The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, May 14, 1906, Image 6

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DAILY HERALD, MONDAY, MAY 14, 1906. jipfSFFpfll HOME E. H. DENNISON—Dentist ’Phone Sealskin Is admired the world over for Its softhess and glossiness; and yst the hitman hair Is equally as soft and glossy J. W. DORSETT, Dentist now In when healthy; and the radical cause of all Davls-Ex. Bank Bldg.. Phone 413. ha,r trouble Is dandruff, which Is caused by a pestiferous parasite that saps the , , , Vitality of the hair at Its root. Newbro’s Today Is permeated with the usual Herptctde Is the only preparation that Is Monday air of calm. f / u ' the dandruff germ. Without dan- druff there Is no tailing hair, but a lux uriant growth of glossy, soft hair Is cer- "Baby lEHte” and ’"Shlnola” shoe tain. Scouring the scalp won’t cure dan druff. Kill the dandruff germ. Thous ands of women owe their beautiful suits of hair to Newbro's Herplctda Bold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich, Albany Drug Co , Special Agents The flg crop Is said to be a record- breaker tbls year. Rose gardens are In full flower, qifd are things of beauty. If you are troubled with Piles and can’t find a cure, try Witch Hazel Salve, but be sure you get that made by E. C. DeWltt, of Chicago. It Is the Original. If you hove used Witch Hazel Salve without being relieved It Is probable that you got hold of one of the many worthless counterfeits that are sold on the reputation of the genuine DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Salve. This Is line weather for a good many Sold bv Albany Drug Co., Htlsman-Sale Drug Co. 'Phone 280 for stove wood and Ice. ALBANY COAL ft ICE CO. things—baseball Included. Rumor has It that several new stores are Co be opened soon in Al bany. Buy your Coffins and Caskets from ALBANY BUGGY CO. tf The home bunch took half of the games away from home, and It may be that they will take all here. The city fathers will hold their reg ular meeting tonight A good many Important business matters are to be considered. tlsts' materials. Had some sense and force, besides; she easily learned that cheap Is dear In paint, and told the people. Mr. Burt Young bought a gallon De von for rooms that had always taken a gallon of other paint; had half left Our motto: "Ice when you want It' ALBANY COAL ft ICE CO. The first of the series of ball games with Columbus on the home grounds $2.75 to $6.00 between the prices in Rslr Where And all these two. Hammock time is here. The swinging bed is the harbinger of sum mer comfort and a source of daily joy. Largest line ever shown in Albany. Letter to Hllsman-8ale Drug Co. Dear Sirs—We suspect you’d like the tale, how a woman beat two hard ware dealers In Girard, Pa. i We tried our best to get thoBe men to sell Devoe lead-and-zlnc In that bright town; and failed. Reluctantly took Mrs. E. R. Bowman, druggist. | They said they couldn’t sell paint., for more than $1.25 a gallon. Mrs.; Bowman can. She has sold about all the paint that has been sold there since. She knew Devoe; had sold our ar- Had some sense and will be played this afternoon. It will vn6i an( j BayB jj. goeB further—no pan attract one of the largest crowds of fj cu ; ar8 fans ever seen on the grounds. I “ Saratoga Sauce, 10c; Hlrsch Bros., 20c; Lea ft Perrins, 30c bottle. W. E. FIELDS. >0 You Use Paint? Most of the world does and most of the world uses Sherwin-Williams Paint. It’s made to paint buildings with, inside and outside. It’s made ready for the brush. It’s made for home use and for practical painter? too. It’s pure lead, pure zinc and pure linseed oil, mixed by specially made machinery operated by experts. It’s made for you. Mr. John Hanna, grocer, thought It expensive before he bought it; Club ” Worcestershire brought back nearly half of his paint, Arlington Sauce, 15c;. and Bald It was the cheapest job he ever had. Mrs. Bowman reports universal sat isfaction. So much for a oheap-palnt town with a bright woman In It. Yours truly, f: w. devoe & co„ New York. housekeepers 1 For 8ale by the Hllsraan-Sale Drug Yesterday at about 12, If anyone could have heard all the sounds float ing on the breeze, the grating of the Ice-cream churn would have drowned out all the roBt. The were making It, or having It made, and in nearly every case a bare-legged boy turned the crank, tasted the salt, and reflected on the glories of the near future, anticipating not only his usual allowance, but also more for the re ward of his labors. Co, Albany, Ga. HAY, No. 1 PEAVINE $14 a Ton. Cruger & Pace. Yesterday morning at the depot a young man with a valise and a little dog, about five Inches long—he was carrying it in his hand—got off the train from Macon and walked Into the restaurant at the depot to get his sult- 1 case checked, and also the dog, If that were possible. The canine In question wns meekly making the best of things. Hut the parcel check people refused to keep the dog, and the owner put It in i his pocket nnd walked up town. Why pay $100 for a Typewriter when we can sell .you one of any make at half price. Write today for Catalogue. Atlanla Typewriter Exchange, Y. M. C. A. Building, At lanta, Ga. We carry a full line of this high grade goods. Please call and see us, or phone No. 5 for color cards and prices. C. Eatman. I Come round this evening and see how the other games In the Georgia , State League came out. Detailed tele graphic accounts at. The Office. Beautify the Complexion IN TEN DAYS. Nadinola I The congregations yesterday were not record-breakers In point of num bers. The heat affects most persons to a very pronounced degree when it The wont com. in twenty “d.J., The UNEQUALED BEAUT1P1ER, en- doracd by thousand?; guaranteed to remove freckles, pimples, all facial discolorations and restore the beauty of youth. 