The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, May 12, 1906, Image 6
‘ !' w ^ rr ^, Hi AT HOME. The dust Is on the fly again. $2.75 to $6.00 ' And all the prices in between these two. . Hammock time is here. The swinging bed is the harbinger of sum mer comfort and a source of daily joy. Largest line ever shown in Albany. tti ffi DENNISON—Dentist. ’Phone 248 J. W. DORSETT, Dentist, now In Dav!s-Ex. Bank Bldg., Phone 418. Everybody Is getting accustomed to the heat The strawberry season Is drawing to a close. Keep your boy away from the river and the creeks. There Is the usual Saturday rush about town today. The man without the coat is a com mon sight these dayB. Days like this one ones with the Ice-man. are strenuous Buy your -Coffins and Caskets from ALBANY BUGGY CO. tf TO CURE ANY D18EA8E. Tie Cause Meat be Removed, Sams Way With Dandruff. Kill the germ that causes dandruff, falling hair and baldness, you will have ng -more dandruff;' and your hair must grow luxuriantly. Newbro'a Herplclde not only contains the dandruff germ destroyer, but It Ip also a most delight- fhr halr dress'lng for regular toll-.t use. No other half preparation Is on toll scientific basis of destoylng the dandruff germs.' It stops all ■ irritation; keep,; the scalp sweet, pure and wholesome. Re member that something claimed to be "Just as good,” will not do the work of genuine Herplclde. Sold by leading druggists. 'Sehd 10c. In stamps for'sam ple to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Albany Drug Co, Special Agents From the outside comes the news that oats are being cut. People have quit talking about the hall storm. It deserves a rest, any way. Albany ought to witness three of the prettiest games of the league season next week, From all reports the farmers around Albany are busy getting things In since the rains. tv*" ■ i ■ ■ m i K 1 V You Use Paint ? ■■ • i Most of the world does and most of the world uses Sherwin-Williams Paint It’s made to paint buildings with, inside and outside. It’s made ready for the brush. It’s made for home use and for practical painters too. It’s pure lead, pure zinc and pure linseed oil, mixed by specially made machinery operated by experts. It’s made for you. Jelly Glasses, 30c dozen. 'Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS. The street fountains are well patron ized by the horses and dogs on a day llkethls one has been. The people who went to.Poulan yes terday on the Sunday school picnic report a most pleasant time. The cold snap has passed as quickly as it came. It Is now but a memory, and soon It won’t be even that The fresh look Imparted to the flow- PETITION FOR CHARTER. County of Dougherty; State of Georgia. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of J. Rosenberg, M. Ros enberg and I. A. Rosenberg, all of said State and County, and A. Rosenberg and Ike Rosenberg, of Pike County, State of Alabama, respectfully shows: 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and as signs, to become incorporated under the name and style of THE DOLLAR STORE COMPANY. 2. That they desire to be so Incor porated for a term of Twenty (20) Years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. 3. That the capital stock to be en]- ployed by said corporation will be Ten Thousand Dollars ({10,000.00), divided into shares of the denomination of One I Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each; and that petitioners desire that said cor poration shall have the right to in crease said capital stock, from time to time, as may be deemed expedient, to any amount not exceeding, In the ag gregate, Fifty Thousand Dollars ($60,- 000.00), divided into shares of like de nomination. 4. That the whole of said capital stock has already been actually pkTd in. 6. That the object of the proposed corporation Is pecuniary gain and prdf- lt to its stockholders. 