Newspaper Page Text
• I ' '
“The Dustless T rail”
Not the title of a novel: Only the track
Which a “Blssell” leaves.
The “Bissell” is the greatest of car
pet sweepers.
It is perfect in construction. Pulled or
pushed, it picks from carpets, mattings,
rugs or naked floors every particle of dust
and trash.
■ ft
1 »i
It is practically noiseless. It is al
most indestructible, and will last for years.
It can be emptied of its accumulation of
trash without soiling the hands or garments.
It is an ornament, being finished in
polished woods.
It doubles the length of the life of a
carpet, for it cleans it without destroying
its texture.
We sell the' “Blssell”. Full line
on hand.
Prices $3 to $5.
“Bell Prices Ring True.”
the Stomach
Nothing will cure indigestion that
doesn’t digest the food, itself, and give
the stomach a perfect rest.
You can’t reasonably expect that
any weak stomach will regain its
strength and ’ get well when it is
compelled to do the full work that a
sound stomach should do.
You wouldn't expect a sick horse
to get well when it is compelled to do a
full day’s work every day of the week.
Your stomach must have rest.
But it isn’t necessary to starve your
self in order to rest your stomach.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a perfect
digestant. It will digest all of the food
you eat regardless of the condition of
your stomach.
Dyspepsia Cure
For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomach, Flatulence, Headache, Water
Brash, Belching of Gas, Nausea, Gastritis,
Heartburn and all troubles arising
from indigestion and non-assimilation
of the food.
I had dyspepsia in its worst form: was re
duced in weight to 118 pounds. After using two
and one-half bottles of Kodol. I was completely
cured and restored to my usual weight of 145
Att’y At Law, Cleburne. Tex.
Dollar bottla holds IS
tints as n««h as ths
trial, or 60 coat si—.
Frsparod at ths Lab- I
oratory of E.O.DoWiH I
: V.' : ; v:. • t Y: •!£.£ *7.
' r ; v
Weak Byes made Strong. See Dr.
See. Eye. Hutchason. febl2tf
The rain this morning surprised
and disappointed hundreds of Albam.
Phone 280 for Stove Wood and
Cabbage plants for Bale. C. M.
Shackelford. 1-26-tf
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
’Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron
age solicited.
Albany huntsmen had great fun yes
terday at tho dove shoot. Just how
many birds each killed is rather hard
to ascertain, however. * ,
E. H. DENISON—Dentist.
Eureka Lime,
Beston earth.
Cruger & Pace.
Received consignment of tho famous
Cahaba Soft Lump Coal.
This is St Valentine’s Day, a day
the real significance of which has been
lost in the flood of comis valentines.
There's an art in sending valentines,
and judging from the expressions on
certain faces, an artist has been at
work in Albany.
The Fatal Germ and It* Remedy Non
Facta of Science.
It is the rarest thing in the world foi
a man to be necessarily bald. No man
whose hair is not dead at the roots, need
be bald if he will use Newhro’s Herpi-
cide, the new scalp antiseptic. Herpi-
cide destroys the germ that cuts the hail
off at the root; and cleans the scalp of
dandruff and leaves it in a perfectly
healthy condition. Mr. Mannett, in the
Maryland Block, Butte, Mont,, was en
tirely bald. In less than a month Herpi-
cide had removed the enemies of hair
growth, and nature did Its work by cov
ering his head with thick hair an Inch
long, and in six weeks he had a normal
suit of hair. Sold by leading druggists.
Send 10c.* in stamps for sample to The
Herplcide Co., Detroit, Mich.
Albany Drag Oo„ Special Agents
WANTED—By young mau employed
during day, light set of books to keep
or stenographic work to do at night.
Address “ABC," care Herald. 13-2t
FOR RENT — Three "upstairs rooms,
Jackson street, between Residence
and North. Mrs. J. J. McCranle.
The Yellow Fever Germ
has recently been discovered. It bears
close resemblance to the malaria
germ. To free the. system from dis
ease germs, the most effective remedy
Is Dr. King’s Now Life Pille. Guar
anteed to cure all diseases due to ma
larial poison and constipation. 25c at
Albany Drug Co.
Jersey Block Butter, 30c lb. North
Georgia Block Butter, 26c lb. Ship
ment of both kinds Just In.
Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS.
Brinson & Co., Wood aid Coal,
’Phone 3B7. Prompt service. Patron-
age solicited.
The 1906 Kodo i Almanac
endar will be suntfr-t' >:>
postage by addresstn*f
and 200 Year Cal
•eceipf of 2 cents in
C O • Vjtt & Co..
Dawson, Or.
Cost Of Brick, fit*' r.r Woortf”
Buildings Furnished
*'OOL“ c U!ue blooded, thor-
•vi! l”ir as fine ns silk; a few
»s np ’ n 1. 4 and 6 months
. \ .«j, $20 each; pedl*
ot. Mrs. Roberts,
bus, Ga. 9-3t
Albany was afflicted with a conta
gion last summer, and unless all
signs fall she will have the same In
fectious trouble agal n this year. It
all depends on whether Mr. Thomas
gets a good team, for on this depends
whether bnseball fever will thrive or
Frightfully Burned.
Chas. W. Moore, a machinist. of
Ford City, Pa., had his hand fright
fully burned In an electrical furnnee.
