The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, April 16, 1906, Image 9

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A MOTHER indescribable fear, for nothing compares with the pain and horror of child-birth. The thought of the suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother of all pleasant.anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her a shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands oP women have found that the use of Mother’s Friend during pregnpney robs confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life df mother and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother’s Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, btit its use jrently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents '‘morning sickness,” and other dis comforts of this period. Sold by all druggists at $1.00 per bottle. Book containing valuable information free. lFk%M&irn The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. Shirt-Waists LAUNDERED FREE. This offer is not extended to you but once each week, and it does not mean that we will launder free a Shirtwaist .with every 25c worth of laundry, but that your package must amount to 25c or more. Our inten tion no\y is to keep this offer in force for some time—at least until the ladies of Al bany can be convinced that our work is far superior to all others. N e w r AI b a n v Steam Laundry. 'PHONE 39. If You Want a Stylish Turnout for Chautauqua week you had better give us ) 7 our order now. There’ll be a great rush for them later. Give your order now and we will reserve just the team you want. Li-Ving'Ston ’s Stahlv, HO B "BS, Vrop. . Fern land Farms . ‘Dairy Department Sw^et f ream RJch Milk High Grade Butter "Patronage Solicited For Er\ga.gemervts Telephone No. 199 ® CLAYTON JONES. Attorneys-at-Law And Real Estate. Phono 408. FOR 8ALE. 1,850 acres, farm and timber lands, Twenty plows on If. Annual rental 850 lbs. lint cptton to each, Plow. TOO acres of It In hardwood timber. r Three and one-half miles of .Central of Geor gia railway run through It. Located four miles west of Albany. Land suit able for cotton, corn, cantaloupes and general farming. .The.tlmljpr js wp.rtlj the entire price. Terms, one-fifth cash, balance 5 years, at 6 per cent Parties desiring hardwood timber will communicate with us. HD. R. & CLAYTON JONES. Attorneys and Real Estate, Albany, Ga. ■ FOR SALE. The Lonsberg residence, 8 rooms, 67x210 feet, Pine street; 2-room house on alley; waterworks, electric lights and sewerage. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALS. Four-room cottage, the Kirkland home, East Albany; waterworks on lot. j Price $465. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. Residence lot, 210 feet, on West brook avenue, 62% feet on State street. Price $750. ED. R1 & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE, Residence street lot, 62% feet by 210 feet. Price $550. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. ANNOUNCEMENT THE GEORGIA BUSINESS UNIVERSITY OPENS IN THE WELCH BUILDING JUNE 4,1906. Twenty-five per cent, discount given to tlie first 25 en rolled. The' latest and best systems of BOOKKEEPING and STENOGRAPHY in America [will beYtaught by ex perts. Three complete diploma courses. This institution will ask for a charter to grant ’degrees. Full and complete catalogue will be issued from press by May the 25th. SUBJECTS: Bookkeeping Banking Advertising Arithmetic Comerelal Law Correspondence Touch Typewriting Spelling Grammar Penmanship Shorthand EQUIPMENTS: Bank Mdse./Emporium Railroad Office Post Office Auditing Office Adding Machine Typewriters Office Desks Illustrating Boards Expert Teachers DON’T RISK YOUR VALUABLES by leaving them in your house. You may lose them by fire or .burglary. ‘‘SAFE DEPOSIT" is the best fire or burglary insurance. Our armor clad safe deposit vaults are fire and burglar proof. Box 'rentable from $3 to $10 a year. Your inspection is invited. , EXCHANGE BANK OF ALBANY. FOR SALE. Seven lots In Arcadia, $69 each; $10 cash, • balance $5 per month., without Interest. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE Fifteen lots on Tift street for $106 each; $10 cash, balance $3 per month, ED. R, & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE Thirteen lots on West Tift street, $65; each; $5 cash, balance $2,50 per month! ' ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. V t FOR SALE The Kaufman one acre and resi dence, Pine street. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. ED. R. a CLAYTON JONES, Attorneys-at-Law And Real Estate. Rooms 3, 4,and 5, Hobbs Building. Work to' be Done In Albany CrleB Aloud for Attention. There Is plenty of work to be done In Albany by that branch of the So ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals which, It was announced some time ago, would be organized lu Albany. Many have been heard to express the hope that the laudable purpose of the Iadlos who have Interested them- selyes In this enterprise would Boon be realized. There Is plenty of work for a branch of the society to do In Albany. This morning a party of gentlemen who were standing on Broad street had their attention directed to a horse that was standing In front of a certain store. The animal was hitched to a buggy, and the turn-out was- unmistak ably from the country. One of the horse's ankles was swol len to three times Its natural size. There was a running sore just above the joint, and a swarm of files buzzed about 1L The horse was emaciated, and showed numerous evidences of inattention on the part of his owners or keepers. It was an Impressive Il lustration of the fact that a branch of the S. F. C. A. Is badly needed In Al bany, and was by no means an un usual case. Let the ladles complete their organ ization. Their services are needed. Home-made Apple Jelly, 2 for 25c; other kinds, ,5c and 10c. Mdple-Syrup (In bottles). 