The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, February 26, 1906, Image 1
VOLUME XV. ALBANY, GA, MONDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 26, 1906. NUMBER 107. Senator Tillman, Reporting the Bill, Gave Notice that He Would Press Early Consideration. Washington, Fe>; 26.—The Senate galleries were crowded today in An ticipation ot a spirited discussion on the Hepburn railroad rate bill. • Senator Tillman presented the re port of tie Interstate Commerce Com mittee, returning the, Hepburn bill without amendment as it came from the House. An order was made for printing 10,000 copies. Senator Tillman gave notice that he would press the bill for the earliest possible consideration. mm Seven Victims of the Dis- t ease at Collins, Believed to Be Due to Eating Dis eased Pork. Special to The Herald. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 26. —^ Rufus Woods, aged 24, of Collins, this state, is at the Savannah hospital recovering from an attack of trichinosis. He is the seventh victim. His wife is now recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cow- .art, Woods' father-in-law and mother- in-law, and their three daughters have all died within the last few weeks, which is believed to have been caused by' eating: diseased pork. Your Future. . Prof. Ray is going to leave the city in a few days. St. John’s Hotel, Broad street. 26-2t -K - — ' -p-fi ME BKJILED IH CHIN Consul General Rodgers at Shanghai C bles to State Department at s Washington. Washington, Feb. 26.—Consul-General Rodgers, at Shanghai, cables the State' Department, under today's date, that American missionaries At Nan Chang and Klenz have been killed. The cause is probably local. Telegrams from these points say that fourteen American mission aries at those places escaped, but two adults and two children of the -Kingman family were killed. An American gunboat at Hankln has been ordered 'to go immediate ly to Kinktang, where it will arrive Wednesday. The scene of the trou. ble is 400 miles up the Yang Ste river. John SKelton Williams to Again Become a Potent Factor in Georgia Rail road Affairs. i Massacre of Missionaries Confirmed by Commander Fletcher. WASHINGTON^ Feb. 26.—A cablegram from Commander Fletcher, senior naval officer at Shanghai, confirms the reported massacre of mis sionaries. . Another Confirmation. NBW-YORK, Feb. 26.—The reports of rioting at the American mis sionary station at Nan Chang and' the escape of eight American mission- aries'there were received today at the Methodist board of foreign mis sions. A cablegram frofn Bishop Bashtord, at Shanghai, says: “Mission at Nan Chang 'rioted. ' Methodist missionaries escaped on boat’’ / Official Opinion at Washington. WASHINGTON, Feb. 26.—Officials here ^accept Consul-General Rod gers' suggestion that the trouble at Nan Chang Is local and that there is little apprehension that it will spread. It is believed that the: incident Justifies the-operations now under way from a military viewpoint. The report that an English subject has been killed is the most serious phase ot the affair, as it may be made a basis for forcible measures by the British government, which would inflame the entire Chinese popula tion. • ■ ' Formal Entry of King Rex Witnessed by a Crowd of Visitors Breaking All Records. New Orleans, Feb. 26.—With the formal entry of Rex, the carnival is in full blast today, A slight shower promised bad weather, but the skies soon cleared. All previous records in attendance promise to be broken. Ten thousand visitors arrlvied yesterday, and the number is likely to be dupli cated today, v COLUMBUS CHURCH RAISES BIG SUM. Church Debt Paid. Off After Eloquent Sermon by Bishop Morrison. Columbus', Ga., Feb. 26.—Following an ‘eloquent sermon yesterday by Bishop H. C. Morrison, the St. Luke Methodist congregation paid off the purchase debt in full. The cash con tributions and subscriptions amouhted tq over $10,000, which was $1,000 more than the church indebtedness. The debt was the remnant of a $40,000 building obligation. SOUTH CAROLINA SOCIETY OF ATLANTA To Banquet at the Kimball — John Temple Graves President, Special to Ttie Herald. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 26— Members of the South Carolina Society of Atlanta will attend a banquet at the Kimball House tomorrow evening. The society Kas a membership of 124. Hon. John Temple Graves is president, and will be toastmaster. No formal program has been arranged, but there will be speeches-appropriate to the occasion. BETHEEMEN STEEL CO. SUEFERS FROM FIRE. South Bethlehem, Feb. 26.