The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, May 12, 1906, Image 8
■—- THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1906. THE MARKETS Looal Cotton Market _ Jlfi» Low Middling.. lie 101-2 0 8-4 Demand for bettor grades something fierce, while grades below fully middling rather neglected. N«w York Cotton Market Pre> Op'd High Low Oloeo Oloee July 11.22 11.22 11.00 11.18 11.20 October 10.71 10.71 10.82 10.63 10.71 December 10 70 10.70 10.01 10.02 10.71 Jan 10.72 10.72 10.06 10.00 10.76 Spots quiet. Mid. 11.00. Sales Futures closed steady. Liverpool Is due 4 down Monday. Ntw Orleans Cotton Markot. Prev Op'd High Low Olose Gloss July 1147 11.40 11.38 11.41 11.40 Ootober 10.03 10.04 10.62 10.55 10.04 December.... 10.02 10,02 10.62 10 66 10.64 Futures closed steady. Spots quiet. Mid. 117-10. Sales 1,126. Liverpool Cotton Market. Prev, Op' 2 p ll Olose Oloee «D 6D 1.99 6.84 6.84 6 86 6.78 6 78 6.78 6.78 6 78 5 70 Sales 8,000; Middlings 0.19; Receipts 1,000. Futures opened quiet and steady and closed steady. CO RN—WH E AT—M EAT. Chicago, May 12.— Opening. Close. Wheat—July 81 5-8 81 1 2 Com—July 46 1-2 46 1-8 Oats-- July 313-4 31 6-8 Pork—July 15.27 16.40 Lard—July 8.55 8.57 Ribs—July 8.72 8.77 C. E. FRYER. Sec'y d Trees. Insist on Getting “Pride of Illinois” Canned Corn from your grocer. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Albany Grocery Company, Wholesale. Distributors. NEW ORLEAN8 COTTON LETTER. By wire toJClerk & Co. New Orleans, La., May 12.—Another featureless day Is all that could be said of the Liverpool market, and options closed unchanged to one point ad vance. Spot Bales, however, were more than fair for Saturday, amount ing to 8,000 bales, at one point higher. The apparent ease with which prices decline is, to say the least, perplexing, especially In view of the fact that all Influences, not only those pertaining to the old crop, but likewise to the new one as well, are more favorable to a higher market. The only logical course of reasoning In attempting to explain! away such arbitrary proceed ings seems to be that either a prepon derance of bearish sentiment overrides natural conditions,’or that heretofore the economic basis that the trade has been working on has been too high, and that present prices are no more than justifiable no matter what im provement In the position has taken place. Yours truly, GIBERT & CLAY. COTTON PICKINGS. Furnished for Dally Herald Readers by Clark & Co. Liverpool, due unchanged to one down, came one up, with sales of 8,000 bales. Probably one of the strongest argu ments in favor of an advance In the new crop months is the fact that Wall Street is short October and December. WANTS. L08T COMB —Lady lost fine gold mounted side comb Thursday morn ing on Pine, between hotel and C. D. Smith’s residence. Return to Herald office and receive reward. It LOST, STRAYED OR 8TOLEN from my lot on J. W. Mock’s place, nine miles from Albany, Monday night. May 7, one low black mare mule; sides rubbed by traces. Suitable re ward for return or Information. Ad dress Will Plummer, or Gleaton & Jones, Albany, Ga. 6-10-3t , Pound Sale. Notice Is hereby given that on Mon day next at 10 o’clock theru will be sold one black and white dehorned cow, taken up on the streetn of Albany and now held at city pound. J. W. KEMP, 5-ll-2t Deputy Marshal. BOATS FOR RENT And Fishing Permits 8o'ld at the Coun try Store. Any fishing or boating will be pro hibited without a written permit. The lake above the dam Is line for boating, and the fishing below the dam Is un excelled. Don’t forget you must have B pass. T. M. NELSON. MorriB Wealosky, President. D. W. James, W. H. Bell, lBt Vice-Pres. ’ml Vice-Pm. Joseph H. Davis. P. W. Jonec. Casller. Ass’t Cashier pirst National Bank, ALBANY, OA. Capital 350,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits. 80,000 MONEY LOANED, Deposits received subject to Sight Draft. A general hanking business transacted. Bankers’ and merchants' accounts solicited. Morris Weslosky, O, W. James. President V.