The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, May 04, 1906, Image 4
. • - , • • . »•> • ■ - ; ' ■■V < THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, - FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1906. SUMMER HOSIERY FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Unnsual Variety-—Extraordinary Values Some man has figured it out with mathematical precision that a person living 75 years stands up 25 years, or one-third of the time. N° w , who would want to stand 25 years with uncomfortable feet? A great many people think that a comfortable shoe entirely solves the problem, but wiser ones kno discomfort is often caused by carelessly selected Hose. “ . ' Then there are other considerations which should influence you to buy Hosiery carefully. Both money and a great deal of the trouble of darning may be saved. It is hardly wise to drop in anywhere and buy the first stockings offered you — though'we honestly think that you would not suffer by sue careless shopping at this store — but you should examine and compare the hosiery offered you at all the stores to which you have access. We want you to do this — we invite you to make this comparison of our hosiery with that of other stores. We are anxious for you to study the qual ities offered, and we say, buy wherever you find the best values. ’ . ., , . In our really superb stock of Ladieg’ and Children’s Hose we are confident that you will find the best values. Our great confidence in the values in this \ Spring and Summer Line of Hosiery is born of an experience of nearly forty years. We will appreciate your calling to examine these Hose, even if you have . no notion of buying. Strong Values at 25c Embroidered Lisle Hose “Out Size” Hose 45c Hosiery for Children It has been a hope long cherished by A new lot of beautiful quality lisle In this complete hosiery stock is a Our line of Children’s Hosiery is very this store that we could offer the best 25c hose, with red, blue, old rose, white and line of extra size hosiery, an unusually complete and beautiful — larger by fart Hosiery in Georgia. We believe we are self-embroidered figures of various de- good value for 45c than any line we’ve ever shown. Full realizing that hope in this strong line of signs, is especially attractive. Splendid . _ line of the popular Colored Hose for plain and lace lisle hose in summer vklues at $1.00 DllSSeS Opecial OUC Children — so stylish for summer wear. weights, shown in white, black and __ . . . , ... , ,.’. . t Shown in Navy, Pink, Light Blue, Tan tan. A wonderful hosiery value for 25c. NeW Silk Stockings M A beautlful ne ' v gau £f, , ls . e hose , f0 f and White. Good quality. Both plain ’ s Misses just in. Remarkable in point of and lace lisle at ......... 35c Pretty Hosiery at 50c , • A new shipment of plain and lace silk quality when price is considered. Spe- Beautiful line of Children’s Ribbed :<• , . \ ,■ , lisle hosiery has just come in, and con- cial value at 50c L isle Hose in summer weights. Shown _ We are shpwing some beautiful stock- tains extraordinary values at Mathers* Friend StachinffS in Red, Pink, Blue and Black. A sum- mgs in black and white, plain lisle or $1.25 to $1.75 IVlOiners r riena OlOCRingS mer hosiery'leader 25c lace lisle. Excellent quality for com- Exquisite Black Silk Lace Hose from These splendid Stockings for children Splendid quality White Hose for Chil- foit and wear at ’<;• .50c $1.50 to $4.75 are shown in summer weight. Double dren. Offered at special price of.. .19c 7lZ r Fnlnrerl fiOr Very handsome, .full lace, rich silk toe,^ heel and kneei These stockings _ r « i A > » hosiery; shown only in white. Special have won a wide reputation and great > Infants Socks, Colored These beautiful gauze lisle hose are ’..