The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, March 05, 1906, Image 7

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• r-.-V.-JT THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD: MONDAY, MARCH S, 1906. woman's Nalnre I> to love chfldrem, and bo 1 home can be completely happy without them, yet tht ordeal through which the ex- pectant mother must paaa usually is so full of suffering, danger aad fear that she looks forward to the critical . , ^ onr with apprehension and dread. Mottaer s rnend, by its penetrating and soothing properties, allay* nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, so prepares the system for the ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers have testified and said, “it is worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. m SfcUKIOD REGULATOR CO., . t Blind Headache “About a year ago,” writes Mrs. Mattie Allen, of 1123 Broadway, Augusta, Ga., “1 suffered with blind, sick headaches and ,1backaches, and could get | no relief until I tried WINE OF i" m Woman’s Relief WRITE US 1 immediately commenced to improve, and now I feel like a new woman, and wish to recommend it to all sick women, for l know it will cure them, as it did me.” Cardui is pure, medicinal extract of vegetable herbs, which relieves female pains, regulates female functions.tonesuptheorgans FREELY an! frankly, describing your symptoms. Wo will ££ adwco^fn pun mealed \ toa proper state of health. envelope). Don’t hesitate, but Try jf for your trouble. Every druggist sells it write today. Address! Ladles’ Ad visory Dept., The Chattanooga Medi cine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ottles. r ? Washerwomen Strike But we run every day except Sunday and can do your work on short notice. Let us give you a’ remedy for wash woman troubles PHOINE 3 9 N e w Steam Alban Laundry. II DISTRIBUTING DEPOT FOR PITTSBURGH PERFECT” FENCES, ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. FOE FIELD, FARM AND HOG FENCING. THE GHLY ELECT81GMY WELBEfl FENCE. EVERY ROD GUARANTEED The DURABLE Fenee^ None so STRONG. All large wires. Highest EFFICIENCY. „ LOWEST C05L No Wraps ^ - to hold 5m Moisture and cause Rust PERFECT. Si3j2»A-«j-J>Usui ij rd m “H — ^ J ^ : PS “ --4 ••^irrsBUKau PRarECT" Fencing. (Special Style.) AbMlultly STOCK PROOF. W* can SAVE YOU HONEY on Finclng. CALL AND SEE IT. ED. R. a CLAYTON JONES, Attorneys-at-Law And Real Estate. Watch the West End Syndicate. They are alive and progressive. You may Increase your wealth rapidly, If you follow, their advice In Real Estate Investmenti. Town lots on the elec tric etreet car'lino are not yet on the market—but Inspect their plat—then waltl ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. One-quarter acre lot on Tift street near MadlBon for $146 cash, or $25 cash,' balance $5.00 per month at 8 per cent. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. WANTED. Capitalist to build 100 small cot tages. We will lease them all, with the privilege of snb-lettlng. Can sub mit land cheap. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. A flrst-cluss 4-room house and barn, waterworks bn lot, In East Albany. Can lease It for one year. 1 ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE SABBATH DISTURBED BY WILD FUSILAED. About 100 Shots Fired In Arcadia Yes terday Afternoon —Rigid Investiga tion. Valuable Arcadia Lots, Commonly Known as North Albany. For the next fifteen days I will sell this valuable tract only to white peo ple. No one can purchase more than three lots. 1 respectfully decline to show the property, but at my own ex pense I will submit a map, with sur veyor’s certificate, and furnish free transportation to all prospective buy ers. This property is very near the City Park, and the streets of Albany have been extended through it. I have other valuable vacant and Im proved realty In' and near Albany. My terms on the Arcadia North End lots are $10 cash, balance $5 per month, no Interest. The price on each lot is $59. Not one dollar will I de duct for cash. In fact, I prefer to sell on credit. To White and Colored. I am offering twenty lots on Tift street, near Madison, on terms and prices remarkably reasonable: $25 cash, balance $5 per month, with In terest at S per cent. Will furnish pur chaser with money to build. Hurry up. ED R. JONES. 