The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, March 07, 1906, Image 5

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travaganza for the heaeflt ot the char
ity hospital.
S. C., where she has been visiting rel
atives. Mrs. Michels will join her hus
band here, and they will make their
home on Jefferson street, In one o£ the
houses recently erected by Mr. Cru-
ger. Mrs. Michels will be remembered
In A,l*>any as Miss Etseman, who visit
ed here some time ago.
Mr. Duke Hamll, of Americus, a
popular traveling man, and a former
resident of this city, was among the
visitors here yesterday.
Those Who Come and flo—Short and
Snappy Paragraphs that Everybody
Will Read With Interest—What is
Going on in Society, With Now and
Then a Little Gossip.
Mr. Columbus Smith returned yes
terday to his home In Anniston, Ala-
after a visit ot a few days at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Si Sterne, on Pine
Miss Maud Roberts, of Llvlnta, ar
rived In the city at noon yesterday
from ThomasvUle. She Is a guest at
the home of Mrs. J. D. Moseiy, on
State street
The friends of Mr. Jesse D. Weston,
Jr., will learn with regret that he Is
ill today at hl3 home on Commerce
Rev. W. S. Pryse, D. D., of Illinois,
who has been visiting at the home of
his son, W. M. Pryse, for a couple of
weeks, will return home tomorrow.'
Mrs. F. W. Lamb, of ThomasvUle,
was shopping In the city yesterday.
Mrs. J. D. Wooten and little son,
Master J. D. Wooten, are visiting Mrs.
J. W. Joiner, on Residence street
"Happy Pat” McCarty, of Mquttrie,
was mingling with friends In Albany
last night.
Mr. A. F. Clarke, of Atlanta, arrived
In Albany yesterday. He will spend
the next two weeks here, Installing the
new pipe organ In the Jewish syna
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Smith have re
turned from a. delightful .visit to Flor
ida. They visited Jacksonville, Palm
Beach, St. Augustine, Key West, Tam
pa and other places of Interest, spend
ing most of their three weeks' absence
with relatives at Palm Beach. While
at Palm Beach Mr. Smith spent a few
days in camp with a party of fisher
men, who entertained him royally and
gave him the biggest time of his life.
Mr. Smiths’ expertness with the rod
and the reel is well known to his fel
low citizens, who will not be surprised
to learn that he broke’all the records
for fishing at Palm Beach, catching
In less than an hour five fish that
weighed 250 pounds. .
Mr. Charles Marks left the city at
noon today for Americus on a business
Mrs. C. D. Smith has returned home
from a pleasant visit of several weeks
In different points in Florida.
Mr. John Cox, of De Soto, was at
tending to business affairs here yes
terday afternoon.
Mrs. W. R. Johnson, of Willingham,
was among the well-known shoppers
here yesterday afternoon.
Word was received In the city this
morning of the death of Mr. Siegmund
Farkas, at his home in New Orleans.
Mr. Farkas was a brother of Messrs.
Sam and Herman Farkas, of this city,
and was well known here, having visit
ed in Albany several times. In their
bereavement the two brothers have
the heartfelt sympathy of a host of
friends in Albany.
Mrs. Jack Harby, of Sumter, S. C„
who has been visiting her father, Mr.
Sam Farkas, left today for Pelham,
where she will visit relatives a few
Mrs. W. J. "Sloan, of Sylvester, was
shopping in the city yesterday after
Copyright 1906 by Hart Schaffner & Marx
Camp Slaughter, the local organiza
tion of Confederate veterans, held a
meeting at the Court House this morn
ing, which was largely attended by the
memebrs. The meeting was somewhat
short, nothing of Importance coming
up for consideration.
Mr. W. H. Ott, of New York, a
popular traveling nun, Is spending-the
\ day here.
Mr. Herbert Peacock returned home
yesterday after a stay ot a few days
In ThomasvUle.
Mr. Oscar Falrcloth, of Doerun, was
looking after business Interests in Al
bany yesterday.
Mr. George Kahn left the city last
night for Atlanta, where he will have
his eyes treated. '
Mr. Charles Hall, of Pretoria,, la
looking after business Interests In the
city -today.
The many friends of Mr. T. M. Car
ter dre pleased to see him up, after
an Illness of several days at his home
on Jefferson street.
\ Mrs. Z. I. Fitzpatrick, of Thomas-
ville, was among the shoppers In Al
bany yesterday.
Mrs. Charles Lonsberg Is entertain
ing’ the Wednesday Afternoon Card
Club today.
Mr. G. E. Lovell returned yesterday
from a buslne's* trip of a couple of days
in Tifton,
Mr. A. F. Stalnbach, of Baltimore, a
traveling man, is spending the day
here. ■»
Mr. Dan Frank, of Atlanta, a well
known traveling man, was among the
visitors In the city today.
Mr. T. R. Tindall, of Moultrie, was
looking after business Interests in Al
bany yesterday.
Ml 1 . Henry Bozeman, ot Sale City,
was among the well-known visitors In
the city yesterday.
This is to be a gray spring for both sexes.
Already .fashionable
circles have not only bowed to the decree, but have welcomed it. Last
week in New York, when the thermometer registered summer
weather, the stylish men and women appeared on Fifth Avenue in
gray. The men’s clothes were an oyster gray,- and in many cases a
pearl gray.' There was gray in their neckwear and gray in their waist-
coasts. This means gray in Albany, for Albany is “there with the
goods” when it comes to style as in other things. t
This leads to a mention of our gray suits for spring and summer.
