The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, May 12, 1906, Image 7
HE WAS SOUTHERN THE CHURCHES. ED. R. ft CLAYTON JONES. Attorneys-at-Law And Real Estate. Phone 408. BEWARE But How Did all the Bellboys Happen to Know It. Where Albanians Will Worship To. morrow—Announcements. SEE with reason now that later your Eyes may SEE. A line of colored bellboys sat In the hotel office. They were lazy, indepen dent and hopelessly stupid. Suddenly a new arrival swung through the door, flung it bag in their direction, which they sprang to get, told them shortly to sefe how much his cabman wanted. Two rushed to do it, and (hen with an absent-minded Ilttlb nod he hnd them all standing on tiptoe to'get him ice- water, newspapers, whatever he wish ed or didn’t wish, says the New York Evening Sun. A couple of New Yorkers who had stopped writing -letters to watch this sudden and mysterious change, waited discreetly until the man disappeared into the elevator, then they marched over to the desk. "Who was that? A prize-fighter or a president?" they de manded of the clerk. "Why, he made those darkies dance around without even looking at them.” The' olerk shoved the register toward them, they read, stared and whistled. "Just a Southerner. Now, how the dickens did those boys know?” FOR GENTLEMEN DO YOU REALIZE the Serious Consequences of continued eye Strain? Priceless beyond, all pos sessions • is the eyesight, deserving of youh highest consideration. Don’t trifle with your eyes. It will cost you nothing to see us.; Phil Harris Leading Optician, If you are going to invest In Albany realty give us an opportunity to show you how to double your capital. The best safeguard against head ache, constipation and liver troubles is DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. Keep a vial of these .famous little pills In the house and take a dose at bedtime when you feel that the stomach and bowels need cleansing. They don’t gripe. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hilsman-Sale Drug Co. FOR SALE. We will dUpose of the following city lots in Arcadia for the next ten days on the following terms:. $10 cash, bal ance $5 per month. Each lot Is for sale at $69. No interest will be charged on deferred payments. Bach lot is 60 feet'front .by 136 feet Seep to an alley, if you will consider the won derful growth of Albany and note the appreciated price of elty lots during the past twelve months you would not fall to purchase one or more of these valuable tracts'. We have disposed of a great many and liave only a few more on the market Lots of people have made more than double the price Of their lots bought of us. Here are the lots: If the Albanians win the game in Columbus this afternoon, they will be given a merry welcome when they land back home tomorrow. The crowd at Monday afternoon's game will be one of the biggest ever. on money deposited with the Albany Trust Co. of Ga. Our assets, including capital of $100,000, are invested in high If you are troubled with Piles and can’t find a cure, try Witoh Hazel Salve, but be sure you get that inade by E. C. DeWltt, of Chicago. It is the Original. If you have used Witch Hazel Salve without being relieved it. !b probable that you got hold of one Of the many' worthless counterfeits that are sold on the reputation of the genuine DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hilsman-Sale Drug Co, class real estate securities of value •largely^in excess of our ! advances. There can be~no better security. Don’t 'let FOR SALE. One-half acre, with 6-ropm cottage, adjoining S. F. Price'residence; ,$16fl0 —$760 cash, bal.four years Jn- month ly payments. your money lie idle in bank, but let us explain our inter est-bearing deposit system. Albany Trust Co. of Georgia. Ideal Wood Fibre Plaster, Nt Longview Lime, stret The Best Portland Cement, bala ' Windows, Doors, Blinds, Lumber, Moulding, etc. j D. WESTON, w- Telephone No. 44. Very Special Things at Small Prices FOR SALE. Nos. 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16 on Ninth street in Block F at $69; $10 cash, balance $6 per month; no in terest. ALBANY FOR SALE. Nos. 23, 24, 26,' 20, 27, 30 and 31 on Tenth street in Biock F each for $69; $10 cash, balance $6 per month; no interest. F. O. Ticknor, Manager. Directors: Jno. D. Twiggs, S. B. Brown, M. Weslosky, J. R. Whitehead, T. M. Carter, A. W. Tucker, Ladies’ Wash Belts, heavily embroidered. Price only 10c to 25c. White (variety of oth er shades) Wash Hand Bags, a swell line and ' FOR SALE. , 13 lots on Tift street on very easy terms. As announced, we have transferred all business of the Traders Insurance Co. to anoth er company. Holders of Traders policies are urged to return them to us for cancellation. very popular. Our spe cial price 25c to 50.c. Leather Hand Bags, red! value 50c, this week only 25c each. New style Leather Hand Bags, fine leather lined, real values 85c, $1.50 and $2. Our spe cial price 28c, 70c, 98c. FOR SALE. 3 lots on Planter’s street each for $176; easy terms. FOR SALE. 1 lot on State street, $760. 1 lot on Residence street, $660. , 9 acres adjoining western city lltm- Its, reaching from Society street to Residence street. Price for each acre $600. Will sell the whole or will sub divide. 