Newspaper Page Text
And Real Estate.
Phone 408.
Monday Morning
The Railroad Rate Bill Will Soon Pass.
Roosevelt Pleased.
The soda cracker is an
ideal food. Uneeda
Biscuit are the ideal
soda crackers
SEE with reason now that
later your Eyes may SEE.
On Monday morning the male pop
ulation down town-
Washington, May 14.—Congress will ulntlon down town—most ot the male
probably complete the rate bill this population ot Albany are down town
week, or next week at the latest. The anyway In the morning—may-be dt-
debate In the senate has been long v ided Into two classes. Ot course,
urid educational. there are any number of ways by
Some people criticised the senate which It may be divided, but this one
for spending so much time on the rail- ,s especially distinctive then—that Is,
road bill, but everybody agrees that it the separation is distinctive. The two
is the most important measure whioh classes are those who have gone to
has been up in congress in a long church the night before and those who
time. Everybody now says that the haven’t, or to label the latter class
senate made the bill stronger. The more correctly, those who went some-
of continued eye Strain?
Priceless beyond all pos
sessions is the -eyesight,
deserving of youh highest
consideration. Don’t trifle
with your eyes. It will
cost you nothing to see us.
Phil Harris,
Leading Optician. I
soda crackers rightly
made in the first place,
rightly protected first,
last and all the time.
4EC In a dust tight,
^ moisture proof package
senate contained so many great law- drug stores, restaurants, etc. It is
yors, among them being Bacon, of onB r to distinguish the two. The Sun-
Georgia; Morgan, of Alabama; Bailey,, day night church-goer has a dull look
of Texas; Spooner, of Wisconsin; }—he has gone to bed almost immedl-
Knox, of Pennsylvania; Foraker, of ateiy afte1 ' setting home and conse-
Ohio; Allison, of Iowa; Lodge, of Mas- nuontly too much sleep makes him
sachusetts, and others. j look stupid. Again, he is noticeable
The president says that the bill suitB hy a salnt-like look. Especially is tills
him. It is just what he wanted. It thp case when he sees any of the oth-
became very clear during the debate' e, ' s wbom he knows were out late at
that congress could not take from the nl S bt ' A mnrtyr-llke expression also
roads the right to appeal from the, b!ends wltb bls saint-like appearance.
Interstate Commerce Commission to A Sain, Ills step Is Arm, with the firm-
the courts. That was the main point ness comes from a hearty break-
tor which the roads contended. They fnst - < The out-late-at-riighter doesn’t
goi one thing in the bill which they blbfl we " 1° breakfast.) And his hat
wanted, but which they did not aslt ,s on »•»****• «■ tle a,ways arrangod
for, and did not expect. That is the an d bl8 olotbes have bG0n n0w,y
ontl-pass feature, which forbids a rail- bn,sbed -
road to give an Interstate pass to any- Now for 0,lr otller olasB -
body except its own officials, em- A sb0G,0a of thls cfass-and be it
ployes, attorneys exclusively in its ser. sa * d 1“ .Passing that the latter out-
vice, ministers and Inmates of hospi- nuraber the former in ratI °’ espeolally
tals. A road cannot even give an in- appnlllngr to the preacher-has his
terstate pass to an official'of another eyes we " open ’ and a wl,d ' hag f ard
road ^ook comes from them. His clothing
The greatest satisfaction which the bears the marIts ot tbe betor ?'
railroads hope to derive from the new ,ils tle ls awry ’ generally , he "? ads
law is the end of the agitation and tbe shav ' ng ’ and he h “ a way ln y a,k ‘" B
hostility to them. . of golns from one slde ot tbe street to
the other, not tottering, but a Bort of
More News from the New Ehgland n,raless Hn maltes J ■ ,ra<luent
stateB visits to the water-cooler and observes
If anyone has any doubt as to the tc nobody ln parUoular that he " f0ela
virtue of Foley’s Kidney Cure, they had.” Then he braces up for a few
need only to refer to Mr. Alvin H. moments, but soon relapses. It is 1?
