The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, March 22, 1906, Image 8
TH* ALBANY OAKY HERALDS THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1906. CLARK & CO., COTTON FUTURE BROKERS. ALBANY, GA. THE MARKETS Members Leading Exchanges. Private Leased Wires to New Orleans, Chicago andJNew York. INSTANTANEOUS EXECUTIONS. Gibert & Clay.—Cotton, & Co.- Nbw Orleans Correspondents, . „ _ New York Correspondents, C. D. Freeman & Co.—Cotton. Chicago Correspondent, Pringle, Fitch & Rankin—Grain. New York Correspondentsy-Marshall, Spader & Co.- Stocks and/Bonds. Correspondence Invited Ideal 'Driving XOeather It’s hard to Stay in-doors such weather as this. It’p pleasant walk ing—-but to enjoy jrourself thoroughly get one of our stylish rigs and take a drive. Local Cotton Market Low Demand fair. Offerings light. Now York Cotton. Market 10 1* 10 1*8 01*8 March... Pm- Op'd High Low Olese Close 1070 10.08 10.70 19,88 1078 10.98 11.(0 19.01 10,91 10W fj 11.00 11X6 1008 10.01 10.08 October* 10.80 10.44 10.88 19.8| 10.87 Spots steady. Mid. 11.69. Sales 886. .' Futures closed barely steady 1 . Liverpool k due 8 down tomorrow. Now Orldano Cotton Markat Pi Op’d High Low Close Oloea May 11.04 11.18 —11.04 10 09 July 11.18 11.86 11.18 11.18 October. 10.82 10,41 10.28 10.81 December.... 10.86 10.41 10.80 lO.gS Futures dosed very steady, Spots firm. Mid. 1016-16. Bales —. COTTON PICKINGS. PsrBhbtd ler Daily Herald Readers by Clark & Co. Liverpool bulls bellowed loud early today, and prices on spots and tutares were 7 higher. The tone was, Ann; Sales, 10,000. i * —, \ Middling lq Liverpool Is six pence, or 12 cents per pound. Nothing but “bull whisperings” to be heard these days. The time will come when some of these wild bulls will he sufficiently tamed tp "eat out of one’s hand.” ' The average weight of bales this year Is 12 pounds less than last year. We remain firm In the bull faith.” —Miller & Co. £. W, Li'dingston tSl Co. . ’• y f • . : • ■ • r. LEAD/JVC LIVEHyMEJV. Liverpool Cotton Market Apr-May.. Op’ 2PM Prev. Close Close 5 82 588 5.82 6.77 5.85 5.84 5.84 6 79 587 5.85 6.85 580 6.02 5 02 5 62 6.67 gales, 10,000; Middlings, 6<1; Receipts 12,000. Futures opened firm and closed quiet. We may safely count on hearing from Harvie Jordan in the next few days. Then the market will decline. CO RN—W H E AT—M EAT. Chicago, Mar. 22.— Opening. Close. X COTTON COKE. COAl CARTER 4 CO. Warehousemen' 1 and Goal Dealers heat—May 77 1-2 >m—May 44 Oats—May 30 1-1 Pork—May. 16.27 Lard—May 8.32 Ribs—May 8.76 781-8 44 5-8 30 3-4 16.47 8.35 8.77 COME TO US FOR COAL. We Are at Same Old Stand on Pfne Street. We keep In stock Montevallo, Ollmaxr Tip Top and Bloekton, the beBt from the Cahaba, Ala., coal fields. Also the celebrated REX and other high-grade Jeltco coals. Accurate w eights and satisfaction guaranteed on til coal sold by ub. tsrAlso Hard Coal for Furnaces, and Blacksmiths' Coal. JOE H. MYERS. WM. E. MYERS. Mn.nn.Sar. C. F. FRYER, Sao'y 6. Trn.a. ALBANY GROCERY COMPANY When you do SMOKE, SMOKE 15be FFANKLIN 5c CIGAR, CORTEZ, 10c-15c CIGARS. , Better than other Brands. Albany Grocery Company, Wholesale Distributors. TO DELICATE WOMEN NEW ORLEAN8 COTTON LETTEa By wire to Clark A Co. New Orleans, March 22.—Early ad vices from Liverpool were to the ef fect that the buoyancy of the previous day’s session had abated somewhat and that after a healthy advance, the trade generally seemed expectant of a reaction. Options made a feeble at tempt to bear out this conviction, but the market’s undertone was too good to admit of any marked decline, and closing prices were 5 over those of the previous day. 10,000 bales of spots were traded in at an advancq of 7 points. The Amer ican rings were supremely Indifferent to any unfavorable foreign newB and prices were well up on the opening, an Improvement that not only held but Bhowed a material Increase as the day wore on. The rapid advance Is not wholly due to natural causes, man ipulation being a conspicuous factor, aggressive buying, accompanied by short covering, accounting for the mar ket’s steadiness throughout the ses sion, even though fresh selling ap peared from time to time. The demand for spot cotton of good grade Is reported from Texas to be unprecedented, and all such offerings are eagerly bought up. Locally, In the early part of the day, factors taking their cue