The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, April 19, 1906, Image 10

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Y DAILY HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1906. COTTON PICKINGS. Furnished lor Daily Herald Readers by Clark & Co. Pbone 300 See Our Water Coolers FUTURE BROKERS 100AY8 F0RE,GN AHD ruiui^c. Dr\ur\cr\o., n G goiton 0U0TA1I0NS: ALBANY, GA The news from across the sea was about as expected. Futures were 2 lower on sales of 10,000, but spotB, strange to say, showed a loss of 5 points. Wheat, Corn, Meat' and coffee— Letters on the Cotton Market and the Opening and Closing Quotations. Members Leading Exchanges. Private Leased Wires to New Orleans, Chicago arid New York, Liverpool cabled: "Little or no speculation, but market steady." INSTANTANEOUS EXECUTIONS. ggjjtf We have in stock the largest i ^IlgjjgjggggiSi^ variety of colors and sizes ever ^&SSSSSS£^& shown in Albany,.: Prices from $1.75 to $4.75. I lf we please you tell others, if not tell us. SparKs-Saxon Hardware Co. *W1»I P FI P Our opening was steady at a decline of 2 points. 4.ucal Cotton Market uood Middling • • 1 Middling... /... Low Middling. 9 { Demand only fair, and some selling. *,«, rork"cotton Market. The neceaslty for a-crop of 12,BOO,- 000 next year Is gradually becoming a op’d High Low Close oIom conviction in the minds of traders. Msy 1187 11.31 11.08 110# 1180 .July ■ 11.17 11.11 1U 08 11 (JO 11 18 October.. lo.ot lo M io 88 10 66 Spot holders continue stubborn, and «December 1061 10 66 10.80 loll 10.66 .. , . . ... Spots quiet. Mid. li 70. Bales 160. they mu8t be tecboned with before New Orlenns Correspondents, Gibert & Clay—Cotton. New York Correspondents, C. D. Freeman & Co.—Cotton. Chicago Correspondent, Pringle, Fitch & Rankin—Grain. New York Correspondents, Marshall, Spader & Co.—Stocks io i*8 ■ Price says the market will take care 10 of Itself. .He appears very confident New York Correspondents, Marshall, Spader & Co, and Bonds. Correspondence Invited ew Orleans Cotton Marks*. WARE & LELAND A "Dri-Ve Will Vo you Good. ALBANY, GA. New York Cotton Exchange, New Orleans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Association, Chicago Board of Trade, ' Chicago Stock Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange, St. Louis Merchants’ Exchange, Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce. The expectancy at Houston and Gal veston for tomorrow Is just half as much as last year. ..iveroool Cotton Market It’s not only a source of pleasure to go driving this beautiful weather, but really beneficial* The fresh air will do you good, as will also the gentle exercise. ‘Phone 26 and engage a team — single or double buggy—saddle horse or landau. We have all kinds. The public Is still "severely out of It,” but human nature Is too weak for Opening. Close. this thing to go on much longer. ..81 801-8 l __ .79 78 3-8 Europe sent heavy buying orders (o „46 6-8 46 1-2 thlB market, but there Is no cotton tor •4b 40 8-4 . . _ ..321-4 321-8 sale - n . .31 30 5-8 •18.15 18.16 j Liverpool closed "Bteady,” 3 lower .16.30 16.32 a. R il a J n1f .. 8.72 8.70 , ,or the day • CO RN—W H EAT—M EAT. Chicago, April 19. INSURES QUICKEST POSSIBLE EXECUTIONS. Wheat—May. Wheat—July, Com—May... Com—July.. Li'dingstoris J ■R. HOUTtS. Trop, in. Phone 6& Albany office, Pine St., next to Pos tn! Telegraph Co.’s office. I. J. K vLMON, Mgr Oats— Jufy. Pork-May., Pork-July. Lard—May. Lard—July C. F. FRYER, Sec'y 6 Trus. JOE H. M YERS. President. Port receipts were 13,000, against 20,000 last year. Ribs—July. ALBANY GROCERY COMPANY “■» ORLeA “ “ TT0 " ‘■ ETTE * IMPOSSIBLE TO By wire to Clark A Co. im* wuimuwj New Orleans, La., April 19. ■ I REACH FRIENDS. Advices from Liverpool were of the opinion tlmt a much bettor market Tho,,e Havln 9 Natives In San Fran- would have been observed there to- cl,c0 Cannot Get lnto Communion- dny hnd It not been for the continued t ' on ' liquidation of long contracts. Options Sp ' olal t0 J h ® Herald - Savannah, Ga., April 19.—When the wore 3 lower on the close and sales of newBpaper extra waa put on the spots 10,000 bales it B points decline. 