The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, May 14, 1906, Image 5

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THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, MONDAY, MAY 14, 1906. 'Our Great Annual May Sale! 1 f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A A Wonderful Aggregation of Bargains. Brices and Values Are Without Precedent. Traditionally Albany’s Foremost Sale of its Kind. T f! Y f I Y Y Y Y Y Our great May Sale of new and desirable merchandise, an event that will be one of this ♦| store’s fixed features, begins next week, and will last during the entire month. Each week in May we will offer new and amazing values. These reductions from our regular prices will be * | so great that not only purchases for immediate needs, but extensive provision for the future, Y Y | should be made by housekeepers. The reductions accompanying this great sale are fully re- %\ Y Y Y Goods at Phenomenal Bargain Prices ;t; fleeted in the following items: t Thousands and Thousands of Yards of Wash Y Y Y ■ , ■ - ■ Values offered' in this Department make our ANNUAL MAY SALE worthy ♦♦♦ of record. Real values have been entirely disregarded in our desire to close out ♦♦♦ quantities. New and standard goods constitute the entire collection, which is ♦♦♦ made up of the finest Foreign and pomestic Fabrics that our stock has contained ♦> this season. In style, beauty of patterns and tasteful variety they are above criti- cism, and the price at which they are offered is lower than ever quoted before, here or elsewhere. The collection includes plain and embroidered Voiles, French Chal- ❖ lies, Eolienne Crepes, Grenadines, Shadow Silk Checks, Silk Mousselines, Carreaux ♦> Paris Muslin, Silk Mulls, Silk Gauzes, Spun Silks, Clynta Silks, Plumetis de Soie, ❖ Scotch Melrose, English Neomie, and many other weaves too numerous to mention here. The price range on this lot was from 29c to 50c the yard. Our Annual May ♦♦♦ Sale price is only. . 19c yard Y Y Y f Y Y elsewhere at 10c yard. Y Y . Y PERSIAN LAWN, 32 inches wide, sheer quality, exceptional value; Y grade. May Sale price ..10c yard Y Y ♦|» A splendid 25c quality. May Sale price. 15c yard Y MERCERIZED WAISTINGS, many new patterns to select from; 19c, 20c and Y 25c values. Our entire lot offered at 15c yard Y Y ♦> May Sale price .•• .714c yard Y Y Y tf . Y Just arrived for our May Sale. Many designs are worth double. Our May Sale Y price is 10c yard White Goods Values for the May Sale INDIA LINON, made of finest quality combed yam, 32 inches wide. Sold May Sale price. 7}4c yard INDIA LINON, regular 7}4c quality. May Sale price. 5c yd. a 15c ic yard LINGERIE MATERIAL, the season’s choice for Shirt Waists; 38 inches wide. BLEACHING, full yard wide, extra quality. A regular 10c value. Special APRON GINGHAMS, all size checks, - all colors, good iy 2 c and 10c values. May Sale price 5c yard EMBROIDERIES, Nainsook and Swiss Edges and Insertions. Special values. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Fancy Silks for Shirtwaist Suits Two lots are included in this our MAY OFFERING. The first lot comprises many new designs in Navy and Gray grounds,, with Stripes and Figures. A nice quality of new goods, better than will be shown' else- E © where for 59c and 69c yard. About fifteen styles to select from. Our May Sale V pricp is '• .39c yard » The second lot contains about three hundred yards of Foulards. Thfe quality of Y' this lot is good, and we feel sure will give excellent service. They are perfectly Yjli woven and the colors are the most desirable to be had. Our May Sale price on the Y‘ entire lot is i.. ......... * ?5c yard Y'-‘ ■ Y'i Our May Clearance Sale of Remnants We have been making preparations for weeks past for this event, I We have gathered from each department all the odd lengths in Silks, Dress Goods, Wash ♦♦♦ Goods, Linens, Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, etc., etc., in fact all of the season’s & accumulations of odd lengths. THE ENTIRE LOT IS OFFERED AT LESS THAN ONE-THIRD REGULAR PRICES. May Sale of Hig'h Grade Corsets We have arranged one of the greatest clearance sales of CORSETS which 9 ever took place in this section. Our heavy sales in this department have left us with & number of broken lots in W. B. and American Beauty Corsets. These are gath ered in one lot. Values range from $1.00 to $1.50. Special May Sale price... .69c May Sale of Fancy Worsted Suitings t Y I Y Y Y Y Y m The season’s most fashionable fabric for Eton Suits and Separate Skirts. Large A and small checks and stripes. Full 36 inches wide. A good 50c value. Our May A mm hish, m Y Y.; Ten dozen extra quality Parasols, which we secured AT A GREAT SACRI- Y FICE from the manufacturer. Plain and fancy handles. Not one of this lot Y 1 worth under $1.00, and many worth a great deal .more. Our special M_ay Sale Y Sale pricers. Unprecedented Values in Ladies’ Parasols SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE SPECIAL VALUES MENTS DURING OUR GREAT MAY SALE.. price is .... .89c each Y OFFERED IN THE READY-TO-WEAR AND MILLINERY DEPART- Rosenberg Brothers. f f fr Y Y Y M EVERYBODY RIDES IN IT, AND THERE'S ALWAY8 ROOM FOR ONE MORE. Those Who Come and Go—Short and Snappy Paragraphs that Everybody Will Read With Interest—What Is Going on In 8oclety, With Now