20S-9 Davis-Exchange Bank Bldg. The usual quiet of the Sabbath was rudely disturbed late yesterday after noon by the rattle of flrenrms up In the Arcadia woods. I It was something unprecedented In | the history of Albany. About one hundred shots were fired, and the fust-1 lade could be distinctly hoard through-, out the northorn portion of the city, j The shooting occurred ut a point In Arcadia between the old pavilion nnd the Palmyra road. The first shot wus heard about 6:30 o’clock, and for the' next ten minutes there was an almost Incessant fusllade. Several revolvers wore being used, as could he. readily determined from the Intervals between reports. Some reports wore so nearly togthor as to be practically simultane ous. Again, the cylinder of a revolver would be emptied as rapidly as the trigger could be pulled. The shooting, ns can bo Imagined, created a good deal of excitement. The residents of the northern part of town, and particularly of Arcadia, felt outraged at such wanton desecration of the Sabbath, to say nothing of the danger from promiscuously flying bul lets. The matter has been brought to the attention of both the otty and county authorities, upon whom demand has been mnde for a rigid Inquiry. No effort will be spared to secure evi dence to convict the guilty parties. The officers, it Is learned, have impor tant Information on which they are seeking to build. In case they are successful, as seems probable, not only wilt city cases be mado against the guilty parties, but they will bo prose cuted In the state courts. FOR SALE. Three tenement houses, West Stute street. Price. $475 for the whole. “Hurry up.” Figure Interest on your Investment. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. Ft. C. Eatman. HEATERS For Less R. C. EATMAN. We offer vacant lots In and out of the city cheap. Will leaBe every house erected on them, reserving right to sublet. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. Rust cottage, next to waterworks, on North street: 5 rooms. This is a bar gain. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. VoR SALE. One lot, 62% ft. by 210 ft.i Broad street; part of Watson shop lot. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. ! FOR SALE. We have four residence lots, corner State and Monroe streets. These are most desirably located In Albany. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. our Dyes Are your eyes comfortable and in good ordfcr? If not, the exam ination made here will show you whether glasses are required. We do not recommend glasses un less they would be beneficial. We guarantee to suit if we supply them. Our prices nre right. Eyes Examined Pree. Phil Harris, Leading OptWmic Optician. New Jewelry Ladies’ Hair Combs, in gold and gold filled. Also all the latest novelties {in gold and gold-fiilled Crosses and Neck Chains. Pendants in gold for Neck Wear. Beautiful line Watches, Dia monds, etc. It will pay you to look over our Everything Engraved Beautifully Pree. Phil Harris, LEADING JEWELER. ’Phono 197. (9*Mail orders will receive our very prompt attention. J Albany Lodge, No. 24, F. & A. M. Albany Ga„ March 6, 190(1. A regular communication of this lodge will be held tonight, -Monday, March 5, at 7:30 p. in. The members and all qualified visitors are cordially Invited to be present with us. Work In the E. A. degree. B. C. ADAMS. W. M. B. F. BRIMBERRY, Sec. I If you are troubled with Piles nnd can’t find a cure, try Witch Hazel Salve, but bo sure you get that made by E. C. DoWltt & Co., Chicago. It Is the Original. It you have used Witch Hazel Salve without being relieved tt Is' probnble that you got hold of one of the many worthless counterfeits that are sold on the reputation of the genuine De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hllsinan- Sale Drug Co. DRINKING UP is all very well if -nou know what you’re drinking. When drinking to your health, if what you’re drinking Is not pure liquor it doesn’t do you any good.. A GOOD BAR like ours won’t sell any but good - liquors. Absolutely pure liquors is what we argue for and the only kind we sell. There no drinking up a bad lot over this bar. supply you as you want it and it will always be the best. Call and see. DavIS'ExohanBo Bank Building THE OFFICE Brood Streep Camp Wm. Slaughter, No. 971, U. C. V, Albany, Ga., March 5, 190(1, All veterans and members of this cnnip are requested to meet at the court house on Wednesday, March 7, at 10 a. ni. Business of Importance will be considered. By order of T. M.: CARTER, Cnpt. Com’d’g. B. F. BRIMBERRY, Adj. 5-2t Orafaii Grinder. In England. By turning the handle of an organ tho Italian in England- obtains nearly eight times as much per week ns ho enn earn in Italy, more than four times us mudli ns tho English farm laborer and nearly three times the pay of the policeman who' moves him on when requested. Thousands of skilled nr tlsans who have served apprenticeship us carpenters, painters nud joiners get only half the organ grinder’s pay, for the Italian reckons it a very poor week Indeed If ho makes less than $15, and he often gels $17.50 to $20 or more. Who will buy our vacant land and erect 100 small cottages, from 3 to 6 rooms? We will rent them all and pay a bonus, with the privilege of sub letting. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. 75 feet by 210 feet on Commerce, near Jefferson street. The Ideal lot for a close-in residence. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. 