The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, April 30, 1906, Image 6
Discharge Plumbing E. H. DENNISON—Dentist. ’Phone J. W. D0R8ETT, Dentist, now In Davls-Ex. Bank Bldg., Phone 418. Many Chautauqua visitors are still lingering In -the city. ■ If this dry weather lasts much long er, we will have very few cantaloupes In this part of the country thlB year. The usual 'April showers have been sadly lacking during the month Just closing. WOOD1 WOOD! OAK AND PINE. Cruger & Pace. For a while yesterday It looked like we were about to get some rain, but the clouds blew over, and there was "nothing doing.” Practical Side Plumbing guarantees the removal from the house and premises where it has been installed of filth and refuse. Where there is no plumbing, the filth is thrown in* to the yard or alley. It sinks into the ground, where it breeds nauseating odors and myriads of dangerous germs of disease. Therefore, as a practical proposition, regardless of all considerations of comfort and convenience, plumb ing pays. It saves, doctor’s bills. It makes health ful conditions where sickness has been prevalent. Summer is at hand. Can you take the risk of being without plumbing in your home during the heated term ? The question answers itself. See us about the details. W. S. BELL © SON. i' « t. ‘ ' , “Bell Prices Ring True.’ 1 ’ Do You Use Paint? Mo$t of the world does and most of the world uses Sherwin-Williams Paint. It’s made to paint buildings with, inside and outside. It’s made ready for the brush. It’s made for home use and for practical painters too. It’s pure lead, .pure zinc and pure linseed oil, mixed by specially made machinery operated by experts. It’s made for you. !e carry a full line of this high grade roods. Please call and see us, or phone No. ’-.'5 for color cards and prices. C. Eatman. m :w >. a .'luii ... 25 Washington street. Albany, Ga. ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD CO. PASSENGER SCHEDULES. IN EFFECT APRIL 9, 1906. NOTE.—These arrivals and departures, ns well ns connections, are given as Information, but arrivals, departures and connections are not guaranteed. No. 73 No. 71 No. 74 No. 72 No. 71| No. 74 7.45a lolsOn 12.X0p 4.00p C.lGp G.30p 7.30p Lv Albany Ar Ar Thomaavllle Lv Lv Thomaavllle Ar Ar Montlcello Lv 7.05p 4.30p 2.10p l.OOp 11.45a 9.25a 6.10a 5.20a 4.00p]Lv Albany Ar G.15p|Ar Thomaavllle Lv 1.15a Lv Thomaavllle Ar 8.05a|Ar Montgomery Lv 7.05p 4.30p 2.30p 6.60a No. 95 No. 90 No. 91|No. 95 No. 94 No. 90 2.00p 3.30p 6.00p 6.15p 8.40p 9.00p 10.45p 1.55a 3.01a 5.15a 6.45a 7.20a Lv Albany Ar At Tifton Lv Ar Waycross Lv Lv Waycross Ar Ar Jacksonville Lv Lv Jacksonville Ar to Palatka Lv Ar . Sanford Lv Ar Orlando Lv Ar Lakeland Lv Ar Tampa Lv Ar Port Tampa Lv 10.30p 8.65p 6.30p 6.05p 3.30p 7.65a 5.35a 2.20a 1.02a 10.20p 8.35p 8.00p 6.46a| 2.00p 9.45a 6.00p 9.50a| 6.30p 12.55p 9.35p 1.05p 1.36a 6.10p 5.55a 11.45p 1.40p 4.17a| 8.00p 7.54u|l l.GOp 9.09a 1.43a 11.22a| 4.25a 1.53p| 7.23a Lv Albany Ar Ar Waycross Lv Lv Waycross Ar Ar Savannah Lv Lv Savannah Ar Ar Charleston Lv Ar Wilmington Lv Ar Richmond Lv Ar Washington Lv Ar Baltimore Lv Ar Philadelphia Lv Ar New York Lv 11.45a 7.66a 6.06a 3.15a 2.56a 12.01a 3.45p 9.05a 4.30a 2.51a 12.19a 9.25p 10.30p 6.30p 6.00p 2.45p 9.00a 7.00a 7.25p 3.45p 2.12p 11.55a 9.25a W. J. CRAIG, Passenger Traffic Manager, Wilmington, N. C. 6. A. ATKIN80N, Ticket Agent, Albany, Ga. T. C. WHITE, Division Passenger Agent, 8avannah, Ga. T. J. BOTTOM8, Traveling Passenger Agent, Thomaavllle, Ga. Block Butter, 30o pound. ’Phone 70. W. B. FIELDS. Last week was a strenuous one with most Albanians, and all are relaxing this week, and endeavoring to digest the good things on which they have been feeding. ’Phone 280 for stove wood And lee. ALBANY COAL & ICE CO. We will have no baseball games this week until the opening of the BeaBon on Thursday, though Alexan der’s blue squad will be hard at work every day on the diamond so as-to more thoroughly develop the good form they showed last week. We have Just received a shipment of our -popular priced candies, 10c and 20c lb. The prices are low, the qual ity excellent, W. E. FIELDS. There was Just one thing to Inter fere with the Eighteenth assembly of the Georgia Chautauqua, and that was the dry weather. The dust was ever with ub last week, < and It detracted In no small measure from the pleasure of those who had entered into the enjoy ment of the program. Mr. S. L. Bowen, of Wayne, W. Vn„ writes: ”1 was a sufferer from kidney disease, so that at times I could get out of bed, ind when I did I could not stand straight. I took Foley’s Kid ney Cure. One dollar bottle and part of the second cured me entirely.” Foley’s Kidney Cure works wonders whore others are total failures. For snle by Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. The Guards’ Fantasy, which will be presented again at the Rawlins the atre'on Thursday evening for the ben efit of the charity hospital will be largely patronised. None of the old Jokes will be sprung, but there will be a full crop of new ones, all containing good local hits. Nearly all the songs will be new, though those which proved most popular at the recent per formance will be retained. A Lucky Postmistress Is Mrs. Alexander, of Cary, Me., who has found Dr. King’s New Life Pills to bo the best remedy she ever tried for keeping the Stomach, Liver and Bowels In perfect order. You'll agree with her If you