Newspaper Page Text
/ .
Johnstown,.Pa., April 17.—The wage
controversy of the miners and operat
ors culminated last night In a riot at
Wtndber, near here, resulting In the
death of three and a number Injured.
The town was patrolled during the
■night by armed guards. More serious
trouble Is anticipated today, but up to
8 .o’clock this morning nothing had
The shooting was brought about by
an assault on the Jail by striking min
ers attempting to rescue an arrested
comrade. Protecting Jail deputies fired
on the mob, who retired, leaving three
dqad on the ground.
The situation is so serious that
Sheriff Bagley was summoned from
Somerset, and an appeal waB made to
Governor Pennypacker for troops. A
train bringing constables from Green-
burg was delayed by a freight, and the
soldiers reached Wlndber at 4 o’clock
this morning. They are now in charge
of the town. The rioters, many of
whom are foreigners, had been cele
brating Easter Monday, and drmklng
Delegation from Savannah
Goes to Washington to
Protest Against Govern
ment Selling the Building.
8pSclal to The Herald. -
' w ’ • . i
Savannah, Ga„ April IT.—Savannah
yesterday afternoon, decided to send a
strong delegation to Washington this
• week to fight for the Marine Hospital
that has been built here, but never
occupied. Secretary Shaw, 1:
-of economy, has ordered the lujjpital
not to he opened. Hewante
ernment to sell It. There was -tj
tag yesterday; afternoon of the beads’
of the various trade bodies the
city officials, and a comjjlffee was
chosen to make the trip to Washington
and ask the Hpuse of Representatives
to hustle alone a bill that will opbn
thh hospital. Dr. W. F. .Brunner, Bar
vanuah’3 health officer, was to go, but
V he had to he. ta -MMedgevlUe to'attekd
We have in Stock the Celebrated
and invite Inspection.
One customer tells us he
hauled two car loads of freight
at one trip over an ordinary
Country Road.
We also carry
Grain Threshers
in stock in all sizes.
a meeting of the hoard In chdrge of
the Insane asylum, of which he is a
member, and so could not make the
trip. Mayor Myers Is in New York
now and will meet the committee in
Washington. If Savannah does not
get that hospital open It will’ be be
cause she has lost her pull. The effort
to get a sub-treasury station located
here will also he made this week.
But He Will Be on Hand During
Chautauqua Week, Even Though oH
The many friends of Dr. W. A. Dun
can will regret very much to learn
that he was the victim of. an unfor
tunate accident In his home city, Syr
acuse,; N. Y„ several days ago. In
some .sort of an elevator aocident, the
full particulars of which’have not yet
reached any of his friends here, Dr.
Duncan had a foot crushed. The ex
tent of the injury, other than that it
was extremely painful ag$' k?pt Dr.
Duncan ta hls bed.for a w«k.w;more,
had not been learned,- but U'letter re
ceived Dr. pun^^t^yVgtatps
that be if now.out $f.bed, although he
is eUmphlied tp use crutches.
While greatly regretting his unfor
tunate accident, all his friends here
will rejoice that It was not more seri
ous and wlfl be delighted to learn that
he will not be prevented from attend
ing the Eighteenth Annual Assembly
of the Georgia Chautauqua, an Institu
tion which he founded and no session
of which he has ever missed. Indeed,
it Would not seem like, a' Chautauqua
If Dr. Duncan were away;
Rev. A. S. Crapsey, of Episcopal D)o-
cese of Western -New York, to Face
Chargee. ■
Batavia, N. Y„ April 17,—The ec
clesiastical court of the Episcopal dio
cese of western New York convened
here today for the trial,of the Rev.
Dr. A. S. Crapsey, rector of St. An
drew's Episcopal church, Rochester;
on charges of heresy. This Is the first
heresy trial the Episcopal church has
had In years and Is attracting atten
tion throughout the country. The
charges have been often published,
and rest chiefly upon an alleged, denial
of the doctrine of the divinity of
Christ, as held by the Episcopal
church. Rev. Dr. Capsey has retained
Congressman J. Brook Perkins to eon-
duct his defense. .Owing to Congress
man. Perkins’ duties in Washington at
the present time it is possible that he
will seek to have the trial adjourned
until after the congressional session is
ST. PETERSBURG, April 17. — Maxim Gorky’s
reception in the United States is giving the Russian
government considerable concern. A high official yes
terday said that anyone — any people — should under
stand that Gorky is not a liberal nor a reformer, but a
revolutionist, pure and simple. Madame Andreva, who
accompanies him, is not his wife, accoVding to promi
nent financiers.
The Law Which Prohibits
Freight Trains Rtinningjn
This State on Sunday Has
Stood Final Test.
Washington, Aprir 16.—The Supreme
Court of the United States today dis
missed for want of Jurisdiction /the
case of J. N. Scale vst the State of
Georgia, involving the validity of the
Georgia state law prohibiting the run
ning of freight trains on Sunday.
Scale 1b the superintendent of the
Southern Railway Company, and as
such was Indicted, trl&d and found
guilty in Habersham county in 1901,
on the charge of violating the law. He
topk the ease to the Supreme Court of
Georgia, -which sustained the law and
affirmed the .sentence of the trial court.