wh 2’ o’clock before he discards altogether
after almost losing hope of recovery, , ... . , ... ,
on account of the failure of so many ° 0 ' which proclaims his where-
remedles, finally tried Foley’s Kidney abouts twelve hours before to the
Cure, which he says was “just the oare ful observer.
thing" for him, as four bottles cured T , „„„
him completely. He is now entirely Tt Is quite useless to sa ^ whlch of
well and free from all the suffering in- the two types is in a hopelGss minor-
cldent to acute kidney trouble. .For ity. The most superficial observer
sale by Ililsman-Sale Drug Co. knows that.
If you are going to Invest In Albany
realty give us an opportunity to show
you how to double your capital.
on the following terms; $10 cash, bal
ance $5 per month. Each lot Is for
sale at $69. No Interest will be
charged on deferred payments. Bach
lot ls 60 feet front by 136 feet deep to
an alley. If you will consider the Won
derful growth- of Albany and note the
appreciated price ot olty lots during
tbe past twelve months you would'not
fall to purchase one or more of these
valuable traots. We have disposed of
a great many and have only .a few
more on the market Lots ot people
have made, rr,cre than double the prise
of their lots bought of us. Here are
the lots:
We are not very
apt to have a mo
squitoless summer,
so why not let us
put one of our
You are entitled to com
fort in .your old age. Tht
wajr to get it is to NO]W—
/icme JLNets I'jL-?/' *J .
on your bed? i , : i ' ' 1 j.j--'*
The whole frame
is nickle plated, the
quality of the net is the best, and they fold
back against the head of the bed entirely out of
your way.
■ Let us show you how nicely they work.
We put them up for you.
during the productive period
of your life—cultivate econ
omy, and save a little of your
earnings. Deposits with its
| not only accomplish this, but
iconstantly increase your
fund by the interest we pay
One-half acre, with 5-room cottage,
adjoining S. F. Price residence; $1500
—$750 cash, bal. four years ln month
ly payments.
you on them. Make a'begin- '
ning NOW by opening an
account with us.
Albany Trust Co.
of Georgia;
i 5 . -v. H
Nob. 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, on Ninth
street, ln Block D; each $59; $10 cash,
balance $5 moijth.
A' ICO BUCCCll loll L, OUUUKU 1U1 LUC » . , . •
, _ . . . A Mountain of Gold
dyspeptic. He can say what he likeB, cou u no fc bring as much happiness to
but he can’t eat what he likes. Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, Wls„ as
■ did one 'box df Buckleri’B Arnica Salve,
m h . ... ... . „ when It completely cured a funning
The strawberry is on its last legs, 80re on her lGgj w htch had tortured
but the succulent blackberry will soon her 23 long years. Greatest antiseptic
be here ln all Its glory. healer of Piles, Wounds, and Sores.
25c at Albany Drug Co.'s drug store.
The days are decidedly longer. -
No. 3 on Eighth street ln Bloek B,
means work expertly done, pipes prop
erly arranged, and alt parts neatly and
artistically finished. This is
Very Special Things
at Small Prices
Nob. 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 on
Ninth street in Block F at $50; $10
cash, balance $5 per month; no In
that even a poet can sing of. Because
it means solid comfort, sanitation and.
long life’’to the work. We’re proud to
say that we do that style of plumbing,
ln new and repair work.
Give us a trial.
A talfe .of horror was told by marks
of human blood in the home of J. W.
Williams, a well-known merchant of
Bae, Ky. He writes: “Twenty years
ago I had severe hemorrhages of the
lungs, and was near death when I be
gan taking Dr. King’s New Discovery.
It completely cured ine and I have re
mained well ever since." It cures
Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs, Set
tled Colds and Bronchitis, and Is the
only known cure for Weak Lungs.
