Newspaper Page Text
A Scientific Wonder.
The cares that stand to Its credit
make Bucklen’s Arnica Salve a scien
tific wonder. It cured E. H. Mulford,
lecturer for the Patrons of Husbandry,
Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case
of Piles. It heals the worst Burns,
Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds,
Chilblains and Salt Rheum. Only 26o
at Albany Drug Co.’s drug store.
For Pianos and
Sheet M
J8S New^Lot Just Arrived! Go to or write
104 Pina Street, (Rumney Building.) Albany, Qa
. Femland Farm* .
Dairy Department.
Sweet: Cream Rich Milk
High Grade Butter
"Patronage Solicited
For Engagements Telephone No. 199
Albany Decorating Co.,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Wall Paper, Burlaps,
Room Mouldings.
"That leading mail doesn’t look like
an actor.” 1 '
. “No; and he doesn’t act like one,
Rumney. Bldg.
’Phone 393.
The weather has, a distinct touch of
summer in it We will be forcibly
reminded, now, day after day, that
the tendency of the mercury will, be
No Case on Record.
, There is'hb case on record of a
cough or cold resulting in pneumonia
or consumption after Foley’s Honey
and Tar has been taken, for it will
stop your cough and break up your
Cold guickly. Refuse any but the gen
uine Foley’s Honey-and Tar in a yel
low package. Contains no opiates and
ip safe and pure. Hilsman-Sgle Drug
Albany Houses
furnishing Co
The best way, tp^rid tbei system of a
cold is to evacuate the bowels! Ken
nedy’s Laxative Honey and' Tar acts
Si a pleasant, yet effectual cathartic
ou thebowels. lt clears the head, .cuts
thp phlegm out, of the thrmt, strength
ens the bronchial tubds, relieves
cough, colds, croup, whooping cough,
/tc. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hlls-
man-Sale Drug Co.
w. e. smith;
Room 4, Woiifolk Building;
Boom 811 i)AvJs-Eiclmng<i Hunk
Building, Albany, Go.
Is an ordeal which all
women approach with
indescribable fear, for
nothing compares with
the pain and horror of
child-birth. The thought
of the suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother
of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, ahd casts over her a
shadow of gloom which cannot be. shaken off. Thousands of women
have found that the use of Mother’s Friend during pregnancy robs
confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother
and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the
time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother’s Friend
Carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use
gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents * ‘morning
sickness," and other dis
comforts of this period.
Sold by all druggists at
$i.oo per battle. Book
containing valuable information free,
The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Go.
There is nothing that would add more to the
comfort and appearance of your front porch than one
of the lovely
Mission Suits and Swings
Which we are showing. These goods will stand
the weather better than anything else because they
are already “weathered oak.’ 1 ’
A three-piece suit, $12.50.
Swings, from $6.00 to $9.00.-'
Odd Chairs, in both still and rockers.
See display in our window.
S. A. y W. T.
Albany is East Becoming
a city.
We have, recently seen the necessity of a towel supply system in
Albany, hence we are now ready to place in every office in town one
of the most attractive outfits ever used in this business. If we fail
to call on you, telephone iis. We have a good proposition for you.
N e w Albany
Steam Laundry.
When You
Clean House
Throw away all
those old worn out
and dismal looking
pieces of furniture,
mattings, rugs, etc.
Sell them to the
setond - hand man.
Then come here
and replace them
with some of our
up-to-date furniture
and housefurnish-
Buy Now-Pay
Big Show Battle to Be One
of the Interesting Feat
ures of Exercises on That
Remains of Man Who Lived In Egypt
Before Menes.
Plans for a great military, day of
Chautauqua are progressing in an em
inently satisfactory manner.
In the past, Col. W. E. Wooten has
always had charge of the arrange
ments for military days, but his re
cent retirement from the active list
will cause him to take a les^ promi
nent part in the work of arranging for
the military features of the eighteenth
assembly. However, he will no? be
permitted to leave matters entirely in
other hands, and is already being
pressed into service by those who ap
preciate the value of his co-operation.
The principal work, though, is be
ing done by Major Wm. M. Wilder and
Capt. Paul J. Brown, the former one
of the battalion commanders of the
Fourth regiment, and the latter the
popular hew commander of the Albany
Guards. Major Wilder is an old hand
in such matters, 1 hnd Captain Brown
.Makes np in zeal what’he may lack in.