0. NEUMAN, FOR SALE, The Lonsberg residence, 8 rooms, 67x210 fdet, Pine street; 2-room house on alley; waterworks, electrto lights and sewerage. UNDER THE OPERA HOU8E. GULF COAST RESORTS. I have just received a lot of WHITE JAP SILK 8HIRT WAI8T8 which were to have been here for the Easter and Chautauqua trade, but Bomehow they were delayed in transit. In order to dispose of them quickly I will give my patrons the benefit of this delay. The regular prices of such waists are $3,00 and $3.60 each. My price, as long as they last will be only ■Low Round Trip Rates to Lanark, Fla Panacea Springs, FIS., via So| choppy. Somebody accounted for the de struction of the crops in the regions visited by the hail, by remarking: “They didn’t pay up the preachers there last year.” If this were to hap pen to every region where they don’t pay the preachers up every year few places would be left untouched. Leave Albany via Central of Ga. Arlington, 7:45 a. m. and *3:50 p. : Arrive Sopchoppy 3:14 p. m. *9:61 p. in. Arrive Lanark 8:45 p. m. and *1 p. m. . •Saturdays and Sundays only. Roiind Trip Rates from Arlingto I Fortunate Mleeourlans. Si “When I was a druggist, at Livonia. Mo.,” writes T. J. Dwyer, now of Graysvllle, Mo., "three of my custom ers were permanently cured of con sumption by Dr. King’s New Discov ery, and are well and strqng’ today. One was trying to sell pis property and move to Arizona, but after using . New Discovery a short time he found - it, unnecessary to do so. I regard Dr. King’s New Dlscoveryaq .tfce.mpet Come while you can get your ED. R. ft CLAYTON JONES, Attorneys-at-Law And Real Estafe ^am?d ln <Mi c s add Lung healer. OtUmtm -by Al bany Drug Co;, druggists. 60c and $L Trial bottle free. THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1906. .- v . ' Gents’ Stylish Footwear IN New*** • THB ypy'/no (SHOE' Patents and Gun- Metals, Bluchers and Button Oxfords in all the swell shapes. 55.00 Always sought J $6.00 = Ehrlich’s. ’Phone 147. Broad Street. \Zse iht Tie It The Bell Telephone represents a coming together, in fortunate and economic combina tion, of helpful and useful conditions. REASONABLE RATES Do you think you can afford to be without this instrument of convenience and valuable utility. GOOD SERVICE » a ( ’ Remain at home and use the Bell Tele-;, phone to make or break engagements, buy, Sell, order. ( Call Contract Department, No. 400 Southern “bell Telehhoiie and Telegraph Company Money Safety You take no risk when you buy here. We sell the best of everything, yet our prices are low. Call and look over our display of Porch 0oid Lawn Furniture We have just received and put oh display somq. of the handsomest and most attractive Methodist Church. Thomas H. Thomson, pastor. ^Services as follows: Sunday school, 9:30 a. m„ A. W. Muse, superintendent Junior League, 3 p. m. Senior Bpworth League, 4 p. m.; H. U. Jackson, president Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m, and 8 p. m. Subject of morning sermon: “The Worth of Life.” Subject at night: “The Power of Faith.” Tuesday and Wednesday evenings nt 8 o'clock Mrs. Nelle G. Burger, of Clark, Mo., will lecture In the interest of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. The public is cordially invited to hear Mrs. Burger. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, S p. m. Presbyterian Church. Rev. W. H. Ziegler, pastor. Regular services at 11 o'clock a. m. and at 8 o’clock p. m. Sermons by the pastor. Members will be received and the ordinance of baptism will be adminis tered at the morning service. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m„ E. H. Crain, superintendent. There will be no mid-week service on account of the lecture of Mrs. Nelle G. Burger at the Methodist church. You are cordially invited to worship with us. Baptist Church. Wm. L. Richards, pastor. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m., J. S. Crews, superintendent. Preaching by pastor at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning subject: “Gratitude and Patronage Concerning Christ and His Church.” A sermon worth while to most men. All are invited, together with their women folk. Evening subject: "Quietness.” A sermon to all classes, but meant to be especially helpful to some of the best women In Albany and hereabout, to gether with their men folk. The prayer meeting of the week is called off in consequence of the Mrs, Nelle G. Burger meeting at the Meth odist church, to which our congrega tion is invited. t . Public cordially invited to each of these services. Pews free. Polite ushers. Warm welcome. WM. L. RICHARDS, Pastor. St. Paul's Church. Rev. Charles T. Wright, Rector. Fourth Sunday after Easter. Celebration of the Holy Communion, 7 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, II a. m. Evening prayer and sermon, 8 p. m. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. St, Teresa’s Catholic Church. Sunday school, 9:46 a. m. Mass, 10:30 a. m. Evening service, 7:30. G. X. SCHADEWBLL, Rector. East Albany Chapel. Sunday School at 3 o’clock p. m., ,W. A. Woodin, superintendent ’ Preaching at night at 7:45 by Rev. T. P. Buntin. | Prayer meeting "Friday night at 7:45. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup is best for women and children. Its mild ac tion and pleasant taste makes it pref erable to violent purgatives, such as pills, tablets, etc. Get the booklet nnd a samnle of Orino at Hilsman-Sale Drug Co. During the present week an im provement long needed has been made by the street force. The defective sewer at the interse ction of North and Jefferson street was taken up and re- laid, and in future it is probable that heayy rains will not flood the side walks and private property on the northeast corner ol ihe square, as they have done in the pjst. 0. Neuman, \ \d yr*t. x <^iio vt.w i Aflent tor May Manton Pattern*. SiHINDSTINCT PRINT I