The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, March 01, 1906, Image 8

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ttcable, and la now devoting his at tention to regulating the differences on delivery. CURK & CO Some planters there are who say "they will mortgage their 'wives and chlllun’ before they.wljl take less than IB cents.” Wheat, Corn, Meat and Coffee—Letters on the Cotton Market and the Opening and Closing Quotations. The best feature Is not manipula tion, but the great Increase In demand for spots. McFadden eagerly snapped up high-grade spots wherever he 01 e mbers Leading Exchanges. Private Leased Wires to New Orleans, Chicago and New York. - INSTANTANEOUS EXECUTIONS. New Orleans Correspondents, Gibert & Clay.—Cotton. New York Correspondents, C. D. Freeman & Co.—Cotton. Chicago Correspondent, Pringle, Fitch & Rankin—Grain. New York Correspondents, Marshall, Spader & Co.- Stocks and Bonds. In Bplte of the fact that cotton Is selling at 10 %c in small country towns, the price or premium being paid on futures is about the highest' ever known. Local Cotton Market Middling. Demand good at full quotations; Home offerings. Shorts in actual cotton for summer delivery are apt to “get twisted.” New York Cotton Market Prev Op'd- High Low Close Close [arch 10 45 10 48 10.20 10.80 10 42 lay 10.68 1C.68 10.40 10.61 10 63 uljr 10.81 10.88 10 64 10 66 10.78 iotober 10.84 10.35 10.21 10.22 10.80 Spots quiet. Mid. 10.65. Seles 108. Futures closed barely steady. Correspondence Invited Houston’s receipts for tomorrow were estimated at 4,000 against 6,800 last yew— There are no Blgns of the so-called "distress cotton” being put on the market. N.w Orleans Cotton Market. Prev Op’d High Low Close Oloso :ll 10.64 10.00 10.40 10 40 10.68 10.73 10.78 10.03 10.08 10.70 10.80 10 06 10.77 10.78 10.08 Texas sent heavy buying orders to New Orleans. Having sold their spots these “friends" are replnclng with contracts. iotober10.84 10.88 10.14 10.10 10.93 Spots stoady. Hid. 10 6-8; Boles 4,000. closed steady, Liverpool Is dne 0 to 7 down tomorrow, ^ The Reliable ’ FAMILY REME1 k All Druggists \25« SO* $1.00 XLdr.earl s. sloan> ^V^nnumi tinn^^ w. H. MILLER. Proprietor. NOTICE TO PUBLIC. Notice is hereby given that all ■parties who have pig pens In the ter ritory recently annexed to the city of Albany must do away with same be fore twenty days have elapsed, after which time cases will be made against all who have pig pens within the city limits. J. W. KEMP, Deputy Marshal. Albany, Ga., Feb. 15, 1906. 20t jWetej Albany 'Restaurant Opened Business Sept. Otto, IDOL The question naturally arises, "How much cotton will those ‘blasted Brit ishers’ need this season?” Something New in Life Insurance. In addition to carrying your policy from the 10th to the 20th year for 5 per cent of the premium, and If you die In that period no charge Is made against your pollcj 1 , ybu can, by pay ing 50 cents extra for each (1,000, be Insured against total or partial dis ability from accident, thus covering two risks for one premium. Come and see me. C. M. CLARK, 24-lmo Agent Pound Sale Notice. CAPITAL SURPLUS, Notice is hereby given that there has been taken up on the streets of the city of Albany and impounded one gray horse mule, rather old. Unless called for by owner before Saturday, March 2, same will be sold In city pound sale between legal hours of sole on that date. *• R. N. WESTBROOK, 27-3t Marshal. The English are keeping their “weather eye” on the new crop po sitions. E/Jfcr -Building. ■Pine JV. Open 5 a. m. till Midnight. Quick Service, JK^easonable Trices. /feat and Clean. COST Aft ®. 