The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, May 03, 1906, Image 4

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M r , £?-* K- 'i K*V'P-v V <*. .-■ > V /:.••; * v ; v p;vy ■" : i , : I? P’ I'-' V- : / fee * v SUMMER HOSIERY FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN 7 Unnsual Variety---Extraordinary Values Some man has figured it out with mathematical precision that a person living 75 years stands up 25 years, or one-third of the time. Now, who would i /%»* Si.i. r A —~ _ _ r , vi 7 ‘ aJ I nrnKIpm hut W1SI cuisiun wiai a person nving /o years stands up years, ui uuc-umu —7 A • A.t- af many people think that a comfortable shoe entirely solves the problem,, but wiser on -> want to stand 25 years with uncomfortable feet? A discomfort is often caused by carelessly selected hose. , , . „ ., , , irnin . maw Then there are other considerations' which should influence you to buy Hosiery carefully. Both money and a great deal of the trouble oi aarnmg / be saved. It is hardly wise to drop in anywhere and llby the first stockings offered you — though we honestly think that you would not sutler by su careless shopping at this store -L but you should examine and compare the hosiery offered you at all the stores to which you have access. We want you to do this — we invite you to make this comparison of our hosiery with that of ities offered, and we say, buy wherever you find the best values. . . . . ,. In our really superb stock of Ladies’ and Children’s Hose we are confident that you will find the, best values. Our great confidence in the values in tms Spring and Summer Line of Hosiery is born of an experience of yearly forty ydars. We will appreciate your calling to examine these Hose, even if you nave no notion of buying. L UlC DlUltO IW waaaw* jrv/v* — ,, -I other-stores. We are anxious for you to study the quai- _ Strong Values at 25c Embroidered Lisld Hose “Out Size” Hose 45c Hosiery for Children It lias been a hope long cherished by l by this store that we could offer the best 25c Hosiery in Georgia. We believe we are realizing that hope in this strong line of plain and lace lisle hbse in summer weights, shown in white, black and tan. A wonderful hosiery value for 25c. A new lot of beautiful quality lisle hose, with red, blue, old rose, white and self-embroidered figures of various de signs, is especially attractive. Splendid values at. $1.00 In this complete hosiery stock is a line of extra size hosiery, an unusually good value for... ■ ' 45c Misses Special 50c Pretty Hosier$ at 50c New Silk Stockings We are showing some beautiful stock ings in black and white, plain lisle or lace lisle. Excellent quality for com fort and wear at.. s.......... .50c 75c Cdlored Hose 60c These beautiful gauze lisle hose are .shown in white and black, and in pop ular spring shades ctf navy, sky-blue and tan. Leading stores all over the state are selling great quantities of the identi cal hosiery kt 75c a pair, but the H., J. & Co. price is only 60c A new shipment of plain arid lace jsilk lisle hosiery has just come in, and con tains extraordinary values at 1 $1.25 to $1.75 Exquisite Black Silk Lace Hose from • ,. $1.50 to $4.75 Very handsome, full lace, i rich silk hosiery; shown only in white. Special $3.oo A beautiful new gauze lisle hose for Misses just in. Remarkable in point of quality, when price is considered. Spe cial value at t. 50c Mothers' Friend Stockings These sjflendid Stockings for children are shown in summer weight. Double toe, heel and knee. These stockings have won a wide reputation and great sale by th^ir excellent wearing qualities. Our jine of Children’s Hosiery is very complete and beautiful — larger by far than any line we’ve ever shown, Full line of the popular Colored' Hose for Children —so stylish for summer wear. Shown in Navy, Pink, Light Blue, (Tan arid White. Good quality. Both plain arid lace lisle at ; -35c Beautiful line of Children’s Ribbed Lisle Hose in summer weights. Shown irt Red, Pink, Blue and Black. A sum mer hosiery leader 25c Splendid