Newspaper Page Text
Albany Herald
> —BY THE—
:rald Publishing Co.
. DllVIl...
■ President
....Sac. and Trees.
Business Mgr.
ry Afternoon Except Sunday,
tly (8 pages) Every 8attirday.
HeraM, one year $5.00
Herald, alx months 2.50
Herald, three months 1.25
' Herald, 8 pages, one year 1.00
aubseriptlona payable In ad'
ertlslng rates reasonable
known on application,
rde of thanks, resolutions of re.
: and obituary notices, other than
j which the paper Itself may give
matter of news, wilt be charged
at the rate of 10 cents a line, ex-
when such notices are published
f charitable organizations, when a
elal rate will be named,
otlces of churoh and society and
1 entertainments from which a
enue Is to be derived, beyond a
' announcement, will be oharged
at the rate of 5 cents a line.
Office, second floor Postofflce Build-
orner Jackson and Pine streets,
i Herald deals with advertising
■ by speolal contraot only, and
yertlslng agent or agency Is su
ed to take contracts for advar-
s to be Inserted In this paper.
Organ of the City of Albany,
al Organ of Dougherty County,
ul Organ of Baker County,
ar Organ of the Railroad Com-
ItlD'n of Georgia for the 8eoond
ongreeslonal District
Composing Room and Job Printing
Dfflce, 60 — 3 rln(|s.
Bdltorlal Rooms and Business Of-
The common house fly bim re’cently
> • •/• -p ■ . ,l, , •
been made the subject of sclentlflc In
vestigation and has been convicted of
various high crimes and misdemean
ors of which he had formerly been lit
tle suspected. Before the advent of
the bacteriologist the house fly was
regarded merely as a nuisance. It
was an Intruder, an uninvited and un
welcome guest And it created so
much trouble for its size that to some
human beingB it created almost as
much amusement as execration. It
tickled the wit of no end of humorists,
lent a light touch to many a caricature
and won, too, a certain amount of re
spect for its democratic ways. It was
no respecter of persons.
In tbo light of modern science, how
ever, as shown by an exhaustive ar
ticle on this subject by tho New York
Tribune, the'fly has been found to be
not so much an annoyance as a posi
tive menace to mankind. It Is now
blamed for the spread of many dis
cuses. Experiments have proved that
It can carry on its hairy body the
germs of various fevers, so that It has
come to be feared by armies almost
as much as the bullets of an enemy.
An epidemic of cholera in a Manila
prison was not long ago traced to
flies. As Boon as the Insects were,
barred from the convicts' quarters the
pestilence abated. Among the Egypt
ians and Fiji Islanders the houfce fly
has been found guilty of conveying the
germs of tho prurient ophthalmia.
In the crowded city the house fly
you see It In The Herald It’s so.
I advertise In The Herald It goes.
, The regular army man appears to
r, been the right man In the right
place In Ban Francisco. '
| The sham battle fought by tho mill
• on tho outskirts of this olty yes
' afternoon had the sound of the
Slaton, Blackburn and Bell, Fulton
ounty's present representatives In the
Elslaturo, were renominated In the
emooratlo primary yesterday.
Old man Rawlings told a Valdosta
'liiieS reporter that he expected to
meet a lot of editors In hell. And tho
Dawson Nows says, doggedly: "They’ll
be there, doubtless, looking up delin
quent subscribers,”
The Amcrlous, Thomasvllle and
Oiiltrle papers which camo hi hand
its morning all report that their re-
ctlve towns sent tho 1 irgest crowds
esterdu.v that they have ever sent to
he, Georgia Chautauqua.
* ' While the highest examples of self-
devotion and humanity are witnessed
Ui the San Francisco catastrophe,
there are some sad examples of a tlif-
fc-reut spirit. In one Instance the sum
of $50 hu hour was demanded for the
use of a local express wagon. The
authorities simply Impressed the wag
on and fixed their own rate of freight
Cried, Give Vl
sonallty over many difficulties that I
have been met and swept aside In the
materialization of The Atlanta Gcor- la Chorus
glan. He has with him a stall of the
brlghtest practical newspaper men in one's mouth, and many are wondering
the state, and The Georgian will at what tho word signifies, though no one
, , • , ... has yet been found, who will deny that
once take Tank among the loading neWBRCS HERPICIDE does the worx.
afternoon newspapers of the conntrv lYell, for the Information of thousands of
people who like to know all about a good
April 26.
