Newspaper Page Text
Our celebrated
is the best 8-2-2 made. We use no
all pure goods. We also handle acids,
of potash.
«V. W. PACE, President
W. M. WILDER, 8ec. and Tress.
TLe inevitable consequence of an attempt to
accomplish the necessary spring sewing with a
pair of ancient scissors.
Is the rivet loose? Have the blades lost
their edge? Do they frazzle the cloth when
you a&empt to cut it? If so they have outlived
their usefulness.
. Gur cutlery is Guaranteed. Our firm
name is stamped on every implement, and we
will make good any deficiency. Our scissors
and shears are manufactured hy one of the most
celebrated cutlers in the world, and in point of
general excellence they are unsurpassed.
If you have a scissors want, we can supply
it. TA?e have in our show cases an absolutely
complete line of scissors and shears.
Bell Prices Ring True.”
Bad Cutting Affray.
1 v
can supply
cases an absolutely
spring sewing with an old
E. H. DENISON—Dentist.
I. It. Omlr Possible War of Having
Aa effective Cure.
Right “springy" weather this.
February has nearly finished her
race this year.
Weak Eyes made Strong. See Dr.
See. Bye. Hutchason. feb!2tf
Tho spirit of community enterprise
Is more alive In Albany now than ever
before. And this means much for
Jno. D. Twiggs, President. M. Weslosky, Vice-President.
F. 0. Tlcknor, Secretary and Manager.
Office Telephone, 30. Manager's Telephone, 112.
Smoko den. Putnam CtEarB. 2-22-tf
If you see a woman or a man with lux
uriant gloeey hair, you may be aure nei
ther has dandruK to amount to anything.
In nearly every case where women and
men have thin brittle hair, they owe It
to dandruff. There are hundreds of prep
arations thst "claim" to cure dandruff,
but not one but Newbro's Herplclde tells
you that dandruff la the reautt of a germ
burrowing Into the ecalp. and that per
manent cure of dandruff and Its conse
quent falling and baldness, can only ba
bad by killing the germ; and there is no
other preparatlbn that will destroy that
‘germ but Newbro's -Herplclde. "Destroy
the cause, and you remove the effect."
Bold by leading drugglata. Sand 10c. In
stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co.,
Detroit- Mich.
Albany Drag do., Special Agents
Try a package of Zwiebach Toast,
10. Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS.
There 1b talk of putting on the ama
teur attraction, "The Ancient Order of
Hercules," which was presented at the
Rawlins theatre laat week, In Cordele
Office, Second Story 8. B. Brown Building.
Directors—3. B. Brown, Jno. R. Whitehead, M. Wosloaky, Jno. D.
Twiggs, T. M. Carter, A. W. Tucker, F. O. Tlcknor.
Leading Insurance Agency of South Gcorgln, representing, twenty-five
of the strongest insurance companies In tho world, with comblnad assets
of over two hundred million dollars, nmong others tho Aetna, Home of
Now York,. Insurance Co. of North America, Phoenix, Commercial Union,
and .all of the stock companies organised In this State, I. o„ the Georgia
Home of CoiurabUB, Atlanta Home and Atlnntn-Blrmlnghnm of Atlanta.
All danses of risks written, largo linos, Bpoctnl hazards, farm proper
ty' and gin houses solicited. We Insuro against Fire, Lightning, Torna
does. Accident and Health, Steam Bailor, Liability Insurance and Fidel
ity Bonds placed In the best companies. If,In need of any ltltad of Insur
ance dro|> us a card or telephone any of tho officers and n representative
will call promptly.*
Albany. Ga.
I am bonded In the following well-
known companies. Every claim Is
United States Fidelity and Guaran
ty Co., Attya. Dept., Baltimore, Md.;
The National Surety Co., Attys. Dept,
New York; The Association of Bond
ed Attorneys. Milwaukee, WIs.; Map
tlndiio Mercantile Agency, New York;
Martlndale's Guide, New York; United
Bonded Collection Co., Atlanta, Ga.
I represent 40 other well-known
moroantllo agonelet. Alt business re
ceives prompt attention and money
remitted same day collected.