6. That the particular business said corporation will do and entry on will be a general dry goods business, con sisting In the buying And selling, and otherwise dealing In, at wholesale or retail, all kinds of dry goods, notions, Clothing, hats, shoes and all SUCH other articles common to, atad usually -em braced in, a general dry goods busi ness, or profitably handled, or sold, In connection therewith,’ or as may tutor the best Interests-of said corporation. 7. That petitioners desire-that said corporation shall have the right, power and authority, in its aforesaid name, to sue and be sued, to contract and he contracted with; to have, own and "use a common seal, to make and ordain suitable rulesattd by-laws for the regu- lation of its business, to borrow money ers and things will have to be kept up by way of note, deed, mortgage or with a hose from now on for a good otherwise, to^rcBase, have and own I both real and personal property, and w “ lle " to do and perform all such other acts | as are, or may be, necessary for the or- The ball crank hunts for the tele- ganization of said Corporation and the legitimate transaction ot Its business, phone returns this week. From 4 to g That the princlpal pl a ce of busl- 0 it’s an, easy matter to find him at the ness and home office of said corpora- bulletin hoard. Bar- No Ice famine in Albany now. ron sends It when you waut It. ALBANY COAL & ICE CO. Quite a lot of cotton Is being sent out from the warehouses Just at pres ent. The price 1b very tempting to' n«me and i style _«ferq»aifl, the holders right now. We carry a full line of this high grade goods. Please call and see us, or phone No. 5 for color cards and prices. C. Eatman. tlon will be in the city of Albany, Dougherty County, Georgia, and peti tioners desire the right reserved to said corporation to establish and oper ate branch offices or places of business In such other places in or out of said State of Georgia as may be deemed proper and expedient. Wherefore, petitioners pray to - be made a body corporate, under the with the powers and authority herein applied for, entitled to the rights,- privileges and immunities, and subject to the lia bilities fixed by law. .IAS. TIFT MANN, Petitioners’ Attorney. State of Georgia, County of Dougherty. Dougherty Superior Court Clerk’s Of fice. I, R. P. Hall, Clerk of the Superior! Court of Dougherty County, do hereby 1 certify that the above and foregoing The picnic Beason Is here, and all application for charter of The Dollar, -It,, -mill Store Co., is a true and correct copy ofj the Sunday schools of the city will thfc or i glna i application this day filed 'enjoy their annual outings before the i n this office and-now-of file therein. I The lawn surrounding the Chautau qua auditorium is a favorite resort for nurses, children and baby car riages in the afternoons. Our motto: ‘The when you want If ALBANY COAL & ICE CO. Do You Want to See Something Beautiful And Varied ? Then conie around to our store and see our line of TOILET SETS l We have over FIFTY Sets for you to select from. The Steele furniture and Hardware Store, Leaders in High Grade Goods. Telephone No. 156 | S. REICH 1 96 Broad Street close of the present month. Read the church announcements In" The Herald this afternoon and make up your mind to spend some part of tomorrow In helpful worship. This 4th day ot May, 1906. R. P. HALL, Clerk Dougherty Superior Court. 25 Washington street. Albany, Ga. Si ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD CO. PASSENGER SCHEDULES. IN EFFECT APRIL 9, 1906. NOTE.—These arrivals and departures, as well as connections, are given < information, but arrivals, departures and connections are not guaranteed. No. 73 No. 71 No. 74 No. 72 |No. 71| No. 74 7.46a 10.25a 10.60a I2.10p 4.00p 6.15p 8.30p 7.30p Lv Albany Ar Ar Thomasvllle Lv Lv Thomasvllle Ar Ar MonUcello Lv 7.05p 4.30p 2.10p l.OOp 11.46a 9.25a 6.1 On 6.20a 4.00p Lv Albany Ar 6.15p]Ar Thomasvllle Lv 1.16a|Lv Thomasvllle Ar [ 8.05a|Ar Montgomery Lv 7.05p 4.30p 2.30p 6.50a No. 96 No. 90 No.. 91 No. 95| No. 94 No. 90 2.00p 3.30p 6.00p 6.15p 8.40p 9.00p 10.4&P 1.66a 3.01a 6.16a 6.46a 7.20a Lv Albany ■ Ar Ar Tlfton Lv Ar Waycross Lv Lv Waycross