The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, March 10, 1906, Image 7

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■ i •. ; -', • .f.v ?>< v „ - 'v -- - Si,--. THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD;. SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1906. * Women Krery wosaan eatM • shapely, pretty Agon, and many of them deplore the lou of their girlish forma after marriage. The bearing of children it often destructive to the mother'e shapeliness. All of thia can be avoided, however, by the oie of Mother’s Friend before baby comae, as this great liniment always prepare! the body for the strain upon it, and •reserve, the symmetry of her form. Mother's Friend overcomes all the danger of child-birth, and conies the expectant mother safely throe this critical period without pain. It ts woman's greatest bt Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived ft ase of this wonderful remedy. Sold by all .w 9 E# s&i® tWBOtnOP 9 book, telling all about w this liniment, will be sent free. Ik BnffitU Bwhtir Co* ttiiota, fit. Friend Albany is Past Becoming a City. We have recently seen the necessity of a towel supply system in Albany, hence we are now ready to place in every office in town one of the most attractive outfits ever used in this business. If we fail to call on you, telephone ns. We have a good proposition for you. ED. R. a CLAYTON JONES, Attorneys-at-Law And Real Estate. PHONE 39 New Albany Steam Laundry. f DISTRIBUTING DEPOT FOR "PITTSBURGH PERFECT” FENCES, ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. FOR FIELD, FARM AND HOG FENCING. THE ONLY ELECTRICALLY WELDED FENCE. EVERY ROD. GUARANTEED PERFECT. The DURABLE Fence, oa None so STRONG. All large wires. Highest EFFICIENCY. 39,. LOWEST COST. ; No Wraps 2 -- to hold s« Moisture «*• and cause Si Rust. 1 “ Phbfect" Femcinu. (Special Style,) Absolutely STOCK PROOF. Wo can SAVE YOU HONEY on Fonolng. CALL AND SEE IT. R. C. Eat man. Watch the West End Syndicate. They are alive and progressive. You may Increase your wealth rapidly, If you follow their advice In Real Eetate Inveatmente. Town lots on the elec tric etreet ear line are not yet on the market—but Inspect their plat—then waltl ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES FOR SALE. Three cottages, two -rooms each, West Commerce street, $595 the bar gain price. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. Handsome new Golden Oak Roll-top Desk. ED. R. JONES. FOR SALE. City lot No. 95, one acre, on North street, lying on railroad. See the elty map, then eome to us with $385 lu your pocket. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. One-quarter acre lot on Tift street near Madison for $145 cash, or $25 cash, balance $5.00 per month at 8 per cent. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. WANTED. Capitalist to build 100 small cot- We will lease them all, with the privilege of sub-lettlng. Can sub mit land cheap.- ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. A first-class 4-room house and barn, waterworks on lot, in East Albany. Can lease It for one year. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. Three tenement houses. West State street. Price, $475 for the whole. 'Hurry up.” Figure Interest on your Investment. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. We offer vacant lots In and out of the city cheap. Will lease every house erected on them, reserving right to sublet. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. Rust cottage, next to waterworks, on North street; 5 rooms. This Is a bar gain. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. The Indoor Clrcue. The stago setting and electrical et- fects with the Reno & Alvord’s Sur- prise Co., and Indoor Circus, are un usually fine this season. The ward robe is said to be extremely brilliant and expensive. The company Is made up of a corps of high salaried artists and have been selected as carefully as an experienced manager can do. There is nothing about the Reno & Atvord show to criticize, except, perhaps, the lowness of the prices. eGt your seats reserved early, and watch for the band on Monday. Primes: Matinee, at 3 o'clock. 15 and 26 cents. Night, 25, 35 and 50 cents. Important Business League Meeting. There will be an unusually Import ant meetihg of the Albany Business League at the city hall on Tuesday night. Several matters that are Im portant are to be considered, and it Is sincerely hoped that not only all the members of the business league, but every business man of the community will be present. In Monday’s Herald will be given a more detailed Idea of the nature of the business to be considered. A Scientific Wonder. The cures that stand to Its credit make Bucklen’s Arnica Salve a scien tific wonder. It cured E. R. Mulford, lecturer for the Patrons of Husbandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles. It heals the worst Burns, Sores. Bolls, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds, Chilblains and Salt Rheum. Only 25c at Albauy Drug Co.’s drug store. Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal, Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron age solicited. Poorly Fitted Glasses that others charge you $5.00 for, we make a positive guarantee that we will give you much better ones for $2.00 and $2.50 per pair, fitted correotly. We make no mletakee. Patients are coming to us dally. Are you the next one? Our prices are right; our eervlce le better than anyone else; fair dealings. We are experts In fitting the eye. Gradu ate of four of the largest schools In the United States. We carry everything that’s made In Specta cles and Eye Glaesee. You will make no mistake In coming to us. Your eyes will feel safe with us. Examination and consultation free. The Leading Opthalmlc Optician, Phil Harris, Leading Optbalmic Optician. Iftix New Line , - i Jewelry, Watehes, Shirtwaist Sets, Collarette*, Gold and Filled Crosses and Neck Chains, Hair Combs, and all the latest styles of Jewelry, arriving dally. When down town come in and look us over, We al ways have so many pretty and new things to show you. Everything Engraved Beautifully Free. Phi| Harris, LEADING JEWELER, 'Phone 197. WMall orders will receive our very prompt attention. The trade extravaganza which will be presented at the theatre on the 20th Inst, promises to be one of the most interesting things Albanians have ever witnessed. In due ' time, announce ment will be made more In detail to show what may be expected when the entertainment Is put on. A large num- ( ber of Albanians will take part, and the number of Albany business firms actively patronizing the enterprise will be in excess of halt a hundred. The entertainment will be for the benefit of the proposed charity hospital. The best safeguard against head ache. constipation and liver troubles Is Dewitt's Little Early Risers. Keep a vial of these famous little pills In tlie house and take a dose at bedtime when you feel that the stomach and bowels need cleansing. They don’t gripe. Sold by Albany Drug Co.. Hllsman-Snle Drug Co. DRINKINGJUP is all very well if pou know what any good. A GOOD BAR like ours won’t sell any but good liquors. Absolutely pure liquors is what we argue for anil the only kind we sell. There no drinking up a bad lot ■ over this bar. We’ll supply you as you want it and it will always be the best. Call and see. Davls*Cxohang« Bank Building THE OFFICE Broad ■a .; 1: ■.. if : (i FOR SALE. One lot, 52% ft. by 210 ft., Broad street: part of Watson shop lot. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. ' We have four residence lots, corner j State and Monroe streets. These are | most desirably located In Albany. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. HEATERS For Less R. C. EATMAN. Who will buy our vacant land and erect 100 small cottages, from 3 to 6 ' rooms? We will rent them all and ■ pay a bonus, with the privilege of sub* . letting. | ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. It may be some time before the ef fects of the visit of the Rivers and Harbors Committee of the national House of Representatives to Albany are felt, but It Is the confident expec tation of Albanians that the time will come when good results will be real ized. Albany and Southwest Georgia feel that they are entitled to the Im provements of the Flint for which they are working. “All things come to him who waits," and we are pa tiently waiting. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup Is a new remedy, an improvement on the laxatives of former years, as it does not gripe or nauseate and is pleasant to take. It is guaranteed. Htlsman.- Sale Drug Co. Fresh Shipment WILEY'S CANDIES —ALSO— CHERRIES in MARASCHINO 25c 50c 75c S. STERNE, The Grocer. KOPPEL’S ANNUAL 1 commence TUESDAY, MARCH 906, at Morris Koppel’s Store. stock of Artificial Flowers'larger i ever, also Chiffons and Ribbons, be shown at New York eoet. The es are especially Invited to exam- the goods. Everything will be sold cash only. MORRIS KOPPEL. Ibany, Ga., Feb. 27. Are You contemplating investing in real estate? If so, the Jones & Smith Title Guarantee & Loan Co. are the people you want to consult for these reasons: They guarantee the title to every piece of property they offer. They are responsible for any defects in the title they offer. They have the most com plete list of desirable proper ties in and about the city. Vacant lots, nice houses, and cheap tenant houses for sale. See Wm. E. SMITH, Real Estate Manager Jones & Smith T. G. & L. Co., Woolfolk Building. FOR SALE. 75 feet by 210 feet on Commerce, near Jefferson street. The Ideal lot for a close-in residence. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. 256 acres three miles southeast of Albany. The S. P. & W. R. R., Georgia Northern, and Atlantic Coast Line R. R. run through this property. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. Albany certainly entertained the congressional committees, creditably yesterday morning, and no doubt the congressman took away pleasant im pressions' of tails' city. There was but one dark spot In the whole thing, and that was the miserable condition of the streets. The only street which was not about ankle deep In mud was Washington, halt of which Is still Im passable on account of the paving. If you are troubled with Piles and [ can’t find a cure, try Witch Hazel Salve, but be sure you get that made by E. C. DeWltt & Co., Chicago. It Is the Original. If you have used Witch Hazel Salve without being relieved It is probable that you got hold of one of the many worthless counterfeits that are sold on the reputation of the genuine De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by Albany Drug Co.. Htlsman- Sale Drug Co. GRAINGER & BARTLETT, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDER8, Dawson, Ga. Cost of Brick, 8tone, or Wooden Buildings Furnished. FOR SALE. One-fourth acre on Planters street. Very cheap, ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. ED. R. Q CLAYTON JONES. Attorneys-at-Law And Real Estate. Phone 408. 190 6 Improved New Home Sewing Machines Latest Style Doubled Ring, Boll Bearing. Lightest and best on the market. I swap for the old Machine. I will overhaul and (urnish parts, attachments and needles for any make of Machine. W. F. FLOYD, Mgr. , ’Phone 362, • ■ Albany. Oa. The Original Laxative Cough Syrup Is Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar. It expels all cold from the sys tem by acting as a cathartic on the bowels. Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar Is a certain, safe and harm less cure for colds, croup and whoop ing cough. 1 A Few interesting Bargains For this Week. The prices mentioned be low of these deisrable goods will meai to you a saving of dollars: 1.500 yards Embroideries, Edges and Inserting*. Exquisite as sortment, fine quality. Worth 15s to IT'/ic. This week at 10e per yard. 800 yard* Embroideries for 4</jo, 5c and 7'/fec yard. 70-Inch Table Linen Damask, well worth $1.25, will go at 78c per yard. 64-Inch Table Linen Damask, cheap for 95c, will sell at only 65c. 60-Inch Table Damask, fine quality, at 55c. 54-Inch Table Damask at 25c and 35c. COR8ET8 $1.00 and $1.25 for Royal Worcester and’ F. C. French-shape Coreeta, made of fine Contll and In fine Batiste, lace trimmed at top, very handeome, white only, per fectly fitting. Will tell this week at 78c. L. GEIGER, 71 Broad Street* IT IS VERY EASY To ride our wheels. A child can do it. > We have a fine collection of chil dren’s Bicycles which we are offering at special prices. Why not buy a wheel for your boy? It will provide a healthful pleasure for him, and the benefits derived will soon become ap parent. . EXERCISE Is beneficial to health. Do you know ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR 8HERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-electloa to the office of Sheriff c” Dougherty County, subject to white Democratic primary, and i spectfully ask the support of my friends and the public generally.' P. G. EDWARDS. FOR TREASURER, 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Treasurer of Dougherty County, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary, f spectfully solicit the support of friends and fellow citizens. H. A. TARVER. F9R TREA8URER. I hereby announce that l am a i didate for Treasurer of Dougherl County, subject to the white crate primary called for March 22. respectfully ask the support of friends and acquaintances, and pie my best, attention to the duties of I office In the event of my election. PAUL H. JONES. FOR COUNTYTREA8URER. I hereby announce my candid for the office of Treasurer of Do erty County, subject to the action the white Democratic primary, March 22. I most earnestly solicit supp from my friends and the publlo erally. P. E. TUCKER. FOR CLERK'iuPERIOR COURT. We are authorized to announce the candidacy of Mr. R. P. Hall tor re- election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Dougherty County, subject , to the white Democratic pri mary. FOR TAjTrECEIVER. Albany, Ga., Feb. 6, 1908. I hereby announce myself,a cnndl- . date for the office qf Tax Receiver I Dougherty County subject to the i lng primary, and solicit the support of the voters of Dougherty, County. 8. W. GUNNISON. FOR TA>TcOLLECTOR.'' I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Tax Cbllector of Dougherty Connty, subject to the action of the white Democratic pri mary, Mareh 22. I earnestly solicit the support; of the voters of Dougherty County for this office. J. T.’HESTER. No Case on Record. There Is no ease on record of a cough or cold resulting in pneumoo or consumption after Foley’s Hon and Tar has been taken, for It i stop your cough and break Up j of anything more pleasant and health- nufckly. Refuse any hut the gen-, ful than wheeling? It will tehd to ulne Foley’s Honey and Tar In a yel- ” 1 u —‘ J iow\,package. Contains no opiates and Is' safe and cure. HUsman-Sale strengthen the muscles of your boy and wifi heip his growth mater: B. F: SMITH. Co. ■MifM