The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, April 19, 1906, Image 7

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• v .... , . .Ylit. itnfi! , -ivi., - • •~r_v:,”.r.--■■.Jtfjxm T'HE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, ,THURSDAY, -APRJJU 19, 19p6. "Begin JVotv If you have never used a Bell Tele phone in your office or iu your home have one or more installed—you’ll soon wonder how you did without it. You will become a part of the busy, active world. The time you save, the results you obtain, the peace of mind you enjoy,' will more than pay for the service. Order / one in now. Contract Department, No. 400. Southern "Bell Telegraph Telephone and Company, To Get Safely Through the Housecleaning Season.. USEFUL HOUSEKEEPING HINTS. Tomato Sauce for Broiled Beefsteak; Chocolate Fruit Pudding; Beef Hash; Griddle Cakes; Cheese Souf fle; Cccoanut Pudding. ALBANY & NORTHERN R’Y. DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULES. NO. 17. Lv. Savannah ...7:16am S. A. L. Rj Lv. Atlanta 8:00am C. ofGa Rj Lv. Macon 11:30am G. S. &F.Ry Lv. Jacksonville 8:00am G. S. &F.R? Lv. Cordele 2:10pm Ar. Albany 3:36pm NO. 18. Lv. Albany .... 12:OOnoon Ar. Cordele 1:26pm Ar. Savannah ... 8:00pm S. A. L. Ry Macon 4:20pm G. S. & F.Ry Jacksonville 8:00pm G. S. &F.Ry Atlanta 7:60pm C.-of Ga. Ry Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. NO. 16. Albany 4 -30pm Cordele ...'. 6:16pm Macon 9:36pm G. S. & F.Ry Helena 0:30pm S. A.L.Ry Ar. Ar. Ar. NO. 15. Macon .. ..6:46am G.S. &F.Rj Helena 6:30am S. A. L. Rj Lv. Cordele 0:30am Ar. Albany .... 11:16am Lv. Lv. For additional information, rates, etc., V, PHILLIPS, Com'l Agt., Albany,Ga. address J. S. CREWS S. A. ATKINSON, Union Ticket Agt. V. P. 4 G. M-, Albany, Go J. Q. ADAMS, Soliciting Freight and Passenger Agent, Cordele. Ga. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co PASSENGER SCHEDULES. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURES AT ALBANY, GA. IN EFFECT APRIL 8, 1906. For Waycross, Brunswick and Points South and East. Train No. 91 Leaves 6:46 am Train No. 96 Leaves 2:00 pm For Thomasvllle, Montlcello and Points West. Train No. 71 Leaves 4:00 pm Train No. 73 Leaves 7:40 am From Waycross, Brunswick and Points South and EaBt. Train No. 94 Arrives 11:45 am Train No. 90 Arrives 10:30 pm and From Thomasvllle, Montlcello Points West. Train No. 72 Arrives 11:36 at* Train No. 74 Arrives 7:16 pa S. A. ATKINSON, U. T. A., Albany, Ga. J. BOTTOMS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Thomasvllle, Ga. 8, B. Brown, President. , _ , . j. p, Munnerlyn, CaBhter, A Vp^iden. Altai National Bank OF ALBANY, GA. Opened Buslnoas Sept. 6th, 1BOO CAPITAL SURPLUS $50,000 - 15,000 Why the Albany Base Ball Team should be named Flint RocKs Ml Every facility tn the banking busi ness offered to customers. Savings Department. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits, FOR THE BEST It is hard to break. It has fire. It has ginger. It is a good chaser after high balls. 5th. {t is a WINNER. - 6th. It pleases EVERY BODY. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. The sensible housewife, says Good Housekeeping, waits for weather when the furnace cun be dumped before she begins cleaning house. She has to bear patiently with cold weather if it lingers till the end of April. She real* isos that unless fires are out all her labor would be undone by the daily fall of fine, white dust that settles every where after the shaking of tho fur nace. While she*waits for the weather to moderate she can begin work in tho attic, which is a prelmlo to house cleaning. If winter wear can bo ex changed for thinner spring clothing, there are a hundred and one jobs to be done under the roof. The cedar chests have to be prepared for.the care of winter furs. Piece bags need looking over. Heavy quilts and blankets can make an early visit to.the laundry and bo packed out of the way. Worn-out clothes have to ho looked over, the best of them given away where they can still be of some uvuil, and others cut up. Dusters, scrub cloths, window cloths and holders have to be renewed spring and fall, and from the worn-out dothing a hag of useful pieces Is gen erally possible. The gowns that can be made over for tlie children can he ripped, spong ed. pressed ami put away. Nothing brings more dirt into a house than ■ipping old clothes and making now ones, and the careful housewife will plan for the spring sewing to he fin ished before house cleaning begins. One Room at a Time. In housecleaning, begin in the attic, and never tear up hut one room at a time. If carpets were taken up in the fall it is not necessary to pull thorn up again -all over the house