try these painless puri fiers that InfuBe new life. Guaranteed by Albany Drug Co., Druggists. Price 25c. Don’t forget that city regulation which prescribes the- hours during which lawns and gardens mhy be sprinkled. From 0 to 7 a. m. and from 6 to 7 p. m. are the hours, and those who operate their sprinklers at other periods will have cases docketed against them If the violation Is dis covered, which Is very likely to occur, as a special officer patrols the city. Out 1 n Arcadia, there is a little patch of woods about two acres In ex tent which seems to be the scene of a lightning-bug convention. As soon as darkness begins to fall, the lanterns of these ever interesting little creatures begin to flash, and they soon have the dark woods In a glow. There are thousands of them—yea, tens of thou sands, and there Is not an Instant, dur ing the early hours of every evening when hundreds 61 their bright lights cannot be seen. The scene Is sug gestive of an electrical display, and has been attracting a good deal of at tention for several evenings. A tale of horror was told by marks of human blood In the home of J. W. Williams, a well-known merchant of Bac, Ky. He writes: "Twenty years ago I had severe hemorrhages of the lungs, and was near death when I be gan taking Dr. King’s New Discovery. It completely cured me and I have re mained well ever since.” It cures Hemorrhages. Chronic CoughB, Set tled Colds and Bronchitis, and Is the only known cure for Weak Lungs. Every bottle guaranteed by Albany Drug Co.. Druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Application for In Bankruptcy. District Court of the United Stdtes, Southwestern Division, Southern District of Georgia—In Bankruptcy. Notice of Application for Discharge I ar Bankruptcy. In the matter of A. J. Wells, County;, of Turner, Georgia. To the Creditors of the above-named , Bankrupt: You are hereby notified that the y above mentioned Bankrupt has filed. his application for a discharge from all of the debts provable In bankruptcy against the said A. J. Wells. The said application will be heard] by the Hon. Emory Speer, Judge of the United States court, for said division and district, at the United States courthouse, at Albany, on the 9th day of May, 1906. | All creditors of said bankrupt are notified to appear at the times and place stated, and show cause. If any they can, why the prayer contained in Bald petition should not be granted. Dated at Albany, Ga„ this 28th day of April, 1906. A. W. VARNEDOE, It * Deputy Clerk. Beautify the Complexion IN TEN DAYS. Nadinola The UNEQUALED BEAUTIFIER, en- - dorsed by thousand*; guaranteed to remove freckles, pimples, all facial discolorations and restore the beauty of youth. The worn cases In twenty days. 50c. and $1,00 at all leading drug stores, or hy wnjl, Prepared by NATIONAL TOILET CO., • Paris, Teas. gjil tfflfri 060 JAU* on money deposited with the Albany Trust Co. of Ga. Our assets, including capital of $100,000, are invested in high class real estate securities of value largely in' excess of our advances. There can be no better security. Don’t let your money lie idle in bank, but let us explain our inter est-bearing deposit system. Albany Trust Co. of Georgia. FOR SALE! Three Sites for Stores on Broad Street, (Near Jackson). Size, thirty feet front on Broad street and running back 210 feet to alley. This property is rapidly en hancing in value and will be worth double present price in few years. Full information on applica tion to k Guaranty & Loan Go. Sheet Music! Chautauqua visitors will find it to their Interest to look at our im mense line of Sheet Muelc. We have everything that Is new and popular, and for this week we are offering Music at y 2 off. Big stock of McKinley Music at 5c per copy for this week. Come and get a cat alogue free. A piano to try music at your disposal. ION SB ERG'S KOOK "H MI'Sli Hi»l Sk It Has Stood the Imitations, the sincerest flattery, have flooded the, market, but none of them has ever been able to over come the merit which underlies the real NET OPEN “Dixie” Mosquito Frame The "DIXIE" frame is the only perfectly tempered frame sold. It prele^lts temper and elasticity through the year, Bdojp not lbtakes yo“ r0 “®t 0 btmk a and a fold?lt S gracefully and perfectly, so thM; you business on them™ And" we are the only people from whom they can be obtained in this town. THE “CLIMAX” PULLEY NET, made by the Dixie, people, is also without a peer in its class. We are ready to supply your demand for these goods, and there is no better time for this work than the present. The SteeleJFurniture and Hardware Store, Leaders in JH ighg [Grade Go[ods. ’Phone 156 S. Reich. 96 Broad St.. The Bargains for the Ladies. LadieslNeckwear. Hosiery. White Waistings.. ithin the Shadow. OF OUR Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Hats. We are offering for this week a SPECIAL DISCOUNT on our entire stock. THEY ARE GOING. You Will Never See Anything “Snappier” Tham These Skirts. Made of Black Silk, Gray Voile, White Panamas, Linen-Black Voile. “TAKE A PICK.” Why," It’s Just Like Finding a Gold Mine When you see our swell line of Readp-to-Wear Shirtwaists and Shirtwaist Suits. rao It always pays to buy from me. We Are Looking for You. S D/vS/^l* Doors Are Wide; • IWlCrlt Open to You. Parties Wishing to Sell Their Next Season SEE ALBANY WAREHOUSE COMPANY. OFFICERS : A. P. VA80N, Vlce*Prealdent T. N. WOOLFOLK. M.n.*or. ■Hat