—The general office building and part of the machine shop of the Bethlehem Steel CqmpanV were destroyed by fire to- Says He Will Humble France, Break Up Mon roe Doctrine and Run , Out Foreigners, WtUemstadt, Curacao, Feb. 26.—Ad vices received here from Venezuela are to the effect that President Castro says he will humble France, break up the Monroe doctrine, clear out the French from Venezuela, and then start on Americans,, Englishmen and Germans, who, he declares, are worse than Chinese. He is reported as say ing that he will clear the country of foreigners. He is very bitter against Americans, who, he says, are after his country. • The populace is yearning for an American protectorate, and the better class of Venezuelans are reported as saying that the situation demands lm- Speolal to The Het-ald. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 26.7-It is authoritatively, announced here today that John Skelton Williams and his associates have bought the Millen ft Southwestern railroad, from Millen to Valdosta, and the Augusta ft Flor ida, from Keysville to Mldvllle. It is reported that it lq -the intention of the purchasers to extend the line from Mldvllle, on .the Central Railway, to Garfield, on the Millen ft Southwestern, to build from.Vidalla to Barrows’ Bluff, where connection will be made with the Douglas,. Augusta ft Gulf, recently, bought by the same parties, and to build from Nashville, the western terminus of the latter named road, to Valdosta, thus giving a through line from Valdosta to Augusta. * It begins to look as if Mr. Williams is to become a factor in Georgia railway affalrB again, CHICAGO, Ill., Feb. 26—Asking the co-operation of all labor unlonB in the country, Typographical Union No. 16 launohed an "Antl-Injunotlon League” yesterday, to Inaugurate a general fight against the issuance of restraining writB by courts during strikes and other'labor troubles. IINERS' SIDE MW BE HD. President John Mitchell In dorses Opinion Given Out By Vice President Lewis Yesterday. New York, Feb, 26.—President John Mitchell, of the'Unlted Mine Workers of America, today endorsed the opln- Ion-expressed yesterday by Vice-Presi dent Lewis that there will be ho gen- oral strike of miners on April 1. Vice-President Lewis expressed the belief that the operators woul^ restore the reduction In wages made two £Ws agd, and that peace would, bo resit^sd for another term of two years. DAVID B. HENDERSON. FORMER SPEAKER. DEAD. of Gradually Declined After Attack Paresis Nine MentH^ Ago. Dubuque, Ia„ Feb. 26. — David B. Henderson,, formerly speaker of the national houso ot representatives, died Sunday afternoon-at Mercy Hospital of paresis, which attacked him nine months' ago. ’ Colonel Henderson' began to sink Friday afternoon, rallied Saturday morning, but in the afternoon lapsed mediate intervention by the United , . ?! , • . „ , _ Into unconsciousness and failed rapidly States for the sake of humanity. CIRCULARS 306, 317,318 OF THE R.R. COMMISSION _ \ Injunction Case to be Heard by Judge Newman $hls Week. until the end came. All of his family, except a son In California, were at the bedside, but Colonel Henderson was unable to? recognize anyone but his wife since a week ago, exeopt on Fri day, when he partly regained his men tal faculties. Colonel Henderson was stricken with paresis last May, and-his condi tion grew so grave that he was re moved to a hospital in September. His condition' remained unchanged, except Special to The Herald. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 26.—Tlie tempor ary Injunction of the Southern railway and the Central of Georgia and Atlan tic Coast Line railroads against theffor th e usual period of such a disease, state railroad commission and State, until a week ago last Friday, when ho Attorney Hart to prevent the enforce-: suffered another stroke which resulted ment of circulars 306, 317 and 318, re-I in total blindness. The former speak- during the Intra-state freight rates of ,er failed rapidly physically and men- these lines, will be heard before Judge tally until Friday, when his mental Newman, In the federal court, Thurs-1 Powers returned for a few hours, fol- day morning. Both eideB are ready, j lowed by a relapse which ended in and It Is expected that thd hearing death, will be carried on -without a bitch. •wit d fo Board Wanted for Thirteen Bids wanted by the undersigned for The funeral will be held next Thurs day, with services in the Episcopal church under the auspices of the Grand Army. Former Congressman boarding the thirteen members ot the George D. Perkins will deliver an eu- Albany baseball team from April 16 logy. The body Is to lie in state on until May 2. inclusive, the time the Thursday at.the church, team will be in Albany for practice. Address J. W> Thomas, 407 Park Ave., East, Savannah, Ga. 26-lwk Ball Park Privileges for Sale. Bids wanted tor the privileges of selling soda water and other refresh ments, score cards, etc., on the ball grounds during the present season. Address J. W. Thomas, 407 Park Ave., East, Savannah, Ga. R008EVELT CONGRATULATES EMPEROR AND EMPRE88. Berlin, Feb. 26.