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We are not vary
apt to have a mo
squitoless summer,
so why not let us
put one of our
Acme INets
,f mSKSfSjmtf&f f y4 f'lj \
•con your bed? ^ n
f, The wh,ole frame-
«is nickle plated, the
quality of the net is the best, and they, fold
\ back against the head of the bed entirely out of
your way.
Let us show you how nicely they work.
We put them up for you.
000— 3 4 3
lllfpptlli HERALD? SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1906,' ,
Thirty prominent Albanians
feed for" IsiSf too much
them right,
should use
It’s a, Ginger Ale.
And there is no fine
using too much.
Made only by
Albany, Ga.
Do (on Use a
Fountain Pen?
Then see our $1.00
special. Each pen is
fully gu a ran te e d.
Made in chased Holder
and solid gold pens.
We will refund your
money if not satisfied
with your purchase.
We also carry a
complete line of self
filling pens from $2.50
up. Satisfaction or
money back.
Albany, 7; Columbus, 4.
Waycross, 22; Amerlcus, 5.
Valdosta, 3; Cordele, 1.
Third place (or us today, and later
on better things.
Five hundred per cent don’t look so
Alec’s filtters were there all the
The knockers whp filled the streets
Boyd Wins This One —Al
bany Hits Ten Tiipes, Col-
..Mheia-ii T3Vf«<-c 1\W On a tew da >' 8 “So have changed their
umbus 11—Errors Not bo opIntons now ooncernIng the home
Conspicuous This Time.
Score, 7 to 4. *
Albany a^Columbus.
Valdosta at Cordele.
Waycross at Amerlcus.
Standing of the Clubs. I
Clubs— Played. Won. Lost. Pot. |
Columbus 5 4 1 .800,
Waycross S
Albany 6
Cordele 6
Valdosta 8
Amerlcus 5
club. It was ever thus.
Now, If today Is ours, a warm re
ception awaits the boys when they
come home.
The Columbus variety of fan is not
so rampant today. A .200 drop, and
they hit hard.
•The triple play pulled off in ThurS'
day’s game by Snodgrass, Eldred and
Poole Is the talk of the circuit
Amerlcus is still at the bottom. They
hold to their three zeros without any
difficulty. When a team gets beat 22
to 0 It is time for something to hap
The trouble In Amerlcus isn't with
..Good Groceries all the Time..
If you want the best in the
Grocery Line, and want the
right prices, too-, 'phone your
orders to No. 91.
Washington St. Grocer
Maybe the bunch
some yesterday. And it was won bi
Boyd, too. Exclamations of wonder
are going up everywhere, for the fans
haven’t forgotten the opening gaink
Alec’s crowd landed It good and solid,
In a prdtty game, too, if the pitchers
team. It must surely be all three
SCO com bined. No one of the trio, or even
500 two ’ could keep th * n S s like they are.
The Albany fans are not the only
ones Joyous today. The team Itself Is
i feeling a little good.
wasn’t working! 0lie reason why Columbus is at the
' i top Is because they bfive played three
' of their five games with ‘Amerlcus.
It’s hard to win two out of three
when one of the three Is already gone.
But that Is what the men did at Cot-
dele, and that Is what they will prob
ably do at Columbus; and It’s a lot
harder to win a series away from
Were hit a little freely. There was home. It’s difficult enough there, but
good support oh both sides, for In abroad It Is far worse.
spite of the liberal sprinkling of hits
the score didn’t run so very high. The
game was ours from start to finish.
At the outset they took a lead and'
kept It Those who remembered
or as Jacksonville has. He is the best
sticker on that club.
Lally, for Columbia, Is playing
good second this season.
The Fox brothers, Jim and Jflhn,
first entered baseball with Anderson,
S. C„ in 1902. Anderson Id only a
7.500 place, and the team they had
then wasn’t even semi-professional.
Most of the men on It were locals.
Viola, the Cuban, 1b absolutely un
emotional. Nothing disconcerts him.
As a result he Is full of "control.”
Johnny Dobbs and Abbatacchlo, two
veterans, have quit baseball altogether
and struck something tamer. Dobbs
was, after Sfieckard, the best outfield
er the National League ever knew.
Umpire Hurst is In trouble now.
Clark Griffith Is Involved, so the end
Is not in sight, until something has
The "tough" ball player Is rapidly
fading from view. He hasn’t altogeth
er faded, though, aa a glance at the
photos In the official guide will show.
Willie Keeler, of the New York
Americans, Is doing star work, as us
ual, this year.
McGlnnity and Mathewson, while
rivals In a certain sense, both being
pitchers on the same club, are very
good friends—a little strange when all
things are considered. A lot of this Is
due to the magnanimity of Christy,
who Is really the best pitcher.
Suggs, who was released In 1904
from Jacksonville, and who went
straight to the Southern League, is
helping out the Memphis team a lot
Frank Bowerman has been working
overtime on account of the suspension
of Bresnahan. Bowerman Is a good
.catcher, and In the same class as
Bresnahan, some folks think.
Charley Frank reposes In peace In
New Orleans, confident in fils capacity
to make a break and win tits pplfRjiifi
whenever he takes the notion. There
are two or three other njana^ers in
the Southern League who abe' not hes
itating to take advantage of Frank’s
self-styled “Inertia.”
Power Motors, f. o. b. New
York City:
1 H. P., $54; ,2 H. P., $60; 3
H. P., $70; 5 H. P., $126.
Albany Electrical
Construction Co.
105 Broad St.,,Phone 415.
G. W. SAYE, President.
Three Sites for Stores
on Brood Street,
. (Near Jackson).
