The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, March 22, 1906, Image 7
THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD! THURSDAY, ED. R. & CLAYTON JONESTTO MEET AT NEWTON Attorneyb-at-law FIRST MONDAY IN APRIL Every motl/er feels a great dread of the pain and danger attendant upon the most critical- period of her life.' ~ -v .... ... Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery. Mother's Friend is the only remedy, which relieves women of the great pain and danger of paternity; this'-hour which is dreaded as woman’s severest trial is>hot only made painlbss, hut all the danger is avoided by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent of gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing: Conditions are overcome, the system is made ready .for the coming event, add the serious accidents so Common to the critical hour'are obviated by the use of Mother’s ■■ n ||> /.bvEa Friend. "It is worth its weight in gold,” YS says many who have used it. $1.00 per IlHylllVI O’ bottle, at drug stores. Book containing “ " * valuable information of interest to all women; will CiiiAniil be sent to any address free upon, application to BRADFIELO REGULATOR do.. Atlanta. O*. HI iVlKfl To Pul the Political Machinery of the County In Motion. Judge • John. O.-Perry, chairman of the- Democratic Execptlye Committee of Jllalter equnty^ sends'to The Herald for publication’the following call: Newton, Ga., March 21, 190G. To the Executive Committee of the Democratic Party of Baker County, John O. Perry A Benton Odom, of the Eighth District, Jolin Kidd, and Frank Walker, of the Seventh Dis trict, T. H. Caskle, ,of the Ninth Dis trict, and C. A. Hall and Z. Chesser, of the Twelfth District: You are requested to meet at the court house, ll o'clock a. m„ on the first Monday In April next, for the purpose of putting fhe political ma chinery of the party In motion In this county, and to take up and attend to any 'such business as may properly come before the committee at that time. JOHN O. PERRY, BENTON ODOM, Chairman. Secretary. Watch the West End 8yndloate. They are alive and progressive. You may Increase your wealth rapidly, If you follow their advice In Real Estate Investments. Town lots on the elec tric street car line are not yet on the market—but Inspect their plat—then wait! ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. BY A SCIENTIFIC EXPERT. . Millions are affected with defec tive eyesight and only find It out when too late to correct. We fit glasses scientifically, with all the latest up-to-date Instruments. Our methods are the latest and best. We guarantee to fit where all oth ers fall, Of all descriptions and all the latest novelties In Rings, Stlok Pins, Watches, Shirt Waist Sets, Hair Barretts, Collarettes. When down town drop In and see us. H Albany is Fast Becoming a City. When you have eye trou ble, consult us. Largest experience. Better services. We are headquar ters, and the leading Opticians. We can save you money by consulting us. Examination Free, FOR 8ALE. 'Three cottages, two rooms each, West Commerce street, $595 the bar gain price. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. Phil Harris. We have recently seen the necessity of a towel supply system in Albany, herjee we are now ready to place in every office in town one of the meat attractive outfits ever UBed in this business. If we faii to call on you, telephone ns. We have a good proposition for you. Albany Decorating Co., Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Wall Paper, Burlaps, Room Mouldings. FOR SALE. Handsome new,. Golden Oak Roll-top esk. ED. R. JONES. LEADING JEWELER. ' 'Phono IS?. 'Mall orders will receive our very prompt attention. Rumney Bldg. FOR 3ALE. City lot No. 9&, one acre, on''North street, lying on railroad. See the city map, then come to us with $385 In your pocket. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. ’Phone 393. Leading Opthalmic Optici The moment you are out of Corn, Oate or Hay, ’phone 226 and It wlfl be delivered promptly. 