50c. and street. comes to going to church, and If -the S1.0G at all leading drug stores, or by mail, efforts of the sun happen to be a little Prepared by NATIONAL TOILET CO.. Peris, Terra. Albany. Ga. more successful on some Sundays, It. Is difficult to get most of the members of a church to go at all. especially the | ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD CO. PASSENGER SCHEDULES. IN EFFECT APRIL 9, 1906. NOTE.—These arrivals and departures, as well us connections, are given Information, but arrivals, departures and connections are not guaranteed. No. 73 No. 71 No. 74 No. 72||No. 71 No. 74 7.45a 10.35:1 10.50a 12.10P 4.00p 6.15p 6.30p 7.30p Lv Albany Ar Ar Thomasvllle Lv Lv Thomasville Ar Ar Montlcello Lv 7.05p 4.30p 2.10p 1.00p 11.45a|| 4.00p 9.25a 6.15p 6.10a 1.16a 5.20a|| 8.05a Lv Albany Ar Ar Thomasvllle Lv Lv Thomasville Ar Ar Montgomery Lv 7.05p 4.30p 2.30p 6.50a Ho. 96 No. 90 No. 91 No. 95 No. 94 No. 90 0.45p 1.55a 3.01a 5.16a 6.; A 8-30p Ar Tifton Lv 6.00p Ar Waycrosa Lv BpLv Waycross Ar MOp Ar Jacksonville Lv Lv Jacksonville Ar Ar Palatka Lv Ar Sanford Lv Ar Orlando Lv Ar Lakeland Lv ,46a]Ar Tampa Lv Port Tampa Lv 8.55p 0.30p 6.05p 3.30p 7.56a 5.35a 3.20a 1.02a 10.20P 8.35p 8.00p 9.45a 9.50a O.OOp 6.30p 12.55p' 9.35p l.OBp 1.36a 6.10p 5.55a 11.45p 1.40p 4.17a 8.00p 7.64a|11.60p 9.09a 1.43a 11.22a| 4.25a 1.53pf 7.23a Waycross Waycross Savannah Savannah Charleston Ar Wilmington Lv Ar Richmond Lv Ar Washington Lv Ar Baltimore Lv Ar Philadelphia Lv Ar New York Lv| 9.25p 7.65a 6.05a 3.16a 2.50a 12.01a 3.46p 9.05a 4.30a 2.51a 12.19a 6.30p C.OOp 2.45p 9.00a 7.00a 7.25p 3.45p 2.12p 11.55a 9.26a I I I | W. J. CRAIG, Passenger Traffic Manager, Wilmington, N. C. 8. A. ATKINSON, Ticket Agent, Albany, Ga. T. C. WHITE, Division Passenger Agent, -. Savannah, Qa. T. J. BOTTOMS, Traveling Paseenger Agent, Thomasvllle, Ga. \ masculine element, who much prefer to stay St home and ejaculate to thetr fellow backsliders on the utter fool ishness of combining hot weather and preaching. Finally, even the feminine portion of the congregation get tired of hearing the future of the wicked shown to them—how inappropriate a subject on a warm day, anyway—and. a committee watts on the pastor .(gen erally this happens about the 1st of August), and a little’later something like this appears In the papers: "The Rev. — : has been granted a month's vacation by his congrega tion.’’ After reading which the con gregation feels virtuous and prepare to enjoy one month, anyway. The va cation wns granted to the preacher, all right, but the motive behind it was not altogether their regard for his com fort; their own had something to do with 1L 6 Per Celt. Farm Loans. THOS. H. MILNER, Attornoy-at-Law, Hoorn 311 Davis-Exchange Bank Building, Albany, Ga. J. 8. Davis. T. W. Ventulsa Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup Is best for women and children. Its mild ac- . flesh and pleasant taste makes it pref erable to violent purgatives, such as pills, tablets, etc. Get the booklet and a samnle of Orino at Hilsman-Sale Drug Cfb- IN8URANCE AGENT* against FIRE LIGHTNING TORNADO. Agents of the Southern Mutual Insur ance Co. Office—Ventulett Building, :—’Fhoaes—343—88—122—:— CAPUDINE MMEMOtLY CURES HEADACHES m up COLDS In 6 to 12 Hours TrillZaire? Do You Want to See Something Beautiful And Varied? Then come around to our see our line of store and TOILET SETS We have over EIETY Sets for to select from. you The Steele Furniture and Hardware Store, Leaders in High Grade Goods. Telephone No. 156 | S. REICH | 96 Broad Street Albany’s First Shock ! This is one of Nature’s freaks. ’ Something that even surpasses the “’Frisco Earth quake.” The novelties and their surroundings are marvel ous. To go into details would be utterly impossible. Because we have so many excellent VALUES for your money. That we will only mention a few, as follows: Shirtwaist Suits and Shirtwaists $ .50 1.00 1.50 1.90 2.00 2.50 2.90 $3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 6.50 7.50 White, Grey, As sorted Colors and Black Skirts Oxfords Misses’ $1.25 $1.50 1.75 2.00 Women $1.50 $1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 Children $1.25 $1.50 Men $2.75 $3.25 3.50 , 4.00 Infants’ $2.90 $6.50 $ .25 $ .50 2.50 7.50 •85 1.00 3.00 8.50 1.25 1.50 3.50 10.00 Boys’ 4.50 12.00 $1.50 $1.75 5.00 2.00 2.50 For the next ten days we are allowing to ev Cash Customer 10 Per Cent. Discount. ' On any of the above mentioned goods S. REICH. PIANOS! TWENTY INSTRUMENTS ON OUR FLOORS FOR YOUR INSPECTION. A PIANO, like a wife or husband, is frequently a life companion. You therefore want something to suit you perfectly when you buy. We believe we can rive you satisfaction in the two essential points 6 QUALITY AND PRICE. BBAMAN’S MUSIC HOUSED 104 Pino Street, (Rumney BulldinfrlgAlbany, Ga,