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■% B A fl A3 A And man T other painful 1 and serion*
f-W ii'^v B |l|p§BH9 ailments from which moot mother*
MB 1 fw® H §1B8 Buffer, can be avoided by the use ot
L"^__ “Meftil'l FliJlt* This great remedy
M aS g" BBi If is a God-send to women, carrying
If® Mb, W JOf1 ■£» B them through their most critical
■ ordeal with safety and no pain.
No woman who uses ''Mother’s Friend” need fear the suffering
and danger incident' to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its honor
and insures safety to life of motherland child, and leaves her in^
a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is
alaofpmthv. Strong and
good natured. Our book jffiiJKj BB
“Motherhood,” is worth hWVH U
its weight in gold to every
woman, and will be sent free in plain
•nvelppe by addressing application to
Bradfield Regulator Co. Atlanta, 6a.
15c quality,;yd, - 15c
36-in. All-Linen, white; 2?e
quality, yard, - - 19c
Waisting, white" mercerized;
2$c value, yard, - I9C
Baldwin Pianos, Kraniclv & Bach
Pianos, Ellington Pianos.
25c value, yard,
Embroideries, new lot receiv
ed, with special values in
swisses and cambric edg
ings and insertings, at a
yard, - ~ IOC, 15c
Linen-finish Chambray, col
ors and fancy; yd, * IQC
Batiste, wool finish, wide
104 Pine Street, (Rumney Building.) Albany, Ga
must have been done by men like us,
for we never hear any complaints
about the work. We don’t hear any
about’ours, because we take good care
not to leave any grounds for fault
on the prompt service,* quick-work,
quick-get-away basis. We find men
appreciate that kind. So would you i:
you tried it once. •
Hit Regular Hans Out.
Curtain Swiss, 36 in. 12 l-2c
Harris Plumbing Co
£. P. HARRIS, Mgr. '
't'hp Augusta Chronicle of last Wed
nesday has the following report of the
appearance * in that city o£ Jftjnes
O’Neill in “Monte Cristo,” which Tyill
be the attraction at the Rawlins the
atre tonight:
No actor within recent years has
been greeted locally by a larger audi
ence nqr accorded a grander ovation
tljan that knightly. Southerner who
held the boards at the
W asherwom e n
Grand opera
house last night In a "farewell presen
tation of the play which he made fa
mous”—James O’Neill, In “The Cojtnt
of Monte Cristo.*-'
It Is hard to conceive how any more
spectators could have b'een packed In
to the house. The theatre was literal.
Iy Jammed from top to bottom, every
seat on every floor being taken and
every available lilt of standing room
being ocupied by hundreds of enthusi
astic spectators on all three floors,
among the great coflipany who stood
throughout the performance being
scores of ladles, and it was a delighted
crowd who vented their enthusiasm
throughout by constant and prolonged
applause, all of which must have been
mightily pleasing to Mr. James O'Neill
(and his management), although he
refused to avail himself 6f the oppor-
Mr. Jacksop (serenading)—Fare
well, ma love; Ah go to a dungeon
Miss Johnson (from the window)Yo’
fool nlggah! Hal) yo’ bln stealln’
chickens agin?
But we run every day except Sunday
and can do your work on short notice.
Let us give you a'remedy for wash
woman troubles. . . . . . . .
Soap that Makes
Beautify the Complexion
TjnjjL ' guaranteed to remove
t | re fU efl ^.Pt ra P^e^ all
and restore the
;f "\ beauty of youth.
The worst cases fn twenty days. 50c. v and
$1.00'at all' leading drug stores, or by mail.
Prepared by NATIONAL TOILET CO., Paris, Teon.
e w a id a n
Steam Laundry
V" me, ne sain—
“The soap that makes you pretty. ”
The maiden asked the little OWL
“What soap is-the, beat? I know you know. ”
One hand on his manly heart, and bowing low “COLD CREAM,
ho said,
“The soap that- makes,Jjpu-pretty. ” ;
Oh, see the dnde—his cheeks aglow, ‘
And his little hands as white as snow, ■»
He used COLD CREAM Soap to make them so—
“The soap that makes you pretty.”
