The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, May 04, 1906, Image 6
6 THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1906. Are You Repenting Leisure? at This is about Stoves and Ranges. There lare various makes of good or better of these indispensable kitchen utilities, but there is one | all-important poinf which the average person over looks when making a selection. 1 That point is this: In the event of a broken section, how easy will it be to replace it? Under ordinary conditions, it is a question of two or three weeks. It is a matter of great incon venience, of heavy extra expense, and perhaps dis appointment in the end. You of course know something about the famous '“NATIONAL” Ranges and the incomparable “EN TERPRISE” Stoves which we have been handling to the exclusion of all others for several years. But do you know that ours is the only firm in this whole section which carries in stock a complete out fit of duplicate parts for every “NATIONAL” Range and “ENTERPRISE” Stove that is manufactured? If one of our customers telephones after break fast that any part of her stove lias met with an acci dent, we are in position to repair the damage in time for dinner to be prepared on time. And the repairing '’is perfectly done by men who have done practically no other character of work in thirty years. These are important points which will not be overlooked by the level-headed and far-seeing house keeper. And they explain in part why we are sell ing hundreds of “ NATIONALS ” and “ ENTER PRISES ” every year. "Let us show you.” •o You Use Paint? Most of the world does and most of the world uses Sherwin-Williams Paint. It’? made to paint buildings with, inside and outside. It’s made ready for the brush. It’s made for home use and for practical painters too. It’s pure lead, pure zinc and pure linseed oil, mixed by specially made machinery operated by experts. It’s made for you. We carry a full line of this high grade goods. Please call and see us, or phone No. 5 for color cards and prices. C. Eat man. ■MgS-v-.' 25 Washington street. Albany, Oa. Z ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD CO. PASSENGER SCHEDULES. 1 I IN EFFECT APRIL 9, 1906. NOTE.—These arrivals and departures, as well as connections, are given information, but arrivals, departures and connections are not guaranteed, J No. 71 TIBS' 4.00p|Lv Albany Ar 10.25a 6.16p Ar Thomasvlll,' Lv lO.EOa 6.30p|Lv Thoinasvllle Ar 13.10p 7.30p|Ar Montlcello Lv jNo. 74jNo. 72 nOST Albany Tifton 5.15a Ar 6.45a Ar Lv Ar Ar Waycrosa Lv! Lv Waycross Ar Ar Jacksonville Lv Lv Jacksonville Ar Ar Palatka Lv Sanford Lv Orlando Lv Lakeland Lv Tampa | No. 90 7.20a |Ar Port Tampa Lvj ArlKUOp Lv! 8.55p G.30p 6.<15p 3.30r 7.55a 5.36a 2.20a 1.02a 10.20p 8.35p 8.00p 7.05p 4.30p 2.10p L00p No. 011Npros 11.46a 9.26a 6.10a 5.20a No. 71 5.45a 9.45a 9.50a •00p G.OOp G.30p 12.55p 9.35p 1.05p 1.36a 5.10p 5.55a 11.45p 1.40p 4.17a | S.OOp 7.54a|11.50p 9.09a 1.43a 11.22a| 4.25a 1.53pj 7.23a 4.00p G.15p 1.15a Lv Albany Ar Ar ThomaavlUe Lv Lv Thomasville Ar No. 74 8.05a[Ar Montgomery Lv ' No. 94 Albany Ar Waycross Lv Waycross Ar Savannah Lv Savannah Ar Ar Charb-ston Lv Ar Wilmington Lv Ar Richmond Lv Ar Washington Lv Ar Baltimore Lv Ar Philadelphia Lv Ar New York Lv No. 90 11.46a 7.55a 6.05a 3.15a 2.50a 12.01a 3.45p 9.05a 4.30a 2.51a 12.19a AT HOME. W. A/ IpTTMAN—HOT PEANUTS. E. H. DENNISON- 248. -Dentist. ’Phone J. W. DORSETT, Dentist, now in Davls-Ex. Bank Bldg., Phone 413. Cool and pleasant again. I lit the musses with scientifically fitted .glasses. Dr. C. I. Hutchason. Evenytblng will growing start now take a fresh North Georgia Block Butter, 25c lb, Phone 70. W. E, FIELDS. Read Herald keep posted. advertisements and ’Phone 280 for stove wood and Ice. ALBANY COAL & ICE CO. Most of the T. P. A. visitors took in tho ball game yesterday afternoon. Our motto: "Ice when you want It'* ALBANY COAL & ICE CO. What a relief it is to He rid of the dust. It was the moBt disagreeable, if not the most serious, feature of the dry weather. Lemons, 25c dozen. I W. E. FIELDS. NATATORIUM Is now open and running full blast. Better now than ever. Managed By S. Flelshor, manager. 