The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, April 30, 1906, Image 10
10 THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1906. MCwsHuMiiBaMhHHRBa^UHSaUnlflrfi!! CLARK & CO., COTTON FUTURE BROKERS. ALBANY, GA. Members Leading Exchanges. 'Private Leased Wires to New Orleans, Chica go and New York. INSTANTANEOUS EXECUTIONS. New Orlenns Correspondents, Gibert & Clay—Cotton. New York Correspondents, C. D. Freeman & ,Co.—Cotton. Chicago Correspondent, Pringle, Fitch & Rankin—Grain. New York Correspondents, Marshall, Spader & Co.—Stocks and Bonds. Correspondence Invited There is a uniformity about the quality of the : : : : Wines and Liquors Which we supply that pleases. Every new bottle opened will be found equal to thgse previ ously used. matured. Even the lowest priced wines will provE excellent table tfjgHC 3 b overages. 8: avIt.Exiohnngo nk Building THE OFFICE THE MARKETS Local Cotton Market Good Middling Middling Middling. Low! 11c 10 1-2 0 8-4 Demand for better grades something fierce, while grades below fully midjiildg rather neglected. Haw York Cotton Markat Prev Op'd High Low Clone Close Mar.. 11.00 11.18 11.06 11.17 11.08 July 10.87 11.00 10 87 10 09 10 80 October 10,80 10.47 10 86 10.47 10.88 December 10 88 10 40 10.87 10 40 10,40 Spot# quiet Mid. 1176. 8alea —. Futures cloaed steady. Liverpool is due 8 up tomorrow. Naw Orleana Cotton Markat Prev Op'd High Low Close Close May 11.01 11.10 11.01 1110 1100 July 11.18 11.28 11.18 1126 11.14 Ootober 10.38 10.42 10.86 10.42 10 82 December.... 10.85 10.42 10.86 10.42 10.88 Futures closed very steady. Spots Arm. Mid. 11 8-8. Bales 900. Liverpool Cotton Market June-July, ~ -Oct. 8opt*0< . Oct-Nov.. Bales 12,000; Middlings 0.04; Receipts 10,000. Futures opened quiet nnd closed stendy. Op* 2PM Prev. Close Close 6.86 6.H6 6.86 6.86 6.86 6.86 687 686 6.71 6.71 6 71 6.70 6.63 6,68 564 6.62 CO RN—W H E AT—M EAT. Chicago, April 30. — Wheat—May 79 1-2 Wheat-July 79 1-2 Com—May 46 3-4 Com—July 46 1-8 OatB—Mav 32 3-8 Oats—July. Pork-May 16.50 Pork—July 16.76 Lard—May 8.60 Lard—July 8.62 Ribs—May 8.40 Ribs—July 8. Opening Close. .79 1-2 78 1-2 .79 1-2 79 .46 3-4 46 5-8 .46 1-8 46 1-8 .32 3-8 32 3-8 .31 31 1-8 .16.50 15.60 .15.76 15.90 . 8.50 8.60 . 8.62 8.75 . 8.40 8.50 . 8.60 8.70 COTTON PICKINGS. Pnrnlibed for Daily Herald Reader, by Clark & Co, Liverpool came 1 better on sales ot 12,000 bales. The general tone of the market was satisfactory to the bull crowd. Manchester reported continued, good trade and satisfactory Inquiry for fu ture delivery. • We opened 2 to 3 lower, but quickly rallied on buying by tbe Price clique. Frank Hayne was In the New Or leans ring In person, and bid 11.03 for 40,000 May. He did not get the cot ton. The attention of the trade Is being centered on July. It le believed this option Will corner Itself. The demand for spots was as strong as ever. A lot of 1,054 bales was sold for 11% basis American middling In Montgomery on Saturday. The pur- chase was made for account of Weld & Co. The market Is narrow, but any un favorable circumstances would cause an advance. Watch the weather during May. This month means much to the grow ing crop. Li'Oingftoris Stable, NEW ORLEAN8 COTTON LETTER By wire to Clark &.Go. New Orleans, April 30. Liverpool nows was decidedly scarce, options ruling Bteady through out tl)~ session and closing unchanged fo 1 point advance. Spot sales were reported 12,000 balos, the old quota tions standing. The only news to break the monontony of an otherwise featureless market was the estimated Increase in acreage by MIub Olios ot 1,100,000 over her last year’s effort, an ostlmate that also shows a decline of 4,000,000 acres under the actual acre age of the bumper crop of two years ago. This report Inspired a bullish circu lar from the new bull