The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, February 24, 1906, Image 7
t> THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD: 8ATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1906. TRIALS OF fHE NEW HARDWARE CLERK. A ED. R. ® CLAYTON JONES. J I \ Attorneys-at-Law : And Real Estate. Washerwomen His Fruitless Search for "Spade-Han dle 8eed" and “Left-Handed Pouket Saw Mills.” Strike There Is an unwritten law In a cer tain Albany hardware store which re quires that every new employe be In itiated. i The Initiation may occur bn the first day of the novitiates's service, at the end of a week, .or even after a month has passed. But‘whenever It does oc cur, It Is apt to be something rich, Several Weeks ago an ambitious young man with the first crop of down on his upper Up secured a Job in this store, j but his Initiation was deferred until day before yesterday. He was standing near the front en trance when a strange negro entered. He carried, a note In his hand, and handed it to the new clerk, who opened It and read as follows: “Please send by bearer one-half dozen spnde-lmndle seed. Important “A. M. C .” The future hardware merchant frowned and scratched hts head. "Spade-handle seed? What the mis chief Is a spade-handle seed?” He went back to where one of the older clerks was busying himself over a keg of nails. “Where do you'keep the spade-handle seed?” he queried. The older clerk said he thought the last one had keen sold, but told the seeker after knowledge to look on the top shelf directly opposite the second show-case. But there were no spade- handle seed there. The new employe sallied forth to two other hardware stores In search of the elusive spade- handle seed, and finally had to turn the order down, though with appar ent great reluctance. That same afternoon another negro with another note appeared. The new clerk opened the note and read: “Send by bearer one left-handed pocket saw mill, with best net cash price. V. C. C." There was more trouble. “Left- handed pocket saw-mill! What all apes a hardware store sell, anyhow?” * The obliging senlbr clerk was ap pealed to again. “You’ll have to buy It out,” was the latter’s direction. J. '. Neither of the other hardware stores had any left-handed pocket saw mills In stock, and the persevering youth visited a wholesale supply house. Here he was told to go out to the machine shop, a mile from town, where some left-handed saw mills were just being finished up. He puUed his hat down over his ears, set his teeth together and made a bee-line for the shop, where he was told to “come back next day: hot cjhlte ready yet.” Whether he went is not recorded. Noj Is It known whether ho has evor discovered what- n spade-handle seed Nickel Alarm Clocks That will wake you up, aud keep good time, only $ 1.09. _ Are an every day posses sion. They don’t seem vfery wonderful Until you’ lose them. It doesn’t make the affliction any easier to bear to know that YOU are probably to blame for not consulting a competent Optician in time. That probably the right Glasses at the right time would have saved them. But we fun every day except Sunday and can do. your wofk on abort notice. Let us give you aj remedy for wash woman troubles. * 9 , ———PHONE 39 ' >. V; ! • \\ N eW Albany Steam Laundry. Also nice line of Ster ling Silver, Cut Qlass and Hand Painted China for Wedding Presents. Valuable Arcadia Lota, Commonly Known ao North Albany. For the next fifteen days I will sell this valuable tract only to white peo ple. No one can purchase more than three lots. I respectfully decline to Show the property, but at my own ex pense I will submit a map, with sur veyor’s certificate, .and furnish free transportation to all prospective buy ers. This property Is very near the City Park, and the streets of Albany have been extended through It. I have other valuable vacant and Im proved realty in and near Albany. My terms on the Arcadia North End lots are 910'■ cash, balance 9b por month, no Interest. The price on each lot Is 999. Not one'dollar will I de duct for cash. In fact, P prefer to sell on credit. , To White and Colored. I am offering twenty lots on Tift street, near Madison, on terms and prices remarkably reasonable: 925 cash, balance 95 per month, with in terest at 8 per cent. Will furnish pur chaser with money to build. Hurry up. ED R. JONES. 