2-3t The rain should have come a little earlier yesterday afternoon. It would have saved Albany from a disastrous Baseball defeat. s FLY TIME. Kpop them out with our wire screen windows and doors. Complete stock on hand. C. D. SMITH. Several parties' have been heard to remark today that It is exceedingly unwise to bet on a ball game between two teams that have never played to gether. South Atlantic and Southern League detail telegraphic games at The Office. There are smiles on the faces of the farmers again today. The dry weath er was catisjng a good deal of damage, and the brightened prospect has sent, the spirits of the tllhvs of the, soil very much higher than they were. Dally telegraphic baseball reports at The Office. Remember that thb Natatorlum I open until 10 o’clock at night. 3-2t S. FLEfSHER, Manager. Whether it was the convention of the T. P. A., the opening of the ball season or just the simple goodness of J. Pluvlus, this city and section re ceived a splendid shower yesterday afternoon and last night; and now that the backbone of a spring drought has been broken, It is probable that we will be getting more weather like this from time to time. WOOD! WOOD! OAK AND PINE. Cruger & Pace. 7.05p 4.30p 2.30p 6.60a I0.30p 6.30p 6.00p 2.45p 9.00a 7.00u 7.25p 3.45f 2.121 11.55 W. J. CRAIG, Passenger Traffic Manage. Wilmington, N. C S. A. ATKINSON, Ticket Agent, Albany. Ga. 9.25p 9.25a T T. C. WHITE, Division Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. T. J. BOTTOMS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Tbomasvllle, Ga. Mr. S. L. Bowen, of Wayne, W. Vn„ writes: "I was a sufferer from kidney diRense, so that at. times I could not get oiit of bed, and when I did, I could not stand straight. I took Foley's Kid ney Cure. One dollar bottle and part of the second cured me entirely." Foley’s Kidney Cure works wonders where others are total failures. For snle by Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. Yesterday afternoon, at the St. John's Hotel, Iwo painters, H. T. God' ley and A. Bvunno, both white, en gaged In a little scrap. Godley seems to have had a grudge against Brunno and walked up to his room and began to curse him. Brunno replied In a more effective manner than mere lip work, and a rough and tumble fight resulted, In which Godley was decid edly worsted. Officer Walden arrested Brunno on a charge of assault and battery, and Officer McCasktU later made out a city case against him. He Is out under bond. A case will alSo be made out against Godley. WA8HING WITHOUT WATER hi Like Trying to Get Rid of Dandruff Without Herplclde. Did you ever see any one trying to wash themselves without Boap or water? If you did what would you say of him? It Is every bit as foolish to try to get rid of Dandruff and to prevent Bald ness by feeding the germs which cause It, with Canthrarldes, Vaseline, Glycer ine and similar substances which form the principal Ingredients of most so- called Hair Vigors. Newbro's Herplclde Is euecessful be cause It attacks and kills the paraaltlo germ which feeds on the hair roots. It Is the original, and - only genuine scalp germicide manufactured. Sold by leading druggists. Send lOo. In stamps for qgmple to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mien Albany Drug Co, Special Agents THE T. P. A.’S OF LONE STAR STATE. . Houston, Tex., May 4.