Size, thirty feet front on
Broad street and running bacl<
210 feet to alley. ;
This property is rapidly en
hancing in value and will be
worth double present price in
few years.
Full information on applica
tion to
Crosley will probably pitch today.
He won Albany’s first game.
Walters Is the best man Valdosta
has at stick work.
And stllf they talk abbut Lavender.
And, what is seldom found, ! ln.'a gppd,
i Thursday’s defeat also remembered pitcher, especially if he is M&ig, Is a
the way that game was won and then prominent trait In his makempr^inbd-
tfirown away, and they kept remlpd- esty. His pitching ayerSge' so' far Is
ing the others of it as the returns 1.000. / "
came in yesterday. But the players The Georgia State' League is coming
were on the lookout for a repetition of in for a good deal of good natured
tlie events of the day before, and, chaff from the sporting sCrflies of pa-
guided by the look of fierce determina- pers In other leagues on account ot
tlon on Alexander's face, kept hard at the large scores that are being made.
It all the time. We ate not the only guilty ones In
The finaj score was the result of that respect,
this. Americas Is good to fatten the other
percentages, anyway.
The Albany fans are very much
alarmed that Amerlcus will drop out
of the league before the home club
gets to them.
Cassidy is all the Valdosta fan can
talk ' about And,' really; there ' isii't
much more to say about the others.
Some talk of Scott, but Alexander
fields his position as neatly as the
pordele field captilni and he Is nihch
stronger at the bat
Lots ’of good things are being said
about Poole by ot^er'players.
Padrone Is about-as valuable a plw-
Hessler, ss
Lewis, 2b.'
Fisher, lb
.. 4 0 0 10 0
Dillard, 3b
..4 0 113
Goodrich, If
..3 0 2 4 0
Cranston, c
..3 0 .0 6 0
Foster, rf
Foley, of.
..3 0 1 10
Weaver, p
Mercer, cf.
..1 0 0 0 0
..35 4 12 27 10
Eldred, 2b.
..6 3 2 6 3
Rambarger, ss. ..
..,6 2 2 1 1
Snodgrass, If. ....
McCormack, o. .1
.. 3 0 1 11 0
; Crosley, cf
..3 0 0 0 0
1 Dudley, rf.
Poole, 3b
..4 0 0 1 3
• Alexander, lb. ...
..4 0 0 6 0
Boyd, p
..30 7 8 27 11
Out of the five gamps Pigged away
from home this week, Alexander’s
crew have pulled down three. They
lost the first game at Cdfdele, but
'walked away with Me’other twti. Tlify
also tost the first ait Columbus, blit
'took the seebhd' htihdiiy y'estSr^ay af
ternoon, - and’ ate' expected" to repeat
the trlek today. It Is rjoiflethlhg of-an’
accomplishment to' takeytw'd'succesB-
ive'serles'away from home] or to eVen
break even on gameB. -Thlb latter
trick' the locals have already done;
even should' they lose the game this
afternoon; Next weelt they play three'
games at home and three away, and
will be at home for the entire week
following, meeting Waycross and
The skies are cloudless, and, as the
poets' "would love’ to say, “The blue
'dome of heaven circles o’er.” Which
la, with 1 the poetry' left out', a sign: of
dry times in store;’
Indigestion is much of a habit. Don’t
get thehablt. Take a'little Kodol DyS-
pensla Cure after eating and you will
quit belching, puffing, palpitatjng and
frowning. Kodol Digests, what you eat
and makes the stomach sweet. Sold
by Albany Drug Co., Hllsman-Sale
DuiS, Co- . -
Umtr& Loan Go.
Values ’in Marble and
Granite for artistic work
manship, and the finest
material, in
Earned Runs—Albany, 1.
Bases on Balls—Off Weaver, 2..
Three-base Hit—Eldred.
Two-base Hit—Lewis.
Hit by Pitcher—Cranston.
Sacrifice Hit—Columbus, 1.
Left on Bases — Columbus, €;
bany, 5.
Struck Out—By Boyd, 8; by Weav
er, 2.
Double Plays—'Eldred to Alexander.
Stolen Bases — Albany, 3; Colum
bus, 1.
Time 1:50.
Attendance 400.
Umpire Coniff.
Scorer Foley.
Vs. Columbus,
Monday, Tuesday and
Innings— 123 456 789—R. H.
Cordele 000 000 001— 1 4
Headstones, etc.,
The Albany Marble
Granite Works.
tf y
paom 4, Woolfolk Building.
Albany, Ga.
Innings— 123 466 789—R. H. B.
Waycross ... 650 033 500—22 19
Amerlcus. . . . 302 00b 000— 5 9 15
Batteries—Ham and Buesse; Rich
ardson and Stephens.
Columbus will have her last game
at home tomorrow, and then she will
find that things are different when her
hall team hais 'to go up against the Al
bany bunch when - the latter have the
'looters on’-their side.'
S. A.
Newest arrival Men’s Fine
Hats. Color, pearl with
black, white or gray bands;
bound or raw edges.
Special Value— .
‘The Bacon Equipment Co.
Shops—Foot of Third street.
Offices—304-305 'Davis-Exchange Bank Building.
Horse Colic Cure
Easily Given.
Certain and Quick!
16 Doses, 50 Cents.
Can be used any time, anywhere,
and, If light case, stock can be coni
tinued at work.
Owl Drug & Seed Co.
. Best Cream and Fresh Candy..' hf if|gg{
i • SSI
V >,<• »V*t - V.