The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, April 17, 1906, Image 6
| INDSTINCT PRINT r THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1906. HAIR TELL8 CHARACTER. Color of H«lr Sold to Indicate • Per- aim’s Temperament. Many people believe that blonde, or light hair denotes affection and dark hair constancy. A person without hair la not devoid of character; far from It The disposition of the average' bald- headed man Is to show such solicitude for the welfare 'of others, that he neg- himself. A germ causes baldness. Prof. Sabouraud, of Paris, France, in- nocculated a rabbit with Dandruff germs, causing it to become totally bald in five weeks time. T6 rid the st$alp of thesq dangerous germs it is necessary to apply Newbro’s Herpicide. ‘‘Destroy the cause—you remove the effect ’ Sold by leading druggists. Send Mo In SSS!"’ 1 * t0 Th8 Herp,cl,le Co - Albany Drug Oo., Special Agents E. H. DENISON—Dentist. W. A. PITTMAN—HOT PEANUT8. Buy New Furniture J. W. DORSETT, Dentist, now In Davls-Ex. Bank Bldg., Phone 413. Easter cards are prevalent enough to be quite fashionable. Get a Bottle of j See Dr. See. Eye. Hutchason, SEE! Oh! I see, eyes are tested free." Fires were comfortable yesterday morning and again this morning. Why the Albany Base Ball Team should be named “Flint RocKs” 1st. It is hard to break. 2nd. It has fire. 3rd. It has ginger. 4th. It is a good chaser after high balls. 5th. It is a WINNER. 6th. It pleases EVERY* BODY. Hurrah for the This Is cleanlng-up week In Albany. Have you Joined the procession? There Is still a run on The Herald office for copies of the Chautauqua edition. This Week >the Last Chance Phone 280 tor Stove Wood and ,, If you are going to need a new Refrigerator or Ice Box thla sum mer, why not install It In time to add to the pleasure and comfort of your Chautauqua gueita? It la Impossible to houae-keop In the most satisfactory manner without a satisfactory refrigerator. < i What II a satisfactory refrigerator? ; 'Orte that economizes Ice, distributes a dry, even temperature throughout all Ita apartments, maintains a cold of sufficient Intensity to preserve everything under Ite Influence, generates no foul odors and does not warp. Is there a Refrigerator which meets all these Important require ments? 1 v , There le one —the “NORTH 8TAR." It Is the one Refrigerator about which complaint Is never made. It ij ae near perfection as' anything man can make. It la made In ail designs and interior finishes, and we are sole local dealera. We carry a full line. Brunswick-Balk These cool mornings hang on per sistently. It was fall-like again during the early hours of today. The Chatham Artillery will spend two days In 'Albany, Tuesday and Wednesday of Chautauqua week. Polish Collender Give Us your orders for hay. Fine lot No. 1 timothy arrived this week. ’Phonp 336. ALBANY GRAIN & PRODUCE CO. 3t and polish up the old furniture. We Bsl. . kinds, and either is good, Those who can sing are urged to Join the Chautauqua choir, and to join it now, so as to get the benefit of the training under Prof. Hallam. SOLD IN ALBANY BY ALBANY 'Phone 70 for new Dill Pickles, 15c dozen. W. E. FIELDS. ■ The Steele Furniture and Hardware Store, The Chautauqua chorus was organ ized last night under most flattering auspices, and the success of this fea ture of the Eighteenth assembly seems assured. F. 0. Ticknor, Manager. Directors: JnorD. Twiggs, S. B. Brown, M. WeBlosky, J. R. Whitehead, T. M. Carter, A. W. Tucker, FLY TIME. Keep them out with our wire screen windows and. doors. Complete stock on hand. C. D. SMITH. Representing twenty-five strong est Insurance Companies, well known for their loss paying ability; among others the “Aetna,” Com mercial Union,” “Home” of N. Yr, “L. & L. &G.,” “Phoenix,” “Roy al,” "National,” “Sun,” and all the Stock Companies Organized in Georgia. We avoid “wild cats,” and are not hampered with “side lines.” Our business is strictly con fined to insurance against Fire, Cy clones—and to writing Accident, Health, Plate Glass and Boiler fn- shrance and Fidelity Bonds. If in need of any information re garding Insurance telephone any of the officers. There will be special rates In effect next week on roads leading to Albany, and these will be taken advantage of by the people of this entire section. Thousands are coming to Chautauqua. 