leader, whose broilers variously reported ns being good buyors during the day, and thus prices were maintained and showed a steady advance throughout the trad ing. The spot market while displaying no great activity still remains strong I , with desirable grades of cotton ex-! tremely scarce and firmly held by fac tors at a higher basis. On the other linnd the weather of the belt is very favorable for the development of the growing crop and these are the two great contending Influences absorbing I the attention of traders. Yours very truly, GIBERT & CLAY. In his circular Price says: “Ameri can acrenge, 27,420,000 acres, is small er than that for each and every sea son from 1901-2 to 1905-C, and that the average crop of past five seasons, In cluding the bumper of nearly 14,000,- 000, Is only 11,117,400 bales. It Is ad mitted by close observers that a crop of 12,000,000 to 12,500,000 the coming season Is an urgent necesslay.” Liverpool was very steady all day, and closed 1 to 2 better. Clean Your Premise*. Notice Is hereby given that all the premises In the city mu3t be cleaned and kept clean and In Hanitary condi tion during summer. On May 10 and regularly, thereafter an Inspection of all premises will be made and cases will be made against all wlio have failed to comply with this notice. J. R. deGGraffenrled, tf Sanitary Inspector. TALKING FEET TO CELEBRITY. Garden Hose Give Your Roses a Bath! We have just received a fresh stock of Hose and nozzles. Quality good, prices better. Phone 300. If we please you tell others, if not tell us. Sparhs-Saxon Hardware Co. WARE & LELAND, ALBANY, GA. GVJSv'EEJIUE O E5 RSy® New York Cotton Exchange, New Orleans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Association, Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Stock Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange, St. Louis Merchants’ Exchange, Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINCIPAL POINTS INSURES QUICKEST P OSSIBLE EXECUTIONS. Albany pfflee, Pine St„ next to Postal Telegraph Co.'s office. Phone 6t 1. J. KALMON, Mgr. HOMS. Vi op. RED MEN SHOW NEW INTEREST. Thu into Murslmll Field, that grunt mer li mit pilncn nr Chicago, pent for mo after I had t reated his foot, which came very near frightening the wits out of inn until hesald. “my feet ar* all right, lint what I want yon todol* to tel’ moal about m.v own feet ’’ To bo worried almost to death with corns, bun- lon». ingrowing nails and vcrsplrliiff feet Is absolutely unnecessary. I remove them In-1 stantly without pain or blond It is n most j pleasing experience Twenty-live cents a corn and It does not hurt h sp ok. Strictly antiseptic. DR. R. E. WILLIAMS. Surgoon Chlropodlst-Matsacer-Bamiu la. Telephone i-82 Thontasullle, Ga P. 8 —Dr. Williams offers J6 reward for an ... ... iftotr Ingrowing nail he ennhotetire without pain. Mrs. Williams does d Int.v manicure, mas sage end hair dressing Scalp treatment and the morcel wave a specialty. JO 1'. > >EF 8, WM. E. MYERS. C. F. FRYER. President. Manager. Sec’y & Trees. CORTEZ C I GA RS THE BEST SMOKE Albany Grocery Company, Wholesale Distributors. Klnchafoonee Tribe Visited by State Organizer—Mr. Sheppard Going to Grand Council. At a meeting held on Friday after noon Past Sachem G. L. Sheppard, ot Klnchafoonee Tribe No. 22, Improved Order of Red Men, was chosen to rep resent that tribe at the meeting of the Grand Council at Brunswick one week fioin today. Local Interest In this popular order has been much revived as a result of an official visit to the trlbo by State Orgnnlzcr W. Harry Gage during tho past week. Several “pale faces" are to be lnltl- ated at the next regular meeting. Georgia Northern Railway Go. ALBANY • BOSTON LINE ' Read Down, Read Up. 1 No. 4 1 No. 2 Effective Fob. 23,1906. No. 1 No. 3 | Dally | .Dally STATIONS. Daily Dally 1 3:50pm 7:30am Lv. .. Albany . . Ar. 11:40am 8:20pm i 4:44pm 8:24am Ar. . Tlcknor . w Lv. 10:40am 7:15pm 1 4:60pm 8:30am Ar. .. Doerun . . Lv. 10:36am 7:10pm . 