1478—Julian De Medici assassinated.
1557—The Inquisition established in
1607—Christopher Newport and 100
others entered Chesapeake Bay
to establish first English colony
In that section. '
John Somers, English states
man, died.
thlng, we would say that HERPICIDE
means, a destroyer or killer of "Herpes,"
Now “Herpes” le the family name of a
dleease caueed by various vegetable par
asites. A similar microbe causes dan
druff, itching scalp, and falling hair; this
Is the microbe that NEWBRO'S HERBI
CIDE promptly destroys; after which the
hair grows. Sold by leading druggists.
Bend lDc. In stamps for sample to The
Herplelde Co., Detroit. Mleh.
Albany. Drug Co., Special Agents
Too Kheh to Ask.
A traveler in the highlands observed
mny becomo especially dangerous, for
its opportunities of Infection are mul
tiplied. The lilgh mortality of chil
dren in the summer months In con-
Rested districts, where refuse accumu-
latos fast and where the food Is often
kept In living rooms, Is, no doubt,
caused to a certain extent by the fly.
It Is known that this Insect pollutes
mllk wlth bacteria. Milk Is the. favor
ite food for flies, and at the same time
it is an unusually good brooding place
for bacilli.
In a/recent report of the Bureau of
Entomology of the Department of Ag
riculture much space Is devoted to ex
periments In the prevention of the
breeding of tho house fly, which proved
BucceBBful. As the fly Is born In the
flltli of stables, cleanliness where
liprees are kept greatly decreases the
number of these Insects. ■ All stable
sweepings should be removed Imme
diately, or, If tills Is Impossible, they
should be kept In a closed receptacle
to which flies cannot find access. The
flj performs an important’ part In the
economy of nature, but It should not
be permitted to approach the abodes
of men.
The Philadelphia Record well says
that German newspapers must have a
rush of Monroe dootrluo to the head
to Bee the influence of that principle
of our foreign policy In the assurance
of the President that we need no help
in caring for the Sun Francisco suffer
ers. His reply to the prompt offers of
German assistance was thoroughly ap
preciative and perfectly courteous.
There is no reason whatever for tak
ing umbrage at It. We were glad to
have foreign help In the case of Chi
cago, but we are vastly richer now
1 According to our consular reports a |
new Industry Is being developed in
France. After the cream Is skimmed
from the milk and sold tho casein is than thon, and there was nothing die-
extracted from the sltlm milk and an-1 courteous In the statement of the pres-
plted to Industrial uscb. The greatest blent that we needed no nsistance.
part of the casein Is exported to Ger-j When German newspapers make
. many, where It Is used In the nianu-1 complaint that the president's reply
■ factors of playing cards and of an lrn- j implies that it was improper to offer
ttatlon of ivory for piano keys. The ’ aid they show 111 nature, and when tho
dairies of tlie district of Etienne,
where the new industry has taken
Tngeblntt discusses the matter linger
tho head of "Roosevelt and the New-
footing. deliver hundreds of millions Monroe Doctrine,” and says the presl-
of quarts of milk which are profitably dent "appears to be declaring ethical
consumed In It.
Independence or the Old World," It
Invites the comment that it 1b Btupld
In the warfare of extermination|as well as Ill-natured.
which New Jersey has begun In oar-1
; nest against tho mosquito post the The Atlanta Georgian, John Temple
state will expend $70,000 annually for, Graves' new paper, is all that tho
five years. Some successful experi
ments have already been made hore
and there, so that there Is strong rea
son to believe that this money will he
well expended In contributing to the
LV ' . /
well-being and comfort of the millions
Of guests who frequent Jersey's hos
pitable seashore. The mosquito Is n
menace to human life and comfort,
and the wonder Is that civilization ev
erywhere has not begun the war of
on long ago that has now
inaugurated In New Jersey.
' white at a tavern In n small village a
Plague broke'out at St. Giles, very beautiful collie. At his request
London. f the owner was pointed out to him, and
1726—Rev. Jeremy Collier, reformer of he a9kud tbe miu > wbllt Ue " oll,d tll(te
the stage, died. for the dog
T . _ , , “\ell bo taking him to America/”
1,44 Louis XV. of France declared tte Scot nskeU cuut ,
war against queen of Hungary.
1774—Savary, Napoleon’s chief of se
cret service, born.
