Newspaper Page Text
la an ordeal which all
women approach with
indescribable fans, ft
Richard Allen, as “Nolrtler,” and
Thomas Edwards, as 1 Abbe Faria," de
serving especial mention. Miss Mar
shall, as "Mercedes,” was fair, in spots,
Mr. O’Neill certainly won a warm
place in the hearts of Albany theatre,
goers last night, apd whoever iqtl-!
males that he has lost any . of his *
cleverness will find In/eviirjl fmemter)
of last night’s audience, a chjimplga,:
and a defender of the' ^ritit romantic
Ihcldentalfy, the management of
"Monte Cristo” deserves great credit
for staging the entire production, al
though hindered by preat difficulties.
The yelibW Fever Germ
has recently beep discovered. It bears
a' close, resemblance to the malaria
gerfn. To free ze'system from’dis
ease germs, the most effective remedy
is Dr. King’s' New Life Pills. Guar
anteed to cure all diseases dne to ma
larial poison and constipation. 26o at
Albany Drug Co.
S ahildibirthi Tho thought
■offering and danger in store for her, robe the expectant mother
pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and caste over 1 her *
shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of woman
haw found that the use of Mother** Friend during pregnancy robs
eonfinerrient of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother
en4cl tild. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the
time of .their most critical trial. , Not only does Mother’* Friend
earry women safely through the perils of child-birth, bet its ns*
gsntty prepares the system for the coming event, prevents "morning
sickness,” and other dis-
rcum tuetbfg
A (Splendid Production at the Rawlins
Theatre Last Night.
preclatlve audience, "Monte Cristo,”
with Mr. James O’Neill, greatest of
romantic actors, in the stellar role of
the play, which he has made famous,
fLfld ;whloh,’ in, turn, .has. made thim .fa-,
mous, was presented at the Rawlins
theatre last night.
Interest was at high heat from the
first entrance of Mr. O’Neill as young
Edmund Dantes in the first part of the
first act, and at no time during the
progress of the performance did this
interest grow the least bit cold.
Mr. O'Neill is a past master In the
art of realism. Every word came as
distinct and clear as a bell, every
by ell druggists at
‘ per bottle. Bolok
\Sc quality, yd, - 15c
36-in. All-Linen, white; 25j
quality, yard, - - 19c
Waisting, white mercerized
Baldwin Pianos, tfranich & Bach
Pianos, Ellington Pianos.
Three Of the world’s best end but one of the name on the market, eo there
le no claim in suoh oases to. be the original, as is the case where there’s two
or more of the seme name or a similar name oh the market. Beware of those
making claims on another’s reputation. See our lines before buying.
\ ^ ‘ *
104 Pine Street, (Rumney Building.) Albany, Ga
Weather Forecast
The following le the weather fore
cast for Georgia for next 24 hour*:
Fair and much colder tonight Cold
wave In eastern portion. Probably
fieeilng temperature In southwestern
portion. Wednesday, fair.
25c value, yard, - I!
Embroideries, new lot rece;
ed, with special values
swisses and cambric edg
ings and insertings, at-1
yard, - I Oc, 15(
Linen-finish Ghambray, col
ors and fancy; yd, - I 0<
had not to speak a word. In the first
act, he didn’t have to act happy ancf
care-free. He looked the part. In his
soliloquy in the fast act, not a word
ieed have been spoken. The contor
tions of bhral 1 face and his - body told
all.:.,I i; •rtj : r ...i,' ( .j
Those who bad thought that age had
robbed Mr. O’Neill of his cleverness
found, that they were greatly mis
taken. There are a few more wrinkles
on-hlB face than were evident ten
years ago, and his step may seem not
quite so sprightly as of former days,
but It Is the same O’Neill, finished
actor that he is. j
The production was about thfc> most
magnificent ever put on the stage of
the Rawlins theatre. There are, seven
scenes Ini all. The second sepne of
the second act, “The Chateau D’H,”
y The following observations for the
past twenty-four hours have be t en
taken at the U. S. Weather Bureau at
-i| 'liaAcid
Albany, Ga., and aye. published for
Information of the public:
Maximum temperature .. t. 74
Minimum temperature fl ...|8
Mean temperature .CO
Fall lb 24 ’tfeiilifi!?; .1. l'... .>0.6
Partly clbildy. ■ %*ih<r, northwest.
; - •> D:«W.'BROSNAN,
vttf) Vdbmteeptfllmetyer.
•Sc,fa <1 M"|Bi<i>’vnmr« 4 .
'Tj j
But we run everyfday except Sunday
and can dp your work on,short notice.
Let us give you aj remedy for wash
woman troubles. .... . . .
-PHOINE 3 9 —
r Ub\ v nofjv5Fil«& s *3 1 rw aim
r8iHM patterns, yard, I 5G',ji
rg yd d d!qqii« ctoe.i .Uni ‘Ahavd
(O V.-Hi-UUp Oii7 of
Ne w Al"b an
Steam Laundry
The Soap that MaKes
You Pretty.
Smudge—What! You do not be
lieve In liberty of speech?
Grudge—Not for the $2.96 phono
graph, no, sir.
“Use COLD CREAM Soap on me,” he said— i
"The soap that makes you pretty.” I
The maiden asked the little OWL
“What soap is the best? I know you know.” •
One hand on his manly heart, and bowing low “COLD CREAM,
he said,.
“The soap that makes you pretty."
Oh, see the dnde—his cheeks aglow,
And his little hands as white as snow,
He used COLD CREAM Soap to make them so—
“The soap that makes you pretty.” .
25 cents a box.
All the world’s mirrored in The S,crap Book—the new magazine
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-Well, you're a sorry look-
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lng object to be coming back from
Did you break through the
Dawkins—Yes; tha
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Do you want solid fact ? Read,
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We have just received one of the biggest and
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FRANK A. flUNSEY, 175 Fifth Ave., New York
Announce’ment Is hereby made that
Ed R. Jonhs-and Clayton Jones have
formed a partnership for the practice
of law and to engage in the real es
tate business, with ofllces at 207-8-9
Davis-Exchange Bank Building, the
style of the firm being Ed. R. & Clay
ton Jones. Their services axe respect
fully tendered the public.
Dawson, Ga,
Cost of Brick, ’ Stone, or Wooden
Buildings Furnished.
Annual Capacity, 10,000,000.
•,V ,'V’/ 4 •
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