The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, April 18, 1906, Image 5
THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1906, twenty-five children responded to . the beautiful little invitations which, were sent out and reveled in the joys of the afternoon. Easter lilies and eggs were used in the decorations, and the Eas ter idea was carried out in the deli cious refreshments which were served. All of her little friend's who attended her party yesterday will remember long and pleasantly Teresa’s 8th birth day, qn4 will loin heartily in the wish that she may have many happy returns of the day. GUARD’S FANTASY , GREAT SUCCESS. Amateurs Scored Triumph at the Raw- line Theatre Last Evening.' EVERYBODY RIDES IN IT, AND THERE’8 ALWAYS ROOM FOR ONE MORE. Those Who Come and Go—8hort and Snappy Paragraphs that Everybody Will Read With Interest—What ,1s Going on In Society, With' Now and Then a Little Gossip. Mrs, Emma Oglesby, of Thomas- villo, is visiting at'the home of Mr. A. P. Vason, on Monroe street. Mr. R. M. Campbell returned last night from his sad mission to Nash ville, Tenn., where he was Called to be at the bedside of .his sister, who died several days ago. Mr. Campbell has the sympathy of many friends, in his sorrow. Mrs. R. M. Davis, who has been vis iting Mrs. W. W. Pace, left this morn ing for her home in Perry. " Mr. Z. A. Barnes went over to Cor- dele today. Rev. W. H. Ziegler will leave to morrow morning for Newton, where he goes to dedicate the Presbyterian church at that place. Mr. George Hand Kidd, of Pretoria, was in town today. Mr. H. J. Haas, of Atlanta, Is here today. Little Miss Florence Hoge will be the hostoBB this afternoon at an Eas ter egg hunt at the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Welch. Mr. W. J. Willingham, of New York, was registered at the New Albany yesterilay. Miss Rae Sponcler, the Chautauqua accompanist, Is stopping with Mrs! Janie Mayo, on Pine street Mr. J. P. Anthony, of Hartford, Ala. was In Albany this morning. Dr. and Mrs. Geb. P. Eckman, of New York, will reach Albany Satur day morning, coming by way of Sa vannah and Macon. Mr. George McGhan, of Valdosta, was here yesterday, afternoon. Mr. W. S. Short Shellman yesterday. Miss Louise Liebert, who has been visiting her aunt Mrs. M. D. Gorta- towsky, for the past three months, !has returned to her home in New York. Amerlcus was represented in Al bany yesterday afternoon by Mr. J. E. Sheppard. ■Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Wilder returned last night from Panacea Springs, Fla., where they spent several weeks. They were greatly benefited by their stay at this popular resort, - Mr. N. Shelly, of Eufaula, was at the New Albany last night. Mr. L. C. Jennings was here from Atlanta last night. Mrs. M E. Scrutphin left today for Smlthvllle to visit relatives. Copyright 1906 by Hart Schaffner 6? Marx ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. •., Albany ,..Ga., April 18, 1906, • The following is a list of letters re maining in this office unclaimed April Unless called for they will Mrs. William Calvin Chilton, so well and pleasantly remembered In Albany as the reader of the last two or three Chautauqua assemblies, spent a short time In Albany today, while en route from Moultrie to DaWson. 18, 1906. be sent to the dead letter office: Gentlemen's List B—Harry Bell, Chas. Brown, Sonnie Brown. C—Jean Conjwlnes, David Clark, Kim Crow. ' .p ;., ,,, D—S. R. Davis, Beorge Dunstdn. F-r^VilllWU,parrel).. . ...... Q—C. • C, Gun... , ■ , 1 , .. . H—Lewls Huckaby. J—Julepp Jackson. L—John Laves, Ussy Lavls. M—W. F. Miles (2), Charlie E. Mur phy, Tom Mays, Jackson Molls, E. W. Mathis, James McClasby. P—A. L. Parris. ’ S—Taylor Sutton, James Smith. T—Walter Terry, Otto Trlnte'r.' -W—-Pink Williams, 41 Washington Mr. S. B. Wight returned to Atlanta' today. YOU know how it is in a racer—the victory i^p’.* always to the strong. “Form” c6uhts]as much .a^muscle—sqipetipji,es more. The: .tfP^ch.goes ajbhg tb w^ch the form and develop it. A*^good deal so in business life, “Brains” and good address are ipiport^ijt. Both !•••!<• '1'. ' f.v ' , -V'v* *A'l’.