1777—Danbury, Conn., destroyed by
the British.
1783—Eyre Coote, commander of East
India forces, died; horn 1726.
1798—Annexation of Geneva to France
1805—Dr. William Woodvllle, distin
guished physician and writer,
1828—Russia declared war against
1831—Imprisonment for debt abolished
In New York.
1834—Charles F. Browne (Artemus
Ward) born; died March 6,
1836—St. Jean de Arc, Palestine, sur
rendered to the Egyptians.
1839— Occupation of Caudahar by An-
glp-Indlan army.
1840— John Thompson Kirkland, pres
ident of Harvard University,
1849— Insurrection at Montreal.
1850— Greek government submitted to
fipgllsli demands.
1854—Gabriel Rosettl, Italian poet and
painter, died..
1864—United States government ac
cepted services of 100-day men
and appropriated $20,000,000 for
tholr payment.
1805—General Johnson surrendered.
1871— United States supreme court de
cided general government could
not tax salaries of state officers.
1872— United States wnrshtp Kansas
released American steamship
Vlrglnlus from blockade by
Spanish men-of-wnr In port ot
1893—Many persons killed by tornado
In Oklahoma.
189S—United States congress passed
an act for Increase of the reg
ular army.
1005—Disagreement caused renewal of
Chicago teamsters' strike.
A Bouquet for The Herald.
Prom the Port Valley r ender.
If there Is a small city dally In the
South which has any advantage ot
The Albany Herald we have not seen
It. Editorially and typographically
Tho Herald Is the neatest paper In Its
class in the South.
The Stl.iKlnw Tree.
The stinging tree of Australia some
what resembles a glgnutic nettle. It
has an unpleasant odor, nud the na
tives aud native animals are careful to
avoid It. When a man is stung by tbe
tree—or, to put It more prosaichlly.
pricked by the tree's thorn—the little
wound gives him at first no pain what
ever. But In u few minutes u madden
ing pain Is set up: the victim shrieks
nud rolls upon tho ground, l-’or months
afterward when water touches the
stung part great agony ensues. Dogs
when stung rush about with piteous
whines, lilting pieces of Hesh from tho
plnee that has beep stunc.
“Certainly, If you sell him to mo."
“I no coni' part wlo Go!',' the dog's
owner then said emphatically. "I’m
muekle fond-ltke o’ him.” And liberal
offers were no inducement.
To Ills astonishment, the traveler
later saw tbe dog sold to a drover for
half what he hud offered nud nftcr the
drover hul disappeared requested an
explanation. “You said that you could
not sell him,” he remarked.
A twinkle came into the highlander's
“No; I dldna say I’d no sell him. I
said I cpuldnn part wle him,” he said.
“Rob’11 be home In two or three days
fra noo, but I couldna ask him to swim
across tbe ocean. Na; that woul' be
too muekle to ask.”—Harper's Weekly.
Pswi That Carry a Vote.
The parish church of Chertsey pos
sesses a curious anomaly. It has sev
eral pews In its gallery which are
bought and sold by auction, just like a
table or a chair, and these pews give
their ownere for the time being a legal
right to vote at parliamentary elections
In the division. Moreover, the owners
of tho pew's have to pay the poor rate
of f 2 a year into the bargain, a privi
lege they are not so eager to rise as the
former one- Many years ago the church
wardens of Chertsey were at their wits'
end In order to raise money for the res
toration and repair of tho sacred edi
fice, and they could And no solution to
i the question until some parishioners
suggested that they should sell the gal
lery pews to the highest bidder. They
accepted the Idea and obtained a spe
cial act of parliament allowing them to
do this and also giving tho privilege of
a parliamentary vote.—London Specta
A Gallery of Forgeries.
Paris possesses a very flue gallery of.
modern musters, largely of the Bar-
btzon school, not one of which Is genu
ine. It Is to the painter Hnrplgnles
that France Is Indebted for this queer
collection of the spurious, rasslug
through the Itue de Vauglrurd one day,
his eye caught some canvases in a
window. They were all signed by
prominent names, including bis own.
and every signature was forged. Pass
ing Inside, the list became more exten
sive, aud tbe paluter l’ouud himself In
the presouce of false Corots, Diazes,
Daublguys, Lnncrets. Isabcys. N’eu-
vllles and even English Turners. The
revelation of his own identity enabled
Hurplgules to become possessed of this
collection for something less than the
proverbial old song, and It may now
be inspected by [hose interested In
such matters at the state furniture de
pot, where it Is preserved as a kind of
idgh water mark in sophistication.
