The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, February 24, 1906, Image 8
i II&5 & CO., FUTURE BROKERS. ALBANY, GA. Leading Exchanges. Private Leased Wires New Orleans, Chicago and^New Yoj-k. >TANTANEOUS EXECUTIONS. * Orleans Correspondents, Gibert & Clay.—Cotton. Id( i ■ • York Correspondents, C. D. Freeman & Co.—Cotton. Correspondent, Pringle, Fitch & Rankin—Grain. forK Correspondents. Marshall, Spader & Co.- Stocks and Bonds. i - Correspondence Invited If You Have Contract Hauling of any kind, and want it properly and promptly done—you had bet ter see us. E. W. LIVINGSTON & CO. LEADING LIVERYMEN >■ ,■ The Bell Telephone SOT YOU From Delays Ties Less left It Is Reliable Call the Maaapr, Phone 400. COTTON COKE. COAl CARTER & CO. Waretiousenien- and Goal Dealers COME TO US FOR COAL. We Are nt Seme 9ld Stand on Ptno Street. Wo koop in stock Montovallo, Climax,'Tip Top and Blockton, the best from tho Caliaba, Ain., coal fields. Also the celebrated REX and other high-grade Jolico coals. Accurate weights and satisfaction guaranteed on all coal sold by us. trAlso Hard Coal for Furnace i. and Blacksmiths’ Coal! 6 Par Celt. Farm Loans. THOS. H. MILNER, Atlorney-at-Law, VENTULETT BUILDING. CITATION. I Georgia, Dougherty County. To all whom It may concern: Henry Ellison, (laving in proper form applied to me for Permanent Let ters of Administration on the estate of William Ellison, late of Said county, .this Is to' N clte all and singular the creditors and next of kin of William Ellison to be nnd appear at my office ithln the time allowed by law, and ow cause, If any they can, why per- nent administration should not he granted to Henry Ellison on said es tate. ’ Witness my hand and official slgna- iire, this 25th day of February, 1900. SAM’L W. SMITH, Ordinary. LONSBERG’S BOOH and MUSIC HOUSE TODAY’S FOREIGN AND DOMES- (r TIC COTTON QUOTATIONS. Wheat, Corn, Meat and Coffee-Letters on the , Cotton Market and the Opening and Closing Quotations. Local Cotton Market. Good Middling 101-2 rSS^lSSSdiin *;;::::::::: :‘eft New York .Cotton Market Prev* Op'd High Low Close Close March 10.80 1086 10.22 10 28 10.82 May 10.62 10.67 10.40 10 40 10.65 July 10.60 10.74 10 64 10,64 10.72 October 10.23 10.20 10.20 10.22 10.22 Spots steady. Mid. 10.80. Bales 100. ' Futures closed barely steady. Liverpool to due 3 to 4 down Monday. .New Orleans Cotton Market Prev Op’d High Low Cloee Close March 10.40 10.48 10.87 10.87 10 46 May 10.61 10.68 10.56 10 66 10.65 July 10.70 10.86 10.72 10.72 10.83 October 10.17 10.20 10.11 10.11 10.18 Boots quiet und steady. Mid. 100-16; Bales 1,000. Futures closed steady, Liverpool Cotton Market Prev. Op 1 2 p H Close Oloee Mar-Apr 5.02 -- Ml 5.60 Apr-May -6.84 -- 5.05 6,63 May-June 5.67 -.— 6.67 6.66 June-July 0.70 -.» 6.70 6 69 Sales, 8,000; Middlings, 5.78: Reoeipts 4,000. Futures opened steady and closed stoutly. CO RN—W H E AT—M E AT. Chicago, Feb. 23. - Opening. Close. Wheat-May 82 >1-2 82 1-4 Corn-May 43 1-8 43 1-4 Oats-May 30 1-4 30 3-8 Pork-May 16.62 16.42 Lard-May 7.80 7.76 ,Ribs—May 8.22 8.16 NEW ORLEAN8 COTTON LETTER .(By Wire to Clark & Co.) New Orleans, Feb. 24.—Spot sales of 8,000 bales were - about the only news item of Interest from the foreign market. Options were stupidly dull and gained a point from the close yes terday. The covering by local shorts was a feature of our mnrket, and this, to gether with a limited fresh buying power, gave the mnrket an upward tendency In the early trading, hut later In the session room traders, by concerted action, took advantage of conditions, nnd caused n slight de cline to occur. The unfavorable news from Now York to the effect that a very large circulation of March no tices wits expected Monday, caused a decided easiness to exist, nnd prices showed n further tendency to shrink. Whllp spot transactions linve as sumed no lnrge proportions this day: nor In fact tor the last, two days, It Is more than generally believed that there remain some large commit ments for prompt shipment unfulfilled. In which case present conditions must soon show material expansion, and as the factor displays no signs of uneasi ness, firm prices ns well will doubt less rule. Now that the 'March position has been largely, threshed out, through liquidation nnd through transfers to Inter niopths, business has again as sumed limited proportlqnp, hut should the worst fears entertained bo realized on Monday, the first notice day In New York, a further decline in price levels more than probable nnd a state which would no doubt he helped along by stop-orders being reached. Until this element 1ms' been for all time cleared away, a decided nervous feeling is botind to exist, and we feel that pend ing a thorough liquidation of this in terest in the Eastern market, price changes will show a temporarily down ward movement. GIBERT & CLAY. A Healing Gospel. / Tho Rev. ,T. C. Warren, pastor of Sharon Baptist Church, Bolnir, Ga„ 6nys of Electric Bitters: "It’s a God send to mankind. It cured mo of lame back, stiff joints, and complete physical collapse. I was so weak it took me half an hour to walk a mile. Two bottles of Electric Bitters have made me so strong T have just walked three miles In 60 minutes and feel like walking three more. It’s made a new man of mo." Greatest remedy for weakness nnd all Stomnch, Liver and Kidney complaints. Sold under guar antee nt Albany Drug Co. Prico 50c. It will pay you to keep Chamber- Inin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In your homo. It only costs a quarter. Sold by Hilsmnn-Sale Drug Co. . -t All old-time Cough Syrups bind the bowels. This Is wrong. A new idea was advanced two years ago In Ken nedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar: This remedy acts on tho mucous mem branes of the throat and lungs nnd loosens the bowels at the same time. It expels all cold from the system. It clears the throat, strengthens the mu cous membranes, relieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, otc. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hllsman- Sole Drag Co. V\ x Furnished tyr Daily ' Herald Readers by Clark & Co Liverpool waa a trifle disappointing on contracts, but the sale of 8,000 at 2 points advance more than made up for It. Saturday in Europe Is a half holi day, and the market of Saturday is no criterion. Although nbsent, Theodore is not forgotten. There will be no chance to buy cot ton in the South under ten cents on this crop., Freeman says:, “On the jwhole, I am beginning to sprout horns." The movement Is still behind the 10,000,000 crop of the Sully year. We now have the peculiar spectacle of the South as a bear on its own great staple, #hlle Europe, naturally bearish, Is very bullish. , If the mills call for the cotton due them right now, there will bo some thing doing. Rumors werp current in _ New Or leans that “a strong bull pool would begin buying cotton next week." Gibert & Clay say: “Now that the March tender bugaboo Is out of the way, everything looks clear for healthy reaction.” At last, port reoeipts are beginning to run below last year. It Is generally believed that Texas and the Terri tories hold less stocks than for many years. Col. Joe Hoadley is as silent as the grave. Spot men have made up their minds to spend this summer at home. The worst appears over, and buyers have little to fear from this time on. FIVE TO TWO. The South W1H Be in the Minority oh the Commission. From the Macon Telegraph. The political commission to be ap pointed by the Hepburn bill would pos sibly have one, not more than two Southern men on It. The rates to com petitive markets would be made by the five or six-Northern men on the com mission. The one, or the two. South ern men on It would draw their pay and be no more effective than a knot on a log. The President found Northern coun sels somewhat divided on the question —perhaps for other reasons than those just stated. It was necessary- to use the political South against the Indus trial South to help the matter,through. How far he has outgeneraled r us tho result of-the vote'in the House has demonstrated. We repeat the warning, that we are creating a power which jvlll rise up to curse us. * We assert again that the greatest dangers to the republic lurk behind popular clamor. We’-declave once more that this newspaper Is more concerned ahbut what Is right than what is popular. What la right is best. WHat Is popular Is too often disastrous when it is not checked. There are those who, whether they are seeking office or not, like to "trot with the gang,” or, to put It another way, “swim with the tide.” It Is easy. It requires no effort. I One has neither to exert one’s self nor to think. How comfort able it Is to float) and how delicious it Is not to have to think. One doefr not sink when he can float. So It is that It Is easy to do wrong. It is easy to be misled. And yet some of us must think. Some of i\s must fre- the nde. Enamelware— Turquoise Blue and Steel. Cleanliness in the kitchen is con ducive to health in the household. Nothings is more conducive to cleanli ness thap our Turquoise Blue and Steel Enamelware. Sightly, strong and durable—“the kind that won’t crack off.” Better, see them. SPARKS-SAXON Hard araware Company. Albany, Georgia. V® New York Cotton Exchange, New Orleans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Association, Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Stock Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange, St. Louis Merchants’ Exchange, Milwaukee Chamber of Comrilerce. PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINCIPAL POINTS INSURING QUICKEST POSSIBLE EXECUTIONS.. ALBANY OFFICE: Pine Street, Next to Postal Telegraph Co.’s Office. ’PHONE 68. I. J. KALMON, Mgr. MOVED Our Office to No. 317 Davis-Exchange Bank building, .inhere we will be pre- ' pared to attend to business even more promptly than heretofore. \ The Bacon Equipment Company. quently pull against Phone 2S0 for Stove - Wood and Chips. LooKing' for a Grand Time? fle&y Albany 'HIS is 'Restaurant -*r Elks "Building. Vine SI. Open 5 &.. m. till Midnight. QuicK Service. 1K-casfnoble Prices. Pleat and Clean. ! your opportunity. Come visit King Priscus at the Pensacola, Fla., Mardi-Gras during his seventh triumphant entry tp the city amid scenes and events, of such regal splendor; such fun, gaiety and merriment as have never before beeh wit nessed in America. Joiliest time of your life guaranteed. Fun will reign supreme. All railroad rates reduced. Come! COSTA ff ®. WROWff, Feb. 26 27, ’06 Proprietors. No Pill is as pleasant and positive as Dewitt's Little Early Risers. These Famous Little Pills are so mild tnd effective that children, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect, while strong people; say they are the best liver pills sold.' Never gripe.