and Then a Little Gossip. Mr. Sam Broadaway, who has been with the Enterprise Grocery Store for the last few years, has entered the employ of the Atlantic Compress for the coming season. Kahn, who are now at Indianapolis, will leave In a few days for Europe, where they expect to remain about four months. Mrs. Edgar Braselton and baby will leave today for Perry, where they will visit for several weeks. Mrs. William Harrison and family have moved to the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Dehoh, on Society street Mrs. Dehon and children will go away on the first of June for the summer, and Mrd. Harrison has rented their cottage for that time. Judge and Mrs. F. F. Putney, of Putney, spent yesterday in the city. Miss Ona Rushin received a tele gram this morning from Macon an- 1 noundng the arrival at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Rushin of.a fine baby boy. Mr. John A. Davis left this after noon for Montgomery to attend the meeting of the Southern Publishers’ Association. Rev. and Mrs. Chaa. T. Wright, Capt. T. N. Woolfolk and Mr. N. F. Tift, Mrs. H. A. Tarver and Miss An nie Hobbs will leave tomorrow for Co lumbus to attend the Diocesan Con vention and meeting of the Woman’s Auxiliary. ' Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Tlcknor left yes terday for a week’s visit-to relatives in Columbus. While there Mr. Tiek- nor wm attend the Diocesan Conven tion. Me 13. W. Kahn and Mr. George Mr. John P. Ervin, of Lumpkin, spent yesterday in Albany. Mr. Ervin was the guest of his sister, Mrs. I. J. Kalmon. Mr. C. W. Ross, of Pretoria, was a Visitor here yesterday. Mr. Harry Clive spent yesterday with friends in Moultrie. Mr. C. B. Cunningham, of Blakely, was a visitor in Albany yesterday. Miss Sarah Hamilton, who has been visiting Miss Annie Tarver for sev eral weeks, returns tomorrow to her home U Rome. Mr. John D. Holcomb, of Savannah, spent yesterday in Albany. M^ J. T. Norris, of Newton, Is In town today. Miss Myrtle Markloy, who has been in charge of the kindergarten here for the past several months, leaves today for her home In Atlanta. Mr. D. O. White, of Tifton, spent yesterday In Albany. Mr. White was the guest of Mr. L. E. Merritt Mr. Robert Pope Is visiting relatives In Sylvester. Mr. Albert Daniels Is ln.Baconton today. He returnes to the city to night. Mr. W- T. Livingstone Is here today from Newton: The Waycross ball club stopped a few hours, yesterday In the city on their way home from Amerlcus. Mr. Ware G. Minter, of Leesburg, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Louis McGhan, of Valdosta, Is In the city today. Mr. Ira Cook' went to Leesburg to day. urday morning, is getting on as nicely as 'possible under the circumstances. His mother and wife arrived yesterday from Tifton. Mr. E. M. Doughtle, of Eufaula, Ala., was In the city yesterday. Mr. R. M. Crittenden, of Spellman, is In town today. Mr. G. W. Harrell, of Lumpkin, Is In Albany today. Mr. C. R. Faulk, of Smlthvllle, spent Sunday here. Mr. W. J. Sims, of Newman, is In the city-today. Mr. J. D. Bush, of Dawson sjpent yes terday in the city. ' Mr. W. B. Flinn spent Sunday with hlc parents in Amerlcus. Mr. Heber Kent, who was so badly Injured at the Union depot last Sat- Mr. J, W. McWilliams, of Tifton, was in town yesterday. , Mr. J. M. Witeman, of Macon, Is In Albany today. Mr. D. M. Currie was here yesterday from Leary. Mr. L. E. Powell spent Sunday with Ills parents In Leesburg; Mr. E. H. Mote, of Jacksonville, was lr the city yesterday. Mr. Ernest Livingston and Mr. Sid ney Farkas leave tonight -on a visit to Newton. Mr. W. W. Faramore spent yester day In Amerlcus visiting friends. Mr. Tom McLendon returned last night from an extended visit to Mont gomery. Messrs. S. A. and W. T, Freeman spent yesterday with their mother In Cuthbert Mr. Luther A. Anderson, of Atlanta, is In the city today. Mr. J. G. Skinner, an old Central engineer, formerly of Albany, passed through the city yesterday afternoon on his way to Memphis to attend the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, now in session there. He was accom panied by his daughter, Miss Luclle. Mr, T. J. Bottoms, of Thomasville, traveling passenger agent of the A. C. I.., Is In the city today working up the company’s annual excurlson to Tampa. Mr. M. C.-Rlchards, of Newnan, Is In the city today. Miss Amy Harris has returned from Blakely, where she has been visiting relatives. Miss Lila Mattlson, of Macon, is a visitor In the city today. Mr. B. O. Lagare, of Columbus, spent yesterday In the city. Mr. W. T. Hermann, of Savannah, is In town today. Mr. B. W. Francis, of Amerlcus, Is In the city. Mr. J. B. Paul, of Lee county, Is In town today. Mr. G. M. Bacon, of DeWltt, Is in the city today. Do You Travel! If so you are especially invited to call at o'ur store and see the great est line of Trunks. Suit Cases, Satchels ever shown in Albany. Roller Tray, Automatic, Self-Lifting, Wardrobe and Skirt Trunks, at Ehrlich’s. Phone 147. -i- Broad Street. FLY TIME. Keep them out with onr wire screen windows and. doors. Complete stock on hand. 0. D.' SMITH. Max Cassel ik? Sister cut .prices on all TRIMMED HATS and READY- TO-WEAR 25 per cent., from Monday, May 4. We have, also received a full line of BABY CAPS, SKIRTS and pretty SILK WAISTS. Max Cassel tk? Sister.