Newspaper Page Text
imn BID IT.
Columbus Loses, 5 to 3 — A
New Pitcher Wins—Dud
ley Takes in a Gone One.
Poole Gets Two of Three
Hits—Head Work of Col
umbus Poor.
Albany, 5; Columbus, 3.
Cordele, 1; Valdosta, 4.
Waycross-Amerlcus; rain.
Columbus at Albany.
Cordele at Valdosta.
Amerlcua at Waycross.
Clubs— Played. Won. Lost. Pot.
Columbus .... 8
Cordele ..... 9
Albany 9
Valdosta 11
Amerlcus 7
Beckon It was a surprise, don't you?
A sadly astonished bunch of "Kerlum-
eses” went back to the hotel. Weep
ing and walling and gnashing of teeth,
accusations and counter-accusations,
briny tears, cuss words, apologies,
promises to he better—all this was
done In the ranks of the “Navigators.’’
They did rally In the ninth, but It was
quite useless.
.And us!—
Say, If you saw It you can appreci
ate the Joy that twangs on the Albany
rooter’s heart strings now. If ypu
didn’t Bee It, you ought to have, for
maybe It was worth 25 cents, and one
more or two, too.
It's all a tale of one knock-kneed
boy, Anthony by name, pitcher hy pro
fession, game winner by disposition,
heart gladdener by general, all-round
nature. Add he had the stippCrt, soak
that In, and more like It, too. D-e-t-e-r-
m-l-n-a-t-l-o-n was writ In letters large
upon each and every one of the boys’
Glory be to the Balbany Ball Bill
ers, they deserve It, for It was a hard-
fought battle! The Buccaneers wanted
to buch, but the biack Bag dipped live
times and the pirates were put in
Gee! but wasn’t It fun for you, and
Alec, and all the others to see It done?
(Note.—If will happen again.)
Altogether the team deserves praise
from all the togethers that constltue
fandom In Albany, altogether. And
it be a liberal measure, please, fana-
Weaver’s wild throw he gets to seo-
ond, Snod to third. Boyd safe at flrBt
on Wlestervelt’s muff. Dudley sacri
fices, Sqod Bcorjng. Poole singles, Mao
and Boyd sqprlng. Alec out, third to
first Anthony grounds to pitcher, out
at first Hits 2,. runs 3.
Fifth Inning.
Weaver fans. Mao drops It, but
nails him at first Goodrich files out
to Boyd. Cranston gets four, steals
second and gets to third on Mac’s
wild throw. Lewis hits to Poole, out
at first Hits 0, runs 0.
Bldred safe on Hessler’s fumble,
Ran advances him by sacrifice. Snodi
grass safe on wild throw of Wester-
velt Bldred going to third. McCor
mack balloons out to left. Boyd sacri
fices, scoring Bldred. Dudley pops out
to shoyt Hits 0, runs 1.
Sixth Inning.
Fisher blngles. Hessler sacrifices.
Dillard gets four balls. Westervelt
singles, but Fisher is thrown out at
home from center. Hamburger flies
out to Poole. Hits 2, runs 0.
Poole gets a hit. Aiec gets hit, ad
vancing Poole. Anthony pops to Wes
tervelt. Bldred gets hit. On a wild
throw by Goodrich to third when no
body was there Poole scores. Ranbar-
ger fouls out to catcher. Snodgrass
pops to Dillard. Hits 1, runs 1.
Seventh Inning.
Weaver out to Snod. Goodrich
ozoneB. Cranston hits to Bldred, out
at first His 0, runs 0.
McCormack files out to Dillard.
Boyd safe op Hamburger’s muff. Dud
ley attempts to sacrifice, but forces
Boyd out at second. Poole flies out to
Dillard. Hits 0, runs 0.
Eighth Inning.
Lewis out to Dudley. Fisher also,
HeBsler singles, steals second, reaches
third on Mac's-muff, but is thrown out
at the plate. Hits 1, runs 0.
, Alexander and Anthony fan,
out on fly to center. Hits 0, runs 0.
Ninth Inning.
Dillard two bagls. Westervelt slip-
gles. Hamburger hits, Dillard scoring
and also Westervelt. Weaver fans,
Goodrich singles, tries to ‘make sec
ond, out by Bldred. Hits 4, runs 3.
