The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, April 19, 1906, Image 9

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w THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1906. No woman’s happi ness cnn be complete without children; it is her nature to love and want them ns much so as it is to love the beau- Woman's Nightmare The critical ordeal through which the however, is so fraught with dread, pain very thought of it fills her with appreht necessity for the reproduction of life to — "-‘end so prepares without any dan Mother 9 ® tiful and pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, ht with dread, pain, suffering and danger, that the hension and horror. There is no i be either painful or dangerous. The use of Mother’s Friend so prepares the system for the comingevent that it is safely passed without any danger. This great and wonderful remedy is always ap plied externally, and has carried thousands of women through the trying crisis without suffering. gf M Send fnr freo book containing Information of PM# j priceless value to all expectant mothers^ ^ ^ Saw BB SI If The Bradfleld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. «>**l******************0»»*>|l»»»$lfrl Our Shirtwaist Proposition is not in force after Wednesday, 12 o’clock. We have to do this on account of the rush of busi- V ness caused from this free deal. We will have something for you every week. Watch this space. New Albany Steam Laundry. 'PHONE 39. Georgia Northern Railway Go. ' ALBANY - BOSTON LINE Read Down. Read Up. ; No. 4 | Dally No. 2 I Daily I Effective Feb. 23,1906. STATIONS. No. 1 Daily No. 3 Daily | 3:50pm 7:30am Lv. ... Albany .. Ar. 11:40am 8:20pm j 4:44pm 8:24am Ar. . Tlcknor ... Lv. 10:40am 7:16pm 4:50pm 8:30am Ar. .. Doerun ... Lv. 10:35am 7:10pm ,| 5:30pm 9:10am Ar. .. Moultrie .. Lv. 10:00am 6:35pm | 5:45pm l:16pm| Lv. . Moultrie .. Ar. 8:35am 5:16pm I 6:25pm l:56pm|Ar. .;. Pavo .... Lv. 7:50am 4:30pm 7:00pm 2:30pm|Ar. .. Boston* ... Lv. 7:20am 4:00pm Connections at Albany with S. A. L. Nos. 1 and 4 make connections at Albany to and from Cordele. Savan nah, Macon and Atlanta, via A. & N. All trains make connections at Albany to and from all Central of Ga Ry. points, Including Atlanta, Macon, Americus and Montgomery. Sleep Ing car service via C. of Ga. between Albany and Atlanta. Leave Albany 9 p. m. Returning, arrive Albany 7:25 a. m. Connections at Tlcknor, via F. R. & N. E. for Pelham. Connections at Boston via A. C. L. for Quitman, Valdosta, Savannah, Jacksonville and points south. Connections at Moul trie via A. & B. for Tlfton and Thomasvllle. S. A. ATKINSON, U. T. A., Albany, Ga. G. E. SMITH, Traffic Mgr., Moultrie, Ga. . Fernland Farms . Dairy Department Sweet Cream Rich Milk High Grade Butter "Patronage Solicited For Engagements Telephone No. 199 DON’T RISK YOUR VALUABLES by leaving them in your house. You may lose them by fire or burglary. “SAFE DEPOSIT" is the best fire or burglary insurance. Our armor clad safe deposit Jvaults are fire ’and burglar proof. Box rentable from $3 to $10 a year. Your inspection is invited. EXCHANGE BANK OF ALBANY. s**m***********»»hi»i*ii»»**o*****» DRINK A BOTTLE CARBONATED We thoroughly Sterilize evey bottle before it is washed EVERYWHERE 5 CENTS. The Trade “ITS CLEAN AMD PURE. THAT'S SURE" THE ALBANY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. — V.4V. V ~-J ■>»»•« WV.V1 # and rinsed. Drink Only The Genuine! Mark is securely stamped upon every bottle. , Exclusive Bottler* to the Trade. North' St.. AIbe.ny.Gn. ****************************** ED. R. ft CLAYTON JONES. Attorneys-at-Law And Real Estate. Phone 408. GRAINGER & BARTLETT, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDER8, Oawion, Ga. Coat of Brick, stone, or Wooden Sulldlnga Furnished. JAMES TIFT MANN Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Ventulett Building FOR SALE. 1,850 acres, farm and timber lands. Twenty plows on It. Annual rental 850 lbs. lint cotton to each plow. 700 acres of It In hardwood timber. Three and one-half miles of Central of Geor gia railway run through It. Located four miles west of Albany.