The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, March 13, 1906, Image 7

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OTPMMiaCTMMBMMBMM»gllflMirarflKgggl - ' ; 7 i* >i'> .*>„Vt.O ■ ‘.fl the ALBANY DAILY HERALDl TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1906. shapely, pretty figure, and Married 3=$ m arn rn after marriage. Tha beat Women after marring*. Tha bearing of children is often daatroctiva to tha raothar’a ahapaltnaai. All of thU can bo avoided, oa, at All bawarar, by tha om of Mothar’f Prlend baton baby coni SE^acar^&RiacA: i r of child-birth, cod earriet tha expectant mother lately Aroogb without pain. It u a mt pain, of tha t thia critical period Tbouaandi gratefully fell aaa of thia wonderful remedy. Sold by all druggiiU at 11.00 per bottle. Onr little book, tailing all about thia liniment, will bo root free. woman a benefit and relief graataat derived a - -a. Lt 1_ iWK DuMttn |i Mother’s Ik BadUl Kmtitar Cl, ftfluti, fit Friend Albany is fast Becoming a City. We have recently seen the necessity of a towel supply system in Albany, hence we are now ready to place in every office in town one . of the most attractive outfits ever used in this business. If we fail to call on you, telephone ns. We have a good proposition for you. PHONE 39 New Albany Steam Laundry. li DISTRIBUTING DEROT FOR PITTSBURGH PERFECT” FENCES, ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. FOR FIELD, FARM AND HOG FENCING. THE ONLV ELECTRICALLY WELBE3 FENCE. EVERY ROD GUARANTEED PERFECT, Tue DURABLE Fence, Lone so STRONG, All latge "ires. •‘-Aft 41 - 1 * ■ -'- 1 LOWZSr COST. , aaJ .55 A-- No Wraps to hold' 5^ Moisture and cause adr* Rust "Pittsbubqu PBBrEcr” Fbnoiko, (SpecialStyle.) Absolutely STOCK PBOOF. We can SAVE YOU HONEY on Fanning. CALL AND SEE IT. - R. C. Eatman. HEATERS For Less R. C. EATMAN. Fresh Shipment. WILEYS CANDIES —ALSO— CHERRIES in \ MARASCHINO 25c 50c 75c S. STERNE, The Grocer. KOPPEL’S ANNUAL Gilt *H! Dpi Will commence TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1906, at Morrii Koppel'a Store. A stock of Artificial Flowera larger than ever, alco Chiffons and Ribbons, will be shown at New York coat. The ladle* are especially Invited to exam ine the good*. Everything will be sold for cash only. MORRI8 KOPPEL. Albany, Ga, Feb. 27. Are You contemplating investing in real estate? If so, tKe Jones & Smith Title Guarantee & Loan Co. are the people you want to consult for the§e reasons: They guarantee the title to every piece of property they offer. They are responsible for any defects in the title they offer. They have the most com plete list of desirable proper ties in and about the city. Vacant lots, nice houses, and cheap tenant houses for sale. See Wm. E. SMITH, Real Estate Manager Jones & Smith T. G. & L. Co., Woolfolk Building. GRAINGER & BARTLETT, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, Dawaon, Ga. Coat of Brlek, Stone, or Wooden Sulldlnge Furnished. ED. R. a CLAYTON JONES. CONDEMNED AS FOOD Attorneys-at-Law And Real Estate. NEARLY EVERYTHING WORTH EAT ING HAS BEEN UNDER A BAN. Watch the West End Syndicate. They are alive and progressive. You may increaae your wealth rapidly, If you follow their advice In Real Estate Investments. Town lots on the elec tric street ear line are not yet on the market—but Inipect their plat—then waitl ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR 8ALE. Three cottages, two rooms each, West Commerce street, 3695 the bar gala price. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. , FOR 8ALE. Handsome new Golden Oak Roll-top Desk. • ED. R. JONES. FOR SALE. City lot No. 95, one acre, on North street, lying on railroad. See the city map. then come to us with 3335 In your pocket. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. One-quarter acre lot on Tift street near Madison for 3145 cash, or 325 cash, balaace 35.00 per moath at 8 per cent ED. R. Sc CLAYTON JONES. WANTED. Capitalist to build 100 small cot tages. We will lease them all, with the privilege of sub-Iettlng. Can sub mit land cheap. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. A flrst-class 4-room house and barn, waterworks on lot, In East Albany. Can lease It for one year. ED. R. Sc CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. Three tenement houses, West State street. Price, 3475- for the whole. “Hurry up.” Figure Interest on your Investment. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. We offer vacant lots In and out of the city cheap. Will lease every house erected on them, reserving right to sublet. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. Rust cottage, next to waterworks, on North street: 5 rooms. This 1b a bar gain. ed. r. & Clayton jones. FOR SALE. One lof, 52Vi ft. by 210 ft., Broad street; part of Watson shop lot. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. We have four residence lots, corner State and Monroe streets. These are most desirably located In Albany. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. Who will buy our vacant land and erect 100 small cottages, from 3 to 5 rooms? We will rent them all and pay a bonus, with the privilege of sub letting. ED. R. Sc CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. 75 feet by 210 feet on Commerce, near Jefferson street. The Ideal lot for a close-ln residence. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR 8ALE. 256 acres three miles southeast of Albany. The S. F- & W. R. R., Georgia Northern, and Atlantic Coast Line R. R. run through this property. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR 8ALE. One-fourth acre on planters street. Very cheap. ED. R. Sc CLAYTON JONES. ED, R. ® CLAYTON JONES. Attorneys-at-Law {And Real Estate. Phone 408. Fram the Dir, of Adorn Thrro Has Been Not Ontr Forbidden Frail, hat Forbidden Meats and Vegetable!. Tha Peculiar Belief of "Totlmlim." From the days of Adam and Eve to the present time there has been uot only forbidden fruit, but forbidden meats and vegetables. For one rea son or another people have resolutely refused to eat auy and all kinds of flesb, fish, fowl, fruits and plants. Thus the apple, tho'pear, the strawber ry, tbo quluce, the beau, the onion, the leek, the asparagus, the woodpecker, the pigeon, the goose, the deer, the bear, the turtlo and the eel—these, to nuuie only a few eatables, Lave been avoid ed as If unwholesome or positively In jurious to health aud digestlou. As wo oil know, the Jews bave long bad a hereditary antipathy to pork. On the other band, swine's flesh was high ly esteemed by the ancient Greeks and Rotnaus. This fact Is revealed by the many references to pig as a dainty bit of food. At the great festival held an nually In honor of Demeter roust pig was the piece de resistance In the bill of fare because the pig was the sacred animal of Demeter. Aristophanes In “The Frogs" makes ouo of the char acters hint tbut some of the others “smell of roast pig.” These people un doubtedly bnd been at the festival, known ns the Thosmopkorln, nml bud eaten freely of roast pig. Those who took part In auother Greek mystery or festival, known as the EleUsIulu, ab stained from certain food and, above all, from beans. Again, as we all know, mlco are es teemed In China and In some parts of India, but the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Jews abhorred mice and would not touch mouse meat Rats and field mice were sacred In old Egypt and were not to be eaten on this ac count. So, too, In some parts of Oreece, the mouse was the sacred animal of Apollo, and mice were fed In bis tem ples. The chosen people were forbid den to oat “tbe weasel and tbe mouse and tbe tortoise after bis kind.” These came under tbe designation of unclean. But people have abstained from eat ing kinds of flesh which could not be Called unclean. For example, tbe people of Tbebes, as Herodotus tells us, ab stained from sheep. What Is tbe mat ter with mutton chops? Then, tbe an cients used to abstain from certain vegetables. Indeed, tlie Romans sneer ed at tboso Egyptians wbo did not dare to eat onions, leek* or garlic, and