Newspaper Page Text
m & co.,
a seventh son, born with a cowl and
double veil, if his guess is to have
any weight.
Price is taking the baths at Hot
Springs, Ark., boiling out bad "bear"
One of the most convenient articles of
household equipment is an iron ^heating
furnace. It is clean; saves time and trouble
and insures a hot fire all the time.
It does away with stooping over the grate
or running to the kitchen every time you want
a hot iron. It is light and can be carried to
any room in the house. 85c to $1.35 each.
See them.
The "Denver Gold Diggers” were re
ported as buying again today.
Wheat, Corn, Meat and
Coffee—Letters on the
Cotton Market and the
Opening and Closing
embers Leading Exchanges. Private Leased Wires
to New Orleans, Chicago and*New'York.
sw Orleans Correspondents, Gibert & Clay.—Cotton,
ew York Correspondents, C. D. Freeman & Co.—Cotton,
tiicago Correspondent, Pringle, Fitch & Rankin—Grain.
;w York Correspondents, Marshall, Spader & Co.- Stocks
and Bonds.
Correspondence Invited
There is no bull so bullish
beaten and disgusted bear.
Consumption goes steadily on at the
rate of 1,000,000 bales per month, and
those who ought to know say con
sumption is steadily increasing.
Local Cotton Market
Good Middling 107-16
Middling 101-16
Low Middling 9%
Demand good at full quotations Some
October will soon touch the point
where planters can secure 10 cents
for fhll delivery.
Hardware Co
Now York Cotton Market
I •
Op'd High Low Close Close
March 10 67 10.60 10.64 10.50 10.44
May 10.76 10,82 10.74 10.80 10.65
July 10,03 10.85 looo io.os 10.80
October 10.88 10.40 1032 10.86 10.20
Spots quiet. Mid. 11,80. Sales
Futures closed steady.
Port receipts were 13,000, against
21,000 last year. <
Estimates for New Orleans, Galves
ton and Houston on Monday were
about half as much as last year.
Comfort able
Liverpool was firm all day and
closed 10 higher. McFadden interests
and the Continent bought heavily
The Yellow Fever Germ
has recently been discovered. It bears
a close resemblance to the malaria
gem. To free the system from dis
ease germs, the most effective remedy
is Dr. King’s New Lite FIIIb. Guar
anteed to cure all diseases due to ma
larial poison and constipation. 25c at
Albany Drug Co. •
' When you’re going anywhere, or
have company coming, ’phone 26 for
a cab, \Our cabs are comfortable—the
fare is small.
Albany, Georgia
Liverpool Cotton Market
Op' 2pm Close Close
Mar-Apr 5.76 -- 5,77 5 67
A_pr*May 5.70 - - 6.79 , 5.69
May-June 5.82 5.82 5.12
June-July 5,86 *.— 6,84 6 74
.Sales, 12,000; Middlings,5.92; Receipts 3,000.
Futures opened and closed Arm.
Chicago, Mar. 3.—
Opening. Close.
Wheat—May 80 18 5-S
Corn-May 43 1-8 42 6-J
Oats—May 30 1-8 30
Pork-May 16.37 16.42
Lard—May 7.80 7.80
Ribs-May 8.16 8.16
E. W. Li*>ingston Co
New York Cotton Exchange,
New Orleans Cotton Exchange,
Liverpool Cotton Association,
Chit&go Board of Trade,
Chicago Stock Exchange,
New York Coffee Exchange,
St. Louis Merchants’ Exchange,
Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce,
(Bt Wire tn Clark & Co.)
New Orleans, La., March 3.—AH ad
vices from Liverpool were decidedly
bulliBh and options followed the course
of public opinion in no uncertain
manner. On the close, near positions
Showed an advance of from 10 to 11
points over the preceding day. Some
cableB attributed the strength to the
reported support of the former bear
leader, but it seems likely that Liver
pool having always held in the recent
past a more favorable view of trade
conditions needed just some such sup
port ns was furnished by the deorease
shown In the visible supply statement
to vigorously lift the price of options.
Sales in spot department were 12,000
bales at 14 points advance. The same
sources of Information that Inspired
the strength In the foreign market
were In a measure similarly viewed by
our own. The large decrease in
American cotton in the visible state
ment and mill takings of .100,000 bales
for the week caused an Intensified
bullish sentiment to predominate.