—The Texas division of the Travelers’ Brotectlve Association assembled in annual con vention In Houston today, President Adolph Boldt presiding. The attend ance was large and representative of the entire state. Th^ morning was taken up with routine business. The reports of the officers showed the af fairs of the state association to be in a satisfactory condition. This after noon the delegates and their ladies were taken on pleasure drives to points of Interest In and about the city. Arrangements of an elaborate character have been made for the an nual convention banquet to be given at the Rice Hotel tonight. ’Phone 70 for Dill Pickles, 15c dozen. Sour Cucumbers, lo each. Sweet Mixed, 25c quart. W. E. FIELDS. 'Phone 70. WELCOME T o the Drummer Boys. P leasant may your visit be in A lbany. We assure you of pleasant recollec tions if you use Flint Rock as a chaser. FLINT ROCK? tVhy it’s a Ginger Ale. Made only by II BOTTLING " Albany, Ga DON'T FROWN BECAUSE YOU WEAR GLASSES. No need, unless you’re wearing the wrong glasses or they are not correct ly fitted; perhaps too wide or too nar row between the eyes. Don’t foci with OPTICAL affairs. Your eyes are your best friend and deserve the best treatment. Find the optician who has learned his bus iness by years of experience; he’s the man to make your glasses exactly cor rect and so that they’ll add to your good looks. I carry a complete stock of Optical Goods and do repairing. See DR. C. I. HUTCHASON, Albany's Leading Optician, Davis Exchange Bank Building. Fortunate Missourians.' “When I was a druggist, at Ltvohia, Mo..” writes T. J. Dwyer, now of Graysville, Mo., “three of my custom ers were permanently cured of con sumption by Dr. King’s New Discov ery, and are well and strong today. One was trying to sell his property and move to Arizona, but after using New Discovery a short time he found it unnecessary to do so. I regard Dr. King’s New Discovery as the most wonderful medicine in existence." Sur est Cough and Cold cure and Throat and Lung healer. Guaranteed by Al bany Drug Co., druggists. 50c and 31. Trial bottle free, l Sheet Music! Chautauqua visitors will find it to their interest to look at our Im mense line of Sheet Music. We have’ everything that Is new and popular, and for this week we are offering Music at / 2 off. Big stock of McKinley Music at 5c per copy for this week. Come and get a cat alogue free. A piano to try music at your disposal. / LQNSBERG'S BOOK AND MUSIC HOUSE. It Has Stood the Test. Imitations, the sincerest flattery, haVe flooded the market, but npne of them has ever been able to over come fhe merit which underlies the real NET CLOSED » NET OPEN k Dixie” Mosquito Frame and Net. The “DIXIE” frame is the only perfectly tempered frame 5?'4'‘ 5 preserves ifs temper and elasticity through the years "bend or get out of shape and refuse to fold. Put one 1 “* j„ pr ° p ? h ? , it take? your net back and folds it gracefulW ant!I pci fectb iso thiat you do not have to fan out the mosquitoes and the files when It Is let down. Wp have sold them for years, and the years have biought us lncieased business on them Amf we are the only people from whom they can be obtained in this town. THE “CLIMAX” PULLEY NET, made by tne Dixie people, is also without a peer in its class. We are ready to supply your, demand for .these goods, and there is no better time for this work than the present.. The Steele Furniture and Hardware Store, Leaders in (High .Grade Goods. Telephone No. 156 | S. REICH | 96 Broad Street FREE TO ALL! . We are offering to every customer thatjtrades with us for the next 10 daysfsomething entirely new, and that will profit every one that buys these goods. ' ■ • 15c Plain White Sh eer Organdies, - 25c Plain ^Vfiite Sheer Organdies, - - 29c ^iVliite Wash Swiss, per yard, Dotted Swisses, per yard, 1000 yards White Madras, 1 for Waists, per yard, - AvfC Big lot of Floral Organdies, per yard, A beautiful assorted line of Valenciennes Laces—Edgings and Insertings to match. Many other Novelties of th . 9c . 15c . 20c 15-25c 10c e season. S. REICH. Agent McCall Patterns. Parties Wishing to Sell Their Next Sea< COTTON SEE ALBANY WAREHOUSE COMPANY. OFFICERS : •v RACE. President • WILDER S.r .nr A. P. VASON. Vlco-Preildenl WOOLEOLK Manager