The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, April 18, 1906, Image 4
THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1906. Some Beautiful Spring Novelties For Chautauqua Just received in time for Chautauqua. Surely you’ll want one of thdse j3ilk or Lin gerie Parasols. The silk dries are hand painted in pompadore designs, and the lin gerie ones are of linen and? embroidery. Both have natural wood handles. Extreme ly stylish and beautiful with the light sum mer costumes. Priced $5 to $15 Glove Tops are among the latest, and, we may add, the most sensible novelties of the season. Made of purfe^silk, and clasp on top of a two-button silk glove. Look as well and are much more convenieftt than the long ^gloves, for the short gloyi||tna^i(S taken off and the glove tops left snugly p on the arm. Black and white. i er, Jones & Co ThaLn Ever Customers say our soda is better 'than ever this year. As we hear, thfc same thing every year we are inclined to think our soda is fast reaching the point of perfection. We certainly try 1 to make It as near perfect as possible and spare no expense in our efforts as President, Good paving, properly put is a paying proposition. ’Phone us we’ll put you n Ibany Pressed Stone Cd Beautiful Parasols We were awfully afraid they would riot get here for Chautau qua—-these Spring Novelties. There has been such an overwhelm- mg_demand on the manufacturers this seison for the new foibles of fashiori. Orders that Were placed months ago are still un shipped. The great bulk of business has even swamped the rail roads, and much-needed shipments have been provokingly delayed. But luck, and what is better than luck—a foresight born of ' of closest touch with the fashion centers—have conspired to give us this Week all that was lacking to make our wonderful spring stock really magnificent in its comprehensiveness. The new things shown this week are NEW things—the very latest and most favored creations of fashion. The things you read about in the recent apd most authentic fashion journals. And just as they were described, you will find them here, in all their springtime beauty and freshness, holding their places in this splendid stock. It is no wonder that our sales this spring have shown such wonderful increase. There is ample justification for this growth m the stock—larger, finer'and more complete than any we have ever shown—and irt the. unusually good values, which, through careful, competent and timely buying, we are able to offer. . But why repeat what you must already have learned in visit ing pur store?. Yet there is so much about this store that we Want y°u to know—so much that you should know. But it would hardly be timely to begin now; so come down tomorrow and let us finish fitting you for Chautauqua. In our last shipment of Skirts were a number of the most beautiful Gray Skirts Skirts we’ve seen this season. The materials — Panama and Worsteds — are especially good in quality, the shades are uriusually pretty, and the tailoring is exceptional. Some are shown in new shadow plaids. These Skirts are circular shaped and the de signs are new and striking. Very reasonably priced. More New Neckwear “Keiser” has sent us his very latest crea tions in Neckwear. Of course, you know who “Keiser” is, and will, therefore, know that these new stocks and turnovers are not only cbrrect in style, but they are beautiful in design, and of elegant materials. Any “Keiser” stock is all right, so its simply a matter of selecting to suit your taste. These are priced from 35c to $2.50' DEPUTY MARTIN GUEST OF ELKS. We use the best of everything if! making it ■ A ‘ill fjoffitySfr- tttrg >r, and ser,ve it In bright, clean glasses. We do not stop at the b?st materials for we employ expert-dispensers. I Even pure soda can be ruined in drawing. — ( When your spring thirst arrives come to our magnificent soda parlor and drink soda that is delicious, refreshing and satisfying. ‘ ‘ >* " JUDGE LINCOLN TELLS GRAND JURY TO “LET THE LASH FALL WHERE IT MAY.” Springfield, Mo., April 17.—Judge A. L. Lincoln, of the criminal court. In charging the grand JOry, called to In vestigate the recent lynching, was btt- rvr r. /- .y, ter In his statements. After reciting the causes leading. ifi> to: the calling together of the Jury he said: "The outrage deserves the condem nation of alt good citizens and the most rigid Investigation at your hands. All persons, their Btders and abettors engaged In that shameful outrage are guilty, under the law, of murder In thd first degree. Let the lash fall where It may. You shonld Indict every man proved to yoyr reasonable saUsfactton to be gulity. • Whether friend or foe, ijch' 'dt-'.’poor,: : high or • low,,.whflfeyen you find guilt, let' that guilt be pun; lshed. The path of safety Ilea In the Many people find the first warm days of spring very fatiguing. These will find our delicious ice cream espe cially refreshing. ' rnift: ■ ' Delicious Ice Cream For Warm Spring Days Expertly Made of Pure Cream. |; t , Served Daily i n Many Flavors. i ! 