And now for today. It's ours. Nun-
ally, a new pitcher, from Meridian, In
the Cotton tSates League, will pitch.
Alexander wsb fortunate to sign him.
First Inning.
Cranston ozones. Lewis blngles,
Fisher out to Dudley. Hessler draws
four ugly ones, but thrown out at sec
ond on Dill's attempt to sacrifice,
Hits 1, runs 0.
Bldred big fourB.' Ran sacrifices.
Snod gets four and steals second later.
Mac hits to Dillard, who tags Bldred
and throws Mac out at first. Hits 0,
runs 0.
Second Inning.
Westervelt grounds to Eldred, out,
Hamburger same thing to Anthony.
Weaver strikes out Hits 0, runs 0.
Boyd files out to left. Dudley swats
three times and goes to the bench,
Poole draws four. Alexander files out
to Weaver. Hits 0, runs 0.
Third Inning.
Goodrich singles. Cranston ozones.
Lewis follows suit. Fisher fouls out
to Poole. Hits 1, runs 0.
Anthony to second to flrBt, out. El-
dred fans. Ranbarger pops out
Goodrich. Hits 0, runs 0.
Fourth Inning.
Snodgrass getB his bpse. McCor
mack singles, advancing Snod, and on
Holy smoke! but Dudley did pull
that fly In that looked like It was
gone. It Is the most sensational catch
of the season.
A sport who saw Anthony warming
up before the game, began to preaoh
his funeral. He couldn’t say enough
bad things about him, things founded
on experience, he said. But the laugh
was on him, and acertaln faithful
standby of the team gnyed him un
mercifully when Anthony delivered
the goods. He was sort of sick, any
way—the sport—dropping a few dol
lars on the game.
Being Installed in the Ex
change Bank of Albany.
A Perfect Electrical Sys
Tho Exchange Bank of this city Is
now having Installed an Electrical
Burglar 'Alarm system manufactured
by the Blectrlo Bank Protection Co., of
322 Fifth avenue’, New York ,City. This
Big Westervelt fnns regularly,
gee! he can talk.
Coniff was badly
strikes yesterday.
off on balls and
Snodgrass captured a difficult one
from Daddy Hamburger In the fourth.
Dillard was on second and If It had
gone by It meant a run.
Weaver, after striking out In the
fifth, was so filled with disgust that he
didn’t notice that Mac had let It roll
by. He could have made It, but didn't
see it until too late. Work your noo
dle, my boy, If you want to win.
This is Westervelt’8 motto, and he
more than lives ufo to It. He an
nounced It to the grandstand himself
when they remonstrated with him on
kicking: "Take all you can get, and
If you don’t get It, squeal.”
Boyd made an assist yesterday to
home from deep center.
Anthony Is a hulking youngster, and
works all the time.
AB R li PO A E
Bldred, 2b
.... 3 1 Q 2 4 0
Ranbarger. sb.
....3 0 0 0 0 0
Snodgrass. If. .
.... 2 1 0 4 0 0
McCormack, c.*
....4 3 1 8 1 2
Boyd, of
....3 1 0 1 1 1
Dudley, rf. ....
.... 3 0 0 2 0 0
Poole, 3b
.... 3 1 2 2 2 1
Alexander, lb.
....3 0 0 8 0 0
Anthony, p. ...
.... 4 0 0 0 2 0
....28 5 3 27 10 4
Cranston, c. ...
.... 4 0 14 11
Lewis, cf.
.... 5 0 1 1 0 0
Fisher, ss
....4 0 1 1 1 0.
Hessler, 3b. ...
.... 2 0 10 11
Dillard, 2b
....3 1 2 6 6 (1
Westervelt, lb.
4 1 2 9 0 2
Hamburger, rf.
.... 4 110 0 1
Weaver, If. ....
.... 4 0 0 3 0 1
Goodrich, p. ...
3. 0 2 1 1 1
Total .
33 3 11 24 9 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9—R.
00031100 *— 5
Columbus . . .
00000000 3—3
Columbus made three runs off elev
en hits, and Albany made five runs off
three hits. Looks a little strange, but
It’s a fact Albany bunched bits when
Columbus bunched errors.
Columbus scattered hits when Dud
ley and Snod and the others made
phenomenal plays.
Things began to look blue In the
ninth, but the hoys pulled through all
Earned Runs—Columbus,.3.'