—Ambassador Tower today presented President Roosevelt's message congratulating the German 'Emperor, and Empress on their silver wedding anniversary. , No Wood famine In Albany now. 26-lwk Barron gets It by trainloads. To Marry, Only to Be Dis appointed •• Young Wo man Turns Up Unbal anced in Atlanta. Special to The Herald. ' Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 26. — Declaring that men were after her, Miss Carrie Lee, residing near Macon, ureal scene df'the'teWtflUttl-S ' night. Shawns taken to police heatf quarters, where she told Cuptaln Mayo that she had gope to Nebraska to marry, but when she got there thd man would not wed her. It Is supposed that the matter weighed on her mind till she. became unbalanced. She was -put on a train and sent home. THE LONGW0RTHS LEAVE CUBA THURSDAY. Were Guests ft a Formal Dinner Havana Last .N.lght, New York, Feb. 20.—A cablegram from Havana pays' that Mr. and Mro. Longworth left Sunday night for San tiago on a special train. During tho evening they were guests at a dlnnor by. Secretary 6f State O'Farrell. Min ister Morgan was also present. They will return from Santiago and leave for the United States Thursday. U. 8. ARMY PREPARATIONS FOR TROUBLE IN CHINA. Army In Philippines Ready to Respond Promptly. , Manila, -Feb. 26. — Active prepara tions continue here for a possible emergency In China, ' MaJ.-Gen. Leon ard Wood has postponed Ills contem plated trip to Mindanao. A list hps been circulated among the packers and teamsters of this city requesting the names of those, who are willing to enlist for service in ChlnaT The necessary outfits will he Issued to them. ALEXANDER’8 RECOVERY IS PRACTICALLY , CERTAIN. James Alexander’s Physicians Give Out Encouraging: Statement New York, Feb, 26.—The physicians of James W. Alexander, former presi dent of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, who recently underwent two operations,' announced today that his recovery, is practically certain. The Yellow Fever Germ has recently been discovered. It bears a close resemblance to the majaria germ. To free the system from dis ease germs, the most effective remedy is Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Guar anteed to cure all diseases due to ma larial polBOn and constipation. 26c at Albany Drug Co. Former Police Captain Thompson, of Atlanta, Will Resign Superinten dency of Soldiers' Home. 8peclal to The Herald. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 26.—In view of the fact that former Police Captain Thompson, who was recently eleoted superintendent of the Soldiers' Home, has' signified his intention to resign, it is expected that 1 the trustees ot the institution will be called upon to elect his successor at the meeting of the board to be held in April. If Captain Thompspn quits before the regular meeting ot the trustees it wilt be necpssaiy to name a temporary super intendent until the board meets. This will doubtless be done by the presi dent of the board. It b understood that Mr. Thompson does not like his hew placo, and that this is his only reason for wanting to quit GERMANY DECIDES TO MAKE CONCESSION r ' i— ’ To France on Mcrocoan Question, Pro vided France Will Reciprocate. \ Beritp^Feb. /&—The German gov ernment has derided to mak^ a further concession to the French views on the Moroccan question, provided Francf will also yield something, Germany’s proposal will be made known only at Algeclras. RUSSIAN ASSEMBLY TO MEET MAY ... . ■ V ' r St. Petersburg, Feb. 26.—An impc Ultimo wob Issued today aunounc mat the national assi&my w May 10 next. I Brinson ft Oo.,/ Wood and J Phone 867. Promoif service. ige solicited. — — use Are tli€ yier s Candi les We sell tliei shipments of 1 cious. confections are ceived weekly, 1, 2, and -5 pound boxes P F a ncy ,As with candy h everything. We sell on the, best. If you wa the best^EfyourJiJorde should come to Hilsman-Sale tndstinct print