25 cents a box.
tunity to say so despite'repeated and
determined efforts on the part of the
audience to make him do so.
There is no gainsaying the fact that
James QJNeill is still a wonderful ac
tor, that he is great in “Monte Cristo”
and that last night’s presentation was
asuperb one. The crowd v went with
the expectation of^being delighted and
were not disappointed; which may be
the best criterion at last. Tlj'e aud
ience that filled the opera house last
night would gladly welcome the same
performance again, and when Edmund
Dantes mounted a reef in the open
sea and exclaimed, “The. world is
jnine!” he might well have added “and
Augusta 1s O’Neill’s!”
Never resign yourself to suffer pain. Women’s
pains are curable.. They are the sign of dangerous
conditions of . the female organs, which should be
promptly attended to or dangerous results will follow.
TAKE « <
A Necessity When
{Toothache^ J
We have just received one of the biggest and
most complete lines of these beds ever brought
to this market. > •
From the colored ones down to the plain
white single there is not a bad one in the lot.
For the balance of February we will sell
these beds at unusually little prices.
Now is the time to buy your Iron Beds.
whenever she suffers from any of woman’s biting and weakening pains.
It not only compels the pains to stop, but it follows up and drives out
the cause of the pajns, which prevents them from coming back.
It makes you well. Try it.
Sold everywhere in $1.00 bottles.
Price -
2jtS0t (
&$l.00 \
i At A!! Druggists
freely and frankly, In strictest confid
ence, telling us aU your symptoms and
troubles. We will send free advice
(In plain sealed envelope), how to
cure them. Address: Ladies’ Advisory
Dept., Tbi Chattanooga Medicine Co.,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
writes Mary Shelton, of Poplar
Bluff, Mo„ “ I cm do my housework,
although,, before «king CARDUI, two
doctors had done me no good. I can
truthfully say I was cured by Cardui
I want every suffering lady to know of
this wonderful medicine.”
Startling But True.
People the world over were horrified
on learning of the burning of a Chica
go theatre In which nearly six hundred
people lost their lives, yet mote than
five times this number, or over 3,000
people, died from pneumonia In Chi
cago during the same year, with
scarcely a passing notice. Every one
of these canes of pneumonia resulted
from a cold and could have been pre
vented by the timely use of Chamber
lain’s Cough Remedy. A great many
who had every reason to fear pneu
monia have warded It off by the
prompt use of this remedy. The fol
lowing Is an Instance of this sort:
"Too much said In favor of
Chamberlaln’B Cough Remedy, and es
pecially for colds and Influenza. I
know that It cured my daughter, Lau
ra, of a severe cold, and I believe
saved her life when she was threaten
ed with pneumonia.”. W. D. Wilcox,
T.ogan, New York. Sold by Hllsman-
Sale Drug Co. *
Improved New Home
Sewing Machines
Latest Style
Double Ring, Ball Bearing.
Lightest and best on the market.
I swap for the old Machine.
I will overhaul end furnish parts,
attachments and needles for any
make of Machine.
W. F. FLOYD. Mgr.
*Phok» 362. - Albany. Gee.
Notice is hereby given that all
parties who have pig pens in the ter
ritory recently annexed to the city of
Albany must do away with same be-
-fore twenty days have elapsed, after
which time cases will be made against
all who have pig pens within the c$ty
J. W. KEMP, Deputy Marshal.
Albany, Ga., Feb. 15, 1906. 20t
Country Sausage
-Dawson, Ga.
Cost of Brick, Stone, or Woodei
Buildings Furnished.
Making on my farm today. Phone
orderB to the Country Store—No. 119.
T. M. ftHLSON.
Annuai Capacity, 10,000,000.
: ®“**a* ■» iMMUUBM .‘iiiftJhaiaiM-V X-ii y» At jm_» ?..-»>