The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, February 28, 1906, Image 3

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I* »a erdesl which eS
women approach with
Indeacribablo feat, fot
nothing compare* with
the pain and honor of
child-birth. The thought
rTW Again
j Bank
kj Building.
Report of Committee in Whose Hands
Funds Have Been Placed.
Is what Mrs. Lucy
Stovall, of Tilton, Ga*
. said after taking
Kodol Dyspepsia
jf Cure. Hundreds
I*i ofotherwealc
^women ars
being re-
| stored to perfect
health by this rum-
•f the suffering and danger in store for her, robe the expectant mother
of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her a
j shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women
[ have found that the use of Mother’s Friend during pregnancy robs
: -confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother
I -and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the
time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend
starry women safely through the perils of child-birth, bat its use
, [gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents “morning
Vjaeekness,” and other dir- "
jlvasetaining valuable information free. JP■ftff ggM
ji iiVha BradfieM Regulator Ce., Atlanta, Ga. F KMtLMwU
The negroes of Albany announced
some time ago that they pould assist
to the extent of their i\llUlty ij|n tiiu
health by this
edy. YOU may ba
well If you will taka
nearly all. the sick
ness that women
hqye,' i It deprives the system of nourish
ment arid the delicate organs peculiar to
women suffer—weaken, and bscoma
Linen-finish Suiting, white;
15c quality, yd, - 15c
36-in. All-Linen, white; 25c
quality, yard, - - 19C
Baldwin Pianos, Kranich & Bach
lj':i \
Pianos, Ellington Pianos.
Three of the world’s best and but one of the name on the market, so there
is no claim in suoh oases to be the original, as is the case where there’s two
or more of the .same name or a similar name on the market. Beware of those
zdaklng claims on another’s reputation. See our lines before buying.
104 Pine Street, (Rumney Building.) Albany, Ga
Fernland Farms
Dairy Department
Sweet Cream Rich Milk
High Grade Butter
Patronage Solicited
For Engagements Telephone No. 199
Presidency of Institution Offered to a
Brunswick Pastor.
Special to The Herald.
Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 28. — Dr. A. J.
Moncrlef, a graduate of Mercer Uni
versity, a Baptist preacher of note and
now pastor of the First Baptist church
of Brunswick, will, In all probability,
be elected president of the Southern
Female (Cox) College,, at College
Park, to fill the vacancy caused by the
death of President Charles C. Cox. last
spring. Dr. Moncrlef has been offered
the position, but he has made no def
inite' answer.
Tomorrow, will be bill day,..
work of providing funds for the char
ity hospital soon to bo erocted. They
have made a good beginning by‘rats-;
ing nearly $200, which will be turned’
into the building fund.
The following report of a commit
tee which received the amounts,'se
cured from various sources explains
itself: • V-;.
“Report of funds collected from tlio
bazaar, lodges and business enter
prises by the committee for the col
ored department of hospital:
“We, the committee soliciting funds
for the hospital, submit the following
report of fundB collected from various
“Wo had Beveral small donations
of money mndo to the different booths
during the bazaar, but lack of space
forbids the mention of each donor;
nevertheless for each donation,
whether of food or money, we are ex
ceedingly grateful.
Hospital bazaar $144.76
King Solomon Lodge, F. & A.
M 5.00
Artesian Lodge, K. of P 5.00
Philander Lodge, G. U. O. O... 5.00
Household of Ruth, Ho. 516.... 3.00
Leander Lodge, K. of P 2.00
Hannibal Lodge, K. of P 1.60
L. A. W. C. Club 3.00
Artesian Drug Co 6.00
People’s Trading Co 3.00
. Dyspepsia Cure
Total $177.26
“There are several lodges yet, and
charitable organizations, which we
hope will send In their donations so
that they may help us to swell tho
total of runds already collected.
“E. R. GRIFFIN, Sec." I
The street pavers have nearly fin
ished the laying of brick on the three
blocks of Washington street, but be
fore the last two blocks can be paved
a supply of pitch must come In. Un
til this pitch does arrive, the paving
operations will move along rather
tnablcs the stomach and' digestive organ*
to digest and asslmllata all of tha whole
some food that may be oatan. It nourishes
tha body, and rebuilds tha weak organs,
restoring health and strength. Kodol cui es
Indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia, sour
risings, belching,heartburn and all stomach
Digests What You Eat
trUl, or BO oat tin.
For Sale by Albany Drug Co. and
Hllsman-8ale Drug Co.
New Partnership.
Announcement Is hereby made that
Ed R. Jones and Clayton Jones have
formed a partnership for the practice
of law and to engage in tho real es
tate business, with' offices at 207-8-9
Davis-Exchange Bank Building, the
style of the firm being Bd. R. & Clay
ton Jones. Their servides are respect
fully tendered the public.
X. (an Incorrigible borrower)—Lend
me a fiver, old man. Y. (weekly lend
ing him £4 19s.)—I'm keeping the other
shilling to pay for thepoBtagc of the
letters which I shrill have to write you
before I get my money back. X. (cool
ly)—Keep 5 shlillDgs. then. Tluit will
give me more time.—London Tit-Bits.
Package off 3 for 5 Cents
{Jh cheroot is a cigar made without the head)
A good part of the cost of a cigar
goes into the workmanship.