Every bottle guaranteed by Albany
Drug Co„ Druggists. 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottle free.
Nos. 23, 24, 2.6, 20, 27, 30 and 31 on
Tenth street ln Bloek F each tor $60;
$10 cash, balance $5 per month; no
Interest. '
, F. 0. Ticknor, Manager.
Jno. D. Twiggs, S. B. Brown,
M. WeBlosky, J. R. Whitehead,
J. M. Carter, A. W. Tucker,
Ladies’ Wash Belts,
heavily embroidered.
Price only 10c to 25c.
White (variety of oth
er shades) Wash Hand
Bags, a swell line and
very popular. Our spe
cial price 25c to 50c.
Leather Hand Bags,
real value 50c, this week
only 25c each.
New style Leather
Hand Bags, fine leather
lined, real values 85c,
$1.50 and $2. Our spe
cial price 28c, 70c, 98c.
FOR RENT—-Furnished house during
summer.' Address X. Y. Z., care
Herald. tf
No Ice famine ln Albany now. Bar
ron sends It when you want It.
13 lots on Tift street on very easy
As announced, we
have transferred all
business of the Traders
Insurance Co. to anoth
er company. Holders
of Traders policies are
urged to return them
to us for cancellation.
3 lots on Planter’s street eaoh for
$175; easy terms.
1 lot on State street,’ $750.
1 lot bn Residence street, $660.
9 acres adjoining western city lltm-
Its, reaching from Society street to
Residence street Price tor each, acre
$600. Will sell the whole or will sub
divide. ,
We exhibit a beautiful assorts
ment of White Goods, Dimities,
Nainsooks, Organdies and handBome
Mercerized Lawns, fancy and plain.
Great variety of Colored Wash
Goods in attractive patterns.
The Lonsberg residence, 8 rooms,
07x210 feet, Pine street; 2-room bouse
on alley; waterworks, electrlo lights
and sewerage.
Special Notice to
the Ladies!
71 Broad Street.
is perfected in American Queen Beer. We have im
ported the masterly methods of. the best old world'
brewers, and installed every modern American in
vention for perfecting these methods, and offer you
I have just received a lot of
Low Rouhd Trip Rates to Lanark, Pla.,
Panacea Springs, Pla., via Sop-
' choppy,
Leave Albhny via Central of Ga. and
Arlington, 7:45 a. m. and *3:60 p. m.
Arrive Sopchoqpy 3:14 p. m. and
*9:51 p. m.
Arrive Lanark 3:45 p. m. and *10:18
p. in.
•Saturdays and Sundays only.
Round Trip Rates from Arlington.
a b c
To Lanark 4.75 6.30 2.80
To Sopcboppy 4.15 6.65 2.60
a—Tickets sold daily, final limit 15
b—Tickets sold dally, final limit 90
days. ■
c—Tickets sold Saturday P. M.
trains and Sunday trains, final limit
following Monday.
which were to have been here for
tbe Easter and Chautauqua trade,-
but somehow they were delayed ln
transit. In order ,to dispose of them
qilickly I will give my patrons tbe
benefit of this delay. Thd regular
prices of such waists are $3.00 and
$3.50 each., My price, as long as
they last will be only
as an example of the highest high-grade beer. The ma
terials used are carefully chosen from the market’s
choicest. Our brewers are finished workmen in their de
partments; we. take extreme precautions for cleanliness
and purity, aging the beer for months and sterilize every
bottle, so that there is nopossible’excellence of inher-
je, ent quality, brewing, or final perfection which is
not attained American Queen tieer. A
W3 On «d« at dobs, hotels, cafes and saloons. Keep it in poor bom*.
WM. Remtmbei CO, a4 and watch for out next one on REAL POEITY.
Acme Brewing Go,
-XfVlzsiSs-*- macon. ga. jigs 1 ." ■
Come while you can get your
And Real Est’at’e
Rooms 3, 4 and 5, Hobbs Building.