A tale of horror was told by marks
of human blood In the home of J. W.
Williams, a well-known merchant of
Bac, Ky. Ho writes: "Twenty years
ago I had severe hemorrhages of tho
lungs, and was near death when I be
gan taking Dr. King’s New Discovery.
It completely cured me and I have re
mained well ever since.” It cures
Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs, Set
tled Colds and Bronchitis, and Is the
only known cure for Weak Lungs.
Every bottle guaranteed by Albany
Drug Co., Druggists. 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottle free.
The Springfield Fire & Marine Insurance Co., ad
vises relative to San Francisco disaster:
“We take pleasure in announcing that our reserve and large capital
will be intact and there will also remain a very substantial surplus
You can get absolutely safe Insurance by applying to
Rooms 7 and 8 Woolfolk Bldg.
friends of the gifted Graves could
wish. The initial number is a JlG-pngo
paper, and it is a gem—typographi
cally and otherwise. We are glad to
see John Temple Graves come back
into his own in the journalistic field of
the state. He has made a place for
himself which is distinctively his own,
and The Georgian will meet with, a
cordial reception in thousands of tho
best homes in the country. We enn
gratulate Mr. Graves ppon the ultimate
triumph of his genius and strong per-
A. P. VASON. ,
Vice President!
, Cashier.
The Citizens National Bank
Capital, - - $50,000.
Deposits received subject to check.
Loans promptly made on approved
collateral. We solicit your business.
1: I j INDSTINCT print! :
This Illustration
is a mere outline, a
mere suggestion of
how High Art
Summer Coats and
Pants fit and look.
We would like to
show you the real
garment and then
you can judge for yourself why High
Art two-piece suits for men and young
men are in demand by discerning dres-
Each garment is carefully tail-
ored; the shoulders, lapels, collars and
fronts skillfully worked into shape by
expert tailors, and the style and drape
of these garments are sure to win ad
miration of men who know good
If you want a ‘warm weather suit,”
try them. $12.50 to $20.00
S. B. Brown & Co.
Breakfast Bacon
Chipped Beef
Cream of Wheat
Maple Syrup
Shredded Wheat
Delicious Tea and Coffee
Canned Peaches, Pears, Apricots, Cherries, Pineapple.
Fresh Strawberries
Lady Fingers
Pound Cake
White Fruit Cake
Raisin Cake
Florida Fresh Snap Beans
English Peas
Pates de Fois Gras
Anchovies in Oil
Sardines ,
Olives stuffed with Anchovies
Preserved Cherries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Peaches
Delicious Tea and Coffee
Schedule Effective July 3 1905—90th Meridian Time.
No, 80 | NORTH
No. 78
18:00 m.
. .Albany.
• Richland.
Ar ..Atlanta.
Via A. A N.
Lv ..Albany.
Lv .Cordele.
Ar Savannah
. Arl 1
, Ar|12
Ar 12:
. Lvl 6
Ry- I
. Arl 3:
Ar| 1:
Lv| 7
No. 8o | WEST | No. 79
7:15a.m. I
. .Albany..
• Ft. Davis.
. .Selma..
.St: Louis.
On week days No. 110 leaves Albany at 5:30 a. m„ arriving DawBon
7:25 a. m. and Richland 8:46 a. m., connecting at Richland with trains for
Columbus, Americas and Savannah.
No. 80. Through train to Columbus, making close connection at Rich
land and Montgomery for all points West via L. & N. and M & O R. Ry
at Columbus and Atlanta with all lines diverging for Eastern and North
ern points Full Information upon application to any SEABOARD Agent
S. A. ATKINSON, U. T. A., Albany, Ga,
W. P. SCRUGGS, T P. A., Savannah, Ga.
CHARLES _F^STEWART, A. G. P. A., Savannah, Ga.
warehousemen and coal Dealers
Wo Are ot Same Old stand on Pfne Street-
We keep In stock Montevallo, Climax. T1d Ton and
.from the Cahaba. Ala., coal fields. Also the celebrated R^ and ntt
5lfMd Je hy CO us?° al8 - ACCUrate W6,ghtS
mtaIbo Hard Coal for Furnaces, and Blacksmiths’ Coal.
0 ■