22-3t There is a uniformity about the quality of the : : : | Wines and Liquors Which we supply that pleases. Every new bottle opened will be found equal to those Iprevi- ously used. Our stock consists entirely of high grade goods. They are of fine rich flavor, full bodied and well matured.. Even the lowest priced ADVERTI8ED LETTER LI8T. Albany, Ga„ March 21, 1906. ’The following Is a list of letters re maining In this office unclaimed on March Bl, 1906, Unless called tor they will be Bent to the Dead Letter office. Gentlemen’s List. A—Buelle Allen. B—Willie Brown, Solomon Brown, Mlbgo Belcher, Abner Belcher, S. W. Bealee, John Calhoun Bacon. C—Lerann Calhoun, Trim Colonn. D—Morgan Debro. F—Trust Fuller, A. E. Freeney, Oli ver Folkner, James -Ford, J.. L. Far mer. G—G. L. Gay. H—J. T. Harris, M. II. Hogret, Lub Harris, George Hynes/ E. F. Hudson. J—S. J. Joiner, E. E. Johnson, Rev. Albert Johnson, Homer Jackson, Bill Jackson. K—George King. L—Emms Lenrson, G. W. Lenoir, Dewitt Low. M—Baker Maker, Aaron McKinney, O. H. MUlor. C. G. Miller, Johnnie Miles. N—N. N. Nelson. O—Shine Oeletree. P—Warren Prince. R—-J. Rleves, • W. F. Renner, Dave Read. , S — Will Simond, Miles Stephens, Ben Stevens, Ralph Smith. I T—Joe Thame. Nolers Thomas. W—Leroy Williams, Willie Wash ington. H. A. West, H. L. Weston,! Mose Williams, Wllllce White. 1 ’ Ladles’ ( LI«t ' B—Miss Jane Bradley, Mrs. Hennle Bryant. Miss Bell Boot, Mary Benja min. Mamie Lan Bird. • C—Miss (Jennie L. Clark. Mrs. Len- nle Clark, Miss Ena Cook, Mrs. Lu- cendln Coaid. Mrs. Vennle Crump. D—Mrs. Nannie Duckle. . F—Mrs. Amanda Franklin. G—Fronle Gillan, Miss Nina Gill. H—Mre. Dasters Huggins. Mrs. Em ma Hollda. Mrs. Victoria Helkel, Mrs. Addle Hudson. / J — Miss Marietta Johnson, Miss Pinkie Jackson, Mrs. Lizzie JnckBon, Miss Ada Jackson, Mrs. Josephine James, Mts. Jimmie Johnson. K—Miss Suanna King. L—Miss Sarah Lawrence, Miss Sal- lie Low. Mrs. G. W. Lewis. M—Miss Cynthia Mathis (2), Mrs. Anna Mathis (2), Kalllne Montgom ery. Emnltne Morgan. P—Mamie Pool, Mrs. Elizabeth Par ker. R—Miss Margaret Robjnson, Miss Maggie Robinson. S—Miss Clara Scroggins, Mrs. El- vada Simmons. T — Mrs. Annie Tnyloer, Caroline Tarver. W—Idora Woodbrldge, Miss Willie Wilson, Miss Alice Williams. 1 Y—Mrs. Etlena Young. In. calling tor above letters please say “Advertised,” and pay lc tor same. n * H. F. BRIMBERRY, P. M. FOR 8ALE. One-quarter, acre lot on Tift street near Madison for $145 .cash, or $26 cash, balance $5.00 per month at 8 per cent. . ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. e w Albany Steam Laundry. WANTED. Capitalist to build 100 small cot tages. We'will lease them all, with the privilege of sub-letttng. Can sub mit land cheap. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. A first-class 4-room house and barn, waterworks on lot, In East Albany. Can lease It for one year. t ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. THE OFFICE ANNOUNCEMENTS. A Few Interesting Bargains For this Week. The prices mentioned be low of these deferable goods will mean to yoa a saving of d > a 1,500 yarat Embroideries, JSdgcs end Insertlngs. Exquisite as sortment, fine quality. Worth 15o to' 17|4c. This week at 10o per yard. 800 yarda Embrolderloa for 4J4<!, Be and 7>/.o yard. 70-Inch Table Linen Damask, well worth $1.25, will go at 78o per yard, 64-Inch Table Linen Damask, cheap for 95c, will sell at only 660. 60-Inch Table Damask, fine quality, at 65c. 54-Inch Table Damask at 25c and Most of the is or Id does and most of the world uses THE SHEHm-WlLUMS PMT- It’s made to faint buildings with, inside end oziistd:. It's mads ready for the brush. It's made for /come use and for practical painters too. It's pure lead, pure sirs and pure linseed oil, mixed by specially made machinery operated by experts. It's made for you. FOR SALE. Three tenement houdes, West State street. Price, $476 tor the whole. "Hurry up.” Figure Interest on your Investment. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy tor re-election to the office of Sheriff of Dougherty County, subject to the white Domocratlo primary, and re spectfully ask the support of my friends and tho public gonorally. F. G. EDWARDS. FOR TREASURER. I hereby nnnoupco .myself as a can didate for tho offleo of Treasurer o$ Dougherty County, subject to tho no tion of tho Democratic primary. I, re spectfully solicit the support of mr friends and fellow citizens. H. A. TARVER. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce that I am a can didate for treasurer of Dougliorty County, subject to the white Demo- ernte prlmnry called tor March 22. I respectfully ask the support of my friends and acquaintances, and pledge my best attontlon to the duties of the offleo In tho event of my election. , PAUL H. JONES. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. We are authorized to announce tbs candidacy of Mr. R. P. Hall tor re- , election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Dougherty County, subjeht to tho white Democratic pri mary. RECEIVER. We offer vacant lots In and out of the city cheap. Will lease every house erected on them, reserving right to sublet. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. Rust cottage, next to waterworks, on North street; 5 rooms. This Is a bar gain. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR 8ALE. One lot, 62 Vfc ft. ffly 210 ft., Broad street; part of Watson shop lot. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. We carry a full line of this high grade goods. Please call an£ see us, or phone No. 5 for color cards and prices. R. C. Eatman. 25 Washington street. Albany, Ga, FOR SALE. We have four residence lots, corner State and Monroe streets/ These are most desirably located In Albany. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. COR8ET8 •$1.00 and $1.25 for Royal Worcester anc^ F. C. French-shape Corsets, made of fine Contll and In fine Batiste, lace ..trimmed at top, very handaome, white only, per fectly fitting. Will sell this week at 78c. Who will buy our vacant land and erect 100 small cottages, from 3 to 5 rooms? We will rent them all and pay a bonus, with the privilege of sub letting. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. ALBANY DECORATING CO. An Absolutely Pure Linseed Oil Paint READY FOR THE BRUSH For $1.23 a Gallon. THIS IS THE WAY- One gallon Kinloeh Pigment $1.95 One gallon Raw Linseed Oil • • .50 Makes two gallons ready for use $2.45 OR $1.23 PER GALLON. FOR TAX Albany, Ga., Feb. 6> 1006. I hereby announce myself a candi date tor the office of Tax Receiver 01 Dougherty County subject to the com ing primary, and solicit the support FOR 8ALE. 75 feet by 210 feet on Commerce, near Jefferson street The Ideal lot for a close-in residence. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. 71 Broad Htroid. of the voters of Dougherty County, 8. W. GUNNISON. FOR TAX-COLLECTOR. 1 hereby announee myself as a cai , FOR SALE. 25G acres three miles southeast of Albany. The S. F. & W. R. R., Georgia Northern, and'-Atlantic Coast Line R. R. run through this property. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. POWER FOR ELECTRIC MOTORS Fresh Dally. Water-ground meal, grits and chops. Corn and-oats for sale, at 8hackel- The City Now Prepared to Make ford’s Mill. 3-13-tf Ra tes. didate tor the office of Tax Collector of Dougherty County, subject to the action of the white Democratic Pri mary, March 22. I earnestly solicit the'support of the voters of Dougherty County .tor this office. J. T. HESTER. ALBANY DECORATING CO B. GARDNER, Manage*. FOR 8ALE. One-fourth acre on Planters street. Very cheap. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. Everybody Is talking politics. Men are being buttonholed, and questions are being asked of nearly everybody on the streets, anent the race tor Treasurer. There seems to be a- good deal of uncertainty In the air. One thing Is sure. There Is* going to be a happy crowd In Albany tomorrow, and. there 1b going to be a gloomy one. Sbch Is politics, nnd ever will Notice. Is hereby given that the city of Albany, through the Waterworks and Electric Light Commission, Is now prepared to furnish electric power for motors not exceeding ten-horsepower, Inside the city limits of Albany, such power to be used only in the day time. Power for motors for small manufac turing enterprises or tor Industries of any kind not requiring more than ten- horsepower can be had upon most sat isfactory^ terms. For further Informa tion apply to WILtlAM LOCKETT, 14-lmo Superintendent ' Emerson & Westinghouse Ceiling and Desk Pans carried in stock.. * , ’ “ ■* ; j -. JjjJj Albany Electrical AND Construction Co. Opposite New Albany Hotel. Phone 393. Morris We«lo«ky,'PrMlden*. D. W. James, W. 8.BeU, j^‘s v K“' * Caalier. Aw’tCJMhier. First Rational Bank, ALBANY, QA. Morris Weslosky, D. W. James. President V^Pres F. H. Bates, Cashier, N. R. Dehon, Aeet. Cashier. No Case on Record. . There Is no case on record of a cough or co]d,Vesultlng In pneumonia or consumption after Fpley's Honey Capital I *$50,900 Surplus and Undivided Profits. 80,000 stop your congh and break up your I Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup Is a cold quickly. Refuse any but the gen. new remedy, an lmprovemcint on the ulne Foley's Honey and. Tar In a yel- laxatives of former years, as It does low package. Contains no opiates and not gripe or nauseate and Is pleasant Is date and cure. Hllsman-Sale Drug to take. It Is guaranteed. Hilsman- co. . Vva: Sale Drt >s co. ED. R. a CLAYTON JONES. Attorneys-at-Law And R’eal Estate. Phone 408. MONEY LOANED, $50,000.00 12,000.00 CAPITAL UNDIVIDED PROFIT8 Deposits received subject to Sight DrafL A general hanking business transacted. Bankers’ and merchants’ accounts solicited. Solicits accounts of firms and tad* vlduals.