The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, May 04, 1906, Image 5
THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 4,. 1906. fortunate accident at the corner of Washington and PJne streets, Wed nesday afternoon, Is still serious. The horse stepped on her back and se verely gashe* her head. Her age counts against her, also. She Is In an almost helpless condition. It Is to be hoped that a change for the better will soon show Itself. Dr. Davis Is In attendance upon her. She is at the home of her niece, Mrs. W. J. Hall. Mrs. Hall was also in the buggy, but beyond a general shaking up and some braises wa3 not hurt. The hack' drivers who drove down to the park yesterday In the hope*of bringing back some of the fans were rewarded for their efforts. The rain drove folks, who would otherwise have walked home, to take refuge in the carriages. Come round this evening and see how the other games In the Georgia State League camdjout. Detailed tele graphic accounts at The Office. Those Who Come and Go—Short and 8nappy Paragraphs that Everybody Will Read With Interest-What It Going on In Society With Now ftnd Then a Little Gossip., More News from the New England States. If anyone has any doubt as to the virtue of Foley’s Kidney Cure, they need only to refer to Mr. Alvin H. Stlmpson, of Wlllimantlc, Conn., who, after almost losing hope of recovery, on account of the failure of so many remedies, finally tried Foley’s Kidney Cure, which he says was "just the thing” for him, as four bottles cured him completely. He Is now entirely well and free from all the suffering in cident to acute kidney trouble. For sale by Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. Mr. W. B. Haley went to. Cordele today. Mr. A. L. Carver, of Dawson, was In town yesterday. Mr. a A. Barnes has returned from a business trip to Camilla,, Mr. Harry Kendall, of Macon, Is tending the T. P. A. convention. . Fernland Farms . Dairy Department Sweet Cream Rich Milk High Grade Butter "Patronage Solicited For Engagements Telephone No. 199 DON’T RISK YOUR VALUABLES by leaving them in your house. You may lose them by fire or burglary. “SAFE DEPOSIT” is the bestjflre or burglary insurance. Our armor clad safe deposit Vaults are fire and burglar proof. Box rentable from. $3 to'$10 a year. Your inspection is invited. EXCHANGE BANK OF ALBANY. Phone 147, • • r-i Mr. A. B. Lee, of Leesburg, was out at the ball park yesterday. Mrs. Alec Forrester Is shopping in the city today from Leesburg. • Miss May Haverfleld left today for Fitzgerald to visit relatives for a month or six weeks. The members of the North Side Club yesterday afternoon enjoyed their first meeting since before Lent, the occas ion being the entertainment of the or ganization by Mrs. H. A. Tarver at her charming cottage on Tift street. Like numerous previous social gatherings in this home that are so pleasantly re membered, this one was greatly en joyed by Mrs. Tarver’s guests. Delight ful refreshments were served. The first and second prizes were captured respectively by Mrs. W. W. Pace and Mrs. D. F. Crosland. It is gratifying to the friends of Miss Claire Mathews, who has been sick for several days, to learn that she Is much better today. Col. O. F. Cheatham’s friends regret to learn that, he has been confined to his home for several days by illness. Miss Mollle Alexander, of Baconton, was shopping in the city today. Miss Adeline 1 Baum, who has been visiting at Mrs.. Marvin Cohn’s the past two weeks, will return to her home at Dublin tomorrow. Mr. L. O. Whitehead, of Atlanta, is in-the city today. Mr. Ira Cook has returned from Les lie. The condition of little Jimmie Mal lard, who was so badly hurt Wednes day, is a little improved. Yesterday a prominent young busi ness man was one of a fishing party of four. Collectively they caught about seventy-five or eighty fish. His indi vidual catch, though, is not to be men tioned. He brought home quite a string and only to his wife did he con fess that they were not all his own. At bj-eakfast he was extremely solici tous of the needs of thg others, ask ing them repeatedly to have some of “my" fish. As an angler he isn’t so very much, but when it comes to giv ing out an impression he’s right there. Indeed, so few did he catch that it can't be mentioned. Yesterday afternoon the’ rains de scended. The wise ones had been pre dicting that it would rain yesterday and so it did. But the folks are clam oring for more. Even as it is, though, the people have begun to get active in the garden line. They rise with the dawn and operate next to the ground until breakfast, engaged chiefly just at present in transplanting tomato and cabbage plants. [■here wasn’t the usual crowd at the pot this morning. It was too un- nfortable to stand in the rain. Even 1 the most confirmed of the train- leters it was too wet a proposition. Paved sidewalks are appreciated at their full value on a day like this. When things are dry any old thing will do to walk on. But let a rain come and the masculine^lement of the popu lation turn up their ^rouserS and seek the stone-paved streets. Likewise the feminine, only it’s not a case of trous ers, but of skirts. WANTS. FOUND—In front of the Albany Drug Co. one chainless bicycle. Owner may recover same by calling at the Albany Drug Co., identifying the wheel and paying $1 for this adver tisement. R. F. Armstrong. 