unless those in the hall, living room and on tho stairs have accumulated much dust. Do not attempt any hack-break ing work, such as carpet-heating. In every city, even in villages, there are carpet cleaners who do their work so cheaply and so thoroughly that it does not pay to'attempt the job at, home; Jiis lias been relegated to the era of candle-dipping and soap-boiling. Let every rug have a thorough cleaning. When one room is ready, take all the furniture out. Take the mattresses, pillows find all heavy draperies out doors to a piazza or on .the grass. Give them a perfect whisking, twelve hours of fresh air, and, if possible, sunshine. Take pictures from the walls, dust and polish the glass. Clean the closet first, putting all tile clothes to air, sweep the walls down, wash the shelves and floor, and leave the door and windows open to dry it as soon as possible. Brush the dust from the walls, tho ceiling, doors, windows and moldings. Use a *clean piece of flannel tacked about a broom and'make your stroke a downward one on tho walls. While the dust Is settling wash the Windows and paint. If there is a fireplace in the room, remove all the brass and steel belonging to It before the room Is swept. Wash the fireplace and car ry the andirons and fireplace furnish ings to the kitchen to polish. Lift the registers and wipe out the hot air pipe, brush all tho dust from the registers, wipe with a wet cloth and replace them. Upholstered furniture requires thor ough brushing and wiping with an old silk duster. Woodwork ought to be carefully scanned in a strong light. Search for, stains, remove them and polish. -Last of nil, wash tho floor. Let It dry perfectly before the carpet is laid. Put the furniture back and set the room In order. Leave everything finished except putting up the cur tains. It is easier to do this finishing job at once all over the house. oven, closely covered, for thirty min utes. Griddle Cakes. Three cupfuls of boiling milk, one cupful of yellow cornmoal, two cup fuls of flour, one level teaspooniul of salt, one tablespoonful of Sugar, tv.-o level teaspoonfuis of butter, one-fourth of a yeast cake dissolved in four table- spoonfuls of tepid water, or one-fourth of a cupful of liquid yeast. Scald the meal with the hot milk and add the butter. When cool stir in the flour, sifted with the salt and sugar and add the yeast, beating well. Let the mix ture stand in a warm place to rise aver night, and fry on a hot, well greased griddle In the morning. Serve with butter and home-made BUgar syrup. Cheese Souffle. Blond two tablespoons of butter and one of flour In a saucepan. Add one- half cup of milk, one-half teaspoon of salt and a dash of cayenne. Cook two minutes, then add tho beaten yolks of three eggs' and one cup of grated cheese. Set away to cool. When cool add throe beaten whites, pour into a buttered baking dish and bake for about twenty-five minutes. Servo at once. Cocoanut Pudding. One-half box Cox’s golatlno soaked until soft in one cup sweet milk. Add one cup of sugar and place in double boiler. When dissolved stir in one and one-lmlf cups grated cocoanut. Have ready one pint of cream whipped stiff. Stir nil together, and mold. OF MORE VALUE. Mrs. Swolllngton—I'm afraid my Easier lmt will got damaged If It's left In the hanse. Mr. Swelllnglon—Why not put It In our safe deposit closet? Mrs. Swelllnglon—But Is there room there with.all our bonds? Mr. Swellffigton—No; hut we can take the bonds out. In Hades. Satan—Well, how do you like It here? Any complaint to make-about the heat? Shade of Flatdweller—No; It’s hot enough, but I don’t see any fire es capes. Devil’s Island Torture is no worse than- the terrible case of Piles th&t afflicted me 10 years. Then I was advised to apply Bucklen’s Ar nica Salve, and loss than a box per manently cured me, writes L.- S. Na pier, of Rugles, Ky. Heals all wounds, burns and sores like magic. 25c at Albany Drug Co., Druggists. “And you say he is thoroughly up in his business? "Necessarily; he's an aeronaut.” Values in Marble and Granite for artistic work manship, and the finest material in Hurrah for the Flint RocKs. MONUMENTS TAX BOOKS NOW OPEN The books for receiving tax returns for 1906 are now open. As the state demands prompt return of digest, as law requires, books will be closed about June 1st S. W. GUNNISON, 2-lmo T- C-, D. C. Tomato Sauce for Broiled Beefsteak. One-half can tomatoes, pinch of cloves, one teaspoon minced onion, one tablespoon butter, one tablespoon corn starch, salt and pepper. Cook until well done and strain. Pour around broiled beefsteak. Headstones, ■ etc., try The Albany Marble and Granite Works. W. H. MILLER, Proprietor Moved! Mr. Jos! L. Rarey, the old reliable tailor, has moved his place of business to No. 98, over M. Cone's store, south Broad street. . . . My Spring samples are ready for in spection. JOS. L. RAREY, recipes and replies. Chocolate Fruit Pudding. One pint milk, one-fourth cake grat ed chocolate, one scant teacup sugar two table spoons flour, one teaspoon butter! Boil and stir until thick. When cool add one-half pint whipped cream, a teacup of chopped seeded raisins, citron,, nuts and candied or ange peel mixed. Pack in salt and ice for two hours to thoroughly chill. Beet Hash (a New England Dish.)