One six mom house, one five room house,
tdspa beautiful eight ro*m house and some un
improved lo's. au on Btateat. One-thinl rush,
balance on lout; timo
•- ; One ond a half acre for bulMlnt; lot and nice
.Jionao on Commerce at. One aqnare tromi
Klee six room bonne on WaahinRton at.
ft Nico oottARO on Residence nt
y Elegant three ator r h u*e on Joffer-son at.
■ - rerjr dehirnhlohalf anre in Arcadia.
A desirable place on Broad Rt. for 11,760; will
Etfrar 1*4.00 per month.
Will Kivo avrav two acre* to nnr pood party
4> * mild h house on it; bona fide titles.
* eotf rm lands.
SO,nOO acres of Umber in Florida.
I S vo wnnv bargains to offer, and will be
Buto ahow you and figure with you on anv
' iofreal estate Li-*t your property with
F f: advertise free of charge. I do a col-
|huaine<4 nnd will look after your routs
Ml a ahare of your bnninega.
' l the court honae Phono 65.
Has just received some of Me advance
Spring Goods,‘some of which are men
tioned below, and for the next week
will go at prices that every cautious
buyer ought to take advantage of.
Towels worth 15c, 20c and 25c will
go at 10c
White Linen Table Cloths, red bor
dered, fringed, worth 75c, will go
at : 50c
Turkey Red Table Cloths, fringed,
worth 75c, will go at 48c
Ladles' Turn-down Collars, worth
15c, 20c and 25c, at only 10c
A large lot of White and Colored
Cotton Feather-stitch Braid, per
bunch 5c
Ginghams, for Aprons, per yard.. 5c
D. Neuman,
Agent for May Manton Patterns.
Receive? consignment ot the famous
Cahaba Soft Lapp Coal.
A large audience -will greet James
O’Neill and hlB company In “Monte
Crlsto” at the Rawlins Iheatre this
evening. This Is the last attraction
before Lent, and the last of any conse
quence this season. Besides, It is
one of the very strongest attractions
ever brought to this city.
Very flue Sweet Pota
toes for sole.
Cruger ft Pace.
The Carnegie Library will be In
running operation spin;, and many who
have long looked for tip) dny when the
doom will be thrown open to the pub
lic are beginning to feel elate?. The
librarian, Mrs. Menko, assisted by an
expert librarian from Atlanta, Is get-
tfng everything In Teadlness.
Brinson ft Co., Wood and Coal,
Thone 367. Prompt service. Patron-
ago aolleltfd.
FOR 8ALE—One fine Jersey bull, 4
years old, 335. Address Anderson
Maclamore, Att, Ga.
must he first class and good office
man. Address, with full particulars,
and stating salary wanted, Box 65,
Aibany, Ga.
WANTED—By couple with no chil
dren, two or three nice unfurnished
rooms with modern conveniences,
for light housekeeping. Address J.
N. Stinson, 1JV4 Washington St„
Albany, Ga. 26-3t
The park question is a live one this
year. The people generally seem to
be In favor of establishing one, and
there seemB no doubt that Albany
needs, as much as any city, a suit
able place In which the children may
rest nnd pass away the time pleasantly
during the hot summer ponths. Much
Interest centers In tho attitude nnd
final notion of council.
Tho lutost reported trouble of the
street pnVera Is the fact that pltfch,
which Is absolutely essential for fin
ishing the wqrlt, has given out, nnd
they nre waiting for another shipment,
which has been ordered. As the re
sult of the pitch giving out, the pavers
are laying concrete-and brick, both
tho second nnd third blocks of Wash
ington street bolng about completed
now, from the bricklaying standpoint.
Frightfully Burned.
Chns. W. Moore, a machinist, of
Ford City, Pa„ had his hand fright
fully burned In an electrical furnace.
Ho applied Bucklen’s Arnica Salve
with tho usual result: “a quick and
perfect cure." BGrentest healer on
enrth for Burns, Wounds, Sores. Ec
zema nnd PIleB. 25c nt Albany Drug
An unusual find was made hy Mr.
C. It. Davis, of the.firm of C. R. Davis
& Co., while engaged In waiting on n
customer Saturday. Mr. Davis opened
a pnstbonrd box containing n pair of
shoos, nnd found, in addition to the
shoes, a small purse which was found
to contain $1.30 In silver coin. Tho
money wns almost black, apparently
not having been In circulation for a
long time. The sum was placed In
the snvlngs bank of Master Cliovlne
Davis, Jr.