He applied Bucklen’s Arnica Salve
with the usual result: ’‘a quick and
perfect, cure." BGreatest healer on
earth for Burns, Wounds, Sores, Ec
zema and Piles. 25c at Albany Drug
You may buy higher priced Break
fast Bacon, but none better at the
price—16c lb. A shipment of 5 and 6
lb. strips and 9 to 13 lb. sides just in.
Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS
A man who once had rough, horny
hands made them soft and smoth with
Witch Hazel Salve, but he used the
genuine—that hearing the name “E. C.
DeWltt & Co., Chicago.” For sores,
bolls, cuts, burns, bruises, etc., it has
no equal, and affords almost Immedi
ate relief from blind bleeding, Itching
and protruding Piles. Sold by Albany
Drug Co., Hllsman-Sale Drug Co.
FOR SALE — Some fine Berkshire
pigs, both male and female; also
some young grade Jersey heifers
with young calves. Address G. C.
Palmer, East Albany.
WANTED—Situation as housekeeper
or as cook In a religious family for
a settled, capable woman. Object,
a chance for a good home, rather
than wages. Address Mrs. W. H.
Culpepper, 509 North 22nd St., Bir
mingham, Ala. 9-12t
The Renowned Astrologer, Palmist
arid Clairvoyant.
Ladies and Gentlemen: This is your
last chance to consult one of the
greatest astrologers of modern times.
He is surely going to leave the city
next Sunday. All those who value
truth, and want to know the future,
should take advantage of this timely
opportunity. You may never have the
chance to see him again. St. John’s
Hotel, Broad street. Hours, 9 a. ra. to
9 p. m. Readings, $1.00.
I am prepared to take contracts for
flowing or pump wells in a radius of
thirtv miles of Albany, Ga. Ample
experience and will give quick service.
No. 118 Pine St... Albanv. Ga.
Those Moultrieltes who got a spec
ial engine and came to Albany Mon
day night to see Adelaide Thurston in
“The Deestt’lct Skule,” her new play,
were not to be frustrated, and they
came again last night, saw Miss Thur
ston in “The Triumph of Betty,” and
enjoyed the play.
Luckiest Man in Arkansas.
“I’m the luckiest man In Arkansas,”
writes H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, “since
tho restoration of my wife’s health af
ter five years of continuous coughing
and bleeding from the lungs; and I
owe my good fortune to the world’s
greatest medicine, Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, which I know
from experience will cure consumption
if taken in time. My wife improved
with first bottle and twelve bottles
completed the cure.” Cures the worst
coughs and colds or money refunded.
At Albany Drug Co., 50c and $1 00.
Trial bottle free.
Buy fresh Lime, Cement, Fire
Brick, Fire Clay, Fire Tile, Lathi,
Shingles, all kinds of lumber and
mouldings, Sash, Doors, Blindi, Glass
and Putty, Mantels, Grates and Tile,
Wall Paper and Paints at
Don’t deceive yourself. If you have
indigestion take Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. It will relieve you. Rev. W. E.
Hocutt. South Mills, N. C., says: “I
was troubled with chronic Indigestion
for several years; whatever I ate
seemed to cause heartburn, sour stom
ach. fluttering of my heart, and gen
eral depression of mind an,d body. My
druggist recommended Kodol, and it
has lelieved me. I can now eat any
thing and sleep soundly at night. Ko
dol Digests what you eat. Albany
Drug Co.. Hilsman-Sale Drug Co.
6 Per Cent. Farm Loans.
Has just received some of his advance
Spring Goods, some of which are men
tioned below, and for the next week
will go at prices that every cautious
buyer ought to take advantage of.
Towels worth 15c, 20c and 25c will
go at 10c
White Linen Table Cloths, red bor
dered, fringed, worth 75c, will go
at 50c
Turkey Red Table Cloths, fringed,
worth 75c, will go at 48c
Ladies’ Turn-down Collars, worth
15c, 20c and 25c, at only 10c
A large lot of White and Colored
Cotton Feather-stitch Braid, per
bunch 5c
Ginghams, for Aprons, per yard.. -5c
Our New Line of Collapsible
and Folding
The Hey wook & Wakefield Carts
are just in and is the strongest line we have ever pre
sented to the public. All the latest improvements in
gearing, beautiful and strong. See them.
The Steele Furniture and
Hardware Store,
Leaders jr^ High Grade Goods.
Telephone No. 156 | S. REICH | 96 Broad Street
Our Spring Si
: : And : :
Lingerie Shirtwaists
We have just secured a large lot of
these beautiful made shirtwaists. They
are nobbiest of the coming season.
They are direct from the best
eastern market and embody all the
Newest and Best as Well as the
Cheapest Ever Shown in This Com
Such an opportunity is not likely
to occur again.
Our winter goodb are still going at
our Fair Warning Sale prices.
See Window Display.
.Agent McCall Patterns.
Our celebrated PINNACLE
3. Neuman,
Agent lot May Manton Pattern,.
is the best 8-2-2 made. We use no fillers or mois
all pure goods. We also handle acids, kainit and mi
of potash. -
W. W. PACE, President a. P. VASON. Vlce-Preeldent /
W. M. WILDER. Sec. and Treaa. T. N. WOOLFOLK, Manager.