, Sacrifice Hits—Ranbarger, McCor
mack, Dudley, Hessler.
Two-base Hit—Dillard.
Struck Out—By Anthony, 8; by
Goodrich, 4.
Base on Balls—Off Anthony, 3;
Goodrich, 4.
Double Plays—Dillard to Wester
Hit by Pitcher—Alexander,
Time 1:55. Umpire Coniff,
ance 150.
To Illustrate the gall of dear Mr.
Lewis, manager-centerflelder-Mcker-
captain of the Columbus club: After
the game one, surnamed Wes
tervelt, first baseman for Lewis, called
the scorer to his carriage—he was go
ing back home In company with his
friend, Mr. Lewis—and asked him in
tones dulcet and Bweet If he was going
to mark Lewis put “Lewis, the last
man up, hit to Bldred and the umpire
called him out at first,” he went on to
explain. The scorer replied In the af
firmative and desired to know what
else he could mark It—“a three-base
hit for Instance?" Mr. Lewis retorted
that It wasn’t out, If the umpire had
called It so, and shouldn't he so In
scribed in the score-book. All this
without a blush, and the scorer moved
off, reflecting on the hoggishness of
some people.
Innings— 123 456 789—R. H. E.
Valdosta. ... 400 000 000— 4 6 1
Cordele 000 001 000— 1 4 6
Batteries—Barber and Burton; Soh-
Is to'love children, and no home
can be completely happy with
out them, yet the ordeal through
which the expectant mother
must pass usually is so full of suffering,
danger and fear that she looks forward
to the critical hour with apprehension
and dread. Mother’s Friend, by its pene
trating and soothing: properties, allays nausea, nervousness, and
all unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system for the
ordeal that she passes through ^
the event safely and witV'but all (fV RTBTh/WHWz
little suffering, as numbers have
testified and said, “it is worth
its weight in gold;” $1.00 per
bottle of druggists. Book containing
valuable information mailed free.
The tin-horn gambler who lost on
yesterday’s game wears h weary look
this morning.
It was pitiful to see the agony of the
dying “Navigators,” as they call them
selves. “The Caravel,” laden with hot
air, shady ball playing, and so on, has
struck a reef.
Say, Hess, does It feel good to lose
one that couldn’t he stolen?
They have brought Daddy Hambur
ger’s gray hairs in sorrow to the
“I’ll drown my griefs in beer to
night.”—Columbus ball club. And It
Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup Is best
for women and children. Its mild ac
tion and pleasant taste makes It pref
erable to violent purgatives, such as
pills, tablets, etc. Get the booklet and
a sample of Orlno at HUsman-Sale
Drug Co.
The only way some married people
can live happily together Is to live
Mr. S. L. Bowen, of Wayne, W. Va.,
writes: “I was a sufferer from kidney,
disease, so that at times I could not
get out of bed, and when I did I could
not stand straight I took Foley’s Kid
ney Curq. One. dollar bottle and part
of the second cured mo entirely.”
FoWV Kidney 'Onrer worke 1 wonders
where others afq-taiLfAfiiwea.
For sale by HIlSman-Bale Drug Co.
is the distinction of being the
only one In this-city protected by this
absolutely undefeatable system. The
Bystem furnishes protection, for tho
funds, securities, Bafety deposit boxeB,
and the entire contents of the bank
vault, it attacked by burglars. No bur
glar would even make an attempt to
rob a bank provided with this system
as he knows Its workings and the dan
ger to him of meddling with electrical
The entire vault flooring, celling,
wallB, vestibule and doors are covered
with two thicknesses of three-pasB
electrified steel. A heavy current of
electricity generated from an electrical
cabinet which Is placd Inside of the
vault keeps the entire system or vault
protected both day and night. The
cabinet also .contains the batteries,
switchboard, test bells, automatic In
dicator, electrical drops Indicating the
cause of alarm, combination time locks
and an electrical device for Illuminat
ing the bank In case of an attack on
the system, and an automatlo electri
cal time controller, which enables the
banker to have his vault protected
both day and night without any atten-
tion on his part after,the setting of
the timers.
there are small bells which auto
matically teBt every part and portion
of the system when the vault Is op:
ened In the morning or closed In the
evening. It also makes It impossible
for a failure to occur In the locking of
the vault door at night
Over the vault are two. large gongs
protected against any possible attack
of burglars. There Is also a large one
In front of the building over the en
trance to the hank, and the moment
any attempt Is made on any portion
of the. vault all of the gongs at once
become operative and the public Is
aroused to the tact that the system is
being attacked by the “Yeggmen.’