$3.00‘ sale by their excellent wearing qualities. , T . . . o i • u shown,in white and black, and in pop- 1 , A ful1 lme of Infants Socks in all .ular spring shades of navy, sky-blue and colors is a new but popular addition to 'tan. Leading stores all over the state T he rw/,>v wr /» r n Th* 0„„/,7v ° ur hosiery stock. Shown in plain and are selling great quantities of the identi- ^ fYlft \}(>Y fchTiPfi rf6 r * ace ‘ ^ nce< ^' cal hosiery at 75c a, pair, but the H.,J. [Store. MM.OTTTlUyCr y i/U/fCd Oi I/O. Store. In cotton 25c & Co. price is only, i.... ...60c In lisle 35c ■ / ■ Better Soda. Than Ever ElIS BUNDLE WAITING FOR HIM. -aaagseeeeeseiee&sesifkeeieesea AT THE Dj:P0T. Officer Raley Has a Lively Chase After a Suspicious Character. Customers say our soda is better than ever this year. As we hear the same thing every year we are inclined to think our soda is fast reaching the point of perfection. We certainly try to make it as near perfect as possible and spare no expense in ■ oflr efforts as / We use the best of everything in making it and serve it in bright, clean glasses. We do not stop at the best materials for we employ expert dispensers. Even pure soda can be ruined in drawing. When your spring thirst arrives come to our magnificent soda parlor and drink soda that is delicious, refreshing and satisfying. - Hoggard Drug Co., ’Phone 75. J. £. MacMillan. President, TO. G. Mcritvclhcr. Secy, and Trcas. If You 1 re Wise IPs Not to the “Tall Timbers” ' Wednesday morning while Officer Raley was down at the Union Btatlon on official business he noticed a young man, neatly dressed and carrying a bundle under Ills arm, walking around the depot. He noticed that the fellow was trying to evade him, and called him to him. After some hesitation the young man came. He said in re ply to the officer’s queries that he was traveling under the Inter-State Com merce law. The officer told him to climb up In the buggy with him, and moved over to one side to make room. He heard something drop, and looking around saw the young man beating a hasty retreat. In swift pursuit he fol lowed across lots, down Mercer street, across the cemetery, and through the brickyard. When the policeman reached the brickyard the agent had vanished, and no report of him has since reached the ears of the police. 1 It seems he was going around among the negroes selling watches on the In stallment plan. A negro would order a watch and pay 25 cents on it, with out, though, receiving the watch. The officer has his bundle of literature waiting for him should he call for it. The man had quite a roll of money oh him, which' he had gotten from ne groes and Ignorant white people. That you’ll look for building material. Albany Pressed Stone Co.’s double-hollow air space concrete blocks are more satisfactory from every standpoint. THE WEATHER. Albany Pressed Stone Co. Weather Forecast. The following is the'^ weather fore* cast for the state of Georgia for the next twenty-four hours: Showers tonight and Saturday. rr STYLE IN PLUMBING means work expertly done, pipes prop erly arranged, and all parts neatly and artistically finished. This is PLUMBING that even a poet can sing of. Because It means solid comfort, sanitation and long life to the work. We’re proud to say that w’e do that style of plumbing, in. new aud repair work. Give us a trial. HARRIS RLUMBING CO. Local Weather Observations. The following record of meteorologi cal observations taken by fhe local co-operative-observer of the Weather Bureau of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture for the twenty- four hours ending at 7 o’clock this morning is published for the Informa tion of the public: Maximum temperature 92.00 Minimum temperature GG.OO Mean temperature 79.0Q Precipitation 0.87 Height of river 1.70 (No change In 24 hours.) Weather f. .Pt. Cl’dy Wind . South D. W. BROSNAN. Volunteer Observer. Although sworn vouchers could not he produced In proof of the fact, they looked as If they hatj been married about a year. The general appear ance of things gave out that Impres sion, anyway. The husband alighted from the train, dragging a go-cart af ter him. Then he helped down his wife, who held a tear-stained Infant In her arms. They went on In the wait ing room, the man trundling the go- cart still. His movements were ac companied with a look that was at ance calm and Impatient, dlgulBed and wild. All eyes were upon him, and he knew it, hut he didn’t show It. Evi dently he had been there before. He went up to the window to get the tlckest. All at once the infant commenced to scream. The mother’s efforts to quiet It were vain, and she was wildly signalling for him. He must needs | go—and he went. Finally it was quieted, and he went up again to the window. ! When the train pulled In on which they were to go he and the baby car riage brought up the rear. Tenderly | he lifted it up the steps and rolled it up the aisle. They got seated some way, the instrument of torture en- r.eonsced safely half way in the aisle. I He was making the best of the situa tion, and as he say the pitying looks on the faces of the male passengers a half smile showed itself upon his face. He wore a resigned look and seemed to be at peace with himself and the world. x As the train left a young man who had been a close observer of all this muttered: “I’ll think twice before I marry. Catch me in that fix?