Newspaper Page Text
on’t Wait For Warm
There are two arguments in favor
of having needed plumbing done now:
1. Plumbing demands the tearing up of the
earth in and about your yard to the depth of several
feet. In the winter and early spring, there is no
danger in these excavations, but after the weather
turns warm a certain amount of risk is involved.
1 Why take the risk? Let us equip your house NOW
with the celebrated ‘'Standard” fixtures—give you a
I guaranteed job.
2. The kitchen sink and the bath room plnnib-
1 ing assure the carrying off through city sewers of all
the kitchen offal and unsanitary refuse of the house
hold. Without this plumbing, these germ-breeding
accumulations arc thrown into the yard or, at best,
into the back alley—to become an offense to the
nostrils and a menace to the health of the household.
The moral of all this is obvious:
You need plumbing. J
We want to do it for you.
Jno. D. Twiggs, Pre.ldent. M. Wesloaky, Vice-President.
P. 0. Tlcknor, Secretary and Manager.
Office Telephone, 30. Manager’s Telephone, 112.
Office, Second 8tory S. B. Brown Building.
Directors—8. B. Brown, Jno. R. Whitehead, M. Weslosky,
Twiggs, T. M. Carter, A. W. Tucker, F. O. Tlcknor.
Jno. D.
Lending Insurance Agency ot South Georgia, representing twenty-five
of the strongest Insurance companies In the world, with combined nssots
ot over two hundred million dollars, nmong others the Aetna, Home ot
New York, Insurance Co. ot North America, Phoenix, Commercial Union,
and all ot the stock companies organized In this State, I. e„ the Georgia
Home ot Columbus, Atlanta Homo and Atlnntn-Blrmlnghnm of Atlanta.
All classes of risks written, largo lines, special hazards, farm proper
ty and gin houses solicited. Wo Insuro against Fire, Lightning, Torna
does, Accident and Health, Steam Bollor, Liability Insurance and Fidel
ity Bonds plnced In the best companies. It In neqd ot any kind of Insur
ance drop us a card or telephone nny ot the officers and a representative
will call promptly.
Attorney-at-Law, Albany. Ga.
I am bonded In the following well-
known companies. Every claim la
United States Fidelity and Quaran-
ty Co., Attye. Dept., Baltimore, Md.*,
i The National Surety Co., Attys. Dept.,
Now York; The Association of Bond
ed Attorneys, Milwaukee, Wit.; Mar-
tlndale Mercantile Agency, New York;
Martlndalo’e Guide, New York; United
Bonded Collection Co., Atlanta, Ga.
I repreient 40 other well-known
mercantile agonclea. Alt bualneee re-
ealvea prompt attention and money
remitted tame day collected.
Removal Notice
On March 1, we will occupy our
now store on 'Jackson street, where
we will be pleated to meet our friends.
Phone 159.
Tie Eniemrise Store
Has just received some of hit advance
Spring Goods, some of which are men
tioned below, and for the next week
will go at prices that every cautioue
buyer oi^ht to take advantage of.
Towels worth 15c, 20c and 25c will
go at 10c
The Weather Man promises bright
skies and a cooler temperature tomor
row. All of which is very gratifying
—provided, etc.
E. H. DENISON—Dentist.
Phone 413. Davls-Ex. Bank Bldg.
Rather "wetty" weather.
The hard-worked, qulck-as-lfghtnlng
street pavers are taking a deserved
day’s rest.
Phone 280 for Stove Wood and
Received consignment of the famous
Cahaba Soft Lump Coal.
Those congressional committees will
be accorded n live reception In a live
town, when they visit Albany on
March 9, or else there’ll be a trick In
Next week will bring the promised
visit of tho committee of rivers and
harbors of tho national house of rep
resentatives— a visit which should
mean u great deal to Albany.
The largest and best
selected stock of rough
lumber in the city. Also
flooring and ceiling.
Cruger & Pace.
Wluit Albanians have hoped for
rather uselessly for years, what some
have dreamed of, and others snickered
at us n forlorn hope, Is whnt the Al
bany Business Lengue Is going to do
for Albany, with the proper encour
agement and substantial assistance of
the people of Albany.
They never gripe or sicken, but
cleanse and strengthen the stomach,
liver and bowels. This Is the univer
sal verdict of the.many thousands who
use DeWltt’s Little Early RIserB.