The large street, gong In front of the,
building, With favorable atmospheric | ~
conditions, can be heard for a mile or
There Is also an arrangement for
ringing the large street gong over the
entrance to the bank at the noon hour
dally which serves as a constant re
minder to the public that the bank Is
absolutely protected against burglar
ious attack.
At the time arranged for by the
proper official of the bank the time
lock electrically seals the doors of the
vault so that the employes of the bank
themselves cannot enter the vault af
ter the time set, without turning In
the alarm.
When the system Is completed, a
public demonstration by a representa
tive of the Electric Bank Protection
Co. will be given. This demonstration
will be very Interesting and everybody
will be Invited to Inspect the system
and see how Impossible it Is to be de
This bank Is to be commended for
securing such a valuable acquisition
to their Institution, and the public will
not be slow to appreciate their efforts
In furnishing them the best protection
that money can purchase.
5,000 yards Apron Checked Ginghams, Mill End
Sale price, yard, ,j<......
10,c value India Linon; no better has been offered
you at a dime. Sale price, yard .754c
BLEACHING.—You pay 5c and 6c elsewhere;
here, during the Mill End Sale, yard.. .. .4c
No one should mi'ss a purchase here. 7c quality
Dress and Apron Check Ginghams, yard. 5c
40-inch Lawn, would be a value at 15c a yard,
Mill End Sale price is about half, yard.......7J4C
Large size Counterpanes, $1 value, during Mill
End Sale, each 63c
A 10c qualityl soft Cambric, during the Mill End
Sale only .
Equally as good as any 10-cent vest, bleached,
taped neck; while 100 dozen last, Said price,
each .....' .
Matting, China and Jap, 25c a yard quality, Sale
price, yard 19c
30x60 Jute Smyrna Rugs, a $1.25 value, Mill End
Sale price . i ; 98c
Beds, Rockers, Suites and Porch Goods at specially
Reduced Prices.
15c and 19c White Goods, including Waistings,
Madras, Dimities and Nainsook, during the
Mill End Sale, yard .10c
10c value India Linons, Tor this sale only, price,
yard .754c
Our stock of White Goods is one of the most complete
to be found in Albany, and we invite your inspection.)
Never Mind Distance
Our motto: “Ice when you want It”
The Phone is
Don't worry shout getting Drugs, qulokly, safe
ly. Simply oall us up, 'Phone No.’ 250. The
pretty telephone ladle* will quickly connect you,
and our Lightning Bicycle Service will have the
article at your door immediately. Our free bicycle
■ervlee le pt your eervlee both waye, If you have a
prescription to be filled. Our prompt service and
careful attention le a boon to many families.
BY-LO TALCUM is the sweetest.
COLD CREAM SOAP (3 for ,25) is
the best.
Remove Freckles and Pimples
(Formerly advertised end sold as Satlnola.)
A few applications will remove tan or
sallowness and restore the beauty of youth.
NAD1NOLA is guaranteed and money
refunded if It fain to remove freckles,
pirfipltfp Uvtnpobf dtiwloffilWii | j
black-headi, disfiguring eruptions, etc-, In
twenty days. Leaves the ildn toft, clear
and healthy. Endorsed by thoutandm
Price 50 cents six! $1-00 by all leading
druggists, or by matt. Prepared by
National Toilet Co,. Faria, Tenn.
Owl Drtig Seed Co.
, . . . > - t I' '
Best Cream and Fresh Candy. ,
means work expertly done, pipes prop
erly arranged, and all parts neatly and
artistically finished. This is
that even a poet can sing of. Because
It means solid comfort, sanitation and
long life to the work. We're proud tu
say that we do that style of plqmblng,
In pew and repair work.
Give us a trial.
..Good Groceries all the Time...
If you want the best in the
Grocery Line, and want the
right prices, too, ’phone your
orders to No. 91.
Washington SL Grocer
Power Motors, f. o. b. New
York City:
1 H. P., $54; 2 H. P„ $60; 3
H. P., $70; 5 H. P„ $126.
Albany Electrical
Construction Co.
105 Broad St., Phone 415.
G. W. SAYE, President.