yet the Romans themselves were supersti tious about wlmt tbey ate or what they should avoid eating. In bis “Roman Questions" Plutarch asks,, “Why do tbo Latins abstain strictly from the flesb of tbe woodpeck er?" In order to answer Plutarcb's question correctly It Is necessary to bave some Idea of tbe peculiar custom and belief cnllcd “totcnilsm." There Is a stage of society In which people claim descent from and kinship with beasts, birds, vegetables aud other objects. This object, "which Is u. “totem." or family mark.' they religiously abstain from eating. Tbo tnembura of tho tribe are divided Into clnus or stocks, each of which takes the uame of some ani mal. plant or object, as the bear, tbe butTalo, the woodpecker, the asparagus, and so fortb. No member of the bear family would dare to eat bear meat but he bus no objection to eating buf falo steuk. Even the marriage law Is based on tilts belief, mid no mqn whoso family name Is Wolf may marry a wo man whose family name Is also Wolf. In n genornl way It may be said that almost nil our food prohibitions spring from the extraordinary custom gen erally called totemlsra. Mr. Swan, who was a missionary for raauy years In tbe Kongo Free State, thus describes the .custom: If l were to nsk tbe Yeke people why they do not eat zebra flesb, tbey would reply, "Cbljila"—1. e., ’"It Is a thing to which we bave nn antipa thy,” or, better, ‘lit Is one of tbe things which our fathers taught us not to ent.” So lt seems the word “bashllaug” means “the people' Wbo bave an an tipathy to the ieop'nrd;" the “basha- lamba," “those wbo have an antipathy to tbe dog." and the “basbilanlanzefu,” “those wbo buve nn autipntby to the elephant.” In other words, the mem bers of these stocks refuse to eat their totems, tbe zebra, tbe leopard and the elephant, from which tbey take their nmne9. The survival of antipathy to certain foods was found amoiig people as highly civilized as the Egyptians, tbe Greeks and tbe Romans. Quite a list of animals whose flesh was forbidden might be drawn up. For example, In old Egypt tbo sheep could not be eaten In Thebes, nor tho goat In Mendes, nor the cut In Bubnstis, nor the crocodile at Qmboi„ nor the rat, which was sa cred to Rii, the sun god. However, the people of one place bad no acruples about eating the forbidden food of an other place, and this often led to re ligious disputes and bad blood. Among the vegetables tabooed as food by the- Egyptians may be men tioned the onion/ the garlic and the leek. Luclcn says that the inhabitants of Feluslum adored the onion. Accord ing to Pliny, tbe Egyptians used to swear by the leek and the onion. Juve nal pokes fun at those who thought It a sin to eat them. He exclaims, “Sorely a very religious nation and a blessed peace where every garden Is overran with gods!” The survivals of totemlsm among the ancient Greeks are very Interesting. Families named after animals and plants were not uncommon. One Athe nian genus, the Ioxldae, bad for lte ancestral plant the aeparagu*. We may be'sure that this plant liras tabooed as food to every man, woman and child of tbe Ioxldae.—New York Poet Poorly Fitted Glasses that others charge you $5.00 fqr, we make a positive guarantee that we will give you much, better ones for 32.00 and $2.50 per pair, fitted correctly. We make no mistakes. Patients are coming to ue dally. Are you the next one? Our prices are right; our service Is better than anyone elee; fair dealings. We are experts In fitting the eye. Gradu ate of four of the largest schools In tha Unltad States. We carry everything that’s made In Specta cles and Eye Glasses. You-will make no mistake In coming to us. Your eyes will feel safe with ue. Examination and coneultatlon free. The Leading Opthalmlc Optician, Pkil Harris, Leading Opthalmic Optician. New Line Jewelry, Watohee, Shirtwaist Collarettes, Gold and Filled Crosse* and Neck Chains, Hair Combat and all the latest styles of Jewelry, arriving dally. When down town coma In end look ue over. Wo al ways hive to many pretty and new things