These famous little pills reltev head
ache, constipation, 'MlUousness, Jaun
dice, torpid liver, sallow complexion,
etc. Try Little Early Risers. Albany
Drug Co.. Hllsmnn-Sale Drug Co.
Elsewhere In The Herald will he
found announcements of tomorrow’s
services at the different churches of
the city. The weather promises to be
bright and bracing, nnd most of 113
will hnve to desttr ourselves to find
valid excuses for not nttendlng di
vine service.
The New Cough Syrup—the one that
nets as a mild cathartic on the bowels
—Is Kennedy’s Laxntlvo Honey and
Tar. It expels all cold from the sys
tem, cuts the phlegm out of the throat,
strengthens the mucous membrnnos of
the bronchial tubes, nnd relieves
croup, whooping cough, etc. Children
love It. Sold by Albnny Drug Co.,
Hllsmnn-Sale Drug Co.
Have you registered for the county
primary? There remain but a few
days In which you have the privilege
of making yourself eligible to vote.
The chances nvo Xiat you will desire
to exorcise the privilege which Is
yoyrs, though It will be denied you
If you fall to register. Give the mat
ter your attention before you have
time to forget It. Tho registration
book Is open at the oflleo of Tax Col
lector J. T. Hester. Incidentally, you
Will be required to pay your state nnd
county taxes before registering.
Manx Max See Bat It Takes Genius to
When James Watt saw the steam
causing ’the kettle If cl to lump up and
down ho said "There must be power In
that steam that It can lift such a
There was.
Millions prior to him bad seen the
same phenomenon and regarded It os
tin unexplained mystery.
Recent scientific research has put Its
finger on the “cause" of Dandruff, Fall
ing Hair, and consequent Baldness, and
has unearthed a tiny germ which oats
the life from the rootB of human hair.
Newbro’s Hcrplcldo destroys this
germ and consequently restores the
hair to Its natural state.
Said by leading druggists. Send 10c. In
stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co..
Detroit. Mich.
Albany Drag Oo„ Special Agents
Weather Forecast.
The fallowing Is the weather fore
cast for Georgia for next 24 hours:
Fair and colder tonight and Sunday.
Local Weather Observations.
The following observations for the
past twenty-four hours have been
taken at the U. S. Weather Bureau at
Albany, Ga., and are
published for
information of the pZibli
Maximum temperature .
Minimum temperature .
Mean temperature
Rainfall '...
Rise in 24 hours
Rnln. Wind, south.
Volunteer Observer.
Many people suffer for years from
rheumatic pains, and prefer to do so
rather than .take the strong medicines
usually given for rheumatism, not
knowing that quick relief from pain
may be had simply by applying Cham
berlain’s Pain Balm ancj without tak
ing any medicine Internally. Rev.
Amos Parker, of Magnolia, North Car
olina, suffered for eight years with a
lame hip, due to severe rheumatic
pains. He has been permanently
cured by the free application of Cham
berlain’s Pain Balm. For sale by Hlls-
man-Sale Drug Co.
Brlnson & Co., Wood and Coni,
’Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron
age solicited.
LOT MANURE—1 have big lot of gar
den manure which I will deliver to
nny part of the city at 75c per one-
horse wagon load. Phone 101. S.
Flelsher. 3-3t-eod
FOR SALE—One tine milch cow, gen
tle, will give four gallons a day.
-May be seen at residence of J. B.
Neundorfer, Arcadia. Price 350.
Apply F. A. Wallace.
WANTED—An A1 bookkeeper wants
three or four small set3 of books.
Can do work at night. Address S.
C„ 90 Broad St. 1-Gt
LOST—One short, tlght-tlttlng jacket,
light tan color. Finder please re
turn to Mrs. Julius Perltz. 2-24-tf
LETTUCE PLANTS for sale to gar
deners. Also seaBOnablo vegetables.
O. F. Chenthnm.
In buying
Roller Top Desk
All old-time Cough Syrups bind the
bowels. This Is wrong. A new Idea
was advanced two years ago la Ken- j
nedy’s Laxative Honey nnd Tar. This j
remedy acts on the mucous mem-1
branes of the throat nnd lungs nnd
loosens the bowels at tho same time.
It expels all cold from the system. It
clears the throat, strengthens the mu-
coiib membranes, relieves coughs,
colds, croup, whooping cough, etc.
Sold by Albnny Drug Co.. Hllsman-
Sale Drug Co.
Rocky Ford Cantaloupe Seed.