He then sued out a writ oferror to the
Supreme Court of the United ptatep
on the ground that the law is repug
nant to tfie federal constitution,, but
that court refused to take cognizance
ot It
The djMk'li to leave lp forced
ftadlngCrttafGebrgla cdurt.'-: iS
Hired he Entire TChtSd- Attraction and
Wept Into tKe Ring Themselves.
Speclal to The Herald.
-Savannah, Ga., April 17. — It has
been a long time since Savannahlans
have had so much fun as they enjoyed
last night at the Shrlners’ Circus.
The members of Alee Temple liter
ally hired a whole circus and took
charge of It ■ themselves. They ap
peared In the .parade and last night
made their appearance qnfong the per
formers. They did some splefldid
stunts. It was not knpwn that they
were such gopd actors In the sawdust
ring. Potentate E. A. Cutts and others
prominent in the order wpro prominent
In the circus rlng'ak well, and held tip
their end of the procession In great
shape. Mr. Fred W. Harden also ap
peared, and the clowns were Messrs
Abe S. Guckenhelmer, S. E. Theus and
Robert L. Colding. All these gentle
men were recently to Waycross and
other cities, helping to get unregener
ates over the hot sands. All In all,
last night’s fun was fast and furious.
One More Victim of the Explosion on
the Battleship Kearsarge.
Guantanamo, April 17.—According to
reports here, another officer has died
as the result of the explosion last Fri
day on the battleship Kearsarge. Ten
sailors Injured by the explosion are
believed to be in a serious condition.
Indianapolis, Ind., April HA-The In
ternational executive board of the
United Mine Workers of America be
gan a session here today which Is ex
pected to last several days and develop
Important decisions bearing 'on the
present controversy between the op
erators and miners.
At Rawlings Theatre This Evening.
Show Bound to Please.
Old Man Rawlings Down on
the Newspapers.
Warned a Valdosta Times Reporter
that He had,Better Mend His Ways,
and 8a!d He Expected to Meet Many
Newspaper Men in Hell.
'* ■« •" ■ '■
From She Valdosta Time.... ,
A telegram from Washington today
announces -that the decision of the
United States Supreme Court has been
rendered, and that it is against J. G.
Rawlings and his pons.
Milton Rawlings, it is understood,
has written Attorney Cooper a letter
In wjitch he contends that his fattier
Is'insane and begs for mere)! for htm-'
self'and his ’brother, Jesse, both of
whom are, sentenced to die upap the
gallows -off May 4, two weeks from
A* Soon’ as this telegram was re
ceived;. ,a Times reporter ■'■ hurried to
the Jail to get an expression from the
'cdnfiiqnjned linen. Milton and Jesse
ibail;.;not.htag to sav and received the
message with mute Indlfferencd. Leon
ard hesitaiod a moment and • re
marked: v
"tVeil,. It' can’t be hope."
The father of the’ bdys-came out tit
his cell humming a tune and was told
the, decision of the higher court.
“It don't worry me a hit,” he said,
‘‘i had just as soon the hanging would
be tomorrow as not." I want to get
Before the reporter left the jail,
RawllngB admonished him and Bald:.
“If you don’t mend your ways you are
going to hell, too. In fact, I expect to
see as many newspaper men there, if
not more, than any Other olast of peo
ple.” '
“There are not many of them In the
penitentiary,” the reporter suggested.
"No, they ire sharp enough to keep
"but they won’t keep out of hell if
they don’t mtnd.”
Rawlings was sore over a publica
tion some time ago which hU thought
the Times reporter furnished, but In
which he was mistaken.
WASHINGTON, April 17, — President Roosevelt
today transmitted to Congress an important message
relating to insurance legislation, accompanied by the
report of the insurance convention in Chicago last Feb
ruary. , ‘ . 1 /
Convention Called for that
Date by Deputy Grand
Chancellor Fleming.
The Knights of Pythias of a num
ber of surrounding counties will as
semble in Albany on Tuesday, the, .1st
day of May, when steps will be taken
looking to the organization of a per
manent convention.
The Btate o:fr Georgia has been di
vided Into a number of districts, all
under the jurisdiction, of the grand
lodge. Albany is In the Fourth dis
trict, of which Mr. W. W. Fleming, of
Blakely, Is deputy grand chancellor,
The deputy grand chancellor has
selected the 1st of May as a suitable
data for holding the convention, and
Albany has been chosen, as the best
place for thp meeting on account o(
her geographical i position. The visit
ing Knights will be the guests while,
here of Artesian City Dodge No.' $0,
and proper entertainment will ho pt<7
Loss $150,000 — No Insur
ance, but Company Had
Planned to Insure Prop
erty Today., ,
}, ' 1 " ■ • ■ • ‘ % ’ »
Mobile, Ala., April 17.—A fire losg
estimated at $160,000 was'caused last
night by the destruction of the saw-
mlll and many thousand feet of lum
ber of the* Turner Company, at Vin
egar Bend, Ala. Assistance was sent!
from Mobile, hut too late to be of aid.
No Insurance was carried, but the
company had made plans to take puta
poltoy today.
