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5NDAY, MAY 14, 1906.
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|| Attractive Prices on Summer Wash Goods
The big advance in the price of all cotton goods is well known to everybody who has kept in touch with the markets,
i Perhaps, many of our exclusive customers are not aware of this up-jump in price, for the reason that we are still selling
| wash goods at the same old prices. Anticipating the advance, our buyers exercised a wisdom born of long experience , and
| bought lavishly while the old prices were on. That was way back in May pf last year, that we placed orders for goods
which have since advanced 25 per cent. We are, therefore, able to offer now matchless values on such seasonable
goods as are enumerated below:
10c—Figured Pique—10c
| Large lot of this popular Wash Fabric. Variety of
I patterns. A regular 15-cent value everywhere this
I season. Our price,
| 10c
Sc-Printed Lawns-5c
One case beautiful Printed Lawns, stylish floral de
signs. Would be good quality at 7}4 cents a yard, but
our price remains at
lSc--Solid Linettes-ISc
A cotton fabric made in imitation of linen. Suitable
for skirts or full suits. Shown in White, Navy, and
Black. Big value at
6c—Checked Nainsook--6c
One of our leaders this season is a line of Checked!
Nainsooks of splendid variety. Regular 7^-cent qual
ity. We still sell at
1 \
72C—Organdie Lawns- -7\c
Splendid fabric, stylish patterns, including beautiful
Pompadore designs, large and small dots on plain or
striped ground. Regular 10-cent value at
7 l-2c
ISc-Holly Batiste--15c
Absolutely the best Wash Fabric. Shown in a va
riety of patterns and colorings, beautiful new effects.
Excellent value at
Ws$? uty Hofma;
yer, Jones & Company The s %?f ty
Better Sodex _
Tha.n Ever
• Customers say our soda is better than ever this year. As we
hear the same thing every year we are inclined to think our soda
Is fast'reaching the point of perfection. We certainly try to
make it as near perfect as possible and spare no expense in
our efforts as
V '
We use the best of
everything in making it
and serve it in bright, clean glasses. We do not stop at the
best materials for we employ expert dispensers. Even pure
"soda can be ruined in drawing.
When your spring thirst arrives come to our magnificent
soda parlor and drink soda that is delicious, refreshing and
Hoggard Drug Co.,
’Phone 75.
Thomas Malone Fell from Fence
Bit His Tongue.
EK r-:
Hair Brushes
There’s not even the suggestion of
exaggeration in the statement that
this new shipment contains more
splendid brushes than we’ve ever
seen offered, in a city several [times
the size of Albany—many real
beauties priced from
$1.25 to $4.00.
Albany Drug Co.
Late Saturday afternoon little
Thomas Malone, the 4-year-old son of
Mr. R. A. Malone, was the victim of a
painful accident. He had climbed up
on a high board fence on his father's
premises and fell to the ground, a dis
tance o{ some six or eight feet, cut
ting his tongue nearly In two. He
was not Injured tn any other way by
the fall, but as Is natural tn such
cases, his tongue was cut by his teeth,
the jnr of striking the ground forcing
them through his tongue.
Dr. Hllsman found It necessary to
tnke several stitches to .close the
wound. The little fellow stood tfee
operation with a fortitude beyond his
years. While very painful the wound
will soon heal, and beyond the dis
comfiture attendant upon such a case
ho Is not seriously hurt.
Rent Their Freckled Faces to a Spe
cialist for. Experimentation.
' Last night at midnight a false alarm
of fire was given. An A. C, L. fireman
snw a red glare lighting up the heav
ens toward the northwest part of the
town and notified the man on watch.
The firemen turned-out promptly, and
after a long run reached the outskirts
of the city, with the fire as far away
as ever. One of them, after the gen
eral comments on the situation had
subsided, suggested that It was at
Dnwson. Anyway, all they saw was
the glare, somewhere up In that direc
tion, ten or fifteen miles away, though
nn appearance of this sort Is deceiv
ing and apt to he much more distant
than It seems. The firemen rode bnck
In silence to quarters and this morn
ing the man who was on watch last
night Is coming In for a good deal of
chaffing from comrades. One of them
suggested that he saw the Milky Way,
a little more luminous than usual last
right, and rang them out on the
strength of that. Anyway, the run
i ns barren of results as a chase
after the Milky Way would be, or a
hunt after the proverbial pot of gold
at the end of the rainbow.
Repair /NVorlt.
con Equipment Co.
-Foot of Third street.
Offices—304-305 Davis-Exchange Bank Building.
Special to.The Herald.
Atlanta; Ga., May 14.—For the mu
nificent sum of $4 a week, Donald Fra
zier and Ernest Mehaffey, two little
newsboys, who live with their parents
on Simpson street, have rente'd their
faces to W. F. Klngsberry, who claims
he can remove freckles from any coun
tenance. The boys' faces are to be
used as advertisements by the enter
prising professor, who hopes to build
up a lucrative practice chasing the fes
tive freckle from the faces of those
who prefer to go unscathed as a result
of their too intimate acquaintance with
the sun.
South Atlantic and Southern League
detail telegraphic games at The Office.
The children of the Presbyterian
Sunday school will have, their annual
picnic dn Wednesday at Philema, and
all the Sunday school picnics are to
be held before the end of the present
The fans will turn out In force this
afternoon to gtve a boost to the home
contingent. The home contingent may
need It, and will certainly appreciate
The best safeguard against head
ache, constipation and liver troubles Is
DdWltt's Little Early Risers. Keep a
vial of these famous little pills In the
house and take a dose at bedtime when
you feel that the stomach and bowels
need cleansing. They don't gripe.
Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hllsman-Sale
Drug Co.
There will probably be one or more
military rifle contests in the state this
summer and the Albany Guards will
send a team to participate. There
will be regular practices on the range
from this time forward.
Monday, May 28. Limit seven days In
Tampa. Rate $5 round trip from Al
bany. Leave Albany, 4 p. m.*; arrive
Tampa next morning 7 a. m. Trains
consist of elegant day coaeheB and
sleeping cars. For Information see
agent or address.
T. J. BOTTOMS, T. P. A.,
14-12t ThomasvlUe, Ga.
Indigestion Is much of a habit. Don’t
get the habit. Take a little Kodol Dys-
pensla Cure after eating and you will
quit belching, puffing, palpitating and
frowning. Kodol Digests what you eat
and makes the stomach sweet. Sold
by Albany Drug Co., Hllsihan-Sale
Drug Co.
If you haven’t done so, isn’t, it abont
time you looked to your summer un
derwear? We have an unusually com
plete line to suit the season and you.
Balbriggan, lisle, nainsook, net,
India crepe and Sea Island cotton, in
a great variety of designs and styles.
Long or knee, drawers to match.,
25c to $1.00 a. Garment.
C. R. Davis & Co.
The Indications are that there Is go
ing to be a prodigious blackberry crop
this season, In'spite of the fact that
there was a drought of three weeks In
the spring. The vines are laden with
young fruit, which will soon begin to
Mr. S, L. Bowen, of Wayne, W. Va„
writes: “I was a sufferer from kidney
disease, so that at times I could not
get out of bed. and when I did I could
not stand straight. I took Foley's Kid-'
ney Cure. One dollar bottle and part
of the second cured me entirely."
Foley’s Kidney Cure works wonders
where others are total failures.
For sale by HHsman-Sale Drug Co.
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