5:30pm 9: l»am Ar. . Moultrie . Lv. 10:00am 6:35pm | 6:45pm l:16pm|Lv. . Moultrie . Ar. 8:36am 6:15pm | 6:26pm l:55pm|Ar. ... Pavo .. . Lv. 7:50am 4:30pm | 7:00pm 2:30pm|Ar. .. Boston . . Lv. 7:20am 4:00pm Connections at Albany with S. A. L. Nos. 1 and 4 make connecUons at Albany to and from Cordele, Savan b, Macon and Atlanta, via A. & N. All trains make connecUons at Albany to and from all Central of Qa By. points, Including Atlanta, Macon, Amerlcus and Montgomery. Sleep big car service via C. ot Ga. between Albany and Atlanta. Leave Albany 9 p.m. Returning, arrive Albany 7:25 a. m. ConnecUons at Tlcknor, via F. R. & N. E. for Pelham. Connections at Boston via A. C. L. tor Quitman, Valdosta, Savannah, Jacksonville and points south. ConnecUons at Moul trie via A. * B. for Tlfton and Tbomasvllle. S. A. ATKINSON, U. T. A.. Albany, Ga. — G. E. SMITH, Traffic Mgr. Moultrie, Go. How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated, Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation by stimulating tho liver and bowels and restores the natural action of the bowels. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nnuse- ate or gripe and Is mild and pleasant to taste. Refuse substitutes. For sale by HUsman-Sale Drug Co The crew of the steamer "Forest" brought up an alligator yesterday that they had killed In Wilson's Lagoon. The alligator measured between eight and nine feet This Is the second alli gator they have killed this year, the other one being slightly larger. Both of them were killed In the same place. BOATS FOR RENT And Fishing Permit* Sold at the Coun try Store. Any fishing or boaUng will be pro hibited without a written permit The lake above the dam la‘fine for boating and the fishing below the dam la un excelled. Don't forget you must have a pass. T. M. NELSON. 6 Per Cent. Farm Loans. THOS. H. MILNER, Attorney-at-Law, Boon 811 Davis-Exchange Bank Building, Albany, Ga. D. NEUMAN, UNDER THE OPERA HOUSE. Special Notice to the Ladies ! i .'Etf-lfOMY •SCrftOSS BROS.&C? Fine Clothes Makers BALTIMORE. HEW YORK. latest styles by ex press, to have them here for Chautauqua. Prices from 110 to 11 Morns Mayer's Depot, Albany, Ga. I have just received a lot of WHITE JAP SILK SHIRT WAISTS which were to have been here for the Easter and Chautauqua trade, but somehow they were delayed In transit. In order to dispose of them quickly I will give my patrons the benefit of this delay. The regular prices of such waists are $3.00 and $3.50 each. My price, as long as they last will be only $1.98 Come while you can get your size. D. Neuman, Agent for May Manton Pattern*. HICKS' CAPUDINE mMaDUOTLY CURES HEADACHES Itiztsup COLDS In 04r» I»Hours TrillAt*nftfT3 Fat Hens... Shipment just received. In perfect condition. 50 cents each. Plenty of Fresh Eggs, 20 e ents per dozen. Beans and New Irish Potat oes, fresh from the truck naraen. All kinds of Seasonable V egetables always on hano 'a„J de- liveries promptly made. Fresh Bread, Rolls and Cak e daily. Grocer.S. E. Broad Street. Morris Weeloeky, President. D. W. Janies. W. 8. Bell, 1st Vice-Pres. 2nd Vlce-Prw. Joseph H. Davis, P. W. Jonec, Caslier. Ass’t Osshlsr pirst Rational Bank. ALBANY. QA. Capital $50,0*00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. 80,000 MONEY LOANED Deposits received subject to Sight Draft A general banking business transacted. Bankers' and merchant*' accounts solicited. Morrie Wealosky, D. W. James. President VePro, F- H. Bates, Cashier. N. R. Dehon, Asst Cathlai TM National Bat OF ALBANY, QA. CAPITAL >» .50,01 UNDIVIDED PROFITS .... 12,« Solicits accounts, of firms and vlduala.