House Almost Unanimously Votes ».
Substitute for Senate Bilk
Washington, April 17.—By a vo
almost unanimous the house natl
.. _ .-A.- . ...quarantine bill was substituted for tho
The lodges in the Fowth’ dlstrlet 8enat0 „ m „ the h0UB0 M
o thnflo nt Alhnnv AvHmvfnn TUnlrn. . ... ... -m.
Is Smoktag and Threatening to Do
Like Veauvlua.
The Guards’ Fantasy will hold the
boards this evening at the Rawlins
All who have seen the recent rehear
sals declare that, it will be one of the
finest entertalmhents Albany ama
teurs have ever provided, and in a
spectacular way, certainly the most
"Seventy young people are to take
part. They represent the lieauty and
chivalry of Albany, and will give the
public a treat.
Some of the prettiest music heard in
Albany to a long time will he sung,
and there'wlll be fun to spare. No one
looking for a pleasant evening should
miss this opportunity of enjoying one.
Prices, as previously stated, 60 cents
downstairs and 26 cents In the bal
Albany Decorating Co*
■Paints; Oils,Varnishes,
Wall Paper, Burlaps,
Room Mouldings.
Rumney Bldg. 'Phone 398.
Madrid, April 17.—It is reported here
that the “dormant volcano at Palma,
Canary Islands, Is showing signs of
eruption. Smoke 1b Issuing from thp
Cowes, Isle of Wight, April 17.—
King Alfonso arrived today to visit his
future wife, Princess Ena of Batten-
burg, who, with her mother, boarded
the Spanish ifeyal yacht some distance
outside the city. The landing royal
couple were greeted warmly by big
crowds. The king appealed personally
to the newspaper men to allow him to
enjoy his visit without annoyance.
are those at Albany; Arlington,-Blake
ly, Bluff ton, Colquitt, Oamllla,.Doertra,
Pelham, Sylvester and Sale City- All
hire expected to have representatives
at the Albany meeting on.tpe lst.df
May; ■’ 'tJ. tyhj
It Is the purpose of the K, of P. hil*
thorltie's in tho, state to encourage in
every wqjl possible “ ‘ ‘ '
veptlops, anfi every v
to hold annual meetings, 'it Is prob
able that’most ot these In thta district
will be held In Albany, owing to this
city’s central location, and excellent
railroad facilities.
Freight Thain Off Near Williamsburg
Blocks the Main Line.
There was a wreck on. the Central
road near Williamsburg, on the line
of the extension between Albany and
Blakely, this morning, and the regular
passenger train, due to reach thiB
point at 11:40 a. m. today Is Indefi
nitely delayed.
It Is usually difficult to gather Infor
mation about’small wrecks such, as
this one appears to have been. It is
understood, however, that the caboose
and several box-cars of the freight
which left Albany this morning Jumped
the track, which wfts 1 tarn up for a
considerable distance. The cars were
also wrecked.
A wrecking train, with a large crew,
loft Albany at noon today for the scene
of the accident, and the track will
probably be cleared some time this
afternoon. In the meantime trafilc is
Indefinitely delayed. It Is understood
that no one was Injured In the wreck.
hlU.wlil now go to confSrfence,
Go out-to the ballpark some after- '
noon and watch ^he 1 players qn whom ’
Albany Is placing hordiopes do a little
limbering up. Thware stlJJ a little
stiff, not haying’bad any work in .some ,
. - time, but will be in good shape,,to y'
; ,
No Wood ’ famine in Albany no-'
Barron gets it by trainload A
in—,., t..—
If you use any other
brand of paint, it. is;
proof conclusive that,
you do not know all tt - '
virtues of- 1
Atlanta, Ga., April 17.—The strike
\of the Bell Telephone Company line
men is practically- unchanged today.
Vice-President Gentry, of’the company,
said today that not more than 400 men
were out in the entire territory af
fected, and that only 1,000 were em
ployed to the district affected.
In Two Chautauqua Medal Conteata
Selected Yesterday Afternoon
Master J. Weiss Klere and Miss
Katie Weldon will represent Dough
erty county to the Chautauqua medal
contests next Monday.
They were selected yesterday after
noon at the Chautauqua auditorium.
The young lady who will speak for the
girls’ medal for elocution was unop
posed in her fcandldaey, and received
the appointment after she had been
heard yesterday afternoon.
Master Weiss Kleve and Master Ed.
Kenyon were the speakers for the
other place. Both favorably Impressed
the audience and Judges, hut the latter
awarded the place to the first-named
young gentleman.
dates for the other two places,
Dougherty county will have no repre
sentative to either the vocal or Instru
mental music contest
Unquestionably the , /
best paint for this cli
mate. Any good painter /.
will advise its use, be
cause it looks better and
lasts better than other
This is the best sea
son for painting. If
your house needs a fresh
coat, figure with us.
We can save you money.
Eull line of
Floor Points,
Floor Stains,
Wall Paints,
Roof and Barn
i a
Lead and Oil.
Much to the regret of County School
Commissioner Welch' and the Chautau-
jg *" ,u ’ **• ” “S Hilsman - Sale
•'. L: s&i