from the advance In the fu ture market, were asking well above quotations for the limited offerings displayed, but buyers seemed to hold aloof, preferring to run the chances of a reaction rather than buy at the price of the holder. A disposition was grad ually Increasing with the day to view the present range of prices with Borne misgivings. Around the ring especi ally the attacking element was sup posed to have put new lines of short contracts. For our part we are rather Inclined to the opinion that while the advance has been somewhat justifiable, the same Iiub been sufficient for the time being, and we would favor the closing of -profitable transactions, believing that further, opportunities will bo pre sented for scalping operations on the long side when declines occur. GIBERT & CLAY. Run quick or not at all. THE WEATHER. Weather Forecast The following is the weather fore cast for Georgia for next 24 hours: Fair tonight and Friday; warmer to night in southwestern portion and on the coast Local Weather Observations. The following observations for the paBt twenty-four hours have been taken at the U. S. Weather Bureau at Albany, Ga., ,and are published for Information of the public: Maximum temperature 56 Minimum temperature 34 Mean temperature 45 Precipitation 0.0 River 10.4 Rise in 24 hours L4 Clear; northwest wind. A RHFflH YOU CAN'T EQUAL Try a Wise 8hear and you will Ilka IL It ha, a smoother cutting wigs than any other shear, and the blades stay sharp. The Wise Shear Is the standard pith the Tailor, the Seamstress, etc. If you must have a shear as a working tool, the Wise 8hear was made for that purpoee. Call and let us show them to you. SPARKS-SAXON Hardware Company. WARE & LELAND, i D. W. BROSNAN, Volunteer Observer. Indigestion Is much, of a habit. Don’t get the habit. Take a little Ko- dol Dyspepsia Cure after eatinfe and you will quit belching, puffing, palpita ting and frowning. Kodol Digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hils- man-Sale Drug Co. Albany Decorating Co., Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Wall Paper, BurlapB, Room Mouldings. Rumney Bldg. ’Phone 393. LOST HORSE. Suitable reward will be paid by the undersigned for return of animal de scribed below, or for information lead ing to recovery: Small brown horse; has hair rubbed off of tail about 6 Inches from body; hair also off above eyes, the result of shipping. Strayed from my lot in Arcadia Monday night, March 19th. J. A. MILLER, Albany, Ga. March 20, 1906. ALBANY, GA. ©s_ New York Cotton Exchange, New Orleans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Association,’ Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Stock Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange, St. Louis Merchants’ Exchange, Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce PRIME ms TO PRINCIPAL POINTS INSURES QUICKEST P OSSIBLE EXECUTIONS. Albany office Pine St., next to Pos tal Telegraph Co.’s office. Phone 68. I. J. KALMON, Mgr. DON’T RISK YOUR VALUABLES by leaving them in your house. You may lose them by fire or’ burglary. “SAFE DEPOSIT” is the best fire or burglary Insurance. Our armor clad safe deposit vaults are fire and burglar proof. Box rentable from $3 to $10 a year. Your inspection iB invited. XCHANGE BANK OF ALBANY. Contractors, Notice! Building Castings at competition prices. , Also Ma chine Castings, Iron and Brass. ' Of course our Repair Department is on the jump, but we are always ready to help one more out of trouble. 1906 Improved New Home Sewing Machines Latest Style Double Ring, Ball Bearing. Lightest and best on the market. I swap for the old Machine. I will overhaul and furnish parts, attachments and needles for any make of Machine. You will never get well and strong, bright,' hap py, hearty and free from pain, until you build up your constitution with a nerve refreshing, blood-making tonic, like Wane of €3rdui If you are troubled with Piles and can’t find a cure, try Witch Hazel Salve, but be sure you pet that made by E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. It is the Original. If you have used Witch Hazel Salve without being relieved It is probaole that you got hold of one of the many worthless counterfeits that are sold on the reputation of the genuine De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hilsman- Sale Drug Co. It Makes Pale Cheeks Pink It Is a pure, harmless, medicinal tonic, made from vegetable Ingredients, which relieve female pain, and distress, such as headache, backache, bowel ache, dizziness, 'chills, scanty or profuse. menstru ation, dragging down pains, etd; r: t 1 : It Is a building, strength-making- medicine for women, the only medicine that is certain to’ do yo,ii good.