'B'ROWJi, Proprietors. Every facility in the banking busi ness offered to customers. Savings Department. interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Savannah bid 11 cents for good mi l ling, which Is 50 points on March con tracts. JAMES TIFT MAN N Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Ventulett Building! Mr. Harvie Jordan has abandoned the “underwriting scheme” as Imprac- IOTTON FUTURE BROKERS. ALBANY, GA. Comforiable Cabs When you’re going anywhere, or have company coming, ’phone 26 for a cab. Our cabs are comfortable—the fare is small. E. W. Livingston S81 Co. LEA.VIJVG LIVE-RyMEtf. Liverpool Cotton Market Op’ Her. Apr 6.87 Apr-Msy 6.69 Mny-Juno 6,74 June-Juty 6.76 Prov. 8 P H Close Close 6 67 6.68 5 64 6.70 6.71 5.67 6.74 5.74 6 71 6.76 6.77 6 74 Port receipts were 8,000 against 10,- 000 last year. Bales, 16,000; Middlings, 6.83: Receipts 31,000. Futures opened bnroly sternly and closed steady. CORN—WHEAT—MEAT. Chicago, Mar. 1. Wheat—May 81 3-8 Corn—May 43 Oats—May 30 3-8 Pork—May. 15.40 Lard-May 7.77 Ribs—May 8.10 Opening. Close. 80 1-2 42 7-8 30 1-8 15.17 7.76 8.10 COTTON COAl CARTER & CO. warehousemen* and coal Dealers COME TO US FOR We Are at Same Old Stand ea Pfne Street. Wo keop in stock Montovnllo, C llmnx, Tip Top and Blockton, the beBt from the Cahaba, Ala., coal fields. Also the celebrated REX and other high-grade Jellco coals.. Accurate w eights and satisfaction guaranteed on all coal sold by ub. CTAlso Hard Coal for Furnace s, and Blaoksmltha’ Coal. crrrrttAT- WASHINGTON’8 PLUMBING must have been done by men like us, for we never hear any complaints about the work. We don’t hear any about ours, because we take'good care not to leave any grounds for fault finding. WE DO PLUMBING on the prompt service, quick-work, quick-get-away basis. We find men appreciate that kind. So would you if you tried it once. E. P. HARRIS, Mgr. 102 Pint Street. East Store si Rumney Building. ’Phone 255 imm Bank. OF ALBANY. QA. ORGANIZED 1888. Capital, Surplus '>rd I, $57 200 35.000 Accounts of mercantile firms, cor porations and Individuals Invited. Speclnl attention, given out-of-town accounts. f interest allowed on time deposits. OFFICERS: -43. B. Brown, A. W. Muse, President. Vice-President. W. C. Scovllle, Cashier. 8.B Brown, A W.Mnne, President. V.-Preaident J. P, Munnerlyn. Cashier, Albany National Bil Don't bel money on the Governor's race—-it is gamb ling. Simply wage a cane o{ Flint Rock Ginger Ale. It's teller form and—you tave something to live for. NEW ORLEANS COTTON LETTER. (Br Wire to Clark & Co.) Now Orleans, March 1. — Excellent spot sales continue In Liverpool, to days’ total reaching the sum of 15,'000 bales. Options met with a full re sponse the advance of the American rings, and gained 3 points on the close over the final quotations of yesterday.' Cablos were not aa favorable as on the preceding day, but the excellent situation In spots'Is hard to overcome or more ' despite private opinions. Locally, the future positions ruled strong and upward In the early trad ing, but reports of increase In acre age by Miss Giles and a prominent New York house, the former's figures being about 6,2 per cent., had a de pressing influence and all the advance was lost. The favorable weather of the recent past also was an Incentive for room traders to sell the, market down, but In spite of all Influences, trading was Bmall In volume. There is still an excellent demand for spot cotton here, but offerings as on previous occasions are below the grades doored by the spinners, a con- dltton while existing, necessarily re stricts a business of any large propor tion. However, should the difficulty in supplying the higher grades con tinue, It is probable that the mill man may pay moro attention to the inferior offerings, even though It piay neces sitate changes In the working of his spindles. Attention is dully becoming more clearly focused upon reports from the fields, and sentiment has so shaped Itself that It is nervously af fected by any news of Importance from the weather map or by Informa tion concerning the preparations be ing made. All other items of interest are slowly giving way before these new factors, even receipts, decreasing ns they are, having no more than a momentary bearing, consequently Freeman reported the market aa very steady In tone with large spot Interests good buyers of May. Liverpool ruled very steady all day and closed 3 up for the day. Miss Giles said her reports indicated an Increased acreage of 5 per cent, but that the Increase would come chiefly from Texas and the Territories. OLD MAS RAWLINGS CANT BE SAVED. Valdosta Preacher* Have Given Him Up and Others Can't Comfort Him. Valdosta, Ga., Feb. 28.