- Land suit able for cotton, corn, cantaloupes and general farming. The timber Is worth the . entire price. TermB, one-fifth cash, balance 5 years, at 6 per cent Parties desiring hardwood timber will communicate with us. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. Attorneys and Real Estate, Albaay, Ga. FOR SALE. ■ A lot of 4-horse wagon wheels In good condition. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. If you have real estate for sale list It with us. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES, FOR SALE. Two-thirds acre corner Jefferson and Third avenue in Arcadia. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES FOR SALE. The Lonsberg residence, 8 rooms, 57x210 feet, Pine street; 2-room .house on alley; waterworks, electric lights and sewerage. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES, FOR SALE. Four-room cottage, the Kirkland home, East Albany; waterworks on lot. Price $455. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE. Residence lot, 210 feet, on West brook aver.uo, 52% feet on State street. Price $750. ED. R. & CLAYTON *JONES. FOR SALE. Residence street lot, 52% feet by 210 feet. Price $550. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. “II ROUBLE CASE.” The Brooklyn Eagle Gives Some Interesting Political History. FOR SALE. Seven lots In Arcadia, $59 each; $10 cash, balance $5 per month without Interest. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE Fifteen lots on Tift street for $100 each; $10 cash, balance $3 per month. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE . Thirteen lots on West Tift street, $05 each: $5 cash, balance $2.50 per month. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. FOR SALE The Kaufman one acre and resi dence, Pine street. ED. R. & CLAYTON JONES. ED. H ft CLAYTON JONES, Attobneys-at-Law And Seal Estate. Rooms 3,4 and S, Hobba Building. The Croker and John F. Gaynor In fluence In New York Politics and How Roosevelt Snatched Victory Out of the Jaws of Defeat—Final f Triumph of Justice in the Greene and Gaynor Case. , From Tho Brooklyn KnRlo, April 18? 1900. In 189S, when Judge Augustus Vnu Wyek, of Brooklyn, was nominated for governor liy the Democratic conven tion In Syracuse, the Tammany con tractors nnd politicians united with tho Democratic politicians and contractors of contral and western New York to control the party convention. A result was the nomination of. ex-Judge Au gustus Van Wyck. of Brooklyn, for governor as the opponent of Col. The odore Roosevelt, the Republican can didate. Judge Van Wyck was barely defeated, and Mr. Roosevelt was bare ly elected. While Judge Van Wyek was always differentiated and exonerated from the Jbogglng crew that forced hla nomlnn- Jobbing crew that forced his nomlnn- and earnest canvass, Mr. Roosevelt’s election was due to the attack which ho waged upon the Richard Crokhr nnd John F. Gaynor Influences, which, he declared, Bought to control the state government as they controlled the state convention 'that year. Colonel Roosevelt stood to be defeated on the record of Governor Black, the Repub lican executive, but he snatched vic tory out of the Jaws of defeat by his eleventh-hour nssnult on tho Croker Influences and the John F. Gaynor In fluences which had controlled Demo cratic politics. The John F. Gaynor Influences were known and felt throughout central and western New York. But contracts for United States work in Georgia, held by John F. Gaynor, had been brought to light In Savannah, nnd Oborlln M. Carter, an olflcer of the United States engineers, was Buspected of criminally profiting by swindles with which Gny- nor was identified. These swindles were being brought to light by the- grand Jury of the United States dis trict court In Savnnnah, nnd the Judge of that court then was nnd now 1b Emory Speer, who had been appointed —though an Independent Democrat— by President Arthur. Shortly afterward Carter was con victed. sentenced to a long term In prison nnd heavily lined. John F. Gaynor nnd Beniamin D. Greene, ac complices of Carter, were Indicted and put under $40,090 ball. They escaped to Canada, their ball was forfeited, and they reimbursed thoBe who went their ball, and who thereby enabled them to escape. That was six