-Prea P. H. Bates, Cashier. N. R. Dehon, Asst. Cashier. TM National Bant OF ALBANY. GA. CAPITAL $50,000.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS .... 12,000.00 Solicits accounts of firms and lnd. vlduala. CENTRAL OF GEORCIA RAILWAY Arrival and Departure of Trains at Albany, Ga, In Effect Jan. 8. 1905. Georgia Northern Railway Go. ALBANY - BOSTON LINE Read Down. I 1 Read Up. j No. 4 1 No. 2 Effective Feb. 23, 1906. No. 1 No. 3 | Daily | Dally STATIONS. Dally Dally 3:50pm| 7:30am Lv. .. Albany . . Ar. 11:40am 8:20pm 4:44pm 8:24am Ar. . Tlcknor . . Lv. 10:40am 7:16pm 4:50pm 8:30am Ar. .. Doerun . . Lv. 10:35am 7:10pm , 5:30pm 9:l'0am Ar. . Moultrie . Lv. 10:00am G :36pm ■ ' 5:45pm] l:15pm|Lv. . Moultrie . Ar. 8:35am 6:16pm G:25pm| l:65pm|Ar. ... Pave .. . Lv. 7:50am 4:30pm ■ 7:00pm| 2:80pm|Ar. .. Boston . . Lv. 7:20am 4:00pm Connections at Albany with S. A. L. Nob. 1 and 4 make connections at Albany to and from Cordele, Savan nah, Macon and Atlanta, via A. & N. All tralnB make connections at Albany to and from all Central of Ga Ry. points, Including Atlanta, Macon, Amerlcus nnd Montgomery. Sleep tag car service via C. of Ga. between Albany nnd Atlanta. Leave Albany 9 p. m. Returning, arrive Albany 7:25 a. m. Connections at TIoknor, vis F. R. & N. E. for Pelham. Connections at Boston via A. C. L. for Quitman, Valdosta, Savannah, Jacksonville and points south. Connections at Moul trio rla A. & B. for Tlfton and Thomasvllle. 8. A. ATKINSON, 11. T. A.. Albany, Ga, G. E. SMITH, Traffic Mgr.. Moultrie, Ga. The abnormally low temperatures In the northern sections of the belt are undoubted setbacks and will no doubt result In a reduction of acreage that may he Important. The old crop is amply able to take care of Itself, but a continuance of unfavorable weather cannot help but result In a higher range of prices for the new crop. The estimated receipts for today are 10,000, against 23,000 last year. New York opened steady and closed steady, 8 down for the day. Price, In an “ad” states that the South Is confronted with a compara tive crop failure on account of the scarcity of labor and a large abandon ment of acreage as a result of scarcity of seed, made necessary on account of replanting. DRINK A BOTTL CARBONATED EVERYWHERE S CENTS. Sterilize every bottle before it is washed Drink Only The Genuine! The Trade We thorou; and rinsec. 'Mark is securely stamped upon every bottle. IT'S CLEAN AMD PURE. THAT’S PURE. THE ALBANY COCA-COLA Exclusive Bottlers to the Trade. gap SURE" BOTTLING CO. ********** A Mountain of Gold could not bring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, WIs., as did one box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, when It completely cured a running sore on her leg, which had tortured her 23 long years. Greatest antiseptic henler of Piles, Wounds, and Sores. 25c at Albany Drug Co.'s drug store. Lemons, 25c dozen. ’Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS. In spite of the fact that these are busy times on the farms, there are a good many country people in the city today. A tale of horror was told by marks of human blood in the home of J. W. Williams, a' well-known merchant of Bac, Ky. He writes: “Twenty years ago I had severe hemorrhages of the lungs, and was near death when I be gan taking Dr. King’s New Discovery. It completely cured me and I have re mained well ever since.” It cures Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs, Set tled Colds and Bronchitis, and Is the only known cure for Weak Longs. Every bottle guaranteed by Albany Drug cn;. Druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle tree. DEPARTURES: For Dothan, Floralla and Look- hart 7:46 am For Dothan, Florals and Lock hart 3:60pm For Macon, Atlanta, Augus ta, Columbus. Savannah.. 