^ One cup cold corned beef, one cup beets, two cups boiled potatoes, all chopped very fine; one teaspoon salt, one saltspoon pepper, two tablespoons butter. Mix thoroughly and place in Is the Moon Inhabited? Science has proven that the moon has an atmosphere, which makes life In some form possible on that satel lite; but not for human beings, who have a hard enough time on this earth of ours; especially those who don’t know that Electric Bitters cure Head ache, Biliousness, Malaria, Chills and Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Torpid Liver, Kidney complaints, Gen eral Debility and Female weaknesses. Unequalled as a general Tonic and Ap petizer for weak persons and especi ally for the aged. It Induces sound sleep. Fully guaranteed by Albany Drug Co- Druggists, Price only 50c. 6 Per Cent. Farm Loans. THOS. H. MILNER, A!tornoy*at*Law, Room 811 Davla-Exchango Bank in on ivi,v..—hango £ Building, Albany, Ga. ANNOUNCEnENTS. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce my candidacy for Representative of Dougherty County In the General Assembly of the State, ^ subject to the action of the Democratic primary ordered for the 16th of May. In the event of my election, I pledge my best efforts In the Interest of my constituency. I respectfully ask the suffrage of the qualified voters of the county. SAM H. TIFT. Albany, Ga., April 6, 1906. TO DELICATE WOMEN You will never get well and strong, bright, hap py, hearty and free from pain, until you build up your yjy , I iccu iy uuu iill IIUIII pum, umu y v/w* luuu j ***** constitution with a nerve refreshing, blood-making tonic, like IWnef It Makes Pale Cheeks Pink It Is a pure, harmless, medicinal tonic, made from vegetable Ingredients, which relieve female pain and distress, such as headache, backache, bowel. ache, dizziness, chills, scanty or profuse menstru ation, dragging down pains, etc. It Is a building, strength-making medicine for women, the only medicine that Is certain to do you good. Try It. * Sold by every druggest In $1.00 bottles ‘ WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, In strictest confid ence, telling us all your symptoms and troubles. We will send free advice (In plain sealed envelope), how to cure .them. Address: Ladles’ Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Aledlclno Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. “YOU ARE FRIENDS of mine,” writes Mrs, F! L.-Jones, of Gallatin, Tenn,: “For since taking Cardul I have gained 3J lbs.,andam In better health than lor the past 9 years. I tell my husband that Cardul la worth Its weight In gold to all suffering ladles." MAKES OLD THINGS NEW «LC. pis™ Clquia Qcnccr la a wonder I It will make the 1 whole interior of your house shine like Jiew, making re-finishing or ye-vamishing entire- ly unnecessary. It is not a varnish, but a surface food and cleaner, building up the original finish and making it brighter than ever. It is applied with a piece of cheese cloth and no experience is necessary. No 1 drying to wait for. Removes all scratches, j stains, dirt, dullness. It can be applied I to any finish with beneficial results. Nat ural wood, as well as any color of paint, will be better for an application of Licfuid Veneer. ElflUift Octtetf will improve even the most beautiful furniture. It will take that smoky look from the Piano and other Mahogany, and is highly bene* ficial to Golden Oak, White Enamel,Gilt, Silver and other finishes. ■ ElflUlfl Uniter sells at 50 cents a bottle, and a bottle is enough to renovate the ordinary home. Try it and you will always buy it, A few trial bottleo at !Oo» each SOLD BY OWL DRUG & SEED CO. " A > -351 .Massage Takes Away Shaving Soreness » .. jJP™ A thick, fast growing beard and a tender skin cause T trouble to many men. An occasional massage with •' Pompeian Cream.not' only takes away after shaving j discomfort, but gradually strengthens the skill and I enables it to bear the frequent use of the razor without / A ill effect. Also cleanses the pores. 50c and $1.00 per jar. M Call si our store for sample and book on facial massage OWL DRUG S SEED CO.