Newspaper Page Text
"thb ALbany daIly herald: Tuesday, February 27, 1906.
on't Wait for Warm
When It I« Free pf Dandruff, It Grows
Kalr preparations and dandruff cures,
ns a rule, are sticky or irritating affairs
that do no earthly good. Hair, when not
diseased, growp naturally, luxuriantly.
Dandruff is the cause of nine-tenths of
all,hair trouble, and dandruff is. caused
by a germ. The only way to cure dand-
In Buying a
‘ B. H. DENISON—Dentist.
yj,eat begins tomorrow.
Smoke Gen. Putnam. Cigars., 2-22-tf
Knights of Pythias, second rank, to
The wjndf certainly did felow Rome
this morning. '
Weak .Eyes made Strong,
ye. Eye'., Hutchaaoa. f .
^Tomorrow wiilibe the las
February, and alrea'dy we a:
icnclng some March weather.
See Dr.
Albany Drug 00., Special Agent.:
Regular meeting of Artesian City
Lodge, No. 30. Knights of Pythlaa, at
Castle Hall this evening at 8 o’clock.
Members urged to bp present. Visit
ing brothers cordially invited.
By order of BEN COHN, C. C.
H. ROBINSON, K. of R. & S.
of Zwiebach Toast,
’ Try a pack
10. Phone 70.
The attraction at the opera house
last night was'one of the best of the
season, and a large audience enjoyed
Don’t deceive yourself. If you have
Indigestion take' Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. It will relieve you. Rev. W. E.
Hocutt, South Mills, N. C„ says:. "I.
was troubled with chronic Indigestion
for several years; whatever I ate
Beemed to cause lieartburn, sour stom
ach, fluttering of my heart, and gen
eral depression of mind and body. My
druggist recommended .Kodol, and it
has relieved me. I can now eat any
thing and sleep soundly at night Ko-
Recelved consignment of the famous
Cahaba Soft Lump 'Coal.
v Tbfcre will bo a Mg crowd In the
dove field Bouth of the city tomorrow
morning, and it Is probable that a
large bag.of birds will be made.
dol Digests what you eat. A
Drug Co., Hllsman-Sale Drug Co.
No' Wood famlfte. In Alt
arron gets it fey trainloads.
MiTlle cold weather Is coming, down
lfe a hurry. In fact, it is. already In
full swing, the Indications being that
we will find the earth frozen when we
Coma forth tomorrow morning.
FOR RENT—In Woolfolk building, a
desirable office; immediate posses
sion. Apply to T- N. Woolfolk. 27-2t
There are two arguments in favor
of having needed, plumbing done now:
1. Plumbing demands the tearing up of the
earth in and about your yard to the depth of several
feet. In the winter and -eajrly spring, there is no
danger in these excavations, but after the weather
turns warm a certain amount of risk is involved.
Why take the risk? Let us equip your house NOW
with the celebrated “Standard” fixtures—give you a
guaranteed job.
,. 2. The kitchen sink and the bath room plumb
ing assure the carrying off through city sewers of all
the kitchen offal and unsanitary refuse of the house
hold. Without this plumbing, these germ-breeding
|«!un0iations are thfti&h' iiito thtf yard-dr^afthest,
into the back alley—to become an offense” to the
nostrils and a menace to the health of the: household.
The moral of all this is obvious:
V •
You need plumbing.
■ s' ■ *
We want to do it for you. <
Jno, D. Twiggs, Presided*, M. Weslosky, Vlce-Preaidept.
F. 0. Tlcknor, Secretary and Manager.
Office Telephone, 30. - Manager’s Telephone, 112.
Offloe, Second 8tory S. B. Brown Building.
’Directors—8. B. Brown, Jno. R. Whitehead, M. Weslosky, Jno. D.
Twlgge, T. M. Carter, A. W. Tucker, F. 0. Tlcknor.
Leading insurance Agency of South Goorgirf, representing twenty-five
of the strongest Insurance 'companies In the world, with combined assets
of over two hundred million' dollars, nmong others tlie Aetnn, Homo of
New York, Insurance Co. of North America, Phoenix, Commercial Union,
and all of tho stock companies organized In this State, I. e„ the Georgia
Home of Columbus, Atlanta Home nml Atlnntn-Blrmlngham of Atlanta.
