The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, March 27, 1906, Image 3

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.'Vr*. 'SlT&.f!' -''/v: C v - ; ‘•I’-' ■ V.m.' •..'?*•• THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD! TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1906. Is the Joy of the household', for without THE STORY OF A HERO, Mentally Unbalanced. Hg Aft BW v \\ it no happiness can be complete. How D lrr\ SS 9 B?» t sweet the picture of mother and babe! Angels smile at and commend the _ a, — gam. an thoughts and aspirations of the mother nfl fra I fcnl fcn bending over the cradle. The ordeal through W II fi 189 which the expectant mother must pass, how- ■f vA I WSs LUJ ever, is so full of danger and suffering that she looks forward to the hour when she shall feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror of child birth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother’s Friend, a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and renders pliable all the parts, and assists nature in _ _ __ __ its sublime work. By its aid l&M Ml “lg SR M 0 to® thousands of women have BrjjSj ISM H Erg SfS JA passed this great crisis in per-. Hv0 Hb? H HR HbSH feet safety and without pain. Sold at $i.oo per Bottle by druggists. Our book Bj“ |4| * B |Tffl Robert Bruce, the Scottish King, and ' What He Accomplished. Would you like to hear the story ot a hero? It was Just 632 years ago this week that the bravest ot hrave Scottish Kings was born. You have all heard his name. It was Robert Bruce. He waB descended from Robert de Bruls, a Norman knight who went with William the Conqueror to England In 1066, and who founded the illustrious family of Bruce, famous in Scottish, history. They were all fighters; of course Robert Bruce was trained as a soldier and spent his life battling for bis country. None of his family and few heroes equaled him In bravery. When Bruce was only 22 years old he was head of a large army, and Joined the - Scottish leaders In arms against England for the Independence He became one of "Why was Dr. Gruet expelled from the medical society?” "For unprofessional conduct.” "What did he do?” "It was what he didn’t do. He Aeg- lected an opportunity to perform an operation on a rich patient. Never resign yourself to suffer pain. Women’s pains are curable. They are the sign of dangerous conditions of the female organs, which should be promptly attended to or dangerous results will follow. TAKE » < of their country, the four regents of the Scottish King dom and was crowned King of Scot land at Scone on March 27, 1306. Then began the fierce struggle of the Scotch against the English. Bruce wasiat first overcome and his estates confiscated, and he was forced to re tire to the mountain wilderness for refuge. But two years later he had rescued the whole of Scotland from the English and taken possession of the Isle of Man. Though the English tried hard they could not ou^t the Scotsmen and the Independence of Bruce’ and his Kingdom were recog nized at the treaty of March 4, 1328. The greatest battle fought by Bruce was that of Bannockburn, near Stir ling Castle, when the English army of 100,000 men were totally routed by the Scotch, numbering 30,000 and 16,’000 camp-followers. The Iobs of the Scotch is said to have been only 6,000; while the English left 30,000 dead upon the field. 1 A beautiful monument to Robert Bruce stands today upon a high bluff overlooking the old battlefield which is now covered by well-kept villages and farms, with the winding Forth flowing between. The tourist may see the "Bore stone,” where Bruce' plant- The “CROSSETT” Shoes for men, in low cuts, com bine fit, comfort, style and service. PATENTS, BLUCHER, VICI, LACE AND GUN METAL, BUTTON, Albany Decorating Co., Paints, Oils, Varnishes^ Wall Paper, BurlapB, Room Mouldings. . Rumney Bldg. ; ’Phone 893. Incorporating a Marriage Monopoly. IT COMES TO WOMAN’S RELIEF whenever she suffers from any of woman’s biting and weakening pains. It not only compels the pains to stop, but It follows up and-drives out the cause of the pains, which prevents them from coming back. It makes you well. Try it. Sold everywhere In $1.00 bottles. “ WITHOUT A PAIN," writes Mary Shelton, of Poplar Bluff, Mo.i 11 1 c-n do my housework, although, before taking CARDUI, two doctors had done me no good. I can truthfully say 1 was cured by Cardul. I want every suffering lady to know of this wonderful medicine.” WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, In strictest confid ence, telling us all your symptoms and troubles. We will send free advice (In plain sealed envelope), how to Cure them. Address; Ladles’Advisory Dept., Th, Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Ten. “Mayflower” and “Quaker” For Women. PATENTS, BLUCHERS, WELTS, VIClS, $2.50 and $3.00 There is nothing that would add more to the comfort and appearance of your front porch than one of. the lovely Jim—I see that a New Jersey man has married over a dozen women In that state. Jack—Well, New Jersey Is the Btate where nearly all the trusts and mon opolies ’are chartered, Isn’t It? A. F. Churchwell, < ! -7. ...... • * f ission 1 wU, 1 ‘.I* ?-./? rf'i • r~i Dayis-Exchange Bank Building, Washington St. No Wood famine In Albany now. Barron gets It by tralnloads. Which we are showing. These goods will stand the weather better than anything else because they are already “weathered oak.” A three-piece suit, $12.50. Swings,' from $6.00 to $9.00. Odd Chairs, in both still and rockers. mr window. A Lightweight See display in Our Prompt Delivery and Special Attention to TELEPHONE orders makes OURS the nearest Drug Stbre : : : : 1 : ■ : <£ A Theory Shattered. If You Are in Need of Something QUICK I CONIDA Pure and Fresh CANDY Always on Hand. First Waiter—Didn’t that thin chap you won waitin’ on tip you? Second Walter—Tip me! Say, that bloke’s so darn mean that If he weighed himself I don’t believe he'd tip the scales. Albany is Past Becoming ■ a City. Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal, ‘Phone 367. Prompt aervice. Patron age (allotted. We have recently seen the necessity of a towel supply system in Albany, hence we are now ready to place in every office in town one of the most attractive outfits ever used in this business. If we fail to call on you, telephone ns. We have a good proposition for you. For Pianos and PHONIE 39 KKi NewJLot Just Arrived I Go to or write BEAMAN’S MUSIC HOUSl 104 Pino Street, (Rumney Building.) Albany, Ga New Alban Steam Laundry Very Impure. Dairy Department Sweet Cream Rich Milk High Grade Butter Patronage Solicited For Engagements Telephone No. 199 There is a uniformity about the quality .of the : : : : The Poet —I dare say you have heard of the proposed club for poets, r suppose It will have your approval. The Editor—No; I couldn’t hit a-pdet with a club; I usually JUst swear at them. . Wines and Liquors Which we supply that pleases. Every new bottle opened will be found equal to those previ ously used. Our stock consists entirely of high grade goods. They are of fine rich flavor, fuil bodied and well matured. Even the lowest priced wines will prove excellent table beverages. No Case on-Record. There Is no case on record of a cough or cold resulting In pneumonia or consumption after Foley's Honey The Advertising Manager—I sup pose you want this "ad.” to go In next to pure reading matter? The Advertiser—No; put It next to Borne scandal or divorce story. W. E. SMITH. and Tar has been taken', for it will stop your cough and break up your cold quickly. Refuse any but the gen uine Foley’s Honey and Tar In a yel low package. Contains no opiates and Is safe and cure. Htlsman-Sale Drug Co. Attorney-at-Law, THOS. H. MILNER, Room 811 Davls-Exohango Bnnli Building, Albany, (in. Room 4, Woolfolk Building. . I . ..I;** .V Albany, Ga. Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal, Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron age solicited.