256 acres three mites southeast of Albany. The S. F. & W. R. R., Georgia Northern, and Atlantic Coast Line R. R. run through this property. ED. R.’ & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. One-fourth acre on Planters street. Very cheap. • ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. ED. R. ® CLAYTON JONES. Attorneys-at-Law • And Real Estate. Phone 408. Don’t frown—look pleasant. If you are suffering from Indigestion or sour stomach, take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Hon. Jake Moore, of Atlanta, Ga., says: “I suffered more than 20 years with Indigestion. A friend recom mended Kodol. It relieved me in one day and I now enjoy better health than for many years.” Kodol digests what you eat, relieves sour stomach, gas on stomach, belching, etc. Sold by AI- bang Drug Co.. Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. Are You investing in contemplating real estate? If so, the Jones & Smith Title ^Guarantee & Loan Co. are the people you want to consult for these reasons: They guarantee the Jitle tp every piece of property they offer. They are responsible for any defects in the title they offer. They have the most com plete list of desirable proper ties in and about the city. Vacant lots, nice houses, and cheap tenant houses for sale. See E. SMITH, Wm. A Few Interesting Bar gains For this Week. The prices mentioned be low of these deferable goods will mean to you a saving of dollars: 1,500 yards Embroideries, Edges and Inserting!. Exquisite as sortment, fine quality. Worth 15: to 171/fce. This week at 10c per yard. 800 yards Embroideries Tor 4'/jc, 5c and 714c yard. 70-Inch Table Linen Damask, wsli worth $1.25, will go at 78c per yard. ' . 64-Inch Table Linen Damask, cheap for 95c, will sell at only 66s. 60-Inch Table Damaek, fine quality, at 55c. 54-Inch Table Damaek at 25c and 35c. ! COR8ETS $1.00 and $1.25 for Royal Worcester and F. C.. French-ehape Corsets, made of fine Contil and in. fine Batiste, lace trimmed at top, very handsome, white only, per fectly fitting. Will eell this week at 78c. I L>. GEIGER, 71 Broad Street. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ■> FOR 8HERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office, of Sheriff of Dougherty County, subject to tho white Democratic primary, and re- ' spectfully nsk the support of my friends and the public generally. F. G. flDWARDS. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myajlf as a pan- dldnte for the office of Treasurer of Dougherty County, subject to tho ac tion of the Democratic primary, I re spectfully solicit the support of my friends find fellow citizens. H. A. TARVER. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce that I am a can didate for Treasurer of Dougherty County, subject to the white Demo- cratc primary called for March 22. r respectfully ask the support of my friends and acquaintances, ahd pledge my best attention to the duties of the office in the event of my election.. FAyL H. JONES. FOR COUNTY"TREASURER. I hereby announce tny candidacy, for the office of Treasurer of Dough erty County, BUbjecc to the action of the white Democratic primary, March 22. I most earnestly solicit support from my friends and the public gen erally. P. E. TUCKER. 1906 FOR CLERK 8UPERIOR COURT. We are authorized to announce the candidacy of Mr. R. P. Hall for re- election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Dougherty County, subject to the white Democratic pri mary. Improved New Home Sewing Machines Latest Style Double Bing, Ball Bearing. Lightest and best on the market. I swap for the old Machine. I will overhaul and furnish parts, attachments and needles for any make of Machine. FOR TAX RECEIVER. Albany, Ga., Feb. 6, 1906. j I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Tax Receiver of Dougherty County subject to the com ing primary, and solicit the support of the voters of Dougherty County. S. W. GUNNISON. W. F. FLOYD. Mgr. 'Phone 362. Albany. Go.. KOPPEL’S ANNUAL iiiin Oflii FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Tax Collector of Dougherty County, subject to tho action of the white Democratic mary, March 22. I earnestly sol the support of the voters of Dougherty County for this office. J. T. HESTER. Will commence TUE8DAY, MARCH 6, 1906, at Morris Koppet’e Store. A stock of Artificial Flowers larger Real Estate Manager Jones & Smith! T. O. & L. Co., Woolfolk Building.). than ever, also Chlffgnsand Ribbons, will be shown at New York coat. The ladlea are especially Invited to exam ine the goods. Everything will be sold for eaeh only. MORRIS KOPPEL. Albany, Ga., Feb. 27, . NOTICE TO PUBLIC. Notice Is hereby given that all parties who have pig pens in the ter-, rltory recently annexed to the city of Albany must do away with same be fore twenty days have elapsed, aft which time, cases will be made <" all who have pig pens within’the city ; limits. J. W. KEMP, Deputy Marsh ,.15, 1906. Albany, Ga., Feb.. . _ ji iTiiiiiiMfai* tMWmniTOTTitfriiBni