The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, April 18, 1906, Image 3

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Bonds to Amount of Two
Billion Dollars to be Is
sued for Improvements
and Betterments.
Good Progress Now Being
Made—Long Bank Beipg
Cut Away by a Steam
If you have never used a' Bell Tele
phone in your office or in your home have
one or more installed—you’ll soon wonder
how you did without it. You will become
a part of the busy, active world. The time
you save, the results you obtain, the peace
of mind you enjoy, will more than pay
for the service.
Order one in now.
Contract Department, No. 400.
Richmond, Va.; April '18.—At their
special meeting Ip session here today
the stockholders of the Sonthern Rail
way Company are expected to author
ize the Issue' of $2,000,000,000 fifty-
year 4' per cent, bonds. The lssuo of
the bonds Is part of the general
scheme for developing and strengthen
ing the lines of the Bystem.
Of the total amount, $16,000,000 Is to
be Issued immediately for the follow.
Ing purposes: $4,902,774 to refund
payments for equipment heretofore
made and charged to capital; $3,000,-
000 to refund Investments In securities
of an advance to subordinate compan
ies heretofore made and for the ac
quisition of property not heretofore
funded, and $6,530,220 for double track,'
revision of grade, new yards, shops;
The remainder of $186,000,000 will
be reserved for the following purposes;
$31,168,000 to retire divisional prior
lien bonds on properties acquired for
which np provision Is made In the con
solidated mortgage; $10,000,000 to re
tire not later than April 1, 1909, col-
218,008,000 to retire,
There are few- busier places here
abouts than the Albany yards of the
Central of Georgia railway at the
.points where work of Improvement Is
now In progress.
A few hundred yards above the ice
factory, at a point about opposite the
ball park, a big stenin shovel Is at
work. This giant machine Is eating
Its way through a high bank of red
clay, loading car after car wltlj,dlrt to
be hauled away to various points
where It Is needed In construction
work which calls for filling.
The embankment mentioned extends
from the Ice factory to a point about
opposite the Bacon Equipment Com
pany’s machine shops, and Is between
the main line of the Central of Geor
gia on the one side and those of the
Albany & Northern, Seaboard Air Line
and Georgia Northern on tho other.
The embankment Is being cut away
to enable the Central to lay four tracks
additional to those already In service.
These tracks wlll be a part of the ex
tensive Improvements decided upon
by the Central several months ago,
necessity for which had become so
great that they could hot longeT be
The steam shovel Is a wonderful
machine, as those who have seen one
at work are well aware, and that which
the Central Is operating here Just now
is doing work which would otherwise
require an immense force of laborers.
It wilt be but a comparatively short
time before the necessary excavations
Ypur Summer Suit
lateral trust 6s;
as they, mature In the next fifteen
years, 'equipment capital obligations;
$10,000,000 to acquire capital stocks of
certain leased lines; $10,000,000 to pay
not later than July 1, 1908, for the
eastern division of the Tennessee Cen
tral and Immediate Improvements.
After' provisions for the foregoing
obligations are made there will be left
$99,834,000, which. Will, be used for fu
ture acquisitions and betterments.
To obtain the bonds a new general
mortgage Is to be created, which will
be made to the Standard Trust Com
pany of New York, and- secured by a
prior Hen upon additional property
acquired since the creation of the first
consolidated mortgage In 1894, and on
properties covered by existing divis
ional prior lien mortgages which the
new bonds are to refund.
NO. 1>.
Lv. Savannah ...7-.16am S.A.L.Ry
Lv. Atlanta 8:00am C. ofGa Ry
Lv. Macon 11:30am G. S. & F.Ry
Lv. Jacksonville 8:00am G. S. & F.Rj
Lv. Cordele 2:10pm
Ar. Albany 3:35pm
NO. 18.
Lv. Albany ...,12:00noon
Ar. Cordele 1:25pm
Ar. Savannah ...8:00pm S.A.L.Ry
Ar. Maoon 4:20pm G. S. & F.Ry
Ar. Jacksonville 8:00pm G. S. &F.Ry
Ar. Atlanta 7:50pm C.-of Ga. Ry
Spring Suits are either single or double breasted,
and broad shonlders; straight front; thirty-two or thirty-
three inches in-length.
The materials in the suits are fancy worsteds,
cheviots, cassimeres and serges.
Specially gray in all popular shades.
NO. 15.
..6:46am G.S.&F.R,
...6:30am 8. A. L. Ry
Lv. Macon
Lv. Helena
Lv. Cordele
Ar. Albany
Lj7. Albany
Ar. Cordele
Ar. Macon
Ar. Helena
Two Specials
will have been completed, and the lay
ing of the additional tracks will begin
at once.