8treet8 SavatlImh yesterday at noon Futures In the local market wore a telling of the great seismic disturbance heavy aspect throughout the day and ln gan Franclsc0 there wa8 the great . the gradual decline that took place est alarm among those who have was occasioned by the steady liquids- 0ve8 there There are probably twen . tlon brought about by more faVorable ty failIle8 ln g avaIinah . wbd have weather conditions and the general «, nnectIon8 , n San Franclsc0 . Mr . discouragement over the greaVdisas- Arnold geyden haa a brotber tbere ter that has overtaken the Pacific Mra . T g WMtfleld and Mra . wlIbur coast In the face of these adversities Coney baVe a brother tbere Mr D A bulls naturally exhibited considerable Byck ha8 many relatlve8 there and ln temerity and allowed the market to other Paclflc coa8t cltle8 _ and Mrfl , A . follow Its more natural course, wlt\ Davldson ba8 a brother and 8later bear operations chiefly centered on the there . A11 effort8 to reacb them by new crop months. telegraph failed yesterday, even up to Spot market was again discourag- , b . _._ b , ingly dull, and although inactive, no pressure to sell was observed. So vl- A , TAr , fal am the reports from the fields as A NEGRO MURDER to the progress being made and so de- IN NEW YORK. pendent 1st his progress upon the ' weather that any opinion or forecast Two Negroes, a Man and a Woman, of the market’s future course la strict ly a hazard, and lienee carries but lit tle weight. However, It may be Bafely said that momentous changes have been brought about by the course of nature which have caused a depression of feeling that for the present seems to foreshadow a lower market Yours truly, 1 GIBERT & CLAY. Early Amber and Early Orange SORGHUM SEED Make bigger yields and better forage. Ask Your Grocer or Druggist. Albany Grocery Company, Wholesale Distributors. j§~^' We have just received kg*.., , another shipment of Schloss Bros. & Co.’s latest styles by ex press, to have them here for Chautauqua. WWruU Draacra There is a uniformity about the quality of the : : : : Wines and Liquors iSWcOPYRIGHtHffiiqOMft * CHLOSS BR0S.&C? Fine Clothes Makers BALTIMORE. MEW YORK. Which we supply that pleases. Every new bottle opened will he found equal to those previ ously used. Onv stuck consists en irely of high grade goods, l'hev are or fine rich flavor, fui) bodied and wet matured. Even the lowest priced wines will provE excellent table beverages. THE OFFICE Davlft»Exoh«nge Bank Building Mekceirooris, Levdy Fingers Chocolate Cake, Pound Cake SINK WANTS Jelly Roll, Bread and Rolls FRESH EVERY DAY GOOD ALL THE TIME S. E. 'BVSH — HciKc, Broad Street. WANTED—Information concerning B. F. White (or his heirs), supposed to have resided ln Albany about 1866 to 1880. Five dollars will he paid for Information leading to his loca tion or that of his heirs. Write T. F. West, Milton, Fla. - 19-d 1 w—w 2t Philadelphia, April 19. •The Univer sity of Pennsylvania today partici pated in the Franklin bi-centennlal exercises. Honorary degrees were conferred on King Edward, Andrew Cnrnegle and a long list of prominent. HE WANTS DIVORCE. American educators. Mmm* Wealonkj, Prouden». i Jitiin-- W. s.Pell, Ut. Vic- Pnw. 2nd Vice-Pr*** Jr- nii ^ Du vis. P. VA . Jonei ' Her. Afw'i Clothier pirst NJatinnai Bani- ALBANY OA ?rri» Wesiosky, 0. W, Jams. President. V.-Pre. H. Bates, Cashier. N. R. Dehon, Asst. Cashle- HARRIS PLUMBING CO TRAVELING AND LOCAL AGENTS WANTED—Men or women; local agents guaranteed $2.50 per day for eighty days’ work at home; travel ing agents guaranteed $21 per week Surplus and Undivided Profits and expenses. Call at SL John \ • - Hotel before noon Saturday. Mrs. j t IN K Y (_i > • \ F. M. Wicker. —4-19-2t ACUTE ALCOHOLISM, 8peclal to Ths Herald. ^ Atlanta, Ga., April 19.—George Wil liams, switchman on the Southern, was run over and lnitantly killed at Magnolia street crossing here this ' morning. He had uncoupled a train and stepped back onto another track, being Instantly, bit by an engine. • ‘ ~ Albany Decorating Co„ Wall paper, Burlaps, Paints. Oils, Varnlsffies. Romney Bldg. ’Phone 393. NOT FOUL PLAY. nuu nuuiuu i victm uu uia luuiu, vr. u. _ , . . ,, , , ., , . . , * ■ . ’ Special to The Herald. Livingston today filed suit for divorce against her. Atlanta, Ga., April 19.—The coron er’s jury today decided that the death ATT AMTA T>nCTm?mr>7r of Joseph Graves, of Fayetteville, last A1 LAW 1A PUO lUbh lV*i. nlght was . due t0 acute alcoholism and SHOWS BIG INCREASE, not to foul play, as ■ had • been,sus- Speclal to The Herald. pected by the police. In his’dying de- Atlanta, Ga., April 19.—Atlanta’s llrium Graves shouted that Fred Wal- postofflee receipts for the first quarter ker and Nat Harris wore beating him of this year are 318G,412.78, an in- to death. He had a bad gash in his head at the base of the skulL CAPITAL UNDIVIDED PROFITS Deposits received subject to Sight Draft. A general banking business transacted. Bankers’ and merchants amounts solicited. Solicits accounts of firms and inO> vidoals. GRAINGER & BARTLETT, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Dawson, Ga. Cost of Brick, 8tone, or Wooden Buildings Furnished. I AMK3 TIFT MAN N MANUFACTURERS OF. Attorney and Counsellor at Law / Ventulett Building ' crease of 227,000 over last year.