In conversation with a Herald man
yesterday afternoon, Major Wilder
Btat'ed that the entire Fourth regiment
Vould visit Albany on military day.
Not in several years has the regb
ment failed to attend the military day
exercises; and no exception will be
made nbpt month;
In addition to the twelve cotkpanies
of the Fourth, there will be others in
attendance. A number of invitations
.have been extended, and intimations
ihave been received that other formal
[acceptances will arrive in the course
jof a few days.
An Interesting organization which is
expected to attend is the Chatham
Artillery, of Savannah, one of the old
est military commands in the' South.
From what has been learned, there
appears to be little doubt that the
Chathams will come, and they will he
given a rouping welcome.'
A highly interesting feature of the
niilltary dqy exercises will be a sham
battle •'near the city. It win occur at
some place where there Is plenty of
room in the open, and will be partici
pated In by all the visiting commands,
The oldest body of any human being
now reposes in the Egyptian Gallery
of the British Museum, says the Am
erican Antiquarian. It Is the body of
a man who was buried In a shallow
grave hollowed out of the sandstone
on the west bankpof the Nile in Upper
Egypt. This man must have hunted
along the banks of the Nile before the
time of the earliest mummied king
which the museum ifossesses—before
the time of Menes, who was supposed
to have ruled Egypt at least 5000 B.
C. There were previous to that tlmo
two prehistoric races, one the conquer
ors and the other the conquered, from
which sprang the Egyptian race of the
earliest dynasties. IfMs with these
remote stockB that this man has to dq.
The patching,; of the paving work on
Washington street is going' on now.
The paving seems to have been laid
mighty well, and as a consequence
there is very little patching to do.
In some places bricks that have not
worn well are being taken up, and in
others, the conerete didn’t do its part.
The street is being looked over care
fully, and all defects that are, dis
covered are being thoroughly re
paired. The .Btreet remains open 1 td
the traveling public during this work.
including the artillery battery. This
will be a feature out of the ordinary,
and can be expected to attract _a large
number of spectators.
The visiting military companies will
be'entertained by the Albany Guards,
who will see that nothing Is left un
done to add to the pleasure of tjieir
Considering the. condition In which he
was found, It Is evident that he was
associated with a late period of the
new stone age of Egypt. He was
buried in a characteristic |neolithlo
grave, with his neolithic pots and in
struments of flint abont him. There
is, of course, no inscription of any
kind on the pots, knives or grave, all
having been made long before the in
vention of any written language.
No Wood famine in Albany now.
Barron gets it by trainloads.
Orlno .Laxative Fruit Syrup is a
new remedy, an Improvement on the
laxatives of former years, as It does
not gripe Or nauseate and Is pleasant
to take. It 1b guaranteed. Hfisman-
Sale Drug Co.
Dougherty superior court will con
vene Monday morning. The first week,
when civil'business will be taken np,
“will probabiy not prove a very busy
one, the docket being cleared in two
or three days, though the criminal
business may carry the Becond week’s
sitting through Friday. , ,
Albany Decorating Co.,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Wall Paper, Burlahs,
N Room Mouldings.
Rumney Bldg. ’Phone 393,
In the paBt the children of Albany
have derived great benefit from the
work of the physical culture depart
ment of Chautauqua, and the same 1b
proving true this year. Many a man
and woman in Albany who is strong
and vigorous today has to thank the
foundation that was laid years ago in
the physical culture classes of the
Georgia Chautauqua.
Buy fresh Lime, Cement, Fire
Brick, Fire Clay, Fire Tile, Lathi,
Shingles, all kinds of lumber and
mouldings, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass
and Fatty, Mantels, Grates and Hie,
Wail Paper and Paint! at '
You’ll Be Pleased
With a New Suit
Kirschbaum Clothes.
We show here a popular style—long, de6p
side vents—shaped body, showp in serges
and all the new patterns of Men’s Fancy
Suitings, including the popular grays;—
$10.00 to $20,00
A. F.
Davis-Exchange Bank Building, Washington St.
Ladies and Children
The formal opening of the Cold Soda Water season
will occur Wednesday afternoon, 4 o’clock, April 4th.'
Many new drinks, freezes and creams will be added to
our list. Cooling and appetizing, all being strictly
pure. - Pretty souvenirs will be presentad our friends.
An entertaining musical program will be arranged for
the occasion.
Wednesday, April 4th, 4 O’clock P. M.
Owl Drug & Seed Co.
Albany, Ga.