They are here. Some are solid gray in beautiful -shades, subdued arid
pronounced; many are patterns containing other' colors, but gray is
foremost. We feel confident that no line of clothing in Albany can
equal the Hart, Schafner & Marx. It is worth your while to see them.
Mr. S. .T. W. Livingston left the city
fci3t night for a business trip to At
Miss Sherrie Lewis returned to the
city today, after an absence of several
weeks In Americus, where she was
visiting relatives. Miss Lewis was ac
companied by Miss Mary Payne Clin-
ard, of Winston, N. C., who has also
been visiting in Americus.
Miss Blanche Wesloaky entertained
a number of friends at a birthday par
ty yesterday afternoon.
The friends of Master Hooks Butler
wlll .be sorry to learn that he Is sick
at the Home of his aunt, Mrs. Belle
Greer. * , /
Mr. Abe L. Ash came in last night
from a drumming tour to different
points in Georgia and Alabama.
Mrs. E. D. -Shaffer, who has been
visiting relatives in Americus, has
gone to Atlanta to spend some time
with her sister, Mrs. Lott Warren.
She will visit her daughter, Miss Elise
Shaffer, at school at Staunton, Va., be
fore returning home.
Mr. Mike Atkins, of Atlanta, a well-
known traveling man, was here yester
Mr. ‘Henry Pope , of Sylvester, was
looking after business in the city yes
terday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Altman are spend
ing the week in Birmingham, attend
ing the reunion of the family of Mr.
Mr. Sam Farkas is in Chicago this
week, attending to business matters.
Mr. Harry Hall arrived in the city
yesterday, after an extended drum
ming tour.
Miss Irene Hand, of Pelham, ar
rived this morning to spend several
days with Miss An/iie Hobbs, much to
the delight .of her many Albany
Messrs. W. J. and W. B. Willingham,
of Atlanta, spent yesterday in the city,
looking after business interests.
Mrs. Hollabaugh and Mrs. McElroy,
of Colorado Springs, arrived here yes
terday. They will be here several
Mrs. L. J. Michels is expected in
the city tomorrow from Burlington,
We are glad to report ?dr. J. Guy
Inman, who has been ill at his home
on Pine street for several days, able
to be out again.
weeks, arranging for the trades ex-
Good Garden
Mr. Tom Baker, of Warwick, Is
spending the day in Albany, on busi
The Herald is glad to announce that
the Albany Grocery Company, whole
sale grocers, has become one of the
regular advertisers in columns,
the first of a regular series of adver
tisements appearing today. The Al
bany Grocery Company is the first
wholesale house here to recognize the
importance of explaining to the con
sumers, in advertisements in The
Herald, the virtues of fhe goods of
which they are' wholesale distributors.
Most wholesale houses talk up their
goods to the retailer and leave to him
the important task of convincing the
consumer of their merits. The Al
bany Grocery Company instituting
an advertising campaign through
which it hopes to impress the con
sumers with the merits of the goods
which they distribute to the retailers
and to create a demand upon the re
tailers for the brands which they han
dle. That success will crown their en
deavors along this line can # not be
questioned by any thoughtful student
of the great art of advertising.
We will sell Ladles’ and Misses’ Suits 40 per cent. lessOthan
they are marked. You are sure to get a bargain.. Also
Misses’and Children's'Kid Gloves worth $1 for 50c. Al'
Millinery reduced. 50 per cent. Corsets with supporters, for
mer price 50c land ?.5n, will sell now for 55c.
Is not only a luxury, I but an econ
omy. It cuts the grocery bills in half.
The Albany Drug Co.’s seeds are
absolutely fresh and of the best qual-
/ v
ity—they grow.
Surplus ird Ptcfts
Accounts of mercantile firms, cor
porations .and-Individuals Invited.
Special attention given out-of-town
Interest allowed on time deposits.
80 Broad Street.
Window*, Doors, Blinds.
Llms, Cement, Plaster, Hair, etc.
See our Mantels for tenement and
cottage houses.
Columns and Balusters turned to
Flooring, Celling, Siding and Fram
ing Lumber. 7
Telephone No. 44.
8. B. Brown, A. W. Muse,
President. Vice President.
W. C. Scovllle, Cashier.
A W. MUB9,
. V.-Preal
Monnerlyn, Oaahlwr,
8, B. Brown,
J. 8. Davis.
T. W. Ventnlett.
Agents of the Southern Mutual Insur
ance Co.
^ Office—Ventulett Building.
or’"'downside up” our Bath Tubs are
3 water-proof. A man carries a big
load when his bath tub or anything else
needing plumbing has a hole in it stuf
fed with a cotton rag.
a-la-perfection we install and keep in
repair in the best residences of your
neighbors. Have, us Ax yours so it’s
B best in town. We don’t charge much.
See advertisement elsewhere in The
Herald for a first-class bartender.
The local officers are still rounding
up members of the gang of “skin"
players who were flushed on Sunday at
the brick yard. The tptal number ot
arrests is being dally Increased.
Every facility In the banking busi
ness offered to customers.
Savings Department.
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits.
Harris Plumbing Co.
ED—Must have good references and
be strictly sober. Apply at Marble
Hall Saloon. Albany, Ga. 7tt
at Ekrlick’s
Annual Capacity, 10,000,000.
102 Pins S!reet£Eas* Store cl Rumney BuMing.^l’Phono 255
' j&t* l.„: ' - .