The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, February 26, 1906, Image 4
. .. A Veritable Wealth of Newness Hq/mayer, Jones & Co Transfer Completed Satur day-New Place is One of the Most Handsomely Fitted in This Section. To plant unreliable seeds is to bury, money. It is also a waste of money to pay too much for good seeds. It will be a satisfaction to you to buy fresh seeds of guaranteed reliability, and to get them at fairest prices. We handle none but seeds supplied by growers who can be trusted. We shall appreciate your patronage and believe that you will in due seeson appreciate the quality of ,the seeds supplied. The Exchange Bank of Albany is now Installed in its elegant new home at the northeast corner of Broad and Washington streets, where its busi ness will hereafter be conducted. The transfer of the books, papers and other effects of the bank from its former quarters was accomplished on Friday, which was a legal holiday, and Saturday, when the bank transacted no more business than was absolutely As u result of the diligent necessary, efforts of the bank's efficient employes, the transfer has been' accomplished, and tlio Institution is now fully pre pared to handle its rapidly Increasing business. The new quarters iof the Exchange ArtesianWells RAWLINS THEATRE, Monday, February 26. THE WORLDS GREATEST ROMANTIC ACTOR, JAMES O’NEILL IN A FIRST, ONLY AND POSITIVELY FARE WELL TOUR OF MONTE CRISTO THE PLAY HE MADE FAMOUS. PRICES: Lower, floor, $1.50; Balcony, 50c, 75e, $1, Seats Friday morning 9 o’clock. No seats laid away ond no more than 10 sold to one person. So full and constant has been the stream of 1906 spring goods which has been pouring into the store lor the past I month and more that there is newness and freshness everywhere. Last week t was an important one with us, but we were prevented from telling you of the many new arrivals by the unfortunate fire which made it impossible for The Herald to change our advertisement. Even now, we are respecting the wishes of the Herald management in making this announcement as , short as possible. We can not give all the interesting particulars, but beg to announce that among the important arrivals last week were many new wash fabrics, new laces and embroideries, new back and side combs and new neckwear novelties. We are confident that there is enough of interest,in these fresh shipments to warrant every Customer’s making an immediate visit to the store. > , Ladies’ Shirts aoid Shirtwaists for About Half In order to lend an additional interest to this week’s'store events, we offer great reductions on several lots of “Ladies’ Town and Country Shirts” and Shirtwaists. These garments are made of fine materials, excellently tailored, and will be of great 'service for early spring wear. . Ladies* Shirts of striped light wool waistings, that were formerly $1.50, -T Ladies’Shirts of solid color mercerized oxfords, that were formerly $2.50, I OC cut to " cut to ' • ^ Ladies’Shirts of solid colored batistes and serges, blue, cardinal and green, I «:A Ladies’Shirtwaists of white embroidered mercerized poplins, were $2.50 I we Ye $2.50 and $3.00, cut to I and $2.75, cut to ■ |> Ladies’ Shirts of figured wool waistings and solid color pongees, were | .75 Ladies’ Shirtwaists of white plain tucked mercerized poplin, were $1.25 7 Sr $3.00 and $3.50, cut to. 75C The Quality Store The Quality Store JOBRPH 8. DAVI8. JNO. R. WHITEHEAD, President. V.-Presldent. THE WY TRUST COMPANY R. H. WARREN, /8oo’y-Tresi. OK GEORGIA. apftal Stock $100,000.oo CONSERVATOR OK PROSPERITY. Now open and ready for business at*southeasi corner of Broad and Wash ington streets. Albany, Ga. SOLICITS APPROVED LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. PAYS INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS, 'ERED to give surety and act as executor or administrator and the functions of a safev managed Trust Company. Bank are such as to excite the admir ation of all who Inspect them. Facing Washington street and running back on Broad, with the entrance at the corner, the quarters are the most com modious of those occupied by Albany hanking Institutions. The finish and furnishings are of un usual elqgance. The celling Is metal, and the walls are handsomely finished. The floor Is beautifully tiled, and the long counter Is of polished Vermont marble. Marble wainscoting extend ing entirely around