Newspaper Page Text
Maj Be a Styllnh '* One, Bat It Makes
A man usually buys a hat that’s “In
style,” but the modern hat for men has
lots to answer for.
Baldheads are growing more numer
ous every day. Hats moke excellent
breeding places for the parasitic germs
Which sap the life from the roots of the
Whep your hair "begins to fall out and
your Scalp la full of Dandruff it is a
sure sign that these countless germs are
busily at work.
There Is but one way to overcome the
trouble and kill the germs—that way is
to apply Newbro's Herplcide to the
scalp—it will kill the germs and healthy
hair Is sure to result.
■Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in
stamps for sample to The Herplcide Co.,
Detroit, Mich.
Albany Drug Go., Bosnia) Aventa
E. H. DENISON—Dentist.
Phono 413. Davls-Ex. Bank Bldg.
The April showers have already
Fresh Eggs, 20c doz.
Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS.
Phone 280 for Stove Wood and
The month of showers Is nearly
Spring Showing of
Not a Teacher.
The Guards assert that the prospect
Is bright for a great military day of
White Pearl Onion Plants for sale
by C. M. Shackleford. 13-dtf
The Atlantic Coast Line freight
depot is assuming shape. It won't be
very long in process of construction if
the work continues as rapidly as it
has this far.
The ElkB were In session until a late
hour last night, and judging from the
noises that floated into the street, the
members of this order must have been
enjoying themselvps.
The children of the physical culture
department of Chautauqua are settling
down to satisfactory work at the Au
ditorium every afternoon, under the
direction of Miss Smith.
An inspection by tlie public is
invited of the most complete and
imposing line of refrigerators and
ice boxes ever brought to South
west Georgia.
They contain dozens of new im
provements. They are ' 'ri£ht up
to the minute.”
See them before the line is broken'
by early buyers.
W. S. Bell & Son
“Bell Prices Ring True.”.
Weak Eyes made Strong.
See. Eye. HutchaBon.
See Dr.
I fit the masses with scientifically
fitted glasses. See Dr. See Eye Hutch
aBon.’ 22-6t
The sham battle which is being
planned for the afternon of military
day of Chautauqua should prove one
of the most interesting events of the
week, and will no doubt be witnessed
by a large crowd.
Fresh Daily.
Water-ground meal, grits and chops.
Corn and oats for sale, at Shackel
ford’s Mill. 3-13-tf
Twiggs, President. M. Weslosky, Vice-President.
F. 0. Tlcknor, Secretary and Manager.
Office Telephone, 80. Manager’s Telephone, 112.
Office, Second Story 3. B. Brown Building.
Dlreotore—8. B. Urown, Jno. R. whitehead, M. Weslosky, Jno. D.
Twiggs, T. M. Carter, A. W. tucker, F. O. Tlcknor.
Leading Insurance Agency of South Georgia, representing twenty-flve
Of the strongest Insurance companies In the world, with combined assets
of over two hundred million dollars, among others the Aetna, Home of
Now York, Insurance Co. of North America, Phoenix, Commercial Union,
and all of the stook companies organized in this State, L o„ the Georgia
Home of .Columbus, Atlanta Homo and Atlanta-BIrmlngham of Atlanta.
AH classes of risks written, large lines, special haznrds, farm proper-
,tjr and gin houses solicited. We Insure against Fire, Lightning, Torna
does. Accident and Health, Steam Boiler, Liability Insurance and Fidel
ity Bonds placed In the best companies. If. in need of any kind of insur
ance drop us a card or telephone any of the officers and a representative
will call promptly.
The children are looking forward
with regret (?)—don’t smile—to Chau
tauqua week, when they will be dis
missed from their books so as to be
able to enjoy and be benefited by the
exercises at the Auditorium.
Trade days in Albany will prove in
teresting and profitable—profitable to
the business men of the community
and to the people who come to take
advantage of what is offered in this
Office Boy
Good wages.
Cruger & Pace.
The soda founts are beginning to
work overtime, and the young
girl who comes down town these af
ternoons wears a thirsty look which
causes her best beau to promptly take
the hint. And the ice cream soda is
in all its glory.