3 S. REICH | 96 Broad Street Do You Use Paint? We Cannot Brinson ft Co., Wood and Coal, ’Phone 367. Promot service, Patron- ago solicited. , Most of the world does and most of the world uses ofm The people -are telling us that the Chautauqua edition of The Herald, Is sued on Sui(day morning, gives Al bany and the Georgia Chautauqua the biggest advertisement they have ever had. ' Sherwin-Williams Paint We merely offer you Lines that have not alone in trinsic Values, but the best selling Values. Lines that are Popular, aijd make quick and satisfactory returns, in short, the Best All-around Lines of Gents’ Furnish ings for the Consumer. It’s made to paint buildings with, inside and outside. It’s made ready for the brush. It’s made for home use and for practical painters too. It’s pure lead, pure, zinc and pure linseed oil, mixed by specially made machinery operated by experts.' It’s made for you. UNDER THE OPERA H0U8E, Brinson ft Co., Wood and Coal, ’Phone 367. Prompt aervlce. Patron age solicited. ’ ■ Just received and will offer for next week another lot of Ladles’ Collar*, which will be aold as formerly at only 10c. Ready-made White Aprons, 26c and 35c, Towels, the biggest bargain that has ever been offered, a towel 56 Inohe* long and 24 inches wide, at only 15c. “Your money back If you are dissat isfied with your purchase." 714-inch Horn Combs, all coarse teeth, such that will not break when the ladles comb their heavy hair with them. All-over Laces, Edgings and insert Inge. Torchon Laces and Insertlnge to match. And many other new goods. Come to see me. I’ll give you your money’s worth. A well Selected line of Shirts from A oltlzon who had just had a collis ion with another pedestrian stopped a Herald street' yesterday afternoon to suggest that Albany was getting to he big ; enough for her peo ple to begin to learn to “keep to the A “Thin” selection of Underwear $5.00 Per Ton Carbon Hill Coal. Cruger & Pace. We carry a full 'lifte of this high grade gdods. Please call and see us,-or phone No. 5 for color cards and prices. , The prettiest line of Neckwear that will be shown this seassn Albany will be long on conventions In May. The district convention of the Knights of Pythias comes on the first of the month, the state conven tion of the T. P. A.’s on the'3rd, and the Btate convention of Elk’s on the 29th. ' i C. Eatman 25 Washington street, Albany, Ga, Agent for May Manton Patterns. Just received shipment North Geor gia block butter, an excellent butter at a moderate charge—30c lb. Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS. rn, A W. Muse, Idem. V.-Presl J, JP, Munnerlyn, Cashier, The swellest of the season Something Entirely New . . . S. REICH The Eighteenth assembly chorus made a splendid beginning last night, and the indications point almost un mistakably to the greatest musical features in the history of the move- ! ment. In point of numbers the chorus 1 will he the largest in years, and an 1 j enthusiasm was manifested at the ! \ opening practice last night which proved exceedingly gratifying to those who are interested In Chautauqua’s success. Of ALBANY. GA. OpoDsd BuGlntidt? dept. Otb, IBOO Agent McCall Patterns. The Vudor Chair Hammock combines the luxurious comfort of a big easy chair, or the restful ease of a well upholstered couch, with the gentle motion of a hammock. Stop in and let us shpw them to you. New lot Vudor Porch Shades just received. CAPITAL 8URPLUS Parties Wishing to Sell Their Next Season Every facility lu the banking busi ness offered to customers. Savings Department. Interest Allow,d .90 Tims Deposits. An Essential To PORCH-COMFORT TRAOC MARK A tale of horror was told by marks of human blood In the home of J. W. Williams, a well-known merchant of Bac, Ky. He writes: "Twenty years ago I had severe hemorrhages of the lungs, and was near death when I be gan taking Dr. King’s New Discovery. It completely cured me and I have re mained well ever since.” It cures Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs, Set tled Colds and Bronchitis, and Is the only known cure for Weak Lungs. Every bottle guaranteed by Albany Drug Co.. Druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. SEE ALBANY WAREHOUSE COMPANY, To draw the fire out of a bum, heal a cut without leaving a scar, or to cure bollk, sores, tetter, eeiejna and all akin and scalp diseases, use DeWltt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A spe cific for piles. Get the genuine. No remedy canses such speedy relief. Ask for DeWltt’s-. ibe genuine. A. P. VASON, Vice-President T. N. WOOLFOLK. ManagsR. 1