I have on hand, for Immediate de
livery, a quantity of the genuine
Rocky Ford Cantaloupe Seed, grown
by D. V. Burrell, of Roc^y Ford, Colo
rado. Prices made known on appli
cation. R. L. NEWSOM,
28-Ct Albany, Ga.
Ball Park Privileges for Sale.
Bids wanted for the privileges of
selling soda water nnd other refresh
ments, score cards, etc., on the ball
grounds during tho present season.
Address J. W. Thomns, 407 Park Ave„
East, Savannah, Ga. 26-lwk
White Linen Table Cloths, red bor
dered, fringed, worth 75c, will go
at 50c
Turkey Red Table Cloths, fringed,
worth 75c, will go at 48c
Ladles’ Turn-down Collars, worth
15c, 20c and 25c, at only 10c
A large lot of White and Colored
Cotton Feather-etltch Braid, per
bunch 5c
Now that tho pitch tiller is being
placed In the crevices of the two up
per blocks of Washington street pav
ing, It Is sincerely hoped that they
j will he opened to traffic next week.
I Tho middle block has been completed
Cor sevoral weeks, with the exception
ot tho pitch filler, nnd there should be
• ns little delay ns possible In winding
j It up. now that the necessary material
(has arrived. The work on the last
, block is also well advanced, and Al
banians cling persistently to the hone
! that the wholo long-drawn-out' job will
have been disposed of before the first
of April.
Notice is hereby given that all
parties who have pig pens In the ter
ritory recently annexed to the city of
Albany must do away with same be
fore twenty days have elapsed, after
which time cases will be made against
all who have pig pons within the city
J. W. KEMP, Deputy Marshal.
Alb-ray, Ga.. Feb. 15. 1906. 20t
G. W. H. CARROLL, Manager.
Dawson, Ga.
. Cost of Brick, 8tono, or Wooden
Buildings Furnished.
Ginghams, for Aprons, per yard.. 5c
0. Neuman,
Agent for May Manton Pattern*.
Chamberlain’* Couqh Remedy the
Mother’s Favorite.
The soothing nnd healing pronertles
of this remedy, Its pleasant taste and
prompt bnd nermanent cures have
Imade It a favorite with people every-
| where. It ta especially prized by
'mothers of small children, for colds,
(croup and whooping cough, as It at-
1 ways affords quick relief, and as It
'contains no opium or other harmful
' drug, it may be given as confidently tn
a baby as to an adult For sale by
Hllsman-Sale Drug Co.
The season for clipping horses and
mules has arrived, and I beg to an
nounce that my clipping machine Is
In first-class runnlnng order at my
stables on Pine street. '
l_wk F. W. GODWIN.
The accommodation and conven
ience which it affords is not the only
thing to be considered. One of the
essentials of a good desk is being rat-
proof—absolute protection of papers
against the inroads of rats. Another
is a dust-proof and perfectly construct
ed apron. If you buy a desk of this
'kind you get one that is absolutely
satisfactory, and you don’t regret your
purchase. This is the kind we han
dle, and we have just received a big
shipment which is now in stock and
ready for inspection.
In addition, we can show you a
large variety of Office Tables, Office
Ohairs, etc.
The Steele Furniture and
Hardware Store,
Leaders in High Grade Goods.
Telephone No. 156 I S. REICH I 96 Broad Street
Things Are Coming
Our Way.
You’ll see why when vou see our lines.
More handsome styles than you ever
set eyes on, in
Wool Batiste, Bnlliantmes,
Silk Warp Henriettas,
Albatross, Serge V.oiles.
Wears better, looks better and costs less.
. . . See our Selection of . . .
Silk and Lingerie Waists.
100 pair Women’s Dress Shoes
50c Per Pair.
Agent McCall Patterns.
Our celebrated PINNACLE
To draw the fire out of a burn,
teal a cut without leaving a scar, or
o cure bolls, sores, tetter, eczema
rad all skin and scalp diseases, use
DeWltt’s Wltcb Hazel Salve. A spe
cific for piles. Get the genuine. No
remedy causes such speedy relief.
Ask for DeWltt’s- die genuine.
is the best 8-2-2 made. We use no fillers or moisture
all pure goods. We also handle acids, kainit and muriatt
of potash.
W. W. PACE, President
W. M. WILDER, Sec. and Trtaa.
A. P. VASON, Vlce-Prealdent
T. N. WOOLFOLK, Manager.