GEsIGER, 71 Broad Street, Copyright iqck bv Would You A new evening dress or tuxedo suit at practically half the usual cost of one made to measure? In style, materials, tailoring and fit you will not be able to find any differ ence between our artistic evening dress clothes and the product of the swell custom tailor. There are reasons for this which we would be pleased to explain to you if you’ll just take the time necessary to come here and examine the material necessary for these garments. | Prepare now for the many coming social affairs. ’ • < • I Ml .. ;i . Here s Suggestions Timely Toilet Suggestions When cold winds blow* it behooves [you to look to your toilet accessories. There’s hardly an article, of recognized value, for beautifying and preserving the complexion, teeth and nails, that is not included in our stock. If it’s good, it’s here. Albany Drug Co, Morris Weslonky, President-. D W- James, W. ». Pell, 1st Vlce-Pree. 2nd Vice-Pree. Joseph B. Davis, P- W, .Tone: Outlier. Ass’t Cashier. pirst Nati 0 * 1 * 1 B ank * ALBANY, GA. Capital 150,090 Surplus and Undivided Vrollls. 80,000 MONEY LOANED, Deposits received auftjeoi to Sigh Draft. A general banking business transacted. Banker,’ amt nurenant,’ account, solicited. Morris Weslosky, D. W. James. President. VePrea F. H. Bates, Cashier. N. R. Dehon, Asst. Cashier. TM Point gook OF ALBANY, GA CAPITAL $50,000.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS .... 12,000.00 Solicits accounu of firms and individuals Fu,ll dress suits, or tuxedo suits, beautifully hand tailored throughout, correct in every fashionable detail; made of fine black dressed and undressed worsteds and thibets; plain lined and silk faced, or silk lined throughout, according to price, $20 to $50. Fancy dress waistcoats, single and doube breasted styles, #1.00 to $5.00. Full dress shirts, of newest design and perfect fitting, $1.00 to $2.00. Black and white dress ties of the proper style. In fact, here you can find everything necessary to comfort and correct dress, froln collar to hosiery, at the most reasonable prices. Spring and summer suits of the correct and proper styles for men and boys are ar riving daily. Your inspection invited. RosenL osenoerg Bro THE ONE PRICE PEOPLE. ers, Your Eye Sight. When in doubt in regard to your EYESIGHT, consult a physician and optician. Glasses and Frames are not all that are required. You want professional MAX CASSEL <& SISTER We will sell Ladies’ and Misses’ Suits 40 per cent lessOthan they are marked. You are sure to set a bargain. Also Misses’ and Children’s Kid Cloves worth $1 for 60o. All Millinery reduced 50 per cent. Corsets with supporters, for mer price 50c and 75c, will sell now for 35c. MAX CASSEL SISTER. 80 Broad Street. ADVICE. I don’t tinker with the Eyes, but test them scientifically. See Optometerist. Davis-Exchange Bank Bide., Albany, Qa. JOS. L. RAREY, THE OLD RELIABLE TAILOR. Ia still doing business at bis old place over the First National Bank, samples of all the new colorings In all and winter fabrics are ready for nspectlon. Our styles appeal forci bly to well dressed gentlemen, and our prices are as low as Is consistent with good workmanship. Don't bet money on the Governor s race~it is gamb ling. Simply wage a case l#f Flint Rock Ginger Ale. It's Lerter form and—you Wt have something to live for. One car Celebrated Longview Llms. One ear Famoua White Rose Lima- Two oars No. 1 and No. 2 Pina Shingle*. Several Cars Framing Lumber. Three ears Dressed Flooring, Cell ing and 8lding. All Juit received at Weston'a Lum ber Yard. Telephone No. 44. J. D. WESTON. Force! Force! Force! Sunny Jim was a forceful ohsp Ana he ate, as a matter ot course. A pkg. on Band, he considered crisp; we mean a package of Force, We sell Force that’s fresh and good, And certainly can't be beat. The company calls it fine Force food, Because it Is delicious to eat. The Enterprise Store is our place, The place to find it, of course; Telephone 159 and get on the chase For a pacakgo of delightful Foroe The Eniemriss Store HUB