208-9 Davls-Ekhlipnge Bank Bldg. Don’t Let This be Your Experience. Consult Us in Time. Examination Free. Every article engraved free, Phil Harris, LEADING JEWELER. ’Phono 197. ’Mall orders will receive our very prompt attention. run JTLarris f;i Loading Opthalmic Optician. DISTRIBUTING DEROT FOR ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. FOE FIELD, FARM AND HOG FENCING. . THE OHLY ELECTRICALLY WELDED FENCE.' EVERY ROD GUARANTEED PERFECT. v The DURABLE Fence, fll None so STRONG; | s51 4 . All large wires. -flfeL— M ■ Highest EFFICIENCY. . aal~ ' M „ ^ LOWEST COST. _j *'32! g _ and cause ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ Sjfjf Z Rust. r-sss ‘Pittsburgh Prefect" Fencing. (Special Style.) Absolutely STOCK PROOF. Wo can SAVE YOU MOHEY op Fmoing. CALL AND SEE IT. FOR AND AGAINST LIQUOR There may be much to be said, but nb one who is for liquor will be against the line of liquors dis- pensed at our , POPULAR BAR. The whiskey we sell is a de cidedly smooth article. Made rigbtin the first place and aged, nof’foy artificial means, but by time’s mellowing hand. It’s the same way all through. Whiskey, Wines or Beer at our bar is A-l. FOR SALE. One- 3?room house and two 2-room houses on West Broad street. Rent monthly for $12.59. The whole bar gain can be bought before Saturday for $775 cash. We can arrange to lend purchaser one-half the money tor Land here for another THE OFFICE ANNOUNCE!*! E^TS ; 1 Morris Wealcuky, President. •D.W.J»mee. W.8. Bell, , StadVioe-Pris. .loaeph B. Davis, P. W.Joutt:, 9 Oaalier v , ABs'DCUihler. i plrst Rational Bank, ■ ALBANY, OA. ' 4- Capltal 950,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits. 80,000 four years, house. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Dougherty County, Bubject tp the white Democratic primary, and re spectfully ask the support of my friends and the public generally. F. G. EDWARDS. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. ^-pne 1-room house and lot on West Society street. Rents for 92.50 per month. This week we will sell It for 9175 cash. ED; R. & CLAYTON JONES. C. Eatman MONEY LOANS FOR TREASURER. I hereby apnounce myself ns a can didate for the office of Treasurer of Dougherty County, subject to the no tion of the Democratic primary. I re spectfully solicit the support of my friends and fellow citizens. H. A. TARVER. FOR SALE. One-quarter one lot on Tift street near MadUon for 9145 cash, or 925 cas)>f balance 95.00 per month at 8 ppr cent. • ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. Deposits received subject to SIf Draft. A general banking buslm transacted. Bankers' and mercknii accounts solicited. R. C. EATMAN Morris Wealoiky, D. W. James, President. V.-Prew -F. H. Bates, Cashier. N. R. Dehon, Aeat, Cashier. FOR SALE. The bast close-in lot in Albany, oor- ner State, 52V6 feet*and Westbrook avenue,-210 feet. Price, 9675 cash, or 9150 cash, balance three years at 8 per cent. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce that I am a can didate for Treasurer of Dougherty County, subject to the white Demo- crate primary called for March 22. I respectfully ask the support of my friends and acquaintances, and pledge my best attention, to the duties of the office, in the event of my election. ' PAUL H. JONES. DRINK £ BOTTLE CARBONATED ,950,000.00 12,000.00 FOR SALE., Rust cottage, next to waterworks, on Norttn-strept; 5 rooms. This 1b a bar gain. - EP. R. & CLAYTON JONES. CAPITAL UNDIVIDED PROFIT8 Solicits accounts of firms and Indi viduals. ' FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Treasurer of Dough erty County, subject to the action of the white Democratic prlmar/, March 22. I most earnestly solicit support from my friends and the public, gen erally. P. E. TUCKER. •> And still, as far ns is evident to the naked eye, actual work on the high school building has not begun. The first set of bids were not accepted, being too high, and the architects were called upon to revise the plans and specifications so that the bids might come nearer the appropriation. This has been done, and other bids are be ing waited for. BOTTLED EXCLUSIVELY BY. The Albany Coca-Cola Bottling Co Everywhere 6c r v FOR SALE. 