—never!” 1 ALBANY BRICK CO ;ric —MANUFACTURERS OF— Annual Capacity, 10,000,000. : V y,:.'.. ■; W. E. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law, Room 4, Woolfolk Building. Albany, 6a. -?'> Y.-'v4.T:’• /.v A Mountain of Gold could not bring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, Wis., as did one box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salvo, when It completely cured a running sore on her leg. which had tortured her 23 long years. Greatest antiseptic healer of Piles, Wounds, and Sores. 25c at Albany Drug Co.’s drug store. Postmaster Robbed. itfna G. W. Fouts, Fostlhaster at River ton, Ia„ nearly lost his life and was robbed of all cogifort, according to his letter, which says: “For 20 years I had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a severe case of jaundice that even my linger nails turned yellow; when my doctor prescribed Electric Bitters, whlch^cured me and have kept me well for eleven years.’ Sure cure for Biliousness, Neuralgia, Weakness and all Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bladder derangements. A wonderful Tonic. At Albany Drug Co.’s drug store. 50 cents. Rain-coats are in evidence today. A tale of horror was told by marks of human blood in the home of J. W. Williams, a well-known merchant of Bac, Ky. He writes: “Twenty years ago I had severe hemorrhages of the lungs, and was near death when I be gan taking Dr. King’s New Discovery. It completely cured me and I have re mained well ever since.” It cures Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs, Set-' tied (Colds and. Bronchitis, and Is the only known cure for Weak Lungs. Every bottle guaranteed by Albany Drug’tlo., Druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. The Danger of Staying at Home.- From New Orleans Tiines-Dqmocrat. One of the accident Insurance com panies, which has prepared a table on this subject, gives the following as the percentage of the different kinds of accidents: Per Cent Accidents to pedestrians 24.14 At home (Indoors) 18.80 Horses and vehicles 18.16 At home (outside) 15.98 Recreation 6-.15 Railroad travel 4.77 Bicycle accidents 4.06 Street-car travel 2.74 Use of firearms 1.73 Animal bites 1.52 Assaults 1.20 Steamship travel 70 Miscellaneous 05 ...Good Groceries all the Time... If you want the best in the Grocery Line, and want the right prices, too, ’phone your orders to No. 91. S. STERNE, Washington St. Grocer TALKINC FEET TO CELEBRITY. 100.00 Quite "Apparent. The Tramp—You’re one man In a hundred. ’Taio’t often I meet anybody thnfll talk to me two minutes without askin’ why I don’t go to work at some trade. The Remarkable Man—Oh, I The late Marshall Field, that great merch ant prince of Chicago, sent for me ufter I had treated his fbet, which came '.very near frightening the wits out of me until hesaid, ‘•my feet are nil right, but what I want you to do Is to tell me all about my own feet.” To be worried almost to death with corns, bun ions, Ingrowing nails and perspiring feet is absolutely unnecessary. I remove them in stantly without pain or blood It is a most plensing experience. Twenty-live cents a corn and it does not hurt a sp?ck. Strictly antiseptic. DR. R. E. WILLIAMS. Surgeon Chlropoaist-Massncer-Samarla. Telephone 232. Thomasuille, Ga. P. 8— Dr. Williams offers $5 reward for an ingrowing nail he cannot cure without pain. Mrs. Williams does dainty manicure, nia sage and hair dressing Scalp treatme J^ D STI Summer Suggests Straws Straws na tne morcel wave a specialty. Suggest Davis <6 Co. 1.50 to 10.00. . jt ' They Fit ■* hat’s It * - * f Base Ball ] tomorrow! Cordele Vs. Albany. tame tailed a 13:45 Sharp. - • Hi—