Ar Ar Jacksonville Lv Lv Jacksonville Ar Ar Palatka Lv Ar Sanford Lv Ar Orlando Lv Ar Lakeland Lv Ar Tampa Lv Ar Port Tampa Lv 10.30p S.66p G.30p G.Q6p 3.30p 7.65s 5.35a 2.29a 1.02a 10.20p 8.35p 8.00p 5.45a 9.45a 9.60a 12.55p I. 05p 5.101 11.45p 4.17a 7.64s 9.09a II. 22a 1.63p 2.00p|Lv Albany Ar G.OOp Ar Waycross Lv 6.30pLv Waycross Ar 9.35p Ar Savannah Lv 1.35aLv Sdvanhatn Ar 6.65ft Ar Charleston Lv 1.40p Ar Wilmington Lv S.OOp Ar Richmond Lv |11.50p Ar Washington Lv 1.43a Ar Baltimore Lv | 4.25a Ar Philadelphia Lv f 7.23a|Ar New York Lv 1-1.46H 7.65a 6.05a 3.15a 2.50a 12;01a 3.46p 9.05a A.30a 2.51a 12.19a 9.25p 10.30p 6.30p G.OOp 2.45p 9.00a 7.00a 7.25p 3.46p 2.12p 11.55a 9.25a W. J. CRAIG, Passenger Traffic Manager, Wilmington, N. C. 8. A. ATKINSON, Ticket Agent, Albany, Ga. T. C. WHITE, Division Passenger Agent, 8avsnnah, Ga. T. J. BOTTOMS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Thomasvllle, Ga. Citation. CEORGIA—Dougherty County: Notice is hereby given that the FI- Among the other articles of attire dellty & Deposit Co. of Maryland has that have fled with the winter clothes applied to the Court of Ordinary of is the sUBpender. The belt now has said county to be relieved as surety its old job of supporting trousers. I 011 the bond of Mrs. Carrie Reynolds, | deceased, Guardian of Miss Jewel and South Atlantic and Southern League Willie Reynolds, detail telegraphic games at The Office.' ' Let nil persons concerned show 1 cause, if any, before me at the It begins once more to feel like next term of the Court of Ordinary, In summer, hut that was a real taste of and for said County, to be held on the winter which came down out of the first Monday in June, 1906, at the frozen northwest Wednesday night Before so very long the fruit train will make la. advent The trainmen are beginning already to look for extra cars, and in general are preparing for the rush. No. 1 PEAVINE HAY, $|4 a Ton. Cruger & Pace. Make a resolution now that when you go away for the summer, you will not fail to attend to the Important matter of having yOur address placed on TH'e Herald’s mailing' list It Is pleasant to spend the'Bummer at a popular resort, hut It Is Important to have the home paper every day. courthouse In said county, why said application should not he granted. This 12th day of May, 1906. SAML. w. SMITH, j 6-12-4Sats 8. P. Brown, ^ President. J, P, M tinner lyn, Oaahier, W.Mtxse. ▼.•President, itay National Bant OF ALBANY, 6A. ... -V -. , Opened Business Sept. 8th, 1000 Come round this evening and see how the other games In the Georgia State League came out Detailed tele graphic accounts at The Office. CAPITAL - SURPLUS. - $60,000 - 15.000 Every facility In the banking busi ness offered to customers. Savings Department. Interest Allowed on Time Deposit*. Albany’s First Shock! This is one of Nature’s freaks. Something that even surpasses the “’Frisco Earth quake.” The novelties and their surroundings are marvel ous. ^ To go into details would be utterly impossible. Because we have so many excellent VALUES for your money. That we will only mention a few, as follows: Oxfords Misses’ $1.25 $1.50 Shirtwaist Suits and Shirtwaists $ .50 1.00 1.50 1.90 2.00 2.50 2.90 $3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 6.5(5' 7.50 White, Grey, As sorted Colors and 1.75 2.00 Women $1.50 $1.75 2.00' 2.25 2.50 Children $1.25 $1.50 Men $2.75 $3.25 3.50 4,00 Infants’ $ .50 1.00 1.50 Boys’ $1.75 2.50 For the next ten days we are allowing to every Cash Customer 10 Per Cent. Discount. On any of the above mentioned goods. S. REICH. $2.90' 2.50 /'J . $6.50 7.50 $ .25 .85 1.25 3.00 8.50 3.50 10.00 1 4.50 12.00 $1.50 5.00 2.00 P f A IN OS! TWENTY INSTRUMENTS ON OUR FLOORS FOR YOUR INSPECTION. * 1 . - r-. A PIANO, like, a wife or husband, is frequently a life companion. You therefore want something to suit you perfectly when you buy. We believe we can give you satisfaction in the two essential points— QUALITY AND PRICE. BEsA MAN’S. MUSIC HOUSE, 104 Pino Street, (Rumney Bulldlng.ljAlbany, Ga.