The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, March 22, 1906, Image 3
' THE ALBANY DAILY HERALDS THURSDAT, MARCH 22, 1908, We are propagating twenty-four .varieties and testing many others HE G . M. BACON PECAN CO., Inc DeWITT, GEORGIA. OVER 700 ACRES iSl GROVES AND NURSERIES. Gold and Silver Medals for Pecans, St. Louis, 1904. For Next Thursday in AI- bany—District Officers of Southern Cotton Associa tion to Gather Here. . There will he a meeting In Albany on Thursday, Mai’ch 29, a week from today, of the county officers of tlm local branches of the Southern Cotton Association, In the Second congres sional district. A call for the meeting hojs been Is sued by President Johnson. Here Is a verbatim copy of the notice which he sends The Herald for publication: Cotton Mooting at Albany. President M. L. Johnson, of the Georgia Division, Southern 1 Cotton As* sociatlon, has called a meeting of all the county officers of the local branches of the association in the Sec ond congressional district, to be held in Albany on Thursday next, March 29. President Johnson and the dis trict organizer for the* Second district will be there on that date, and a full attendance of all cdunty officers of the association as well as ‘all ‘others' in terested in the Southern Cotton Asso ciation’s great work, is urged. This will be a meeting of special import ance and significance, as the county officers will meet and confer with thp district organizer for the purpose of agreeing on the best plans for pushing and perfecting 'district and county or ganization, bo essential to the work which the association is doing in keeping up the price, of the' South’s great staple crop. There is no organization of the ’Southern; Cotton Association in Dougherty county, though there are a number of farmers who are independ- , r , ' , ent supporters of ths association. It is considered probable that as a re sult of the meeting here next week, to gether with the fact of the presence of President JohnBon, a local branch will be successfully launched, i PARDONABLE PRIDE—'We feel proud of the recognition of the merits of our products by the inter-national Jury of Awards of the greatest “WORLD’S FAIR” ever held. BUSINESS—We believe that by the planting of our Becan trees in more places, much future business must necessarily come to us. OUR CUSTOMERS—We already have customers in 30 States and Territories, as well as in Mexico; South America; Canada, Europe and Australia. » FILLING ORDERS—When your order is received it may happen that our stock of some of the varieties has been exhausted; if so, we will fill as near as possible with such other varieties aS we-have on hand. DELIVERED PRICE:—We Will Pay Expressage to all points south of the phio and east-of the Mississippi rivers. ' I FUTURE BUSINESS—With a view of making a wider distribution of our trees, (which will'bring in :future business) we have decided to make the following special offers for the next two weeks only, viz: Crossett Year Stocks One • of the many styles. Crossett Oxfords, “Stand Pat” last, combines com- ' ' . i .j , , fort and style. i2 ,J'rde^; i '$l l 2.'S'8v' i -'’' '•• •' 24 Trees, $22.57. ' " 50 Trees,"'$41.98; ! ... 100Trees, #72.96. . * . ,-v i " " • , I . Varieties—Atlanta, Bolton, Bartow, Centennial, Columbian, Egg Shell, Money Maker, James’ Paper Shell, Monarch (Mammoth), Stevens, Senator and Georgia Giant. NOTE—On account of the height of many of these trees (50 to 70 inches,and over) we reserve the right to properly prune them before shipping, as if we were going to plant them ourselves. 1905 Buds and Grafts on 2 Year Roots Albany Decorating Co., Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Wall Paper, Burlaps, Room Mouldings. Davis-Exchange Bank Building, Washington.St. Rumney Bldg. IPhone 393. WHEELER MEMORIAL, THE G. M. BACON PECAN CO DeWITT, GA. Special Rates to Atlanta via Central of Georgia Railway. On account of the above occasion the Central of Georgia Railway Co. will sell round-trip tickets to Atlanta and return at rate of one first-class fare plus twenty-five cents, tickets on sale March 25 and 20, and for trains to arrive Atlanta A. M. March 27, lim ited fifteen days from date of sale. For information call on nearest Ticket Agent, S. A. Atkinson, Union Ticket Agent: R. S. MorriB, Commercial Agent. 22-4t We cannot fill orders for Jess than one dozen trees at above prices, In Ordering Trees Men’!'] If the cold snap £a$ killed your garden, we have a fresh stock of, all kinds of seed. Come soon before they are all sold, i An other shipment of Golden Queen, White Queen, Golden Dent, White Dent Corns just received. 'ion the Albany Herald Values in Marble and Granite for artistic work manship, and the finest material in 2um, Vjocoa •. Matting and Linen Carpet A Scientific Wonder. The cures that stand to its credit make Bucklen’s Arnica Salve a scien tific wonder. It cured E. R. Mulford, lecturer for the Patrons of Husbandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles. It healB the worst Butob, Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds, Chilblains and Sait Rheum. Only 25o at Albany Drug Co.’s drug store. THE ALBANY SEED Headstones,. etc.,', try The Albany Marble and Granite Works. FOR SALE—CHEAP, acre, 2 houses, Broad St. Pays over 20 per cent interest. 22-2t NELSON & PEACOCK. ror Pianos and Brought Down the House. The Boy and the Cow on the stage Tuesday night, Was to the crowd a very novel sight. The Boy tried in vain to get the Cow to stand, But the Cow was not in humor, and he yelled, to beat the band: “This old Cow belongs to the Enter prise Storel” Of course, the little fellow was all in a flutter, , Or perhaps he might have said a little bit more, , ..y ... About .the richness and quality of the old Cow’s butter, The “Fox River” Butter, at the Enter- 1 prise Store. Only 35 cents per pound. GEO. H. CARROLL; Manager. Music W H. MILLER, Proprietor. NewJ Lot Jiist Arrived l Go to or write BBAMAN’S MUSIC HOU‘ 104 Pino Street, (Rumney Building.) Albany, Ga Something New in Life Insurance. In addition to carrying your policy from the 10iii to the 20th year for 5 per cent, of the premium, and If you die in that period no charge is made against your policy, you can, by pay ing 50 cents extra for each $1,000, be insured against total or pennanent dis ability from accident or disease, pre- miums cease and the policy is fully paid up, thus covering two risks for one premium. Come and see me. C. M. CLARK, 24-lmo Agent DRINK A . Femland Farms . Dairy Department Sweet Cream Rich Milk High Grade Butter Patronage Solicited . „ For Engagements Telephone No. 199 CARBONAJED BOTTLED EXCLUSIVELY BY Albany Coca-Cola JBottling Co Everywhere 6c The best way to rid the system of. a cold Is to evacuate, the bo-wels. Ken* nedy's Laxative Honey .and Tar acts as a pleasant, yet effectual cathartic on the bowels. It clears the head, cuts the phlegm out of the throat, strength- ; ena the bronchial tubes, relieves cough, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. . Sold by Albany Drug Co., HilB- man-Salo Drug Co. W. E. SMITH, GRAINGER &BARTLETT, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDER8, Dawson, Ga. Cost of Brick, 8tone, or Wooden Buildings Furnished, ; ' sS;r;' Attorney-at-Law, THOS. H. MILNER, Atlorno>;.al-Law, Room 811 Dnvlu-Exchnngo Bonk Room 4, Woolfolk Building. , Albany, Ga. FOR 8ALE|—A Kranlch & Bach piano, nearly new. B. Gardner, 105 Resi dence St 20-tf LETTUCE PLANT8 for sale to gar- - deners. Also seasonable vegetables. O. F. Cheatham. Building, Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. JA *<J;W INDSTINCT POINT sfijir