to show you. Everything Engraved Beautifully Free. Phil Harris, LKAOINQ JEWELER, 'Phono 197. djrMall orders will reoelve our very prompt attention. i DRINKING JUP is all very well if nou know what . you|re drinking. When drinking to your health, if what you’re drink Is not pure liquor it doesn’t do any good. A GOOD BAR like ours won’t eell any but good liquors. Absolutely pure ]_. what we argue for and the only kind we sell. There no drihktng.up a bad lot over this bar. We’J ipply you as you want it and it \ " supply yqu as you want it and it wil always be the best, . Call and see. Oavie.Eaohente Bank Building THE OFFICE Broad 8ti A Few Interesting Bargains For this Weekl The prices mentioned^ be low of these deferable goods will meair'ffi you a saving of doll a 1.500 yarut Embroideries, Edges and Iniertlng*. Exquisite as sortment, fine (jlallty. Worth 15o to 17%c. This week at 10c per yard. 800 yards Embroideries for Sc and 71/ 2 c yard. 70-Inch Table Linen Oamaak, well worth $1.25, will go at 78c per yard. 64-Inch Table Linen Damask, cheep for 96c, will sell at only 65e. 60-Inch Table Damaik, fine quality, at 55c. 54-Inch Table Damaik at 26c and 35c. COR8ETS $1.00 and $1.25 for Royal Woroester and F. C. French-shape Coraets, made of fine Contll and In fine Batiste, lace trimmed at top, very handsome, white only, per fectly fitting. Will eell this week at 78c. U. GEIGER, 71 Broftil ritreet* ANNOUNCEflENTS. FOR 8HERIFF. I hereby announce my candldaoy fi re-eleotton to the office of Sheriff i Dougherty County, subject to white Democratic primary, and epectfully ask tbe support of u friends and tbe public generally. F. G. EDWARDS. m <•nj FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myself aa a I didate for the office of Treasurer of Dougherty County, subject to the a tlon of the Democratic primary. I r spectfully solicit the support of friends and fellow citizens. I H. A. TARVER. FOR TREASURER. . I hereby announce that I am a i dldate for Treasurer of Dougherty County, subject to the wjiite ~ orate primary called for March 22. I respectfully oak the support of my friends and acquaintances, and pledge, my best attention to the duties of the office In the event of my election. ■ 'PAUL H. JONES. FOR COUNTY“TREA8URER.' I' hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Treasurer of Dough', erty County, subject to the notion of - the white Democratic primary, March 22, I most earnestly sojlcit support from my friends and. the public orally. P. B. TUCKER. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. We are authorized to announce the -■ candldaoy of Mr. R. P. Hall for election to the office of Clerk of , the Superior CoUrt of Dougherty County, subject to the white Democratic pri mary. FOR TAjTrIcEIVER. Albany, Ga., Feb. 6, 1906. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Tax Receiver of Dougherty County subject to the com ing primary, and solicit the support of the voters of Dougherty County. 8. W. GUNNISON. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself aa a can didate for the office of Tax Collector IT IS VERY EASY To ride our wheels. A child can do it. We have a fine collection of chil dren’s Bicycles which we are offering at 'special prices. Why not buy a wheel for your boy? It will provide a healthful pleasure for him, and the benefits derived will soob become ap parent EXERCISE Is beneficial to health. Do -you know of anything more pleasant and health ful than wheeling? It will tend to strengthen the muscles of your boy and will help his growth materially. of Dougherty County; subject to the acUon of the white Demoo ratio pri mary, March 22. I earnestly solicit the support of tho voters of Dougheity County for this office. J. T. HESTER. B. F. SMITH. No Case on Record. There Is no case on record of cough or cold resulUng In pneumonia or consumption after Foley’s Hon and Tar has been taken, for it will stop your cough and break up cold quickly. Refuse any but the i ulne Foley’s Honey and Tar In a : low package. Contains no of Is safe and cu ■ ■