-.,|-Try ; it. Sold by every druggest in $ 1.00 bottles MINERS AND OPERATORS - IN EXECUTIVE SESSION. WRITE US A LETTER 0 h freely and frankly, In strictest confid ence, telling us all your symptoms and. troubles. We will send tree advice’ (iq plain sealed envelope), how-(p cure them. Address: Ladies’Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. . . • YOU ARE FRIENDS Of-mine,” writes Mrs. F. L. Jones, of Gelatin, Tenn.: , “For Since taking Cardul 1 have gained 35 lbs.,and am in better health than for the past 9 years. I tell i% husband that Cardul is worth its weight in gold to all suffering ladles." Indianapolis, Ind., March 22. — The scale committee of the joint confer ence of miners and operators went in to executive session again today to continue the consideration of the wage scale. The two. sides are apparently no nearer a settlement than at’ the meeting of February 2. W. F. FLOYD. Mgr. ’Phone 362. Albany, Ga. Correct Dress HICKS’ CAPUDINE MMEBUOELY CURES HEADACHES •ruts Up COLDS Ml Mi. Hi At In, ten Lfr; rf.H • ■ J^MES TIFT MANN Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Ventulett Building Doctors Are Puzzled. The remarkable recovery of Ken neth Mclyer, of Vanceboro, Me., Is the subject 9* much interest to the medi cal frateVnity and a wide circle of friends. He says of his case: “Ow ing to severe inflammation of the Throat and congestion of the Lungs, three doctors gave me up‘to die, when, as a last resort, I was induced to try Dr. King’s -New Discovery and I am happy to say, it saved my life.” Cures the worst Coughs and Colds, Bronchi tis, Tonsilitis,. Weak Lungs, Hoarse ness and LaGrippe. Guaranteed at Al bany Drug Co.’s drug store. 500 and: $1.00: Trial bottle free. The “Modem Method” system of high-grade tailoring introduced by L. E. Hays & Co., of Cincinnati, O., satisfies good dressers everywhere, All Garments Made Strictly to Your Measure I at moderate prices. 500 styles of foreign and domestic fabrics from which to choose. The Bacon Equipment Company, Albany, Ga. KOPPEL’S ANNUAL 111 Will commence TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1906, at Morris Koppel’s Store. A stock of Artificial Flowers larger than ever, also Chiffons and Ribbons, will be shown at New York cost. The ladies are especially Invited to exam ine the goods. Everything will be sold for cash only. MORRIS KOPPEL. Albany, Ga„ Feb. 27. D. NEUIAN, UNDER THE OPERA HOUSE. Just received and will offer for next week another lot of Ladies’ Collars,, which will be sold as formerly at only 10c. " J Represented bv S. B. BROWN & CO., Albany7*Ga! To draw the fire out of a burn, heal a cut without leaving a scar, or to cure boils, sores, tetter, eczema and all skin and scalp diseases, use Do Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A spe- ,cifio for piles. Get the genuine. No remedy causes such speedy relief. Ask -for: DeWitt’i * »,lie genuine. Has just received some very fine STRAWBERRIES. Also Fresh Pfckles. Sour Pickles, 10 cts. per dozen. Dili Pickles, large size, at 20 cts. per dozen. Sweet Pickles, 25c per quart. G. W. H. CARROLL, Manager. J. S. Davis. T. W. Ventulett J. S. DAVIS & CO. INSURANCE AGENTS against . FIRE LIGHTNING TORNADO. Agents of the Southern Mutual Insur ance Co. Office—Ventulett Building. 1 Phones—343—88—122—:— Ready-made White Aprons, 25c and 35c. Towels, the biggest bargain that has ever been offered, a towel 56 Inches long and 24 inches wide, at only 15c. “Your money back if you are dissat isfied with your purchase.” 7^/ 2 -inch Horn Combs, all coarse teeth, such that will not break when the ladies comb their heavy hair with them. All-over Laces, Edgings and Insert- ings. Torchon Laces and Insertings to match. And many other new goods. Come to see me. I’ll give you your money’s worth.« 0. Neuman, Agent foe May Manton Patterns. Moved! Mr. Jos. L. Rarey, the old tailor, has moved his place of to No. 98, over M. Crine’s stor Broad street. My Spring samples are read} spection. JOS. L. RAREY, The Tailor TV. ..