4:06am For Macon, Atlanta, Colum bus. Montgomery, Troy.... 11:54 am For Macon, Atlanta, Savan nah 9:00pm ARRIVALS: From Lockhart, Florala and Dothan 8:46 pm From Lockhart, Florala and Dothan 11:40am From Augusta, ■ Savannah, Atlanta, Macon 7:25 am From Montgomery, Troy. Co lumbus. Atlanta, Macon... 3:40pm From Atlanta, Savannah, Ma con, Montgomery, Colum- buB 11:30pm ALL TRAINS DAILY. Drawing room sleeping cars be tween Albany and Atlanta on trains arriving ut Albany at 7:25 a. m. and leaving Albany at 9:00 p. m. Parloi car between Albany and Atlanta on train arriving at Albany at 3:40 p m. and leaving Albany at 11:54 a. m For further Information apply to S A. Atkinson, Depot Ticket Agent 01 R S. Morris, Commercial Agent, AJ tiany. Ga Moved! Mr. Jos. L. Rarey, the old reliable tailor, has moved his place of business to No. 98, over M. Cnne’s store, south Broad street. My Spring samples are ready for in spection. JOS; L. RAREY, Something New In Life Insurance. In addition to carrying your policy .from the 10th to the 20th year for 5 per cent of the premium, and it you die in that period no charge Is made against your policy, yon can, by pay ing 50 cents extra for each $1,000, be Insured against total or permanent dis ability from accident or disease, pre miums cease and the policy Is fully paid up, .thus covering tjvo risks for one premium. Come and see me. C. M. CLARK, M-lmo Agent Which is the Cheapest Refrigerator The low-priced “cooler” that melts ice like the sum mer’s sun and soon becomes moldy, leaky and unsafe, or a fair-priced E-Z clean Refrigerator, producing the lowest de sirable temperature with the least amount of ice ? Strong, safe, clean, backed by fifty-nine years of study and experience. "The best is rhe cheapest,” and the EDDY is the best Refrigerator on the market. “If we please you, tell others. If not, tell ns.” SparKs-Saxon Hardware Co. WARE & LELAND, ALBANY, GA. ©vMIITM; 13 E3 JFLfSy® New York Cotton Exchange, New Orleans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Association, Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Stock Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange, St. Louis Merchants’ Exchange, Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE MS TO PRINCIPAL TOUTS INSURES QUICKEST P OSSIBLE EXECUTIONS. Albany office, Pine St., next to Postal Telegraph Co.’s office. Phone 6& I. J; KALMON, Mgr. U Cloties of stylish quality at mod erate prices. Most any store in this city sells lelothing. We sell the kind that fits well, wears well and looks good. Made by Schloss Bros & Co. Have you seen them? At tloiiis Mayer’s I I* ScHLOfSSBROS.&Co? Fine CiMfnesMakers. Baltimore Jnd New York . Fernland Farms . (Dairy Department Sw^et Cream RJch Milk High Grade Butter Patronage Solicited For Engagements Telephone No. 199 Fat Hens... r Shipment juat received. In perfect condition. 50 cento each. Plenty of Fresh Eggs, 20 cents per dozen. Beans and New Irish Potatoes, fresh from the trues ia'o«n. All kind* of Seasonable Vegetables always on nano liveries promptly made. Fresh Bread, Rolls and Cake dally. Grocer» S. E. EVSH-^r . Broad Street. DONT RISK YOUR VALUABLES by leaving them in your house. You may lose them by fire or burglary. "SAFE DEPOSIT” is the best*fire or burglary insurance. Onr armor clad Bafe deposit vaults are fire and burglar proof. Box rentable from $3 to $10 a year. Your inspection is invited. 1 EXCHANGE BANK OF ALBANY.