The Improvements at other points
are keeping pace with the grading and
excavating. Some distance northwest
of the. Union paBsenger depot extens
ive -grading operations have been In
operation for some time on a site se
lected for the round-house' and other
buildings. The turn-table Is to be
built at another point, while the lm-
metase coal- chute Is to be erected
north of the city, running parallel with
the main line of .the Central for a dis
tance of several hundred yards.
The additional tracks are to be laid,
far north of ,the city limits, and will
provide sufficient trackage to meet the
requirements of ..the road at this point
'for several years.
These extensive improvements will
not be completed, until the summer Is
weli advanced, but they will not be
delayed. They have been .rendered
necessary by,the rapid growth of the
road during the last few years, They
are to, cost between $40,000 and-
For additional Information, rates, etc., addresB
A. V. PHILLIPS,' Com’l Agt„ Albany, Ga. J. 8. CREWS,
S. A. ATKINSON, Union Ticket Agt. . - , V. P. A G. M„ Albany, Ga.
J. Q. ADAMS, Soliciting Freight and Passenger Agent,. Cordele. Ga.
■ Eor remainder of week.
Special No. 1, $10.00.
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co
Do You Know the Size,of Your Lot?.
The . Tax Receiver says yoU must
give -him the exact size of your lot
When you return Smur taxes. If you
don't know what the size of It Is Edg-
erly wjjl make a survey of. It. No, 0
.Woplfoljt, Building. !. .... lwk....
Davis-Exchange Bank Building, Washington" St.
WEFFECT APR)L 8; 1906,
On Price, and over 76 per cent, on Freight, is what you
save if you order your Boat through us. Our order for
a carload will be placed by the middle of next week.
Wc will-allow a discount of 10 per cent, on all orders
placed before this order is sent ini. The. difference iii'
freight on boats, between carloads and less than' car-.
loads, is over 76 per cent.
BOATS. They cannot sink.
For Woyorost, Brunswick and Point*
South and East
From Waycrosa,
Train No. 94 Arrfvds:
Train No. 90 Arrives
Train No. 91 Leaves
Train' No. 96 Leaves
For Thomasvllle, Montlcello
Points West
Train No. 71 Leaves 4:
Train No. 73 Leaves. 7:
From Thomaovllle, Montlcello and
. Points West.---
Train No. 72 Arrives .11:86 an
Train No. 74 ArrlTes...,.,,. 5;:lf pi*
Albany pocoratlng Co.,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Wall Paper, Burlaps,
Room Mouldings.
: 8, A, ATS'NSON, U, T. A., Alba
T. J. B0TT0M8, Traveling Passenger Agent, Thomasvllle,
'Phone .3.98.
Why the
Albany Base
Ball Team
should be named
“Flint Rocks”
1st. It is hard to break.
2nd. It has fire.
3rd. It has ginger.
4th. It is a good chaser
after high balls.
Sth. It is a WINNER.
6th. It pleases EVERY
Hurrah for the
Flint Rocks.
8, B. Brown,
- President,
V.Pr«id 0 n.
Smith—If you don’t worry you can
live to be a hundred yeara old.
Jones —A hundred! Geel If I
thought I’d live to be a hundred yearB
old I’d worry myself to death right
The Bacon Equipment Company,
Albany, Ga.
Opened Business Sept, flth, lOOO
Every facility In the banking busi
ness offered to customers.
Savings Department.
Int«r««t Allowed on Time Dopoalto.
Values in Marble and
Granite for artistic work
manship*’ a^Jfte ( -fjnest
material in
and Bleach
The books tor receiving tax returns
ffir.iM.RtejJowi^V Jts.the'stjito;
demands prompt return of digest,' as
law requires, books will' be closed
about June 1st
2-lmo T. C., $>. C.
IfkjfcHyJy r tf I wus eddlcated J’d cer-,
taluly find out where "do country ls !
where de'ohickens lay slch big eggs'
an’ I'd certainly go dCre.*
firs. Prudence—Miranda, listen tty'
me. ' if I only catch young Mashley
kissing you once he'll get a piece Of
my mind!
Miranda—Don’t worry, ma. I’ll give 1
him a piece of my mind If I only
catch him kissing me once!
Headstones, etc., try
The Albany Marble and
Granite Works.
mm Electrical
' >" AND-—
Construction Co*
105 Broad St„ Phono 416.
G. W. SAYE, President.
' Mr. Jos. L. Rarey, the old reliable
tailor, has moved his place of business
to No. 98, over M. Crete's store,' south
Broad street - , .
My Spring samples are ready for in
5&V VI0& L. RAREY,
Albsny Decorating Co.,
Paints, Oils,"Varnishes,
Wall Paper, Burlaps,
Room Mouldings.
Best Cream and Fresh Candy.