—-Day after tomorrow was the day for J. G. Raw lings and his sons, Milton and Jesse, to pay the forfeit for the crime of which they have ’ been convicted, hut the execution will he delayed a month A BACK SAVER One of the most convenient articles of household equipment is an Iron heating furnace. It is clean; saves time and trouble and insures a hot fire all the time. It does away with stooping over the grate or.running to the kitchen every time you want a hot iron. It is light and can be carried to any room in the house. 85c to $1.35 each. See them. SPARKS-SAXON Hardware Company. Albany, Georgia. K CHI y® New York Cotton Exchange, New Orleans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Association, Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Stock Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange, St. Louis Merchants’ Exchange, Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce. The men have been receiving more spiritual advice, though most of comes- from outsiders. The local min isters have found the elder Rawlins so hard to manage in spiritual mat ters that they have about given up the task. Outsiders, however, appeal to him through the malls and visit him frequently In the effort to get ills hopes adjusted for a better life after death. This morning a couple of ministers, one of them Rev. J. P. Smith, living forty miles below here, in Madison county, Florida, and Rev. S. A. Griffin, from Colquitt county, met on the street and decided to visit the men. The Florida preacher said he had read that Rawlings wanted somebody to give him hope for the hereafter, and he wanted to go and comfort him. Tho two went to the jail and Parson Smith remained for several hours. He and Griffin differed over some article of faith and Griffin left the .jail, de claring that he would have nothing to do with trying to Inspire Rawlings with hope. After the ministers had finished their talk of several hours with Raw lings, he wrote out a statement and sent It to the Times, requesting Its publication, as giving his views upon the unpardonable sin, which he is sure that he has committed. The letter gives a pretty good idea of Rawlings' state of mind two days PRIVATE MS TO PRICIPiL POINTS INSURING QUICKEST POSSIBLE EXECUTIONS. ALBANY OFFICE: Pine Street, Next to Postal Telegraph Co.’s Office. ’PHONE 68. I. J. KALMON, Mgr. MOVED Our Office to No. 317 Davis-Exchange Bank building, where we will be pre pared to attend to business even more promptly than heretofore. The Bacon Equipment Company. Pofore the day of his execution, for scalping conditions 0 ' | when he wrote it he did not know that day will In all probability have full swing until some new leadership is established, but all the while pur chases when weaknesses are observed should flud a profitable close. GIBERT & CLAY. COTTON PICKINGS. Famished for n.llv Herald Readers by Clark & Co, the United States Supreme Court had made it necessary to grant him an* j other reprive of a month or so. He is fo thoroughly certain that there is no hope for him in the life to come that he really does not like for his spirit ual advisers to tell him differently. As one minister expressed it, “he seems to have reached the point that FOR THE BEST ‘'Seveq Up” on spot sales of 16.000 bales, with futures 3 up on near and 4 up on distant positions, was the deal Liverpool sent over. nothing but hell, and will satisfy him.” a heap of it, SLOANS LINIMENT Weak F.yes made Strong. See. Eye. Hutchason. See Dr. febl2tf Values in Marble and Granite for artistic work manship, and the finest material in MONUMENTS Headstones, etc., try The Albany Marble and Granite Works.