2 for 25c. Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS Memorlea of Childhood. The Rooster—What! You're my long-lost brother? Get out! The Duck—Sure I am! Don’t, you remember when I tried to teach you to swim and you were afraid of the wa ter? Master Henry Dlerks, Sheriff Ed wards' boy, caught two trout in the Muckafoonee creek, just below the Power Company’s dam, on Saturday, and one Of the beauties weighed 4% pounds. A creek trout weighing 4% pounds is a fish which any angler might be proud to have landed. Henry fished from the bank and with a bob. Olara—He’s a kind-hearted automo- blllst, Isn’t he? Clarence—Exceptionally so! I never knew Mm to run over even a child unless he was In a hurry. The Dead Lakes Fldhlng Club Is looking forward with great Interest to Its approaohlng outing on the Florida lakeB. As stated In The 'Herald some time ago, the party will go down on a r|yer Bteamer early in May, remaining on the famous lakes about a week. Sbiim 13AX6SU "Romeo?" “Yes, Fido.” "Sometimes I’m pretty glad I’m a dog.” A good deal of attention Is being given the streets of the city this week, and they will be In good condition by Saturday. The available force of la borers Is being worked full time, and streets and sidewalks show the good effects. They Go Together. He. Playa Poker. Mrs. Jones—Why are you so often without money? Mr. Jones—It Is due to the way I was raised. Mrs. Jones—You mean reared, don’t you? Mr. Jones—No; I mean raised. Two Ways to Prosper. | Two kinds of business men are bound to succeed. We refer to the man who knows how to advertise and to the one who knows that be docs not know, hut knows enough to get ono who does know to write and place bis advertise ments for him.—Troy Press. Mrs. Bruin—So you thlnjt my young est cub has the hives? Dr. Monk—Sure! He’s been eating too much honey. You can’t have hon ey without having the hives. 1 Torture by Savages. "Speaking of the torture ’ to which some of the savage tribes in the Phil ippines subject their captives, reminds me of the Intense suffering I endured for three months from Inflammation of the Kidneys,” says W, M. Sherman, of Cushing, Me. "Nothing helped me un til I tried Electric Bitters, three bot tles of which completely cured me.” Cures Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Blood disorders and Malaria; and re stores the weak and nervouB to ro bust health. Guaranteed by Albany Drug Co. Price 50c. Call and see the latest Cllnoher Collar Supporters —Prevents the collar from Wilting. Phil Harris, Leading Jeweler. ! Take care of your eyes. We are the Leading Op ticians and make a spec ialty In fitting the Eyas. .. EYE8 EXAMINE FREE. Phil Harris / v J * ■ i i-' f &,»» Leading < Practiced Whnl He Preached.' Hills—Gruet snys that ho believes In keeping In touch with his fellow men. Mills—Well, there aren’t many of them ihnt ho hasn’t touched. - Correct Dress The weakest spot in every man Is where he thinks himself the wIsesL— Emmons. A Lively Tussle with that old enemy of the race, Con- tipatlon, often ends In Appendicitis. To avoid all serious trouble with Stomach, Liver and Bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfect ly regulate these organs, without pain nr dlscomforL 26c at Albany Drug Co. The “Modem Method” system of | high-grade tailoring introduced by L. E. Hays & Co.; of Cincinnati, O., [ satisfies good dressers everywhere. AU Garments Made Strictly to Your Measure . j at moderate prices. 500 styles of foreign - sad domestic fabrics from which to choose. Represented be 8. B. BROWN & CO., Albany, Ga. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY Arrival and Departure of Train* at Albapy, Ga. In Effect Jan. 8. 1905. DEPA RTURisT - * For Dothan, Floralla and Loek- hart 7:45 am For Dothan, Florala and Look- hart 3:50pm For Macon, Atlanta, Augua- • ta, Columbus.. Savannah.. 4:05am For Macnn, Atlanta, Colum bus. Montgomery, Troy, ...11:54am For^Mucon, Atlanta, $avan- ^ arrivals: From Lockhart, Florala and Dothan 8:46 pm From Lockhart, Florala and Dothan .....11:40am From Augusta, Savannah, Atlanta, Maoon.... 7:2$am From Montgomery, Troy. Co lumbus, Atlanta, Macon... 8:40pm From Atlanta, Savannah, Ma con, Montgomery, Cohim- bUB 11:80 pm ALL TRAINS DAILY. Drawing room sleeping oars bo tween Albany and Atlanta on trains arriving at Albany at 7:25 a. m. and leaving Albany at 9:1)0 p. m. Parlor oar between Albany and Atlanta on train arriving at Albany at 8:40 p m. and leaving Albany at 11:54 a. m. For further Information apply to S. A. Atkinson, Depot Ticket Agent or R S. Morris, Commercial Agent, A) hany, Ga. I. 8. Davis. T. W. -VentulstL J. S. DAVIS & CO. INSURANCE AGENTS against FIRE LIGHTNING TORNADO. \gents of th'e Southern Mutual Insur 1 ance Co. Office—Ventulett Building. 'Phones—348—88—122— We Herewith Offer a Few 1 For Next Four Days. A : rich assortment of brand-new Shirt Waists, In the very newest designs, fine In material and finish, beautiful embroideries and laces tastily combined with eheer white fabrics; worth 75c, $1.60, $2.00, $2.75, will go at 48o, 85c, $1.26 and $1.85. 20 piece* Long Cloth especially softly finished yarn, at fle per yd. Excellent quality sheer India Linen, 40 Inches wide, at 9(4c per yard.• A lot of fine, sheer India Linen from 8(4e to 15c. - New Spring Percales, light and dark styles, the 12>/ 2 c quality, 9‘/ 2 c per yard. j New plaid Ginghams, big assort ment In syles and colors, from 8(4 to 10c per yard. 71 Broad Street* m v. v — ■ ’ it . ii BR X O —MANUFACTURERS OP— Annual Capacity, 10,000,000