All olasseB of risks written, largo linos, specinl haznrds, farm proper-'
ty and gin houses Bolloltod. Wo Insure ngnlnst Fire, Lightning, Torna
does. Accident and Health, Steam Boiler, Liability Insurance and Fidel
ity Bonds placed In the beBt companies. If in need of any kind of Insur
ance drop us a card or telephone any of the officers and a representative
will call promptly.
I|c Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
’’Phone 867. Prompt aervtce. Patron
age solicited.
Don‘t ( bo Impatient 1 The Carnegie
Library will soon bo open to the pub
lic In due time, and then you can talk
llltb Shakespeare, Dickens, Longfel-
l&WijOr any of “the boys;’’ just when
dfeblring. /
Very fine Sweet Pota
toes for sale.
Cruger & Pace.
It was a large audlenco that greeted
Mr. James O'Neill at the Rawlins the
atre Inst night. The 'audience was
, unusually appreciative for Albany
thentro-goers, Mr. O’Neill having to
I respond to applause several times.
The following flavors are Included
in our latest shipment of excellent
candles, selling at 10c per lb.; Mint
Wafers, Cocoa, Fruit and Walnut Boa
Bons, Coconnut, Gum Drops und
Phone 70. . W. E. FIELDS.
Question; Which will he the next
street In Albnny that will be paved?
A short while ago It was thought that
Broad surely would be the next to be
paved. There Is, however, a differ
ence of opinion on this subject. There
are some who aver that Pine should
be paved next and some that Jack-
son should he.
AttornSy-.t-Law, Albany, On.
I afh bonded In the following well-
known ' companies. Every claim Is
r- 1 « United States Fidelity and Guaran
ty Co., Atty*. Dept., Baltimore, Md.;
. -The National Surety Co., Attye. Dept,
Neyv York; The Association of Bond
ed Attorneys, Milwaukee, WIs.; Mar-
tindale Mercantile Agency, Now York;
Martlndale'e Guide, New York; United
,: Bopded Collection Co., Atlanta, Ga.
■ | represent 40 other well-known
: mercantile agencies. All business re-
> celyes .prompt attention and money
- remitted same day collected. •
One six mom house, one five rooMi house,
tautiful ei^ht ro?m house^aiui > some un
improved lots, nil on
balance on lone time
One ond a half aero
on State st. One-third cash,
~ One ond a half acre for building lot and nice
hoiLso on Commerce Bt. One square from
Broad at,
^^TNico six room house ou Washington st.
' fcage on Residence st
. three storv linage on Jefferson st.
desirable half acre In Arcadia.
.able place on Brctad st. for f1,760; will
181.00 per month.
ive awav two acres to any good party
a house on it; bona fide titles.
00 acres of farm lands.
000 acres of timber in Florida.
, tvo many bargains to offer, and will be
to show yon and figure with yon on any
of real estate. List your property with
xadvertise free of charge. 1 do a col-
buslncm and will look after your rents
i a share of your business,
the oonrt house. Phone 55.
Has just received some of his advance
Spring Goode, some of which ar$ men-
tioned below, and for the next ^veek
will go at prices that every cautious
buyer ought to take advantage of.
Towels worth 15c, 20c and 25c wl|j
go at 10c
White Linen Table Cloths, red bor
dered, fringed, worth 75c, will go’
at .. . 50c
Turkey Red Table Cloths, fringed,
worth 75c, will go at 48c
Ladies’ Turn-down Collars, worth
15c, 20c and 25c, at only 10c
A large lot of White and Colored
Cotton Featherstitch Braid, per
bunch ,, 5c
Ginghams, for Aprons, per yard.. 5c
D, Neuman,
Agent for May Manton Patterns.
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
'Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron
age solicited.'
Violins can’t soothe the feelings of
some Albanians who are seen these
days, no matter who the player or
what is played. Neither does the pi
ano,-or the banjo, or the guitar bring
any happiness or contentment into
their troubled hearts. They are lis
tening for what they consider the pret
tiest music in the world—-the sonnd ot
a batted ball.
They never gripe or sicken, but
cleanse and strengthen the stomach,
liver and bowels. This Is the univer
sal verdict of the many thousands who
use DeWltt's Little Early Risers.