'The Ouzts plantation, 125 aerds, I mile west of Albany; 40 acres wood land.' ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. ALBANY DECORATING CO FOR SALE. The cottage opposite Mercer homo FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. We are authorized to announce the candidacy of Mr. R. P. Hall for re- election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Dougherty County, subject to tho white Democratic pri mary. FOR TAX RECEIVER. Albany, Ga„ Feb.-6, 1906. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Tax Receiver of Dougherty County subject to the com ing primary, and solicit the support of the voters of Dougherty County. 8. W. GUNNISON. on Monroe street. - ED. R. & CLAYTON JONip. FOR, SALE. One lot, 2614 ft. "by 210 ft. Broad street; part of Watson shop property. New stock of up-to-dateiWall Papers, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Let us figure on Painting your house or Decorating the interior. Call and see some of the newest designs and ideas of how to make your home beautiful. The New Cough Syrup—the one that acts as a mild cathartic on the bowels —Is Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar. It expels all cold from the sys tem, cuts the phlegm out of the throat, strengthens the mucous membranes of the bronchial tubes, and relieves croup, whooping cough, etc. Children love It. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hllsman-Sate Drug Co. Ypurs^Very””respectfully, ALBANY DECORATING CO B. GARDNER, Manager. Phone 393. -:- Opposite New Albany. Hotel. ED. R. & CLAYTON-JONES, MJlMr 'instantly restores the brilliant newness and finish of Pianos, Furniture, Picture Frames Interior Woodwork, Hardwood Floors, and all polished, Tarnished or enameled surfaces. It renews and redresses every thing it touches. Revarnishing is unnecessary, bocausea scratches, stains and dirt instantly disap- Pjarjcleaving a smooth, brilliant Clquld Utltetr is not a varnish, but a surface food that is absorbed by the old finish, instantly restoring tho latter tc its original bright ness- Easy to uso—only a piece of cheese cloth is necessary. Dries instantly. One delighted customer writes FOR SALE. One lot, 521£ ft - b >’ 210 \ft„ Broad street; part of Watson sitdp lot. ED. R. & CLAYTON. JONES. Now is the time that the summer trips are being planned. Winter is -drawing to a close, and the people of this section arc already experiencing a slight touch of the springtime. There will be elaborate plans as usual, of course—trips to Italy, Germany, Eng land, France, and RuBsla, and all such like. But all the plans will not ma terialize. Fresh Shipment WILEY’S FOR TAX COLLECTOR, I* hereby announce myself as a can didate for the oflice of Tax Collector of Dougherty County, subject to the action of the white Democratic pri mary, March 22. I earnestly solicit the support of the voters of Dougherty County for this oflice. J. T. HESTER. Country Sausage CANDIES Making on mj\ farm today. Phone orders to the Country Store—No. 119. . / T. M. NELSON. “Tkq Original Laxative CouglTSyrup Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the Mother’s Favorite. The soothing and healing properties of this remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have made it a favorite with people every where. It Is especially prized by mothers of small children, for colds, croup and whooping cough, as It al ways affords quick relief, and as It contains no opium or other harmful drug, it may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult For sale by Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. —ALSO— CHERRIES in MARASCHINO 25c 50c i 75c S. STERNE, Tie Grocer. 1 Cypress Shingles POR SALE. Honey ■ and Is Kennedy’s Laxative Tar. It expels all cold from the sys-^ t)m -by acting as a cathartic on the bowels. Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar, Is a certain, safe and harm less cure fob colds, croup and whoot>- tag cough. ' J. A. WILLIAMS, City Furniture Repair 8hop.« ** "Phone 34S. ED. R. ® CLAYTON JONES. Attorneys-at-Law And Real Estate. Rhone 4)18. Walker Station, Ga.