quality White Hose for Chil dren. Offered at special price of.. .19c Infants Socks, Colored The Quality Store. Hofmayer, Jones & Co. The Quality Store. ,A full line'of Infants’ Socks inwall colors is a new but popular addition to our hosiery stock. Shown in plain and lace. Priced: In cotton 25c In lisle ■ 35c hi'- ■ <1 -r IgE* , - V K "• m Ijt-’r M - s Better Soda. Thaoi Ever Customers say our soda is better than ever this yjar. As we hear the same thing every year we are incline^ to think our soda is fast reaching the point of perfection. We certainly try to make it as near perfect as possible and spare no expense in our efforts as. We use the best of everything in. making it and 'ierve it in bright, clean glasses. We do not stop at the best materials for we employ expert dispensers. Even pure vfiodq, cau'.be,,ruined in drawing. . Wlien your spring thirst arrives come to our magnificent soda parlor aud drink soda that is delicious, refreshing and satisfying. { i ' - a Hoggard Drug Co., ’Phone 75. i s FLOWING MORE SAND WELL IRAN WATER. Dip THE CALIFORNIA EARTHQUAKE AFFECT THIS HOLE IN THE GROUND? .. « JT. B. MacMitfan, Pre-tidenl. TO. G. Mcribuclhcr. Secy, and Treat. If You're Wise It's Not to the “Tall Timbers” That you’ll look for'building material. Albany Pressed Stone Co.’s double-hollow air space concrete blocks are more satisfactory from every standpoint. Albany Pressed Stone Co. STYLE IN PLUMBING moans work expertly done, .pipes prop erty arranged, and all parts neatly and artistically finished. This Is PLUMBING that even a poet can slug ot. Because It means solid comfort, sanitation and loag life to the work. We’re proud to jtay that we do that style of pluuiblug, in d»?w ami repair work.. .Give us a trial. HARRIS PLUMBING CO. ALBAN! BRICK CO BRICK. —MANUFACTURERS OF— , Annual Capacity, 10,000,000. \W. E. SMITH, Attorney-at-LaW, ‘ Room 4, Woolfolk Building. Albany, Qa. Special to The.Herald. Savannah, May 3.—Did the far away California earthquake have any effect upon the deep artesian well of the 12-story National Bnnk building? This Is the question that has suggeste'tt It self to many In Savnnnah. A few dpys nfter this seismic occurrence the, well send up more fine sand than anything else. All known artesian well reme- U. S. SAILORS At NEW ORLEANS Marched With Confederates and Sa luted Flag. notjglve way to water. Some aqua pura found its way Into the pipes, but the normal flow could not be secured. Finally the Savannah fire dpartment was called upon and more than half a day was spent yesterday and last night In pumping a heavy stream of water through the main pipe to clear It out. which had .been heretofore a very well. This did a little good. The remedy behaved hole In the ground, sending' up Its full quota of water, began to dies were applied, but the s^nd would with the trouble. was applied further last n)feht, but the effect was not what had been hoped for. The bank officials do not think the earthquake had anything to do TO CONTROL | NEW BUILDINGS COTTON CROP.] IN NEW ORLEANS. Outcome of the Meeting in Washing ton Awaited With Interest. j New Orleans, May 3.—The of cotton producers and cotton manu facturers at Washington this week,' which has for Its ultimate object the absolute control of the cotton crqp of the South, will, In the opinion of con servative cotton men of New Orleans prove successful, provided no attempt Is made to go to fanciful extremes. Those furthering the movement claim that the South can today finance three- fourths of the crop and that the mat ter is not ah agrarian but a financial movement, and will result in the erec tion of standard warehouses all over the South whereby producers may store and sell direct to the spinner. The railronds are' Interested In this latter project to the extent that ware houses would enable the safe storage of cotton and prevent the annual con gestion and enr famines which joccur when cotton Is hurried to larger ports because of the lack of interior storage facilities. With the establishment of standard warehouses in the Interior shipments may be more easily gov erned and the movement of cotton to ship regulated so as to create no con gestion of traffic <Sr delayed sailings of vessels. The outcome of the confer ence between the representatives of the Southern Cotton Assqclatlon and the spinners Is awaited In the South with great interest Eight Million Dollars for Two Sky Scrapers. Postmaster Robbed. A r i_":. -- Mi , v\.. . i ........ G. W. Fouts, Postmaster at River ton, In., nearly lost, his life and was robbed of all comfort, according to his letter, which says: “For 20 years I had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a severe case of jaundice that even my finger nails turned yellow; when my doctor prescribed Electric Blttors, which cured me and have kept me well for eleven years.’ Sure cure for Biliousness, Neuralgia, Weakness and all Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bladder derangements. A. wonderful Tonic. At Albany Drug Co.’s drug store. EO cents. New Orleans, May 3.—The ap proaching summer season and the watchfulness for signs of fever has had no deterrent effect upon modern building construction In New Orients, and a contract for a $2,000,000 depart- ment store on Canal street has just been let to James C. Stqwart & Co., the St. Louis contractors who are now building the $5,000,000 elevators and steamship wharves for the Southern railway at New Orleans. In a few weeks another contract will be let for the $5,500,000 Audubon Hotel next to the $2,000,000 department store and sixteen stories will occupy two-thirds of the entire block. With the $2,600,- 000 Holmes department store, the great Hibernia Bank building, three new theatres, an Immense auditorium, two new hotels In addition to the Au dubon, and the prospective removal of the colossal plants of the American Sugar Refinery from New York, to add to the ones here, and countless realdences^nd minor structures bullfl. lng, construction In New Orleans Is on a boom which neither monetary strin gency or fever has been able to re tard. Remember that the Natatorlum 1: open until 10 o'clock at night. 3-2t> S. FLEISHER, Manager. South Atlantic and Southern League detail telegraphic games at The Office. Reward. I will give $25 for the arrest and re turn to this county of Andrew Mitchell (colored), charged with seUlng mort gaged property. This May 3rd, 1906. L. W. NELSON, 8-lwk Albany, Qa. New Orleans, May 3.—An incident historic In Its nature was enacted In New Orleans during the recent Con federate Veterans’ reunion, when 400 white uniformed jackles from the United States cruiser “Columbia" marched in the veterans’ parade, sa luted the Confederate flag and pre sented arms to Gen. Stephen D. Lee, commander-in-chief, and were in turn Baluted by the wearers of the gray. The splendid appearance, perfect uni son of step as well as the significance of the sailors being In a Confederate Veterans’ parade, elicited wildly en thusiastic applause from the thousands of Southern spectators who lined Ca nal street, vietng with, if not exceed ing salvos of shouting which greeted the playing of “Dixie.” 'Phone 280 for stove wood and Ice. ALBANY COAL & ICE CO. BUGG HAD BILLS FOR FEMININE APPAREL Which Mrs. Bugg Alleges She Knew Nothing About. Special to The Herald. Savannah, May 3.—Mrs. W. T. Bugg In her suit for divorce against her hus band in the superior court gave some In the superior court gave some very Interesting testimony yesterday. She told of finding bills for feminine wear ing apparel in his pocket for articles that she had never seep herself. Shoes and hose entered largely Into these bills. The grounds upon which divorce was asked are statutory. Bugg made no defense. Mrs. Bugg said she had heard that Bugg was masquerading as a single man in South Carolina. Daily telegraphic baseball reports i The Office. if ’Phone 70 for fresh eggs—20c dozen. W. E. FIELDS. Summer •• Suggests Straws i ' i , Straws ♦ A Suggest Davis & Co. 1.50 to 10.00. T hey Fit * hat’s It \ Base Ball Tomorrow! Cordele Vs. Albany. Game Called at 3:45 Sharp*