4-3t LOST—Last week a string of gold beads; string was broken and beads in an envelope. Suitable reward will be paid for return to Herald office. It FOR RENT—Two cottages, very de sirable; rents reasonable. Apply at once to R. M. Thompson. 2-2t WANTED—An iron safe. Apply at Ware & Leland’s. 2-3t Reward. ~ I will give 325 for the arrest and re turn to this county of Andrew Mitchell (colored), charged with selling mort gaged property; This May 3rd, 1906. L. W. NELSON, 3-lwk Albany, Ga. Clean Your Premises. ' Notice is hereby given that all the premises in the city'must be cleaned and kept clean hnd in sanitary condi tion during summer. On May 10 and regularly thereafter an inspection of all premises will he made and crises will be made against all who have failed ,to comply with this notice. J. R. deGGraffenrled, tf Sanitary Inspector. At the Head of theiiist: Ideal- Wood Fibre Plaster, Longview Lime, ' " The Best Portland Cement, Windows, Doors, Blinds,- Lumber, Moulding, etc. ■ J. D. WESTON. Telephone No. 44. Hill Copyright 1906 by Hart Schaffner &? Marx' A Money Save* You Man! Buy a Two-Piece Suit for One Half and Less. We have seventy-five two-piece Suits left over from last season. These suits are worth from $7.50 to $13.50. We propose to close this lot Out at a great sacrifice. “WE’RE GOING TO DO IT NOW,” hence the extremely low, price of ! $5.90 for your choice.. We are willing to accept a severe loss in order to close ’! them out. y ' These suits, are made of thinnest and coolest wool crashes and flannels. They are correctly cut, broad shoulders, and though light in weight are tail ored to keep their shape. See window display of these suits. $5.90 Rosenberg Brothers. . Dill Pickles, 15c dozen; Sour. Cu cumbers, lc each; Sweet Mixed, 26c quart. W. E. FIELDS. No ice famine In Albany now. Bar ron sendB It when you want 1L ALBANY COAL & ICE CO. California Evaporated Peaches, 16c lb.; Apples, 15c package, 2 for 25c. j " W. B. FIELDS, Max Cassel id Sister if We still have a full line of beautiful Millinery to se lect from. We have in a new shipment of Ready-to- Wear Sailors. Also a nice line of Voile, Linen and Em broidered Skirts. '4 i * „ _ „• '• \ • V Max Cassel id Sister. -EVERYBODY RIDE8 IN IT, AND THERE’S ALWAYS ROOM FOR ONE MORE. Mr, T. M. Miller, of Baconton, is in the city today. Mr. W. a!. Pinson, who has been at tending the T.. P. A. convention, re turned to Atlanta today. Miss Hermione Nall, who has been the guest of Miss Pinkston the last two weeks, returned to Griffin this morn ing. _ Mr. J. R. Pinkston returned from a busines trip to Camilla today. “Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Jackson an nounce the engagement of their daugh ter, Florrie, to ' h^r. William Banks Haley, of Albany, the wedding to take place June 27th.” The above Item, clipped from the Cuthbert Leader, will be read with great interest by the many friends of these popular young people in Albany. Mr. Haley is one of the most promi nent young business men and one of the most popular men socially in Al bany. Miss Jackson has visited in the city and numbers her friends ayd ad. mirers by the score. The approach ing marriage of these young people will be an event of great interest both in Cuthbert and Albany. Mrs. C. M. Grantham, of Baconton, was shopping iu the city today. Messrs. J. L. and J. B. Boon, of Syl vester, are in toWn today. Mr, Charley Locket is here today from Leesburg.' Mr. M. Rosenberg, of Columbus, ar rived in the city this morning. Mr. Rosenberg will make this his home In the future., Mrs. Rosenberg will ar rive in Albany this afternoon. Mrs. J. S. Lowry, of Dawson, is vis iting at the home of Mr. W. E. Ganna way. Miss Adeline Hyde, of Cordele, was the guest of Miss Chloemily Gilbert yesterday. Mrs. S. E. Anderson leaves this morning for Chatham, Tex. Mra. An derson will visit her daughter there. Mr. R. M. Pinson, of Atlanta, is in town. Mr. J. M. Swindel Is in the city from Douglas. Mr? J. S. French, of Cincinnati, is in the city. / Mr. John Underwood, of Blakely,'is in the city today. Mr. J. M. Griffin, of Tlfton, is in town. Among the Columbus T. P. A.’s now here are Messrs. Max Banner, Richard Howard, W. T. Barr and H. Rhodes. Mr. A. B. Davis, of Cordele, was in town yesterday. / Miss Polly Salter, of Leesburg, is shopping in the city today. The condition of Mrs. Henry Mc Clendon, who was injured in the un- Gents’ Stylish Footwear THB ^HOB 5 ,00 Patents and ''Gun- Metals, Bluchers and Button Oxfords • in all the swell shapes. Once bought Always sought = Ehrlich’s. Delicious Ice Cream For Warm Spring Days $ fMany ["people find the first warm •days^of spring very fatiguing. These will find oui? delicious ice cream espe cially refreshing. Expertly Made of Pure Cream. Served Daily xn Maxiy Flavors. : Albany Drug Co.