411 -. f\4'' ' -{V Albany most vigorous, rigid, and exhaustive investigation. That night’s scenes have turned' backwards the hands oO the dial of our progress, we know not how far, and only the inoBt vigorous measures ican compel a rebound. Your Investigation, should be prudent, care ful and palnstaklng-ln order to protect any who may be wrongfully charged/' Some persons supposed to be ne groes, fired two bUlleth ' early' tfifff morning Into thS house of S. P.' Fiel der, is traveling man. Fielder is the father ot Ollle Fielder, the' young wo man whom Leslie Peters was escort ing home last night; When, being at tacked by two negroes; he shot and killed qne of them. Several bouts later two bullets were fired through the window of the bedroom occupied by Mrs. Fielder attd' her three babies; •^o,one,waS hurt, but the family be- Cjljiie'pidMeSdSlekSh'.v.'Mf,. Fielder was away' at 1 th'e time and the 'fadt of the shooting did not' become known until today, when It added to the excitement and feeling against the negroes. Popular Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler to Visit Lodge Thjs Evening. SPECIAL SCHEDULES FOR CHAUTAUQUA. The Thomasvflle Times-Enterpfiae this morning makes this announce ment: During Albany Chautauqua week the morning northbound A. C. L. train will leave here at 7:30 Instead of 9:25, and returning will leave Albany at 5 in the afternoon.. On next Wednesday, how ever, Military Day,The train will go up at 7 and return at 5:30. MEDICS MEET IN COLUMBIA. J. JE. MacMillan. W. G. Mcritvethcr. Secy, and Trecu. down, you next. Attention, Elksl/j'/.i-T' At the regular meeting of rAthany Lodge. NO. 713. B. ev ening, Deputy WHUM Ruler W. B. Martin, present, and members ' 'andS^vw^ym • urged.. RerieshmeptS'iH- 'i^i H. ROBINSON. SefcrcWy. will' be v '.of all tiers Is Columbia, S. C„ April 18.—The an nual meeting of the South Carolina Medical Association, which opened, in this city today, has attracted - physt. clans and surgeons from all parts of the state, fir.'Paul M. Barringer, of the University of Virginia, Is to de liver the annual address and a number ot other medical men of high standing will'be among the speakers. THE WEATHER. Weather Forecast. The Mjowjlhg. ta tjio yreather fort^ Mr. A. F. Churchwell has Just re ceived a new delivery wagon that Is one of the handsomest in the city. The wagon Is ot olive green, with red run ning gear. On the big panels on each' side is Churchwell’s business slogan) "Churchwell Sells It for Less,” and underneath It " The Progressive Store." Mr. Churchwell has a good looking hay horse hitched to his new wagon, and it Is, altogether, one of the most attractive business turnouts In the city. The best safeguard a; ache, constipation and liver DeWItt’s Little Early Risers, viol of these famous little pills In house and take a dose at bedtime when you feel that the stomach and bowels need cleansing. They -don’t gripe. Sold by Albany Drug Co., HUsman-Sale Drug Co. ■'OastStipr.jjie; state':6£:'riiorgla for the next tvfenty-touf^oni^: Fair tonight,! lii'bastem anff southern portions. Thursday fair way-, mer on the coast.' . i'-:’ Local Weather Observations. The following record. Of meteorologl- cal observations taken by the local co-operative observer of the Weather Bureau of the United Stated Depart ment of Agriculture for the twenty- four hours endfng_at 7 o’clock this mofttng Is published for the informa tion of the public: kfaflmum temperature 79.00 •Minimum temperature 51.00 MSan temperature 65.00 Precipitation 00 River 4.04 Fall In 24hours 0.01 Clear; northeast winds. D. W. BROSNAN, Volunteer Observer. Brinson & Co, Wood and Coni ‘Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron- State Deputy Grand Exalted .Ruler W, E. Martin, Jr„ of Macon, will be the guest this evening of.Alhany Lodge No. 713, B. P. O.. Elks, having given notice several days ago ot his inten tion to vfstt the lodge on the occasion of Its this week's meeting. Mr. Martin Is a prominent Elk, and Is, popular wherever there are Elks In' Georgia. He will be extended a cor dial greeting this evening. He Is an eloquent speaker, and 'will probably address the local lodge on blatters In which the order Is Interested. ' Lelt-flelder Clayton, of the . Albany baseball team, arrived last night from Orlando, Fla, and will engage In daily- practice out at the park. He Is tall enough to reach up end pull down high ones that start over the, fence, and looks strong enough to bat the Spald ing: sphere to the beigtiboi-liopd of the union depot. ■■kT? A'bW Bpwratfn* Co, .; 1 V'" • paints, one, Varnished, f Wall Paper) Burlaps, Room Mouldings. Rumney Bldg. ’Phone 393. LEE AND SUMTER’S REPRESENTATIVES. The Georgia Chautauqua manage ment has received notice that Lee county will have two representatives in the medal contests next week. Miss Margaret Burton will contest for the medal in elocution, and Master G. Warwick Batts for the Walters ora tory medal. Sumter county will send a represeri* f tatiye to contest for the medal offered in instrumental music, in the person of Miss Ethel McMath, of Americus. Many other counties are yet to be heardfroin.- ’ ' •• • BOARD WANTED—Young couple de sire board and room; private family preferred. Address M. M. M., care f Herald. » •• . tf ..Good Groceries all the Time.. If you want the best in the Grocery Line, and want the right prices, too, 'phone your orders to No. 91. S. STERNE, Washington St. Grocer No matter how fine, how stylish, or how well made —if a Shoe doesn’t fit properly it’s not satisfactory. The day of fitting Shpes by number has past. There are so many widths, shapes and styles that it is necessary to have them fitted by. expert fitters. We pot only have'the Shoes/ but have men whounder- ijstsnd’fitting them. T* hey Fit - . /i hat’sit C. *R. Da'dif ® Co. Piano Bargains ! | iijDSTINCT^PHHj^^ High-grade makes in second-hands; a few to sell cheap. Two pianos bought of a receivership in New York Investigate. ‘ Remember, we have some of the highest standard Pianos always on hand. Yours for Pianos, SEAMAN’S MUSIC HOUSE; “* Pino Street, (Rumney Bbildfc,gf^J n " U