These famous little pills rellev head
ache, constipation, bllliousness, jaun
dice, torpid liver, sallow complexion,
etc. Try Little Early Risers. Albany
Drug Co., Hllsman-Sale Drug Co.
Will the athletic club be a go? Hard
to answer. The club should meet with
great success if it Is hardled properly
by the proper persons. There are cer
tainly enough young men in Albany
of the proper sort to make the ath
letic club a success, If the hoys ot the
improper sort are not allowed to pois
on tho pie. Tho meeting of March 3
is awaited with great interest by the
young men ot the city.
All old-time Cough Syrups bind the
bowels. This is wrong. A new Idea
was advanced two years ago In Ken-
nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. This
remedy acts on the mucouB mem-.
branes of the throat and lungs and
loosens the bowels at the same time. I
It expels all cold from the system. It
clears the throat, strengthens the mu
cous membranes, relieves coughs, |
colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. j
Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hllsman-
Sale Drug Co. i
FOR 8ALE—One fine Jersey bull, 4
years old, $35. Address Anderson
Maclamore, Att, Ga.
must be first clasd and good office
man. Address, with full particulars,
and Btatlng salary wanted, Box 65,
Albany, Ga.
WANTED—By couple With no chil
dren, two or three nice unfurnished'
rooms with modern conveniences,
for light housekeeping. Address J.
N. Stinson, 19% Washington St.,
Albany, Ga. ' 26-3t
WANTED—Two energetic hustlers by
-March 1, to collect; none hut those
with good address and willing to
work need apply; one to leave city.
Addross “X. Y. Z.,” Herald office.
FOR RENT — Our former office and
two store rooms, In Wilder building,
on Jackson street, $10 per month.
Albany Electrical and Construction
Co. • 26-3t
L08T—One short, tight-fitting jacket,
light tan color. Finder please re
turn to Mrs. Julius Perltz. 2-24-tf
FOR SALE—30 acres good improved
land, well-watered, 8-room dwelling,
convenient to business. William W.
Anderson, Forsyth, Ga. 2-25-lwk
LETTUCE PLANTS for sale to gar
deners. Also seasonable vegetables.
O. F. Cheattiam. ,
WANTED—To rent 3 or 4 connecting
rooms close in for light housekeep
ing. Address W. H. D., care C. of
Ga., Ry., Albany. 20-6t
Board Wanted for Thirteen.
Bids wanted by the undersigned for
hoarding the thirteen members of the
Albany baseball team from April 16
until May 2, inclusive, the time the
team will be In Albany for practice.
Address J. W. Thomas, 407 Park Ave.,
East, Savannah, Ga. 26-lwk
Are You
contemplating investing in
real estate?
If so, the Jones & Smith
Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
are the people you want to
consult for these reasons:
They guarantee the title to
every piece of property they
They are responsible for
any defects in the title they
They have the most com
plete list of desirable proper
ties in and about the city.
Vacant lots, nice houses,
and cheap tenant houses for
sale. See
The, accommodation and conven-
; ience which; it affords is not the only
jjthing to be considered. One! of the
essentials of a good desk is being rat-
j proof—absolute protection of papers
against the inroads of rats. Another
is a dust-proof and perfectly construct
ed apron. If you buy a desk of this
kind you get one that is absolutely
; satisfactory, and you don’t regret your
purchase. This is the kind we han-
f die, and we have just received a big
shipment which is now in stock and
can show you a
largeSyaaety--- . 1 T^j?s,.>Offi,c e
Chairs- efd. f '■ -mx. icq. ei
& .vmfT. ,#shS m w W
The|Steele Furniture and
L clcphonc TNo.
road Street
Embroidery Sale.
We have received a special up=to-date
line of-^Washable Waist Goods as
All these Goods are at Special Prices.
A pretty line of this well made Em=
broidery going at
5c, 10 c, 15c, 25c per yard.
.Agent McCall Patterns.
Our celebrated PINNACLE
Real Estate Manager Jones &
SmithTG.4L Co., Woolfolk
is the best 8-2-2 made. We use no fillers or moisture*
all pure goods. We also handle acids, kainit and muriate
of potash.
W. W. PACE, President A. P. VASON, VlcetPreeldent
W. M. WILDER, 8ec. and Trass. T. N. WOOLFOLK, Manager. ’