• count*. *,■: We offer you pH the advantages Clothes can ^ive; They’re that hind of clothes—EJart, Schafner &"Manf-'dothes. If you'll come to us we’ll put. the right kind of clotheb : on yop. .. . . Hart, Schafner & hfefx clbthes' arejibsolulely perfect form;. Father Reich left today for Cordele and other towns In this section. Father-G. X. Sehadewell returned to Atlanta-last night, having spent Eas ter-at home and officiated at the Eas ter services at St, Theresa’s Catholic ehuroh. Will- Buy Indian Clubs. The Gobr&aTChatttauquu manage ment ,1a- willing, to buy Indian cliibB from any.local-parties who have them and would rather soil then lend them. It was stated In The Herald yesterday that more clubs were urgently needed for the physical culture [classes, and the Chautauqua officials desire to have it known that the management Is will ing to buy. ".If you have any Ipdlan clubs, let the Chautauqua, management have them. Mias Helen. Whlre, who came home to spend Easter,- returned this morning to Macon to resume her studies at -Mt. de Sales Academy.!-: Street, Tim Wilson, Reuben Washing- ton, T. J. Warnlck, Eddie Walker. Ladles List B—Miss Esther Barbre, Miss Ethel Beverly, Mrs. Dealla Brown. C—Mrs. Mary Comlns. H—Miss Mary Harkland, Miss Re becca, Holmes. ,, The young men- of the city are plan- nlng for a delightful dance at the Elks' Home Friday night Mr.;,R v iB, J/felcher, .of,.Atlanta, ( was ip nf fViiv nrnmlhWtiT'hnnltvABB mpn .In'' one of thO promlnent .business men . In: the city 'today; ,.i—Mlsis' AqUllla- Jackson/MlsB Amy Jones, Mrs. Lucy Johnsob,: Miss Mamie Jordan, Mrs. Sabona Jackson. M—Miss Lula Montford, Miss Della Moreland. - v ' N—Miss Lizzie Nelson, Miss Easter Nesbit. P—Lillie Parker. R—Mrs. Mamie Rolfrong. S—Miss Ida Sandis, Mrs. Clara Scroggins, Mrs. Minnie Shep'perd. W—Miss Lelua A. Williams, Mrs. ,1. O. Wardsworth. In - ealling for the above letters please say "advertised,” and pay 1 cent for same. H. F. BRIMBERRY, P. M. Mr. Stewart Short, of Shellman, was one of yesterday's visitors in Albany. Albany Decorating Co., Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Wall Paper, Burlaps. Room Mouldings. Mrs. C. L. Hall, of Oakfleld, spent several hours In the city today. 'Phone 393. Rumney Bldg. MIbs Jodie Powell went to Leesburg today to spend a few days with rela tives. Max Cafsel Sister Will reduce prices on tlieir Ready-tp-Wear for Chau tauqua week 25 per cent. , ' We have received a pretty line of the new Princess Skirts, and if you have not made your selection, come and see us. . <j V,' . All Chautauqua visitors cordially invited,. Ladies’ Dainty Oxfords Mr. W. C. Dobbins, who ,has been in the city for a day or two, returned to Atlanta this morning. Mr. T. R. Harmon' left' today for Cor- Doubtful Economy. Miss Ruth Zelgfer, of Orangeburg,, S. C„ is the attractive guest of Miss Helen Crews on Jefferson street LABORATORY OF LouUana Sugar Experiment Station.' , Analysis of lime from Ebrigview' Lime Works, sent by J. R. Adams, T jinirviour Ain * . Insoluble matter, .18; Lime, 98.44: Magnesia, .98: Peroxide of Iron and Alumina, 26: Carbonic Acid, .82., This lime is made from a lime rock containing over 99 per cent, pf Car bonate of Lime. WM. C. Stubbs, Director. Sold and handled exclusively by J. D. WESTON. Telephone No, 44. Mr. J. Von Weller returned yester day from a business trip to Bruns- vrtcfc Mrs. Marvin Morris arrived this morning from Knoxville, Tenn., to join Mr; Morris, who is a recent acquisition to the Herald force. Mr. and Mrs. Morris are at Mrs.- Samuel Weldon’s, on Broad street. Our new spring styles of Ladies’ Oxfords are now display. So complete is our stock that it affords an exceptional opportunity to select just what you Pumps and Court Ties, also Low Button Oxfords, are this season’s favorites at Mr. J. W. Osborne left yesterday afternoon for Montgomery, and will be away for the rest of the week. AN EASTER GREETING from, a pretty Miss is worth a bushel of lots of other things.. .You need a pair: of: my - l if EASTER EYE GLASSES wh'en she greet* you. Its v/onderful lioto clearly defined vision becomes when Using my eye glasses, ( have all klndsfrom those for children up to those for Grand Mam ahd Grand Pap. Come In and get a pair. Dr.CI. Hutchason Davis Exchange Bank Building, . HICKS' CAPUDINE DDUDUnrtLY CURES K, IlpAgsflS! Mr. T. C. Fewell- was here this morning. He is from Atlanta. “Scrugglns Is certainly a hustler. He always eats In a quick lunch res taurant." .“Yes, and it takes him the rest of the day to digest the stuff he bolts down.’’ Let us ask that this advertisement be considered as a personal invitation for every lady to visit ourstore; / whether you: buy or hot. Mr. A. C. Bruce, of Atlanta, the well known architect, 1b In the city today. Mr. R. M. Pinson, of Atlanta, a pop ular traveling man, was here yester day evening. ; Ehrlich’s W. E. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law, Room 4, Woolfolk Building, Phone 147