Buy fresh Lime, Cement, Fire
Brick, Fire Clay, Fire Tile, Laths,
Shingles, all kinds of lumber and
mouldings, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass
and Putty, Mantels, Grates aad TUe,
Wall Paper and Paints at
Something New In Life Insurance,
in addition to carrying your policy
from the 10th .to the 20th year for 5
per cent, of the premium, and if you
die in that period no charge Is made
against your policy, you can, by pay
ing 50 cents extra for each $1,000, be
insured against total or partial dis
ability from accident, thus covering
two risks for one premium. Come and
see me. C. M. CLARK.
21-lmo Agent.
WANTED—Two energetic hustlers by
March 1, to collect; none but thoBe
with good address and willing to
work need apply; one to leave city.
Address “X: Y. Z.,” Herald office.
L08T—One short, tight-fitting jacket,
light tan color. Finder please re
turn to Mrs. JuIIub Peritz. 2-24 tf
FOR SALE—30 acres goo? Improved
land, weil watered, 6-room dyrelilqg,
convenient to business. William W.
Anderson, Forsyth, Ga. 2-2B-lwk
LETTUCE PLANTS for snle to gar
deners. Also seasonable vegetables.
O. F. Cheatham.'
WANTED—To rent 3 or 4 connecting
rooms close In tor light housekeep
ing. Address W. H. D., care C. ot
Ga„ Ry., Albany. 20-6t
They never gripe or sicken, but
cleanse and strengthen the stomach,,
liver and bowelB. This Is the univer
sal verdict of the many thousands who
use DeWltt’s Little Early Risers.
These famous little pills rellev head-
nolle, constipation, bllHousnesn, jaun
dice, torpid liver, Ballnw complexion.-
etc. Try Little Early Risers. Albany
Drug Co., Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. ;
L.. G©IC©R.
We cordially invite you to take
a look at our stock you will see
been lookea after as carefully
Jnst a Few Prices
Ladies’ Pure Sheer Lined Hemstitched
Initial Handkerchiefs at • |Qc
Dainty Embroiaereo nundkerchiefs,
linen and lawn, fine and sheer;
ready for gifts, worth 3j per cent,
more, at from • • 20c to 85c
Big lot White and Figured Hem
stitched Handkerchiefs, Ladles’
and denis’, at ■ ■ ■ • gc
85 Boxes Children Initisl Handker
chiefs^ In a box, at.a-box, • |gc
Men’s White Silk Handkerchiefs,
high grade, large sizes, well worth
35c per cent more. Holiday prices,
from .... 25c to $1.Q0
$1.25 Ladles’ Kid dloyes, fine qual-
Hy; this week at - - - 75®
Hand-Knitted Woolen Underskirts,
fancy designs, delicate colors,
from .... 05c to $| 25
One lot of White Marseilles Spreads,
from .... 76c to $3.Q0
(f-jTJust received au assortment
of LADIES’ BELTS, stylish and
IgFUnderwear and Hosiery for
the whole family at saving prices.
71 Broad Street#
Are You
contemplating investing in
real estate?
If so, the Jones & Smith
Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
are the people you want to
consult for these reasons:
They guarantee the title to
every piece of property they
They are responsible for
any defects in the title they'
They have the most com
plete listjof desirable proper
ties in and about the city.
Vacant lots, nice houses,
and cheap tenant houses for
sale. See '
Win. E. SMITH,
Real Estate Manager Jones &
Smith T. G. & L. Co., Woolfo k
to be found in the city.
Also Full Line of
Cocoa, Napier and Straw
in stock.
The Steele Furniture and
-Hardware Store,
ijjjn Hjgh Grade Qpods.
rjf ii'tr, -*• ■Vj p noY'*?’ RrrTrj^fr
Telephone No. 156 I S. REICH | 96 Broad Street
Two Facts.
No. 1.
That, we have one of the best se
lected lines of white waistings that
has ever been shown for public in
spection. >
Our Three Leaders.
Oxford Waistings, Embroidery Swiss
Waistings, Lingerie Waistings.
No. 1.
Are you a buyer of Embroideries?
Are you open for the newest and
most exclusive novelties.
Are you open for the best patterns
for dess money.
We Have Them.
Agent McCall Patterns.
fillers or moisture:
Kainit and muriate
T. N. WOOLFOLK, Manager.