years ago. For over five years they resisted iby legnl devices their extradition. Bat a few months ago all devfces were ex hausted, and they were put on trial for three offenses In Judge Speer's court In' Savannah. Yesterday they were convicted. Today they were sen tenced, and probably the longest fight, on record between the United States nnd criminal defendants was ended by the victory of the United States In the same court, conducted by the same Judge from whom these defendants sought to escape. This Is a most not able vindication of the persistence of justice shown for a long time. It Is as dramatic ns It Is JuSt. that Judge Speer should be the' presiding officer of the court In which these men have been found guilty. A law article could he written on the long fight these men In vain put up against extradition. Another article could he written- on the progressive nnd triumphant results which followed from the bare victory of Theodore Roosevelt, whose election as governor John F. Gaynor and Richard Croker nearly prevented. Still another article could be written on the consequences to Democracy, which the former dom inance of Croker nnd of John F. Gay nor caused. And, at least, one more article could be written upon the ne cessity of reducing extradition of criminals from British territory to the United States to simplicity, to cer tainty and to celerity. These articles, however, can wait. Speculation could Infinitely consider what would havo followed, had Roosevelt lost the gov ernorship to Judge Van Wyck and had the Democracy of the state passed un der Croker and Gaynor management then. The simpler and the salutary thing to consider today, however, is the pa- tlnce, the persjstence and the final victory of moral Justice, under legal forms, In the court of the United States In the southern district of Geor gia. The triumph of Justice In that court over the devices and resources of guilt Is a matter for congratulation, for faith In the right and for hope for the future. The defendants are of lit tle consoquenco, except as their case has contributed to tho judicial and moral vlndlci^lon of justice and of law. Tho light tho defendants put up may havo been within their legnl rights, but tho immoral quality of that fight, oh tholr behalf, has sorely, and rightly, Impaired the standing of law yers and of judgos In tho Dominion. So great wns the resultant scandal that the highest courts In England had to Interfere on belmlt of Justice In the case of Gaynor nnd Oroene and against tho efforts of several lawyers nnd some judges In tho Dominion of Canada on their behalf. Yet all the while tho fed- oral court In the southern district of Georgia calmly awaited the triumph of Justice and of law, nnd today tho Judge of that court, Emory Speer, pro nounced the sentence of Justice and of lnw upon these criminals nnd con vlctcd defendants. We're Right Here, You Know, Where you cnn come nnd “have It out" with us If anything goes wrong with anything you buy here. That’s why we’ve got to take pjilns to have things right In the first place—why 'we’ve simply got to “square” ourselves with you on anything that does not prove Just ns we say. We’ve got to do busi ness with you nnd your friends "on the level” or not at all. If you buy a “mall order” buggy or harness and It disappoints you, you nmy get satisfaction, and you may not You’re only one of thousands of cus tomers, and the mall order concern doesn’t depend upon the trade of this town or vicinity. If you do get satis fnctlon It will be at a cost in time and correspondence that will eat up all the savings. By all means buy where you can buy to the best advantage, but keep your money In your clothes till you've talked with us; then If we can’t show you why and how if Is better to spend your harness nnd vehicle money right here we won’t sny another word. ALBANY BUGGY CO., 19-9t In Woolfolk Building. A Good Hinw. After the Duke of Wellington’s vic torious campiilgns the University of Oxford complimented the duko him self and his principal ofllcers by con ferring upon them the honorary and not very appropriate degree of doctor of civil laws. At that time tho fees were heavy, and one of the distinguish ed soldiers, who hud gnthcred more honor than profit In the wars, declined the proffered degree In the following vorse: Oxford, I know you wish me well, But prithee let me be. I can't, nine, be D. C. L. For want of £ s. d. Tradition. What an enormous “camera obsenra" mngultler Is tradition. How n thing grows In the human memory. In the huinuu Imagination, when love, wor ship and all that lies la the human heart ure there to encourage It. nud la the darkness, In the entire Ignorance, without dutc or document, nu hook, no Arundel iniirhlc, only boro nnd there some dull monumental calm.