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
’Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron
age solicited.
requires perfect plumbing. And the
beauty and healthfulncss of modern
sanitary plumbing are not to be Ig
nored. Just compare the modern
plumbing with the
"Just so,” yon say, “but the old kind
was cheaper.” Not a bit of it. Come
and talk plumbing to us and you will
learn better. Others have done so
Military Day of Chautauqua is going
to be the biggest and best ever, say
those mllitnry men in Albany who are
in position to know. More companies
than ever before have been invited
to attend, nnd it seems that a larger
percentage of those invited will ac
.apital Stock $100,000.oo
Albany will never be satisfied now
as long as the paving program is not
being carried forward, but for the
present we will have to wait. In the
not dlstnnt future it will be Broad
street’s turn, and then the other
streets in the business section will
get what is coming to them.
Phone 70 for ’North Georgia Block
Butter, something nice, at 30c’ lb.
The contractor^ for the high school
building, Messrs. i *ilittle & Phillips,
Cordele. expect to be able to begin
work on the building next week. They
have promised to put forth, every ef
fort to complete their contract before
the middle of next September, when
the fall Bchool term vrfll begin.
YOUR MONEY should give an account of Itself every day in the year.
The assurance of aifety in a bank deposit is ail right, but this is not
the only consideration. Not only ought your money to be in a safe place,
but it should be growing.
OUR TIME DEPOSIT 8YSTEM secures absolute safety, and addl
.jonally earns interest for you "wbHe you sleep.” Let us explain It
R. H. WARREN, Secretary A Treasurer.
Italy's Annual Cosl Bill.
Anticipating an Increase in the price
of .British coal in the near future, the
harnessing of Water power Is engag
ing the attention of Italy. There is
said to be 6,OpO,000 horsepower avail
able in that country: The British
conByl at Naplds says that the annual
coal bill of . Italy Is 140,000,000, most
of which Is paid to England.
Indigestion is much of a habit
Don’t get the habit Take a little Ko-
dol Dyspepsia Cure after eating and
you will quit belching, puffing, palpita
ting and frowning. Kodol Digests
what you eat and makes the stomach
sweet Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hits-
nian-Sale Drug Co.
He—I never kissed a girl before.
She—Then don't start in on me. I'm
running no training school.
Mayor Rawson held his police court
yesterday morning, and there were bo
many cases on the docket that it was
well in the afternoon before the court
was adjourned. ’There were no cases
of great importance tried, however. A
case, wherein it was charged that' a'
young man had been working here aB
a labor agent without a license, oc
cupied a good deal of the attention of
the court. The rest, for tAe most part,
were cases of drunkenness and dis
orderly conduct against negroes.
Albany Decorating Co.,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Wall Paper, Burlaps,
Room Mouldings.
Rumney Bldg. 1 'Phone 393.
This weather is almost pretty
enough to kiss.
Pop Knew.
ommy (aged 7)—Say, pop, what
road does the train of thought run on?
Pop—The Hot Air Line, Tommy.
The best safeguard against head
ache, constipation and liver troubles is
Dewitt’s Little Early Risers. Keep a
vial of these famous little pills In the
house and take a dose at bedtime when
you feel that the stomach and bowels
need cleansing. They, don’t gripe.
Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hilsman-Sale
Drug Co.
Trials of a Young Hostess.
“White Mountain” “Arctic
Two names that carry with them
suggestions of the best there is in Ice
Cream Freezers. We have them from
the two quart size to three gallons.
A lovely line of floral decorated
Water Coolers. Galvanized and
, enameled lined. From two gallons to
six gallons. See them before you buy,
The Steele Furniture and
, - > •
Hardware Store,
Easter is Coming
Are You Ready?
Our Neck
ecKwear an<
Bolero Exhibit
Telephone No. 156 | S. REICH I 96 Broad Street
; We have just received a beautiful
line of Ready-to-Wear Hats for ladies,
misses and children. These Hats
were selected with the greatest care.
To full appreciate this line of artisti
cally Trimmed Hats would be for you
to come and see them before you pur
A well dressed person, wearing a
well Trimmed Hat, is well .fixed for
Is one of the prettiest of the season.
The very sight of these novelties
causes a desire to buy. Our prices
are catchy.
A visit to this store will profit you. -
See Window Display.
Agent McCall Patterns,
We have a few hundred tons left over.
' 0V: ■
"Mary, bring Dr. Preachlt some
more Jelly.”
“Shure. mum, an’ I split the whole
lot on the pantry floor, mum, and yei
has oat all. I could scrape up, mum.”
W. W. PACE, President
W. M. WILDER. Seo. and Treat
A. P. VASON. Vice-President
T. N. WOOLFOLK, Managei*.