Prices ruled steady at the advance
and local traders gave the market all
of their support. The weather map,
on the other hand, was considered fa
vorable, with rains In the Atlantic
stntes, but Texas nnd tho Delta clear
and cool. The damage done by the
storm at Meridian has not yet been
fully ascertained, but. while severe, it
appears to have been local In charac
As the declining movement will be
come more forcibly illustrated In com
ing "Statistics nnd with spot cotton of
desired grades held by factors at pre
miums, there seems nothing unless a
most favorable planting season to
cause any decided falling off for pres
ent, levels, consequently We favor op
erations on the long side after a con
servative fashion.
larehouseiw and Goal Dealer!
InertaaeYSgr 1 The farmer’s
Yield* Per Acre-
count's row
to the fertility
•ly to your farm
qvo been taken
larger in proportion
of bis farm. Tosuppl
the elements that hu —
from it by planting and harvesting
season after season* use bountifully
Vircinla-Carolfna Fertilizers
(with aM^ial formulaJor every
crop). They lay at thereof of thous
ands and thousands of .prosperous
farms. Use theso fertilizers for all
your crops, no matter what they
may be. They will greatly Increase
your yields per acre?’ and make your
money-bag fuller. Ask your dealer
for them, and if he can't supply you,
write us direct. Don’t pay your
good money, nor rive your note, for
any inferior substitute.
Richmond, Va. Atlanta, Ga.
Norfolk, va. Savannah, Ga.
Durham, N.C. Montgomery,Ala.
Charleston, S.O. Memphis, Term.
Baltimore, Md. Bhreveport, La.
We Are at Same Old Stand on Pfii? Street.
Wo keep in stock Montevallo, Climax, Tip Top and Blockton, the beat
from the Oahaba, Ala., poal fields. Also the celebrated REX and other
high-grade Jelico coals. Accurate weights and satisfaction guaranteed on
all coal Bold by us.
or Also Hard Coal for Furnace s, and Blacksmiths’ Coal.
or "downside up” our Bath Tubs are
water-proof. A man carries a big
load when his bath tub or anything else
needing plumbing has a hole in it stuf
fed with a cotton rag.
a-la-perfection we install and keep in
repair in the best residences of : your
neighbors. Have us fix yours so it’s
best in town. We don’t charge much.
Pine Street, Next to Postal Telegraph Co.’s Office,
Georgia, Dougherty County.
To nil whom it may concern:,
Henry Ellison, having in proper
form applied to me for Permanent Let
ters of Administration on .the estate
of William Ellison, late of said county,
tills is to cite all and singular the
creditors and next of kin of William
Ellison to be and appear at my office
within the time allowed by law, and
show cause, If any they eiin, why per
manent administration should not be
granted to Henry Ellison on said es
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 25th day of February, 1900.
SAM’L W. SMITH, Ordinary.
•PHONE 68.
Harris Plumbing Co
E. P. HARRI8, Mgr. °
102 Pins Slreot. East Store ol Rumnoy Building. ’Phono 2E5
Elks Hull ding, “Pine St.
Open 5 a., m. till Midnight.
Quick. Scr-dice,
treasonable Prices.
JWcat and Clean.
Every Good Housekeeper
Wants a Buck’s Range.
Stains and varnishes in one operation. Easily applied.
Quickly dries. Wears like iron.
s Oak Japalac will make that old furniture look like new.
Dead Black Japalac on your grates and iron work will
give the popular black wrought finish.
On Blood and Malieite Green is the very thing for your
veranda chairs and settees.
Japalac is made in thirteen colors. See us—tell us what
you wish to do, and we will tell you how to do it.
A Japalac floor is pretty, easily cleaned and bug proof.
You can make your bath room a thing of beauty with
the aid of
Furnished lor Daily Herald Readers
by Clark & Co,
it was Saturday, but Manchester
spinners raided the Liverpool market
and succeeded in buying 12,000 bales
at 14 points advance.
S '
f v Saves at least an hour’s work a .day
r| in the kitchen-costs less to operate it.
| Bakes quickly and evenly. Better let
i us place a BUCK’S RANGE in your
Advices from the English market
were 'uniformly bullish.
Annual Capacity, 10,000,000.
Today’s sales of 12,000 were the
largest ever recorded for Saturday.
Price is in the South, but his inter
ests in New York and Liverpool are
watched very loosely by his partners.
He bought heavily in Liverpool, today.
wl Drug ® Seed Co
If the public should enter the mar
ket again, we' would soon see very
much higher prices.
No Pill is as pleasant and positive
as Dewitt’s Little Early Risers.
These Famous Little Pills are so mild
and effective that children, delicate
ladles and weak people enjoy their
cleansing effect, while strong people
say they are the best liver pills sold.
Never gripe.
Our opening was 10 to 12 up, with
very little cotton for sale.
A man who attempts to guess acre
age now should he the seventh son of