on the walls runs UP to a height of eight feet above the floor, the foot-board being of a dark green stone. The window seats are also of polished marble. The counter, desks and all the office furniture are ot handsome mahogany, the design being one of simple ele- gunce. The thetal fixtures are of bronze. The arrangement of , the in terior lenves nothing to be desired In the way of general convenience. The large vault is two stories high, and has three entrances. Of the two on the ground door, one Is for use by the bank officers and the other for the use of customers, ns It contains the safety deposit boxes. The up-stairs "apartment Is for the storage of rec ords, boohs, etc. THE BALTIC LONSBERG’S BOOK and , MUSIC HOUSE The Herald Is recpiested to state for the Information of thoBe who are In terested that the next dove shoot will be held on the Farlms place, south of the city, Wednesday morning, the 28th Inst. Tickets may' be secured from Mr. J, H. Davis, who has charge of the shoot. Windows, Doors, Blinds. Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, etc. See our Mantele for tenement and cottage houtee. Columns and Balusters turned to order. Flooring, Colling, Siding and Fram ing Lumber. Telephone No. 44. J. D. WESTON. FOR THE BEST Values in Marble and Granite for artistic work manship, and the finest material in MONUMENTS Dove Shoot on Wednesday. Council Meeting This Afternoon. The regular semi-monthly meeting of the City Council will be held at 4 o’clock this afternoon, Instead of this evening. A good deal of important business will probably come up for at tention. FOR R,ENT —Our former office and two store rooms, In Wilder building, on Jackson street, 810 per month. Albany Electrical and Construction Co. 2G-3t A Swell Dress Shoe Lace and Button I am prepared to take conuracts for flowing or pump wells in a radius of thirty miles of Albany, Ga. Ample experience and will give quick service. Address B. F. BOLAND, No. 118 Pine St., Albany, Ga. JOS. L. RAREY, THE OLD RELIABLE TAILOR. Is still doing business at bis old place over the First National Bank, samples,o{ ail the new .colorings in all and winter fabrics are ready for uspeetion. Our styles appeal forci bly to well dressed gentlemen, and our prices are as low as is consistent with good workmanship. JOS. L. RAREY, The Tailor. Exchange Bank. OF ALBANY. GA. ORGANIZED 1893. Capital, • • - 557 2 00 Surplus <»rd Ficfits, • gg qqq Accounts of mercantile firms, cor porations and individuals invited. Special attention given out-of-town accounts. Interest allowed on time deposits. OFFICERS: S. B. Brown, A. W. Muse, President. * Vice President. W. C. Scoville, Cashier. ft. B Brown, A W. Muse, ProaldeiiL V.-Pre«iden$ sT, PrMnnnerlyn, Cashier, Albany National Bat 01 ALBANY. liA. Opened Suelnees Sept, ath, 1900 CAPITAL SURPLUS, *50,000 15,000 Every facility in the banking busi ness ottered to customers. Savings Department. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. SEED CANE—15,000 stalks of Red Seed Cane for sale cheap. Apply to W. P. Haugabook. lG-3w Messrs. Ed. R. and Clayton Jones have sold to Mrs. E. B. Young, Jr„ three tenement cottages on West Brand street^ also to Mrs. Young for Ed. R. Jones and Y. G. Hllsmnn a lot 5214x210 feet on State street and Westbrook avenue. Afraid of Strong Medicines. A man who once had rough, horny hands made them soft and smoth with Witch Hazel Salve, but he used the genuine—that bearing the name “E. C. DeWltt & Co., Chicago." For sores, boils, cuts, burns, bruises, etc., it has no equal, and affords almost immedi ate relief from blind bleeding, itching and protruding Piles. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Htlsman-Sale.Drug Co. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the > Mother’s Favorite. Headstones, etc., try The Albany Marble and Granite Works. W. H. MILLER, Proprietor. The soothing and healing properties of this remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have made tt a favorite with people every where. It Is especially prized by mothers of small children, for colds, group and whooping' cough, as it al ways affords "quick relief, and as It contains no opium or other harmful drug, it-may be, given as confidently to a bahy as to ^MLjnlult For sale, by Hilsman-Sale : Co. Snappy Is the word that describes the new spring hats. Imperials, $3.00. No Name, $3.00 and $3.50. C. R. Davis & Co.