The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, April 06, 1906, Image 3
. ' ■Bp® THE ALBANY DAILY HERALDS FRIDAY APRIL 6 1906. MR. SAM H. TIFT FOR THE LEGISLATURE, SACRED CONCERT AT TEMPLE B’NAI YISROEL SPECIAL VALUES ... DURING.... I The only form of food made from wheat that is all nutri ment is the soda cracker, and yet—the only soda cracker of which this is really true is Uneeda Biscuit The only soda cracker scientifically baked. The only soda cracker .effectually protected. The only soda cracker ever fresh, crisp and clean. The only soda cracker good at all times. In a dust tight, moisture proof package. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Splendid New Organ Heard by a Large and Appreciative Audience. Announces His Candidacy, 8ubject to the Democratic Primary of May 16. The sacred concert given at Tetnple B’Nai Yisroel last evening was a most delightful musical affair, and was a perfect success In every respect The Hebrew congregation has just had erected in the Temple a splendid pipe organ, and It was heard by the members of the congregation and many others who had been attracted by the program that had been pub lished for this Initial Bacred concert for the benefit of the organ fund. The program, consisting of twelve numbers, vocal and Instrumental, was as follows: 1. Organ Prelude — Cantllene Nu|>- ttale (Dubois) — Miss Settle Sterne. »' 2. Vocal Solo—Selected^Dr. Denni son. 3. Violin Obligato — Consolation (Mendelssohn)—Miss Lillie Dom- nau . 4. Organ—a. Melodle In F (Rubin stein), b. Charity. 5. Vocal Solo — The Great Beyond John Carrington) — Mrs! C. J. Whitehead. 0. Vocal Trio—Praise Ye, from ‘At- V ttla" (Verdi)—Mrs. A. C. Plonsky • Mrs. David Bi;own, Dr. Dennison. 7. Organ—a. Meditation (Morrison), b. Romance (Wagner). 8. Vocal Solo — A Song of Trust Mr. Sam H. Tift announces through the columns of The Herald this even ing that he Is a candidate for repre sentative of Dougherty county In the lower house of the general assembly of Georgia, subject to the action of the Democratic primary called for the 16th of May, In connection with the congressional primary. It has been known for some time that Mr. Tift would make the race and. he has been malting a canvass In a quiet way. His formal announce ment will be the signal for greater activity on his part and that of his friends. About forty dayB remain be fore the primary. Whether Mr. Tift is to have opposi tion Is a question whloh will probably be answered In a few days. The name of one well-known Albanian has been persistently mentioned In this connec tion, but his announcement has not yet appeared. Mr. Tift Is engaged in the cotton business, and has spent his entire life in Albany. He is'a son of Mr. N. F. Tift, and a grandson of the late Col. Nelson Tift, Albany's founder. He la personally popular and in the event of opposition will be found an active op ponent. Our showing includes a vi new est weaves and colors, all specially priced 36 Inch Moliairs, in colors and gra ;s; 50c quality; special, per yard i | mT < 65c Quality Plaid, gray; 36 inches wide, /j ' Easter Sale Price, per yard... ’T* i 44 Inch Outing in plaid and gray^' $1.00 m valne; vEaster Sale Price, yard "i 27 Inch Taffeta; all colors; guaiSnteed; Spring Opening and Easter Said Price, Our showing in this line iibetter than ever and the prices lower, than eves * Yard wide Percale; remnants; special, yard...' ,7c 10c and 12 l-2e Quality yard'widqj'Percales; some French, Minerva and other bri ids in lot.... Sfcc Linen-finished Chambrays, Gingl ims and Mqdr ras; 27 in. wide; costs' 12 l-2e Isewhere;’ Eas ter Sale Price, yard. 9c EXTRA SPECIAL-CJiina anc Jap Silks jn all ?M1§§ 27 ih - Do You Use Paint? Most of the world does and most of the world uses Record, White Sherwin-Williams Paint The following prices talk 31 Inch India Linon, 7c qudlity 12 l-2c Quality India Linon... .’ Our 10c value India Linon, whil 36 Inch Linen Suiting, this sale ,i Irish Linen-finishedySuiting; 15c 36 Inch Sheay Linen Lawp. It’s made to paint buildings with, inside and outside. It’s made ready for the brush. It’s made for home use aqd for practical painters too. It’s pure lead, pure zinc and pure linseed oil, mixed by specially made machinery operated by experts. It’s made for you. Stabet Mater Georgia Chautauqua, Albany, Ga., April 22-29, 1906. Account above occasion, the Central of Georgia Railway will sell round trip ably filled, and the concert waB greatly enjoyed and appreciated. This concert was all the, more cred itable by reason of the, fact that it Special values in India Linons si . Sheer Lawtii ■ at....;. 1 We, 1 Sc, -i Their valuesiare: 15c, 25c, ; 5. . . 20c Quality Nainsook; Easter Sa .Price....... 10c Quality. Checked Muslins, 10 ards for I tickets to Albany at one first-clasB fare Tickets on sale April was rendered by local talent, Including Miss Settle Sterne, who presided at the organ, without much preparation or rehearsal. plus fifty cents. 21 to 28 Inclusive, final limit April 29, For Information, apply to nearest ticket' agent. S. A. ATKINSON, Union Ticket Agent. R. S. MORRIS, 2-td Commercial Agent. For an .almost Im promptu affair, It was a concert which not every town of Albany’s size could have given. Torture by Savages. “Speaking of the torture to which some of the savag„ tribes In the Phil ippines subject their captives, reminds me of the Intense-suffering I endured for three months from Inflammation of the Kidneys," says W. M. Sherman, of Gushing, Me. “Nothing helped me un til I tried Electric Bitters, three bot tles of which completely cured me.” Cures Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Blood disorders and Malaria; and re stores the weak and nervous to ro bust health) Guaranteed by Albany Drug Co. Price 60c. Washington St; Davis-Exchange Batik Bulldii TAX BOOKS NOW OPEN The books for receiving tax returns for 1906 are now open. As the state demands prompt return of digest, as law requires,’ books will be closed about June 1st. S. W. GUNNISON, *. 2-lmo T. C..D. C.,... IS OUI Strawberry ■ Strictly Pi :< 10 CENT >, And Or ; Strawberry Strictly | n 5 CENTfjs. Come and t& 2 5 Washington street, Albany, Ga, Cream Freize We. have just received another ship ment of Rambler, Cleveland and Tri bune Bicycles, and if you failed to get one out of the last lot you will surely find what you want in this one. This is the best lot of wheels ever brought to Albany, and they will be sold under a positive guarantee. We would be glad to have you call and let us explain why our wheel is the one you ought to buy. : B. F. SMITH, The Leading Wheelman, Pine Street. j’ Best Cream and F resh Catidy BOTT DRINK >NATED The greater your familiarity with to bacco, the greater your appreciation of Big Whistle. It has all the natural and scientific qualities necessary to make good chewing tobacco. ’ ALBANY F. O. Ticknor, Manager.- Directors: S. B. Brown, J..R.' Whitehead, A. W. Tucker, , . . . . EVERYWHERE s cents. J We thoroughly Sterilize 'very bottle before it' and .rinsed. Drink,-OnSy The Gijnuinij! .1 Marlf. i»: securely 'Sttmjped lipon every bottle. I; Jno. D. Twiggs, M. Weslosky, T. M. Carter, IT'S CLEAN AMP WU ife. THAT'S THE ALBANY COQA Exclusive Bottlers to tho Trade. ■ eat Insurance Companies, well known for their loss paying ability; among others the “Aetna,” Com mercial Union,” “Home” of N. Yr, “L; & L. &G-,” “Phoenix,” “Roy- ill,” “National,” “Sun,” and all the Stock Companies Organized: in Georgia) . W* avoid ‘‘wild cats,” Sf.>(AIbJ y, tobaccos made than those ifian- by Bailey Bros., Winston-Salem, ■oUna. NQT 1*1 A TRUST. mmm DON’T RISK YOUft VALUABLE by leaving them in ytiur house. You ifiay lose them by [fire,, or bur ‘’SAFE DEPOSIT"4s the best' fire or ffiirgliry insurance. .OflVamiio safe deposit vaults atp fire and bufglar Srodfl Box rentable Tromif8 a year. ( Your Inspection is invited. j J EXCHANGE BANK OF ALBANT? Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It la guaranteed Cores Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to take -and to writing Accident, lifedd 6t ahy' information re insurance telephone any of INDSTINCT PRINT l&Sag& I Hi ll iimsBBffiff