—Carlyle. Violence. Violence ever defeats Its own ends. Where you cuuuot drive you cun al ways persuade. A gentle word, a kind look, a good uatured suille. can work wonders and accomplish miracles. There Is a secret pride In every human honrt that revolts at tyranny. Yon may order and drive un Individual, but you cannot muke him respect you.— Huzlltt. Jo.t n nis. Proud Mother—Professor Octave call ed at our bouse todny, and my daugh ter played,tho piano for him. Ho Just raved over her playing. Her Neighbor —How rude: Why couldn’t he conceal bis feelings Just ns the rest of us do? Ilap.le... "Tom has proposed, and asks me to give him his answer In a letter.” “Shull you do It?” “No. I will ls> more liberal and give him Ills answer In two letters." Or Cook With Them On. There never was an angel . who wouldn’t take off her wings and cook for tho rnau she loved.—New Orleans Picayune. Something New In Life Insurance., In addition to carrying your policy from the 10th to the 20th year for 5 per cent, of the premium, and If. you die In that period no charge Is made against your policy, yon cap. by pay ing 60 cents extra for each $1,000, be Insured against total or permanent dis ability from accident or disease, pre miums cease and the policy Is folly paid up, thus covering two risks for one premium. Come and see me. C. M. CLARK, 14-lmo LADIES! i CStll and see the latest Clincher Cellar Supporter* —Prevent! the collar from wilting. Pliil Harris, Leading Jeweler. m Take care of your eyes. We are the Leading Op tician! and make a spec ialty In fitting the Eyes. EYE3 EXAMINE FREE. Phil Harris, Leading Optician. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY Arrival and Departure of Train* at Albany, Ga. In Effect Jan. 8. 1905. DEPARTURES! For Dothan, Floralla and Lock- isrt 7:45am For Dothan, Ftorala and Lock et 3:50 pm For Macon. Atlanta, Augua- ta, Columbus. Savannah.. 4:05am For Macon, Atlanta, Colum bus, Montgomery, Troy....11:54am For Macon, Atlanta, Savan nah , 9:00 pm ARRIVALS: From Lockhart, Florala and Dothan 8:45 pm From Lookhart, Florala and Dothaq 11:40 am From Augusta, Savannah, Atlanta, Macon 7:25am From Montgomery, Troy. Co lumbus, Atlanta, Macon... 3:40pm From Atlanta, Bavannah, Ma con, Montgomery, Colum bus 11:80 pm ALL TRAIN8 DAILY. Drawing room Bleeping cars be tween Albany and Atlanta on trains arriving at Albany at 7:25 a. m. and leaving Albany at 9:00 p. m. Farlot car between Albany and Atlanta on train arriving at Albany at 8:40 p in. and leaving Albany at 11:54 a..m. For further Information apply to S. A. Atkinson, Depot Ticket Agent or R S. Morris, Commercial Agent, ’A> ■•nny. Ga L. GEIGER; We Herewith Offer a Few SPECIAL VALUES' For Next Four Days. A rich assortment of brand-new Shirt Waists, In the very newest designs, fine In material and flrtlah, beautiful embroideries and laees tastily eomblned with sheer white fabrics; worth 75o, $1.50, $2.00, will go at 48e, 85c, $1.25 and $t.75, ’ $j.85. ‘on m 20 piece* Long Cloth especially softly finished yarn, at 9c per yd. Excellent quality sheer India Linen, 40 Inches wide, at OJ/Jo per yard. A lot of fine,- sheer India Linen from 8I/2C to 16c. New Spring Percales, light and dark styles, the W/je quality, 9^£e per yard. New plaid Ginghams, big assort ment In syles and colors, from 8% to 10c per yard. L. GE1GBR, 71 Broad Street. A New City Convenience for Albany Which will deliver Standard Kerosene Oil at your home every day at the same olfi prices. 1 gallon, 20c. 5 gallons, 90c. Jones & Thornton, ? ’Phone 23.' ALBANY BRICE CO BRICK —MANUFACTURERS OF— Annual Capacity, 10,000,000.