The “ bunching ” of the tobacco
for the filler takes a little time. The
rolling of the filler in the one piece
of leaf which is called the “binder,”
takes a little more time. The cut
ting and rolling of the outside leaf
or “Wrapper" takes a little more.
But it is the finishing-operation
of forming the “ head ” that takes
most of the time, most of the skill, .
and costs most of the money.
And yet it’s nothing in the world
but waste,—for the first thing you
do is to clip off that “head” that
you have paid your good money
for, and throw it away.
If the dealer clipped off the heads
of three good five-cent cigars and
handed them all three to you for 5
cents, you would
gain;—and that’s
Successor to
of trade you make when you
pay 5 cents for 3 Old Virginia
A cheroot is only a cigar with
its head cut off—and when you
buy three Old Virginia Cheroots
for 5 cents you pay the right price
for three good smokes, and noth
ing else.
The filler is made from the
short leaves and selected clippings
of five choice grades of domestic
tobacco—blended to give just the
combination of agreeable strength
and mild fragrance required to
make a good smoke.
Not only a bargain in price,
but good. Not only good, but
clean. Made by modern pro
cesses in the biggest and cleanest
cigar factory in the world.
A million sold every day—
you can get them at any cigar
counter in the country.
Waisting, white mercerized;
25>c value, yard,. - 19C
Embroideries, new lot receiv
ed, with special values in
swisses and cambric edg
ings and insertings, at a
yard, - - I Oc, 15c
Linen-finish Chambray, col
ors and fancy; yd, - IOC
Batiste, wool finish, wide
tmisn, wiqe
range patterns; yard, I5C
L. G©IG©R,
And the Chanrmanshlp of the Con
gressional Democratie Committee.
R. M. Lamer, the Washington cor
respondent of the Savnnnnh News,
writes, under date of the 28tb Inst:
‘There Is a growing sentiment
among tho Democratic members of
the House In favor of re-electing Rep
resentative Griggs, of Georgia, chair
man or the Democratic ConstresSlonal
Committee. Tho subject was 'dlB-
cussed freely at tho capitol today up
on the receipt of a letter from the
present chairman, former iflopresen
tlve Cowherd, of Missouri, directing
Secretary Edwards to • ncsemblo tho
committee to elect his successor on
March 7 next
“But two names are being consid
ered In connection with tho chairman
ship of tUe committee. First comes
Judge Griggs, and the other Is Repre
sentative Flood, of Virginia. Judgo
Grlgge is not a candidate tor the po
sition, having served two terms at
that thankless Job. His friends, how
ever, are urging him to permit his
name to be used, and to that end the
meeting of tHo committee will bo
called, March 6, this date being select
ed because Judge Griggs expects to
leave Washington on March 7, to ac
company the RiverB and Harbors Com
mittee to Inspect the rivers and har
bors In Georgia and contiguous states.
It Is believed that the committee will
elect Judge Griggs if be can be In
duced to serve. It Is claimed that os
Judge Grlgge led two forlorn hope
‘campaigns, he should now he given
another chance to manage the com
mittee when Democratic prospects
seem brighter."
We cordially invite you to take
a look at our stock you will see
been looked after as carefully
Ladles’ Pure Sheer Linen Hemstitched,
Initial Handkerchiefs at ■ |Qc
Dainty Embroidered naddkercblefs,
linen and lawn, fine and sheer;,
ready for gifts, worth 3a per cent.
more ; at from - • 20c lo 86 c
Big lot White and Figured Hem
stitched 'Handkerchiefs, Ladles’
and dents’, at • . . . g c
85 Boxes 'Children Initial Hnndker-’
chiefs, 3 In n box, at a box, V |gc
Men’s While Silk Handkerchiefs,
high grade, large sixes, well worth
35c per cent more. Holiday prices,
from • • • • 25® «» $1.00
$1.25 Ladies’ Kid Gloves, fine qual
ity; this week at . . . 75c
Hand-Knitted Woolen Underskirts,
fancy designs, delicate colors,
from • . . . 65c fo $| 25
One lot of White Marseilles Spreads,
from - . . . 75c to $3 00'
»-Jusfc received an assortment
of LADIES’ BELTS, stylluh and
^Underwear and Hosiery for
the whole family at saving prices
71 Broad Street,
Dlrolnntlve Aitecl,
The feminine direct descendants of
the famous Aztecs are tiny creatures,
exquisitely formed uud refined in fea
ture. They, carry tho head with the up
bearing grace of the full blooded In
dian; their skins are not red, but a
clear, smooth copper color that shines
like gold In the sun; their hair Is
coarse and black' as ebony, and they
are decorated with bright feathers and
gr.y ornaments. These women make
the most wonderful pottery that conies
to us from Mexico, for they have kept
the old Aztec forms and decorations in
their art, and they also weave wonder
ful baskets aud do exquisite cmbrold-
Improved New Home
Sewing Machines
Latest Style
Double Ring, Ball Bearing.
Lightest and best on the market.
I swap for the old Machine.
I will overhaul and furnish parts,
attachments and needles for any.
make of Maohlne.
W. F. FLOYD. Mgr.
•Phono 562. Albany. Ga.
Annual Capacity, 10,C